The right person?

Only a big country can represent and have the right to decide. After all, all of you here are heads of state. But in the past, when Lin Feng casually made a request, the head of a small country would not be able to make the decision. At that time, he would have to consult the head of a big country. As far as Lin Feng's virtue is concerned, he will definitely kill these small heads of state. If he puts forward a few conditions at will, the small heads of state will ask for instructions. However, in terms of level, everyone is equal.

Why should I go to be angry and ask you for advice. Naturally, this is not the wish of the heads of small countries. Therefore, the situation has reached a deadlock. Those who have responsibility are unwilling to face Lin Feng's face, while those who are willing to face Lin Feng's face can't make up their mind.

Big eyes, small eyes!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think it's a good way to spend time like this. Don't forget that every extra moment we stay here, there will be at least several criminal cases in China. So we have to come up with an idea as soon as possible. " Murdoch broke the silence, "this matter, we choose five representatives. Three economically developed countries and two economically underdeveloped countries will negotiate with Lin Feng. On this issue, as one of the representatives of economically developed countries, there are still four candidates to vote for! "

Murdoch really doesn't want to spend time here. If you have the time, it's better to negotiate with Lin Feng. We should solve this problem as soon as possible and restore normal social order as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, no one can bear the final consequences.

However, Murdoch signed up, but the remaining four places were silent for a long time. It's over. I'm looking for someone to scold. Who wants to. However, the heads of state intentionally or unintentionally aimed at US President Bush. The United States has always been the largest country in the world. When this happens, Bush will naturally come out. Moreover, the United States has always been a pioneer. There is no reason why the United States should not go. But this time, Bush shut up.

He doesn't want to be scolded by Lin Feng.

Bush didn't say a word, but he knew everyone was looking at him. He took a look and winked at several heads of state attached to the United States.

After a bout of depression, South Korean President Lee Myung Bak raised his hand to sign up as the second representative of developed countries. No way, who calls South Korea has been dependent on the United States. Especially in the face of North Korea's threat, South Korea needs us assistance. To be honest, if we really want to fight, although the weapons of South Korea are excellent, they are definitely not the opponents of the North Koreans. South Korean people are well-off, while North Korea, living in a society of poverty and material scarcity, is sure not to die when it comes to war. So South Korea has to rely on the United States.

And the second one to raise his hand is Japan. No way. Although Japan's economy is developed, it must rely on the United States for some problems. In particular, Japan has always been greedy for the Diaoyu Islands. Although it has been awarded to China, Japan still wants to seize the opportunity. The only way is to depend on the United States. Otherwise, as far as Japan's right to speak in the world is concerned, there is really no place. Other countries don't care about them except for the money. Look at Russia, shoot their fishing boats directly, who let a bird out of the international community. At the end of the day, Japan has not yet swallowed up.

The quota of three developed countries is locked, and the remaining two are less developed countries. The first one to raise his hand is still dependent on the United States, India! Indian president Abdel Karam.

India, of course, is an economically underdeveloped country, but also a populous country, and a neighboring country with China. And the relationship between the two countries is very bad, even bad. Now, India, South Korea, and Japan are three countries with poor relations with China. Merkel is worried about this negotiation trip. Is this going to negotiate? As far as the relationship between the two sides is concerned, I'm afraid it is more likely that it will collapse in the end.

Of course, as far as the current international situation and the situation of various countries are concerned, it is totally impossible to break up. But the relationship between Lin Feng and the three countries will definitely be completely frozen, which will be accompanied by the rapid freezing period of China's relationship with the three countries. At that time, the situation in Southeast Asia will be more undercurrent. Merkel believes that this is definitely Bush's arrangement. Clamp down on China and create discord between China and Lin Feng. Merkel is also helpless. Anyway, as far as this matter is concerned, she just hopes that the matter will be settled quickly, the rumors will be stopped quickly, and it will be no good for anyone to continue to make such a fuss. Apart from that, if she is selfish, she will not care too much as long as it has nothing to do with Germany.

Private relations with Lin Feng are not equal to national interests.

Then, there is one country left, one less developed country left. Who is it? Philippine President Aquino was about to speak when he spoke alone.

"Well, since this involves the overall situation, as a big country and an economically underdeveloped country, I have to contribute. I'll go Putin said with a smile.

what! Putin, go! You just can't say it! Why are you going now? What do you want! The heads of state all looked surprised. But in the face of Putin, no one wants to mess with him. He said he would go, so go. Anyway, we can talk about it as soon as possible.

