Holy war! It literally means holy war. It is usually considered that different organizations, countries, military groups and even individuals, in order to flaunt the legitimacy and sanctity of their wars, call the wars and undertakings they are engaged in "holy war". At present, more attention has been paid to the military activities carried out by religious organizations to expel foreigners and heretics and establish a purely single religious state.

Lin Feng looked at Benedict XVI in amazement. I didn't expect that the Pope threatened to launch a holy war against himself. It's amazing. He was just a man, but he wanted to launch jihad. And now it's the 21st century, there's no jihad. It's not Israel or Palestine.

"Jihad? Your majesty, are you sure you want to wage a holy war against me? " Lin Feng asked again.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you must give Nuwa to the church, let the church purify it, and make it serve all mankind in the future without harming all mankind and become the terminator of mankind. As for the ownership of "Nu Wa", Mr. Lin, you all admit that "Nu Wa" is a complete life, so she no longer belongs to anyone, but a single, complete individual, who has the right to decide her own future. And you, by legal definition, are just her parents, you just have custody. She doesn't belong to you, she belongs to herself Benedict XVI raised his voice.

Wonderful! Have a good time! Cool—— At this moment, dozens of heads of state caressed their hands and laughed. Naturally, they know about this debate. After all, it's not a secret that Benedict XVI invited Lin Feng to the Vatican, so the heads of state are paying close attention to it. At this moment, hearing Benedict XVI's comment on the ownership of Nu Wa, everyone laughs. They have been made difficult by Lin Feng's sharp teeth. They are often blocked by Lin Feng. At the moment, they finally see that it's time for Lin Feng to eat.

If Lin Feng leaves directly, do they mind launching a holy war? Under the promotion of his holiness Benedict XVI, they will launch a holy war against Lin Feng. Of course, today's jihad will not directly arm the army to conquer the pagan world as it used to be, but Catholic believers can be used to resist Lin Feng, ask Lin Feng to apologize, and ask Lin Feng to hand over Nu Wa. Such a "holy war" can also give Lin Feng a headache.

Will Lin Feng leave now?

"Your Majesty, I can only say that your popularity is really ugly!" Lin Feng said in a cold voice again.

what! It's too bold for Lin Feng to denounce his holiness once again for being ugly.

When they heard this for the first time, all the believers were more shocked than angry. They did not expect that someone in the Vatican would dare to abuse his holiness like this. This shock, so that their anger can not burst out. The second time Lin Feng said that, these believers were angry.

"Heretics! You bold heretic Many believers roared.

Benedict XVI was also trembling with anger, but now he heard that these believers were roaring. In a moment, he controlled his mood. He was no longer red and angry, but kind and radiant, like the coming of heaven.

"Mr. Lin, you are too much of a liar. I ask you to apologize immediately. Of course, you are not apologizing to me, but to the Lord! " Benedict XVI is very magnanimous. In front of so many believers, he naturally wants to be magnanimous, magnanimous and show his Majesty's demeanor.

"Don't quarrel with them, boss. This is their territory. It's not good for us." Lin Zhiling whispered a reminder. At the moment, these believers' eyes shot angry eyes, as if to tear up Lin Feng. And Lin Feng's secretaries, Natalie and Melissa, are all entangled at the moment, apparently trapped in the struggle between Lin Feng and faith. In this case, it would be unwise for Lin Feng to fight with his holiness on the site of the church.

But Lin Feng waved his hand. Go? I can't go now. Of course, if you really want to go, Lin Feng believes that this ugly Benedict XVI will definitely let himself go, but when he leaves, he will face the condemnation of the whole world, and jihad may be inevitable. Moreover, Lin Feng believes that these western countries will support Jihad behind their backs. Lin Feng has no confidence in this holy war.

There are far less believers of their own than those of the other side. If we have to fight, we will suffer. And it will directly affect the interests of your company in the West. The benefits are not billions or tens of billions, but hundreds of billions or even trillions. Therefore, in this war, we must confront the spiritual leaders of the whole western world on the territory of the other side.

Fortunately, this is the 21st century. As long as we fight for our own reasons, the Western believers will not be totally partial to Benedict XVI. Otherwise, if so, I'm afraid the western countries have already tried to eradicate the church. After all, no one will allow himself to have a knife hanging over his head.

"Your holiness, apologize? Why should I apologize? You look so ugly. Why should I apologize? " Lin Feng said coldly.

"Heretic, burn him! Burn this heretic who dares to slander the pope Among the believers, there are fanatical believers who yell directly. This man is a very interesting creature. Sometimes a little bit of fanning the flames will cause a riot among the crowd, and the crowd will be guided. Especially in the world of faith, once the lack of faith, it will cause a riot.

Facing the roar of more than 100000 believers, Lin Feng was not moved. A few years ago, Lin Feng might have been afraid of being scolded by the crowd, but now, although thousands of people are gone! It's just a battle. It's too wishful thinking to make yourself give in.

Lin Feng directly carries his hands and stands aloof, looking at the crazy crowd, like a giant overlooking a group of tiny ants. Lin Feng's attitude undoubtedly angered the believers even more. Seeing the crowd getting out of control, Benedict XVI waved to the crowd to be quiet. Although he was also worried about Lin Feng, he knew that if the crowd attacked Lin Feng at this time, the impact would be too great. I am afraid that western countries will take this opportunity to continue to punish the church severely and undermine its power. And I'm afraid I'll also bear a great sin. In particular, it will bring about a huge contradiction between the East and the West.

Lin Feng, we can't have an accident here.

As soon as Benedict XVI waved his hand, more than 100000 believers immediately calmed down and looked at Benedict XVI with a devout face. Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, he was full of anger.

