"Is it brother Xiaofeng's?"

"Is it brother Lin's?"


All the women immediately gathered around and looked excited. How they hope that this call is made by Lin Feng at the moment. They have never lost touch with Lin Feng for such a long time since they met him. In the past, no matter where he went, Lin Feng would send a safe message before departure and after arrival. According to Lin Feng, since both sides have established a relationship, they should let each other know where they are. In this way, although for various reasons, people can not be together every day, but the heart will be together.

Lin Zhiling shook her head. This number is a hidden number. I don't know who called.

"Don't answer. In case it's the kidnapper, I can track his signal through this phone. You wait a minute. " Wang Meng immediately gave a look. The special forces with him immediately put on all kinds of instruments and equipment. Then, the helicopter outside took off.

But by the time they set up all the equipment, the phone had come to an abrupt end.

"Don't worry. If the other party really kidnaps Xiaofeng, he will fight again. So, we'll just wait for the call right now. " Wang Meng said calmly, "and this set of equipment uses the advanced technology of the U.S. military. With the early warning system on the helicopter outside, the location of the phone number can be inversely deduced within five seconds."

Five seconds! In many police and bandit films, especially in Hong Kong, it takes at least 15 seconds or more for the police to trace the location of the other party's number. This makes the victim have to talk more to distract the kidnappers and delay the time. It only takes 5 seconds here. It's too advanced. What's more, can the technology of the US military be so easily obtained?

Seeing all the women's doubts, Wang Meng explained.

"This technology looks advanced, but in fact, the US military has mastered it as early as the 1980s. But now the US military's tracking technology has actually been controlled to 2 seconds and can be pushed back. State of the art technology, just one second. In other words, when you call, as long as there is no problem with the network, the U.S. military already knows where you are. However, this technology needs early warning aircraft. Therefore, this set of technology is useless for ordinary police. They can't target any kidnap, they'll send out an early warning plane. Moreover, it is impossible for the police to have an early warning plane. And this set of telephone tracking technology was also used by the US military to deal with the big drug lords in Colombia at first! But that battle, the most advanced technology of the United States, was finally defeated by correspondence. The US drug lords used the most primitive letters to communicate with each other, which eventually led to the failure of the US military. " Wang Meng sighed.

It's true that high technology is increasingly developed, but sometimes it's useless to rely too much on it. It's useless to meet some of the most primitive means.

Sure enough, after a little while, the phone called again.

"One, two, three, answer the phone!" Wang Meng said.

Lin Zhiling immediately answered the phone, her voice trembled a little, "you... Who are you... What... Need, you... You say!" Lin Zhiling used a little brain, stuttered as much as possible, and delayed the time. According to her estimation, the stuttering time has been as long as five seconds.

But when she looked at Wang Meng, he frowned. Under normal circumstances, the signal of the other party should have been searched. However, the result is that there is no display and there is an error in the tracking signal. But this kind of error prompt is one kind of possibility, the other side has started the counter tracking to the signal from the source. This kind of method is directly applied to the base station. They can't do it from the hardware.

Who is the other party? How can you do something in the base station! Wang Meng felt a thump in his heart. According to his calculation, the only thing that can be done is... But in that case, it will be a big deal. Just how possible!

At this time, a familiar voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Secretary Zhiling, what's the matter with you? I can't get through to Xiaolin. I can't get through to you. What are you doing?" Mr. Wen's voice came.

All of them sighed in frustration. It's Mr. Wen who is so nervous.

Wang Meng is also a light shush, listen to Mr. Wen this tone, that should not be what he thought, is the country to Lin Feng. If it's the state, there's no way. It's no use coming back. Fortunately, it's not!

"Ah, what's the matter? I'll call you. You are sighing. Shouldn't I call you?" When Mr. Wen heard the phone, he sighed and felt a little unhappy. Although the new year has just passed, I don't like to see myself when I call. Do you have such a nuisance!

