Many saints have no objection to this. There is no objection to this first way of ascension. After all, in this game, rich players are allowed to live more easily. There's no reason why rich players can't upgrade their level more easily. Moreover, the promotion of the level of shenka also brings about the improvement of welfare. These rich players naturally don't care about these benefits, but as Lin Feng said, Lin Feng robbed the rich to help the poor, and these benefits will be transferred to ordinary players. That's a good thing.

"As for the second way of promotion, it's very simple. I will set up" Fengshen shelter "in 660 cities across the country, which will become a place for all gods and disciples to communicate. Of course, any place needs people to operate and maintain. If you want to get a quick promotion, you can apply for a certain position here. According to their own schedule to take up a certain position. Of course, there is no reward for these positions. All you get is "divine and apprentice points". When the points are enough, you can upgrade. At present, the white card, upgrade to the red card, the required score is 100 points! As for the position points, they will be announced later. " Lin Feng explained, "of course, in addition, every time you attend and participate in various activities held by various cities, you will get points. Of course, these activities are not limited to offline activities related to games. Sometimes, some charity activities will be held. All activities, as long as the participants, will get points. "

Many deities nodded slowly. In this case, it's also good. It takes time, but you'll get something. 100 points, it should not be too difficult to get. Moreover, most of the time, this player is most distressed that he can't find people with the same ideals. Before that, there were various offline activities and "second world" official organizations, but many times, such activities were sometimes chaotic. After all, they were not entirely official organizations. Most of the time, they were spontaneously organized by players. This spontaneous organization will inevitably lead to chaos.

Now, although all positions are still organized by the players, they are led by the officials, and Lin Feng will provide venues. This is very commendable. People believe that the future activities will be very exciting.

"Here, I would like to make one point, that is, this charity activity, sometimes go to the nursing home to see the elderly, sometimes go to the welfare home to see the abandoned children, sometimes go to help the cleaners clean up, and so on. Maybe many people do not want to go, but in my opinion, this society needs warmth, and those who live in difficulties need our concern. For five thousand years, China has always been a country with ancient civilization and etiquette. Once upon a time, neighborhood relations were extremely harmonious. Isn't there a saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Now, with the development of modern society, people become more and more indifferent, more and more utilitarian, more and more snobbish. And I want to break that. " Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone heard Lin Feng's words in silence. Indeed, the society is now developing, and the highly developed material civilization has brought about the extreme lack of spiritual civilization. There is no lack of indifference, even cold-blooded things in society. For example, when someone falls down on the street, more people go to the theatre than lend a helping hand. There are even those who take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. These are very sad.

People gradually become more and more indifferent, become more and more alienated, neighbors, many times will become a very strange word. Even said that the neighbor many times will become one kind of recollection. It's not often reported in social news that people in a community don't even know whether their neighbors are male or female after living for a few years. This situation is very sad. In western countries, most people have their own houses, but their neighborhood is much better than that in China. At regular gatherings, when we meet, we always ask each other how they are doing. Although this is a bit too polite for Chinese people, it is also a kind of concern.

The Chinese need this kind of care. We need more warmth from the society and between people.

"Maybe my power can't change the whole world and China, but I want to be a big family in the godfather. Members of this big family may have conflicts and disputes with each other before, but I hope everyone is one person! Remember, I'm talking about a person! I hope we can all be proud to say that I am a person Lin Feng raised his voice and said, "human can be defined from biological, spiritual and cultural levels, or a combination of these levels. Biologically, human is classified as hominid, Homo. The centromere fusion (balanced translocation) association pattern of chromosome 2 and C chromosome of chimpanzee is close to more than 16N, and the other chromosomes have strong homology. From the law of fate, as long as people are born with the law of the six pillars of the sun and the law of the moon; On the spiritual level, people are described as being able to use the concepts of various souls, which are considered to be related to divine power or existence in religion. In cultural anthropology, human beings are defined as creatures who can use language, have complex social organizations and technological development, especially those who can establish groups and institutions to support and assist each other. In ancient China, the definition of human is: there are historical books, which can be used as a mirror for self-examination. Those tribes without historical records, though they have language and can use tools to work, can only be regarded as barbarians. In Chinese characters, the title of the tribe comes from the dog. "

Human is a kind of primate hominid species. Mitochondrial DNA and fossils show that humans originated in East Africa about 5 million years ago. A primate belonging to the same hominid family as chimpanzee, gorilla, gorilla, gibbon, and hippodactylus. It is found that human chromosome 2 may be the product of centromere fusion of chimpanzee C chromosome, (balanced translocation) and multiple arm inversion. The rest of the chromosomes have strong homology. Zoologist D. Morris jokingly called human as gymnoape, and discussed the origin of human behaviors from various angles. Engels wrote from ape to man, which represents the classic study of the source of human by Marxism.

In anthropology, people are defined as creatures who can use language, have complex social organizations and technological development, especially they can establish groups and institutions to achieve the purpose of mutual support and assistance. Paleoanthropologists regard upright walking as an important factor to promote human evolution and an important symbol of human birth. For example, the inevitable result of upright walking is the division of hands and feet, which enables human beings to use tools flexibly. Another example is that after walking upright, the vision will be widened, which will help the development of brain and promote the development of human intelligence.

Human beings are not the only animals on the earth. Due to the highly developed brain and aesthetic concept, as well as the desire for self-expression and relatively large brain, human beings have created religion, art and science.

Lin Feng talks about it.

"But in my opinion, the most basic definition of human is to have conscience and public morality. I hope that all the saints can do this. Then use our strength to move the society and change China! I hope that in the future history books, what will be written is not my name of Lin Feng, but the name of this special group of deities. I hope that in the future history books, what changes the deities have brought to China, what changes they have brought to China, and what they have brought to the world. I hope that the word "Shentu" can become an enviable existence Lin Feng raised his voice and said, "well, you say, can we do it?"

"Yes The cry of millions.

Most people have conscience. Although this conscience, in many cases, can't resist the temptation of money, can't resist the drive of selfishness. But everything needs to be induced and guided. So is conscience. If you don't guide, your conscience will sink into humanity and other negative emotions will be exposed.

"Therefore, although I will not ask all the saints to participate in every activity. But every year, those who are absent are demoted. Reduce the magic card level to one level. And at present, what I have stipulated is to be absent once a month, and those who are absent three times in a row will be demoted! Of course, there will be a lot of activities every month, and as long as you attend once, you can get points and guarantee your conscience record. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "maybe many people think that I am forcing you, but please don't forget that while I force you, I also provide you with welfare. Here, I would like to say that the sky will never drop pie. I, Lin Feng, never give people a free lunch. What I give you is what you get through your efforts, not handouts. I, Lin Feng, never give to a person who has labor force! This kind of charity, in my opinion, is an insult, an insult to people. I'm sure many of you don't want this kind of insult. Of course, some people may say, "God, please insult me ten thousand times!" Lin Feng's words make the audience laugh.

Indeed, in Stephen Chow's films, there are often such passages. It's really funny.

"For this kind of person, I can only say," get out of here! " Lin Feng said rudely.

Get out of here! This kind of words is very vulgar and disgusting. Many businessmen and celebrities will never say this word in public, which will affect their popularity and social evaluation. But Lin Feng did not hesitate to say it, and there was no discomfort. This not only made people sigh about Lin Feng's appeal, but also his control of the situation.

This "roll" was not said at the beginning, but at a proper time.

"So, I hope you will abide by my rules. If I really can't abide by it, I can only say two words - no Lin Feng said.