How does Lin Feng persist?

The church is now watching with a sneer. Now, Benedict XVI has come to his senses. Although he is a little weak, he will eventually recover as long as he is well cared for. He can continue to be his pope until he dies of illness.

And Lin Feng, they have to see how Lin Feng can persist. No one can sit in all the time, no one can eat, no one can drink. Even the legendary Olympian gods need to eat and rest.

It's been four days. They believe Lin Feng won't last long. It won't take long for the wind to recede. Even if he doesn't want to retreat, at the end of the day, people around Lin Feng will drag Lin Feng away. They can't let Lin Feng hold on here.

Therefore, in this battle, it will be them, not Lin Feng, who will win in the end.

"Is he still there?" Asked Benedict XVI. For people of his age, vomiting blood twice in a row has been a great injury. It will take him a long time to recover.

"Don't worry, your holiness. He will certainly leave. As long as we persist, he will lose! For thousands of years, countless people have tried to challenge the church and the Pope, but they failed in the end. " Said the cardinal respectfully.

Before that, the Pope was in danger, which made many Cardinals a little scared. But now that Benedict XVI came to life, they gradually calmed down, and their beating heart gradually calmed down. Except for the Archbishop Francis. He has always believed that the current response measures are extremely wrong, at least not in line with the current church doctrine. Benedict XVI, in particular, owes an account to all believers.

But now, it's too cowardly to hide here on the grounds of the Pope's serious illness and coma. But Francis could not raise any objection at this time. In the church, no one can violate the authority of the Pope. It is supreme, is the real God right to add body, any question the Pope's behavior, will be regarded as blasphemy to God. If Francis doubts Benedict XVI at this time, he will be expelled from the church and even punished as a heretic. If the Pope punished him severely, the laws of all countries could not save him.

At the Vatican, the Pope has the right to punish anyone without any trial. That's what's terrible about the church, and that's what's cohesive about it. Of course, this is why western countries have been cracking down on the church since the 19th century. In the 19th century, with the birth of all kinds of new things and the breakthrough in astronomy, the understanding of the universe has increased. It has always been the tactic of western countries to use the theory of the evolution of the universe to attack the church. This kind of attack lasted for two centuries, until now, the church only has the Vatican with a radius of 0.44 square kilometers.

As a result, theocracy is more cohesive here. Francis could not resist. At first, he relied on Lin Feng's insistence to force the church to be soft at last, but with the awakening of Benedict XVI, his expectation failed. Lin Feng obviously can't stick to it all the time. As long as Benedict XVI does not appear in front of the public, he can pretend to be ill one day.

Lin Feng is doomed to defeat in this battle. If Lin Feng fails, he also fails. Francis sighed.

But at this time, the whole church did not realize that a "holy war" of war was about to begin. They did not expect that Lin Feng's women would fly 200000 "divine disciples" to Italy to fight a holy war. After all, no one can believe such a crazy thing. Especially if it's an emergency. If we follow the normal procedure, it will take at least half a year for 200000 deities to come. And that's long enough to prepare the church. But now, 200 thousand saints parachute to Italy without any visa.

No one can tell what will happen. But surely, this "holy war" will not end so easily with Lin Feng retreating.

"All right, everybody, 862 meters in front of us will be the Vatican. From here, we gathered together, chanted slogans and walked along the railway. Saints, our God is sitting in front of us, fighting for fame and exposing the ugly conspiracy hidden under the church. Now he needs our strength and help. Saints, march towards the Vatican Lin Zhiling stood in front of the railway station, shouting.

The Vatican is small, but it has everything a country can have. Airports (helicopters), bus stations, and railway stations (only no barber shops). Of course, this railway station is not long. The subway station leading to downtown Rome is only 862 meters long. It is the most comfortable and convenient route to the Vatican. At this time, 200000 deities have gathered in front of the railway station. With the most excited mood and the most surging enthusiasm, they begin to vent their long suppressed anger.