"That's it. China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines are the representatives to negotiate with Lin Feng on behalf of other countries. Now let's discuss the price we need to pay. Let's roughly unify our thinking. To avoid that, we will always ask for instructions at that time and suddenly increase the variables in the negotiation. " Merkel said firmly.

"Well, let's talk about it. In this matter, it has something to do with all our countries. So, no matter what chips, in the end, we all share a fair share. " At last, Bush expressed his opinion.

Then, with the bargaining chip consensus reached, the five heads of state set out for Shanghai to negotiate with Lin Feng. Of course, they informed the Chinese government as usual. After all, it's not the Secretary of state, it's the head of state. Naturally, this security issue is of primary importance, and in order to avoid misunderstanding by the Chinese government, it is also necessary to let the Chinese government know.

Now I heard that the heads of the five countries were going to visit Lin Feng, and the Chinese government was a little surprised. They didn't expect this to happen. Originally, it was the end of the world, which was beyond the expectation of several gentlemen. As a result, it was even more unexpected that the heads of the five countries came to visit Lin Feng. As for what the heads of the five countries are doing, the five gentlemen really don't know. Is it to force Lin Feng to hand over Nu Wa?

"Xiao Lin, the heads of the five countries will come to negotiate with you soon. If they want Nuwa, you must not agree. The state will support you in this matter! " Mr. Wen gritted his teeth. But the strength of words is not enough. Among the five countries this time, except Germany, the territory of the other four countries borders on China. Even if the Philippines does not border, it also borders on the maritime field. It's hard to say if they really force Lin Feng to hand over Nu Wa. After all, we are facing the whole world this time. We can say that we are all enemies.

In this case, Mr. Wen really does not have the absolute confidence to let Lin Feng keep Nu Wa. After all, when the other party comes to negotiate, it means that it comes with sincerity and chips, not with extortion. You have to refuse completely. This is a bit of a face slap. We can only say, we can only say that we will fight for more chips in the end.

"If you really can't hold on, you must strive for the best interests!" Mr. Wen gave a long sigh.

The situation is stronger than others. Even if he wants to be strong, he can't. I have to swallow it.

But Lin Feng smiles.

"Don't worry, Nuwa is not that good." Lin Feng said confidently.

This time, the public opinion is on their own side. If they want to seize, they will fight lawsuits all over the world. Fortunately, it is still a legal society. Especially now that the people are enlightened, they are not in the past. If it was then, it would be unreasonable. In the face of this kind of power, we can only hand over Nu Wa. Of course, if they really wanted to take their own "Nuwa" in that era, hehe, if they really wanted to give it to them, would they dare to use it!

Nu Wa, that is not a general program, a simple code, but an intelligent life. What is intelligent life, that is, they have independent personality and thinking, they have their own thoughts‘ It's the same with Nuwa. If you really want to get there, you can directly put "Nu Wa" on the Internet. Open its authority completely, that consequence will be uncontrollable. Fortunately, with the development of the Internet, a person with "body" and "soul" on the Internet can bring devastating damage to the world.

Of course, this is the last step. Without this step, Lin Feng will not be caught dead.

Shanghai airport, ready. When the heads of the five countries come at the same time, these gentlemen will naturally be present to receive them. Originally, this is usually in the capital, but who let Lin Feng in Shanghai, and have to negotiate in Shanghai, not willing to move, not going anywhere. Therefore, several gentlemen had to come.

In the salute, the five heads of state arrived. After a brief exchange of greetings with several gentlemen, Merkel went straight to the theme and proposed to go to the "second world" to negotiate with Lin Feng. She also stated that this time they are not on a state visit, they are just conducting a business negotiation with Lin Feng. The reason for commercial negotiations is to save the face of heads of state. Otherwise, they have to ask Lin Feng for help, which is too shameless. Therefore, it is more appropriate to summarize it as business negotiation.

Business negotiation? The gentlemen were a little puzzled. What on earth is this doing? However, helicopters were used to send the five heads of state to the light of the century. As for several gentlemen, they are waiting for the final result in the hotel. At this time, it's not easy for them to go back to Beijing. Who let Lin Feng this kid so not let a person worry! Have to wait here!