"Mr. Lin, please be careful. This is the Vatican, the holy land of Catholicism. If you talk like this again, I can hardly guarantee that these believers will not do all kinds of unfriendly acts to you because you slander the church. " Benedict XVI said compassionately.

Lin Feng is a cold smile.

"Even so, I still want to say that you look ugly!" Lin Feng once again made Benedict XVI vomit blood.

"Burn him! Burn him! Burn him Many fanatical believers are even threatening to shout, and some are even ready to move. This time, Benedict XVI was angry, really angry. He is ready to let these fanatical believers burn Lin Feng instead of stopping them.

But when he saw Lin Feng's sarcastic eyes, and his intentionally or unintentionally aiming at the Vatican Palace, his feet seemed ready to leave, Benedict XVI could no longer calm down. Lin Feng is planning to flee to the Vatican Palace. Although there were a group of guards there, Benedict XVI didn't think they would be able to stop Lin Feng. Once let Lin Feng rush in, the fanatical believers will rush in together. If such a group of people rush in, the Vatican Palace will be completely destroyed. More than 100000 people are chasing in the Vatican Palace. It's hard to guarantee that no one among them will put some holy things they think into the bag because of their devout faith. If so, it will be a catastrophe for the church.

The Vatican Palace, which has been the residence of successive popes since the 14th century, has been rebuilt several times in the past hundreds of years. There are chapels, halls and palaces in the Vatican Palace, which is the center of Catholicism in the world. There is the world-famous Sistine Chapel in the palace, which used to be a private Sutra hall for the Pope.

The Sistine Chapel is famous for its ceiling and walls with the famous frescoes "Genesis" and "the last judgment" painted by Michelangelo for four years. These paintings are from the hands of art masters. The contents are based on the stories in the Bible. The characters are lifelike and lifelike, which can be called art treasures. Sistine Chapel is 40.5 meters long, 13.3 meters wide and 20.7 meters high. It is recognized as a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance architecture.

These are precious cultural relics and sacred objects. If destroyed, Benedict XVI would be a Catholic sinner. When he dies, he'll be sent to hell. So Benedict XVI will never allow this to happen. In particular, Lin Feng will explain his behavior on the ground of avoiding persecution. If so, it's really over.

"Silence Benedict XVI called out to stop the tumult.

However, the fanatical crowd, stopped by them, was hard to listen to. Several of them rushed to St. Peter's Cathedral and waved their fists at Lin Feng.

"Boss!" Lin Zhiling exclaimed. At this time, Natalie and Melissa also exclaimed. Although they have been struggling, they do not know how to deal with the contradiction between Lin Feng and the church. But the instinctive care for Lin Feng made them put everything aside and get nervous immediately.

Of course, they believe that Lin Feng will not be hurt by these fanatical believers. Although Lin Feng's skill is not as good as that of special forces, it is no problem to deal with ordinary people. Most of these fanatical believers are middle-class. They may not be of superior origin, but they must live a carefree life and enjoy life. They certainly can't hurt Lin Feng. So, what they worry about is that once Lin Feng blows his fist at the Vatican, it will be a real trouble.

When he moves his fist, he will be arrested immediately—— Bush sneered. If Lin Feng dares to use his fist, he will be in big trouble. Even in self-defense, he's in big trouble. Because, the other party can use his words to insult the Pope to explain his behavior. When the trial comes, Lin Feng will surely lose. The reason is very simple. Isn't it a crime for him to abuse the Pope and beat believers in the Vatican?

Oh, trouble! Berlusconi also has a headache when he sees this scene. Although the Vatican is in Italy, it can't exonerate Lin Feng. The influence of the church is far greater than that of the Italian Prime Minister.

But when everyone expected that Lin Feng would wave his fist, an unexpected scene was discovered. Lin Feng turned around and ran without fighting with these believers. This is beyond everyone's expectation.

"Be careful not to let him into the Vatican Palace!" Benedict XVI, on the other hand, understood and drank. He was afraid that Lin Feng ran into the Vatican Palace.

The papal guards guarding in front of the Vatican Palace immediately just guard the entrance of the Vatican Palace and covetous Lin Feng to prevent him from entering the Vatican Palace. But at this time, a more unexpected scene happened. Lin Feng suddenly fell down, which made a few fanatical believers seize the opportunity. They directly took a few steps to get close to the front of the body. They could not reach their fists and kicked them with outstretched legs.

"Bang bang!" Although the figure is a bit disordered, I don't know if Lin Feng has been kicked, but listening to the sound and looking at the posture, Lin Feng should have been beaten. This time, the leaders of western countries, especially bush, jumped up and said, "champagne, open the champagne, I want to celebrate!"

"Damn, how dare you move the boss!" At this moment, the "wolf tooth" guarding the outside directly rioted and was ready to rush in regardless of everything. Although there are papal guards and Roman police, these forces can't stop the furious wolf teeth.

"Wait! Don't be impulsive Li Rui stopped the frenzied crowd and said, "calm down, don't mess around, don't be impulsive, don't make trouble for the boss!"

"Captain, the boss was beaten inside!" The crowd roared.

This roar made the papal guards and the Roman police all worried. If these people around Lin Feng are impulsive, it's amazing‘ It's a big name.

"Be quiet. You've trained the boss yourself. When was the boss so bad? " Li Rui narrowed his eyes and said, "the boss can handle those people on the stage with one hand, but now he is beaten. It's not normal! All give me a quiet look

People looked at it, and it was really such a situation.

"But what if the boss is very weak because of jet lag?" Asked Feng Jun.

"If that's true, damn it, we'll tear down the Vatican!" Li Rui said fiercely, "our duty is to protect the boss, but the church invited the boss to come, but deliberately humiliated him. If so, damn it, take it down! "

Tear down the church! There was a frenzy. They're all atheists. They're not very interested in the church. Now I dare to beat my boss and tear it down!