A civil strife was easily solved with the intervention of 200000 "Guard troops". This makes many people who are hostile to Lin Feng silly. Originally, this may have become the biggest farce in history, but in the end, it faded into the solution. This is too surprising, too irritating. Why, this other people encounter this kind of situation, will always be in a mess, and Lin Feng encounter this situation, but just understatement, this person to person, the gap is too big.

Later, Lin Feng continued to introduce shenka, which has been introduced to the golden top shenka.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the golden card is also the highest level card. In addition to all the rights of the previous card, the holder of this card also has a special right, that is, to enjoy my exclusive financial advice and the title of honorary director in the second world. He can attend the board meeting at the beginning of the year every year." Lin Feng's last welfare is really eye-catching.

Not only can he enjoy Lin Feng's exclusive financial advice, but he can also have the title of honorary director. Among other things, the title of honorary director of "the second world" is enough to blind a group of people.

Nowadays, you are embarrassed to meet people without any title. Don't you see those people who have a little bit of ability in society, and the names they bring out are all a lot of titles that frighten people to death. Although most of these titles are false, even false. But at least when you meet each other, it's better to take out a bunch of titles on your business card than nothing on your business card.

Moreover, the title of honorary director of the "second world" is enough to make anyone feel more face. It's almost new year's day. It's inevitable that there will be more student gatherings and so on. Especially after going to work, the gathering between classmates will be a little changed. The simple gathering of classmates has been reduced to a competition for their respective careers after graduation. For example, XX is in a state-owned enterprise, XX is in a joint venture, XX is a civil servant, and so on.

With this title, no matter what your actual life is, at least you are straight. Of course, this is not who deliberately wants to show off or compete, but the social atmosphere. This has been the trend in China for thousands of years. That's the reason why it's hard to return.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the introduction of shenka. As for the follow-up activities, they will be launched after the year. For those who want to become a god disciple, they can now register through the official website. As for your God cards, they will be issued in a unified way after the year. Here, I wish you a happy New Year Lin Feng said and arched his hands to the crowd, "now, celebration begins!"

Subsequently, in the deafening rhythm, a variety of food, wine have been launched. Originally, the Shanghai government prepared a feast, but it was not enough for so many people. Millions of people here will eat nearly 100 million yuan of delicious food this evening. Although the Shanghai government is willing to bear it, it is unable to. It's not easy to pay for a meal with so much money overnight. So, it's just Lin Feng.

And when people open their stomachs to eat and drink, the discussion about shenka is also intense. After all, the most eye-catching thing is the magic card. Lin Feng has developed a nine level differentiation system. From the primary white magic card to the top golden one, every level can get enviable benefits. Especially after reaching the third level of orange card, Lin Feng provided each player with an accident insurance of up to 10000 yuan.

Although the accident insurance is only 10000 yuan, it doesn't sound like much, but players don't have to pay any price. In other words, as long as you can hold the orange card, then you can have 10000 yuan accident insurance, except for anything, you can get immediate compensation. And if you continue to be divine, then the amount of compensation will be more. Especially to the seventh level, that is, the Green God card, the God will also get the exclusive commercial endowment insurance provided by Lin Feng. As long as it can last for ten years, after ten years, even if it is demoted or withdrawn from shenka, it will get the pension that will not be lower than the social average wage of that year.

These are very tempting. For all this, they don't need to pay any money. All they need to pay is to enjoy the game and participate in the "Thanksgiving activity" at least once a month, that is, to make use of their spare time to give back to the society and make contributions to the people in need. These things are absolutely within their power, and will never affect their daily life. Just let them do what they can to help others in their spare time.

Of course, among the magic cards, another exciting thing is that when the level 5 magic card is blue, Lin Feng will provide a judicial protection. In other words, Lin Feng will provide judicial assistance if the level 5 God card holder encounters injustice or judicial cases. This can be said to make many vulnerable groups players feel at ease. There are too many unfair phenomena in this society. Although many events have not happened to themselves. But one day it happened to me.

For an ordinary person, when he encounters some social injustice, there is no better way than to bite his teeth and fight with each other and defend his dignity with his life. And Lin Feng is undoubtedly one of the most privileged people in China, he came forward to guarantee, no doubt let everyone is at ease.

Therefore, this night, among millions of people, except for a few rich players who felt that it was unnecessary or unfair to the rich, they decided not to join the deity. At most, they just became members. Most of the players decided to apply to become deities. Those Thanksgiving activities are not forced to go every time. As long as you are free and go once in three months, you can avoid the degradation of shenka. Is it very difficult? Obviously, it's not difficult for anyone. In the past, some Thanksgiving activities only lasted four hours at most.

In three months, it's very difficult to take four hours to do a Thanksgiving activity! It's not difficult for anyone, including Lin Feng. The so-called time is squeezed out. As long as you like, you will be able to squeeze out time.

Century square has become a sea of joy. Once again, this night is destined to last forever.

In the light of the century, Lin Feng shared some interesting stories about his visit to the Vatican. Especially in this company, many of them are Catholics. I'm really surprised that "Nu Wa Niang" has become a "saint.". This is really interesting. Of course, the relationship between Lin Feng and the two Pope is also the focus of gossip. After all, the Pope is out of reach for any Catholic. It's too far away. Kelin Feng, a heretic, has a close relationship with the two Pope. Of course, the relationship needs quotation marks, but it's really inconceivable.