This old man, no matter what position he is in, is lonely in his heart. Especially for Mr. Wen, it is difficult to enjoy the most ordinary family life and warmth. However, on Lin Feng's side, he is very relaxed and can enjoy the family like warmth. So, he didn't treat Lin Feng as an outsider, he treated himself as an elder. The elder heard that he called, but there was a sigh. Can he feel better?

"Well, Mr. Wen, it's not like that. You always misunderstand it." Lin Zhiling immediately explained. If the old man gets angry, it's very good. Although he won't really blame himself and others, it's inevitable to lose his temper.

"Well, there's no need to explain. I'll have a joke with you. Do I really get angry with you little guys! By the way, what about the kid? What's the matter? Why can't he get through? I called him yesterday, but it didn't work out. To this day, or impassable, always said that the power off, he this kind of person, how can always turn off! " Mr. Wen frowned and asked, "although it is said that the prime minister is the one who manages everything every day, I think he is similar. This day, do not boot, he is not afraid to delay the company's business! And he doesn't turn it on. I don't know how many people are worried! Let the boy answer my phone

Mr. Wen feigned anger. As a result, Lin Zhiling began to cry before his voice came to the ground. This cry, however, frightened Mr. Wen. Just after the new year, I came to find Lin Feng. As a result, Lin Feng's woman and Chief Secretary burst into tears. This is not a good omen.

"I said, Zhiling, don't cry. Tell me what happened. I'll make the decision for you later! Is Lin Feng sorry for bullying you? " Mr. Wen speculated on the lightest possibility. Although he didn't think it was Lin Feng who bullied them. Although Lin Feng is a little playful, he is extremely good at treating his own women. They should not bully Lin Zhiling.

"No, Mr. Wen, he didn't bully us, just, just... Wow ~ ~ ~" said Lin Zhiling, and she began to cry again. This time, Mr. Wen also heard a burst of crying around.

Obviously, something big happened. This time, Mr. Wen's heart clapped.

"Zhiling, calm down. Tell me what happened? What's the matter with that boy? " Mr. Wen's voice trembled a little. If something really happened to Lin Feng, it would be a real trouble. Many of his plans are not implemented. To change China, we need Lin Feng.

"I... I..." Lin Zhiling held back crying for a long time. "Mr. Wen, boss, he hasn't heard from him for three days. We've been looking for it for three days, all the land, sea and air, no one! And we also

Lin Zhiling was about to say that she used "empress Nuwa" to monitor all the traffic monitors in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, but was stopped by Wang Hai, who was quick-sighted. This is a violation of the law. No matter how good Lin Feng and Mr. Wen are, they can't break the paper. A lot of times, a lot of things, you may be tacit, even if you know, but as long as you do not point out, you can be regarded as do not know. And some things, once broken, it is impossible for both sides not to know. Even if after that, this matter can pass smoothly, then it will leave a thorn in its heart.

Therefore, many things, even if they have become public secrets, can not break this layer of paper. For example, Mr. Wen may or may not know the traffic signal monitoring, but no matter whether he knows it or not, he can't say it.

"What! Kobayashi, he hasn't heard from us for three days! How can you say it now! Oh, yes, yes. I really can't say it. I should keep a low profile. But you must tell me! Well, now that I know about it, I will set up an ad hoc group to deal with it immediately. Of course, you should try your best to find it. Anyway, we must find out Xiao Lin. You need him, and so does China. " After Mr. Wen was shocked, he immediately calmed down and made a series of arrangements.

Subsequently, the ad hoc group was set up to mobilize all resources to search for Lin Feng's whereabouts. But like Wang Hai, there is no whereabouts of Lin Feng at all. Wang Meng also began to conduct a new investigation, focusing on the "light of the century" and going door-to-door. Through a series of high-tech means, such as thermal energy detector, infrared detector and so on, a room by room inspection. It's slow, but it's guaranteed.

As for the sea, not only is the Aeolus under investigation, but the entire East China Sea fleet is also starting to search for any vessel, both at home and abroad! However, Lin Feng still has no news!