They are fanatical deities and the most loyal fans of Lin Feng. Now, their God has been sitting in the Vatican for 96 hours. No, now they have been sitting in the Vatican for 99 hours. For four days, four nights and three hours, their God is still dripping water. Their God is enduring the bitter cold wind. They can't stand it now. They will cry for their God.

"Saints, let's go! Go to defend Fengshen and turn over those magic sticks! " Avril is not the image of the burst out a rude. To be honest, this is a little bit damaging to her image as an international diva. But when people are emotional, the easiest thing to do is to use foul language, which is the best way to vent their emotions.

"Defend Fengshen, turn over the staff!" Many saints roared.

The roar of 200000 people pierced the sky, and the whole Roman city seemed to be shaking.

"What's the noise outside?" The Vatican also heard the roar. Although the wind in Rome is a little bit strong at the moment, the roar of the crowd is enough to make all the wind and waves become so fragile and piercing in front of the roar.

"I don't know. I can't hear you very clearly. It seems that someone is shouting! However, it's still very calm down here. All believers are insisting on it, but it's obvious that these believers can't hold on any longer. It's been snowing for a day and a night. If it goes on, these believers will surely retreat. After all, they are Catholics. They still believe in God and respect his majesty. Only when there is Lin Feng here, it will be so! " A cardinal looked out of the window at the snow, and the crowd analysis of sit in demonstrations in the snow.

"Well, they are all our most faithful believers. Naturally, they will not be completely on Lin Feng's side. They are just bewitched by Lin Feng. Go out and tell those believers that I'm still in a coma and I haven't come back to life, but my condition is stable and I may come back to life soon. Tell them, let them go back, don't bear the cold wind and hunger here, when I wake up, I will give all believers an account, an account that can convince them. " Benedict XVI said, "also, remember to tell these believers that Lin Feng's story is purely a conspiracy by the two pagan countries of Japan and South Korea, and our church has only become a tool for the struggle between the pagans."

Benedict XVI's plan is to push everything into the infidel struggle. It is well known how bad the relationship between Japan and South Korea and Lin Feng is. But these three countries are all pagan countries. So it would be nice to put all the blame on them. Of course, as a pope, he will naturally come out to bear the responsibility of being used by others. He will repent to God and apologize to all believers. In the end, the matter will be settled like this. As for how Lin Feng fights with Japan and South Korea, that's their business.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, Lin Feng is not here. He has been in this sit in demonstration, when he wants to go out, he will confront Lin Feng. Benedict XVI, who had learned the power of Lin Feng, was a little afraid of Lin Feng and did not dare to meet him again. The explanation of other Cardinals could not satisfy Lin Feng or the whole world. So, Benedict XVI can only drag on now.

Then eight Cardinals went out and began to persuade again. But the effect is not good, many believers, although a little hesitant, but saw Lin Feng's lonely figure sitting there, they stayed. This figure has been here for four days, four nights and three hours, a total of 99 hours. This figure has been sitting here, silent protest, giving everyone firm faith.

Although they can't understand why Lin Feng insists so much in their hearts, since people with Lin Feng's identity insist so much and even risk their lives, there must be reasons to insist. So, they stick with it. This is the mass effect. When a hero takes the lead and sets an example, everyone will follow. This is the famous theory that a lion with a flock of sheep is more powerful than a sheep with a flock of lions.

Lin Feng is the lion, and a very powerful leader.

The eight Cardinals had no choice but to leave. However, Benedict XVI sent all the Cardinals with a wave of his hand. He couldn't wait. He didn't want to hide in the Vatican Palace all the time and couldn't go anywhere. It's too much to hide here. Moreover, he has to act in front of many followers every day, lie in bed and pretend to be ill, and send out the message that he is not awake. This is too much. So he wants to drive these believers away first, then isolate Lin Feng, and finally Lin Feng will retreat. Without these believers, what does Lin Feng rely on to persist!

If there were no believer, Benedict XVI would dare to confront Lin Feng.