"Ah, I'm sorry, everyone. There's a call coming. You can talk. I'll take a call." Lin Feng saw the phone, showing the phone number of the two gentlemen, and immediately went to one side. Lin Feng had expected that the two gentlemen would call.

"Welcome back, Xiao Lin. This time, you're very powerful Mr. Wen said with a smile. This is not a good relationship between Catholicism and China, but also the recognition of Taiwan Bay legal status, which is very difficult for the central government to accept. And this time, Lin Feng was very powerful in the Vatican. To be vulgar, it was really cool.

"Ha ha, TOEFL, TOEFL! Without your emergency assistance, I can't gather 200000 deities to go to the Vatican! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Xiaolin, this 200000 God disciple, did you have a premeditation, or did you act according to circumstances?" Mr. Wen asked curiously. For this Jihad, there are too many things worth studying. It's really curious whether Lin Feng had a premeditated plan or another unexpected idea.

"Well, how to say, it's really flexible, but I'm fully prepared for the sudden invitation of the former Pope. I have a bad temper. I am impulsive. I speak too straightforwardly. I am a little arbitrary. I see the world too beautiful. So I often offend people. So, whenever a stranger invites me, I will make more preparations. As for the 200000 deities, it's Avril and their credit. I really appreciate their deep love for me. " Lin Feng said sweetly.

Before that, Lin Feng's preparation was not like this. I didn't expect to use 200000 deities to go to the Vatican. Results Avril they help themselves to do, which makes Lin Feng feel very sweet, very happy.

"And what was your plan?" Mr. Wen asked instinctively.

"Well, if we really do it, we'll have a big fight! Turn over the Vatican and turn it upside down Lin Feng said with a shrug. This time, Lin Feng contacted Bernardo in advance. If the Vatican really wanted to attack him, he would not be polite. He would unite with the Mafia to eradicate the Vatican completely. For the Mafia, as long as the price is right, there is nothing they can't do. And the final responsibility will naturally be borne by the Mafia, which has nothing to do with Lin Feng. Of course, in order to completely remove the suspicion, Lin Feng will be "seriously injured" or something.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mr. Wen has a black face. This guy is really brave. He's really a fool. If it really blows up the Vatican, the world will have a lot of fun. Of course, he also believed that Lin Feng would be welcomed by many pagans. Whether there is any evidence to prove that Lin Feng did all this, many pagans will surely regard Lin Feng as a hero.

"Xiao Lin, don't be too radical in doing things in the future. You see, this time your confidant is helping you out." Mr. Wen naturally did not forget to ask Lin Feng for help, so as not to make this guy too crazy.

"Ha ha, yes, yes." Lin Feng promised again and again. Anyway, everything should be done. It's natural to pretend to be good. It's not good to sell well when it's cheap.

"Well, let's not talk about that. Let's talk about another whim. Kobayashi, you God card system, it's cultivating God disciples and believers. This is a big taboo. " Mr. Wen said without reserve. Some things can't be too implicit. It's too implicit. Lin Feng's character is connivance.

"Make a big mistake?" Lin Feng blinked, "Sir, I want to gather the strength of the Chinese people to add some warmth to this more and more indifferent and snobbish society. Today's society is too cold and bloody, and I hope that in today's society, there will be more kinship and care among people, rather than too utilitarian and philistine! And I can't do this alone, I can only unite all people. "

Mr. Wen turned his lips. He naturally knew this. On the contrary, he also recognized Lin Feng's practice. It was just that you all came out, and this series of means were to deepen the loyalty of the deities to you, which was very easy to be criticized and attacked. What he worried about was that someone with a heart would attack Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng's wings are abundant now, unless he catches Lin Feng immediately, I'm afraid anyone can't help him as long as he escapes abroad. However, in that case, both sides will lose. Therefore, Mr. Wen must remind Lin Feng.

"Xiao Lin, I think that's a good idea, but shall we change our name? Don't call it Shentu. Just change your name. There are so many names you can call Shentu. It's a bit superstitious. It's hard to avoid some trouble in the future. " Mr. Wen worried.

"I think that's very good, Mr. Wen. After all, I put so much money into it. If I don't appreciate it in the end, if I don't buy my company's products or help me sell them, I'll be at a loss. I'm willing to do charity, but it doesn't mean that I'm willing to be a big wrongdoer! " Lin Feng is very single.

This kid! Mr. Wen said helplessly. However, he was determined to persuade Lin Feng to change his name, and the word "Fengshen" was really eye-catching. In the past, it didn't matter. Anyway, it was all joking. But now Lin Feng has openly established a cult like organization. Although Lin Feng didn't announce such an organization, he just launched a God card, but it's also a superstitious act. And the state is materialist, against superstition. And although he supports religious belief, he never advocates personal worship. Lin Feng's practice is obviously a bit out of line.

"By the way, Mr. Wen, I have good news for you." Lin Feng suddenly digs off the topic.

"Ah, Xiao Lin, let's not digress from the topic, let's talk about it..." Mr. Wen naturally doesn't want to digress from the topic, but Lin Feng's words make him unable to concentrate.

"The new pope, Francis, has promised to ban Taiwan Bay from being an independent state, and has agreed to send Cardinals to preach with our country, and to establish diplomatic relations." Lin Feng said with a smile.

This news, but a big good news!