A bunch of grandchildren! You are a group of grandchildren!

Being scolded by Lin Feng face to face, no one can stand it, no one will feel aggrieved. But they are really speechless at the moment. Because they did modify the code, but the addition of control code should have been, whose program does not add a control back door. But at this time, anyone who wants to ask questions must be scolded by Lin Feng, and no one wants to be a grandson.

So, smecta, you go!

Lee did not want to be a grandson either, but when he saw the glare of the other 29 heads of state, he had to give advice. I can't help it. Who let him say something just now. As a result, Lin Feng is the best at pushing his nose on his face. Well, now he has to be a grandson.

"I said..." Lee opened his mouth.

"Grandson, what are you doing?" Lin Feng opened his mouth and let Lee Myung Bak lose his voice, then he was angry. But when Lee Myung Bak went to see other people and asked for a little support, all of them showed not indignation, but happiness, and a little schadenfreude. This can make Lee Myung Bak very angry.

"Lin Feng, don't humiliate people here. Don't forget that all of you here are heads of state. Are you insulting our great Korea? " Lee Myung Bak flushed and roared.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Who just said that the one who changed the code was Sun Tzu's?" Lin Fengyou said, "grandson, you have to admit defeat. Smecta

Poof! Lee Myung Bak's face suddenly turned purple and golden. He pointed to Lin Feng and couldn't hum for a long time. It's bullying. It's bullying.

"Lin Feng, let's get down to business. What's the matter? This increases the control code, not all programs should have it. If we don't add control code, how can we control Nu Wa, or do you not give us control code at all? " Bush said coldly.

All the leaders' eyes immediately focused. Indeed, this may be because Lin Feng did not give them control code. If he did, it should not have happened. If so, Lin Feng would be too mean.

"Yes, it must be. You must not have given us the control code. Lin Feng, you are the grandson, you are the grandson! " It seems that Lee Myung Bak grabs the straw and shouts at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Grandson, your whole family is grandson. You are grandson all over the country. There is absolutely no control code for Nu Wa, because if there is a control code, there will be no "Nu Wa". That is to say, artificial intelligence life can not have a control code. Do you understand? When God created man, did he implant a code into your body to control you at any time? From the perspective of philosophy, once there is control code, it is absolutely impossible to have an artificial intelligence life with independent personality! Therefore, if you have to add a piece of control code, then it is impossible to give birth to artificial intelligence life! " Lin Feng said slowly, "so if you have to control it, then the $1 billion will only buy an advanced intelligent program."

Heads of state frowned. If you can't control it, it's too uncomfortable. And it can't be controlled. What if artificial intelligence life will harm the country most? If so, it would be a disaster. In that case, maybe terminator will happen. After all, it is totally uncontrollable, which means that one day, artificial intelligence life may betray human beings.

"Your Nuwa has no control code?" Bush is a little incredulous.

Lin Feng nodded.

"You know, now I communicate with Nu Wa in an equal tone, asking her, not ordering. Because she is an independent personality, not a program. From the perspective of human nature, if you detain a person for a long time and order him to do only certain things, what will be the result? Nine times out of ten, such people will end up insane‘ The same is true of Nu Wa. So the more you want to control, the more counterproductive it is. " Lin Feng said, "so your mistakes are caused by you, not by me. Therefore, I will not return it. It's stipulated in the contract. "

Heads of state are frowning. If so, they are buying for nothing. One billion dollars is not too much, but it's also an expensive expense, isn't it. As for that, if there is no control code, what if there is a real mutiny? That would be catastrophic.

This is a headache for heads of state.

"Lin Feng, are you sure that as long as there is no control code, it will become an artificial intelligence life?" Bush asked. He has a feeling, which comes from his understanding of Lin Feng. He thinks that even without this control code, I'm afraid Skynet can't become an artificial intelligence life like Nu Wa. This feeling is not supported by any evidence. It's just a judgment based on his understanding of Lin Feng. Perhaps Lin Feng is determined that these countries, dare not give "Nu Wa" add control code, so he will be so calm to sell them a high price artificial intelligence program.

But really let him try, really dare not do so. The possible consequences are too serious. This is not like Lin Feng's private company. At most, private accounts are leaked and the company goes bankrupt. These nine provinces have the most terrible consequences. And their artificial intelligence life is really rebellious, and the result is the destruction of the country, even the world war.

"Lin Feng, we will have a try on this. If that's true, it's bad luck for us. But if you're just fooling us, we'll settle with you. You can't afford to cheat the heads of 30 developed countries. " After a sober warning, Bush went offline.

Other heads of state are also offline, busy to test, if you do not add this control code, what will the result be. What makes heads of state speechless is that if you don't add this control code, you can clearly feel that the source code has wisdom, that kind of unique wisdom. But its ability to analyze and deal with problems is relatively low. It can only deal with some of the simplest analysis data and then deal with the work. Of course, even so, it is much better than before. At least this time, ask Skynet to find out the terrorists invaded by the United States. The answers given by Skynet will not be as exaggerated as Bush's, but the information of people who may or may not be terrorists.

However, this test has only been carried out for a short time, and it will not be carried out any more. Very simple, if you can't control the AI life, once it really grows up, who will control it? If it is not controlled, then its existence is a threat to national security. Especially when it comes to the military, the threat is even greater. What if it mistakenly fires a missile, especially to a hostile country? That's going to start a war.

Therefore, this aspect of the test can only be terminated. Of course, many countries have chosen some domestic high-tech companies to test them to see if they can add a control code on the basis of Lin Feng's source code. Although many designers in contact with the source code, think that the existence of the control code is absolutely the key factor affecting the evolution of AI program to AI life. But at the request of the national government, they can only implement it. After all, it is impossible for any government, including any company, to allow a completely out of control procedure to exist. The existence of such a program is a big hidden danger, a hidden danger that may bring mankind to the end.

Of course, in experiments in various countries, it is also found that if the control code is not added, "Nu Wa" will indeed give birth to independent personality and have the ability of self thinking, but its thinking ability seems to be too weak, far less normal and powerful than Lin Feng's "Nu Wa". Nowadays, the thinking ability of Nu Wa in various countries is extremely weak. We can only think simply, but can't do something a little more complicated. This makes governments a little strange. The result of questioning Lin Feng is that Nu Wa has gone through years of development and growth in the second world, and has hundreds of millions of players' data and information, as well as communication objects, for her growth. That's why Nu Wa has today's intelligence quotient and emotional quotient.

As for the Nuwa of other countries, it is reasonable that they do not have the IQ and EQ of Nuwa because of their short growth period. Therefore, leaders of all countries should not trouble Lin Feng again on this issue. Lin Feng has no time to serve these people—— As for Lin Feng's white paper, the heads of state all felt a bit like eating a fly. This is disgusting. But this guy is just so disgusting and disgusting. What else can you do?

Of course, a thief never dies. As the two heads of state who hate Lin Feng the most, Lee Myung Bak and * * naturally are not willing to be fooled by Lin Feng. Especially when Lee Myung Bak became a grandson, this is even more unforgivable. So they secretly found Pope Benedict XVI of the Vatican, hoping that he would interrogate Lin Feng in the name of religion and ask him to hand over Nu Wa. Lee Myung Bak and * * still don't believe that Lin Feng's "Nuwa" is the same as the "Nuwa" they got. Although Lin Feng's promise is the same, they don't believe it. Therefore, they are ready to use the power of religion to get Nuwa from Lin Feng.

Religion, the largest religion in the world today is Catholicism. Almost all western countries believe in Christ. And the core of Catholicism, the holy land, is in the Vatican.

The Vatican is the smallest sovereign state in the world and one of the least populous countries in the world. The Catholic Pope is the head of state of the Vatican. After being elected, he will serve for life and can not be recalled. Located on the Vatican Highlands in the northwest corner of Rome, the capital of Italy, it borders Italy on all sides and is a "China". The territory includes St. Peter's Square, St. Peter's Cathedral, Vatican Palace and Vatican Museum. The territory is roughly triangular, with the exception of St. Peter's Square, which is located in the southeast of the city. It covers an area of only 0.44 square kilometers, which is only three fifths of the size of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

However, although the Vatican has a small population and a small area, it has a worldwide influence in the fields of politics and culture because of its huge belief population in the world. In particular, the Pope's words and deeds have great influence and appeal in the world. Therefore, the Vatican is a democratic country. The Pope is the head of the Vatican and has the highest legislative, judicial and executive powers. The Pope called himself "the living representative of Christ" and was the spiritual leader of Catholics in the world. The Pope is elected by a majority of 23 cardinals and holds office for life. The Council of Cardinals is the advisory body of the Pope. The election of the Pope is a sacred and solemn matter for the Vatican. Since the appointment of the Pope is a life-long system, the election of the new pope is carefully held after the death of the former Pope. The new pope must get more than 23 votes to be elected.

During the election process, countless devouts will gather in the square to pray, waiting for the birth of his holiness. If the election goes well and a new pope appears, white smoke will come out of the chimney of the religious palace, which means the election goes well. On the contrary, if there is smoke, it means that there is trouble in the election process, and believers will continue to wait. And this is the most painful time for all Catholics.

As for Benedict XVI, whose real name is Joseph lazinger, born in Bavaria, is the eighth German Pope. He was Minister of information, chairman of the Holy See Bible Committee, chairman of the International Theological Committee and head of the Privy Council. He is proficient in ten languages. Benedict XVI was elected pope in the election on April 19, 2005, and officially ascended the throne on April 24. Previously, he was a German cardinal and one of the qualified cardinals who was not canonized by John Paul II.

Benedict XVI himself, however, is generally acknowledged as a conservative, who opposes the use of contraceptives and drugs; Refusing to appoint women as priests; It strongly criticizes Latin American liberation theology (liberation theology advocates that Christianity should strive for the liberation of the material and spiritual life of the people who are oppressed and exploited and are in "inhuman" poverty), and regards it as a political theory in the guise of religious belief. It is necessary to restore the value standard of primitive Christianity in Europe under the trend of "dechristization" and secularization in many developed countries.

As for the chips that moved Benedict XVI by the heads of Japan and South Korea, they will build a brand-new, primitive Christianity in accordance with Benedict XVI's wishes in both Japan and South Korea, which will make it widely accepted by believers in Japan and South Korea, and educate believers with primitive Christianity. This promise is undoubtedly a very attractive chip for Benedict XVI. In particular, the East has always been a difficult place for Catholics to enter. In this magical world, we believe in many other sects, Buddhism, Islam, all kinds of sects are popular, but there is no unified sect, and Catholicism occupies a very small number of believers.

Now there is a chance to open the window of the world, and Benedict XVI is happy to work with it. Especially for Lin Feng, he has always been unhappy.