"Here comes Mr. Lin!" Many reporters saw the appearance of Lin Feng and rushed over.

"Mr. Lin, who is the leading actor in this Conan live action movie? The list hasn't been published. It's so mysterious. "

"Mr. Lin, who is Conan? Who will play maolilan


Many reporters, one question after another, are full of words, eager to ask all the questions in their stomach.

"Ha ha, everyone, don't worry, wait a moment, the answer will be revealed naturally!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Many reporters look helpless. It's impossible to know the answer in advance. Fortunately, they are not the kind of people with strong curiosity, otherwise they will be tortured to death. But even so, many reporters are still anxious.

In a not long time, but wait for the special, especially helpless wait, finally good play began. The crew arrived one after another.

"That, that, that is not Wong Kar Wai!" Everyone was surprised.

Wong Kar Wai, a famous director in Hong Kong, is also a famous director at home and abroad. His works with a strong personal style, with extreme style of visual images, rich in postmodern expression and a keen grasp of urban people's spiritual temperament, successfully constructed a unique "Wong Kar Wai style" film aesthetics. His films, as soon as you look at the pictures, you can know that they are made by him, because the pictures are extremely delicate and gorgeous, with a strong sense of aestheticism and shock.

As soon as he heard his lines, he knew that they must have come from Wang Jiawei. Because his lines are always so unique. Of course, it's also very appropriate for you to say that you don't have to talk about people. His lines just don't talk to people, but they are very interesting to everyone who listens to them.

He's coming to make the live action version of Detective Conan? Many reporters pay a very beautiful picture in their mind. Conan stepped open his legs and ran on the deserted street. It was raining cats and dogs in the sky. The raindrops fell on the ground, splashing big water. The whole picture is a world of water. And around, in addition to Conan helpless running, no one else.

The rain drenched Conan's blue coat, Conan's white shirt, even his shorts. Every foot of his shoes can get deep water stains. At this time, a beautiful girl appeared on the street corner with an umbrella, looking at Conan, who came running, and extending a helping hand.

"In the heavy rain, I ran for an hour, 22 minutes and 8 seconds, and I met her again. But this time, I didn't call her sister Xiaolan. " Conan's voice over.

Think of this picture, many reporters a thrill. This picture is really beautiful, but Conan is a reasoning cartoon. Will it become too aesthetical and lose the sense of rhythm? Is Wong Kar Wai really suitable for making Conan live action movies? Many reporters wonder.

"Hello, friends from the press. For the first time in my 17 years, 123 days and four hours of film career, there were so many journalists. But I'm not touched at all! " Wong Kar Wai standard a Wong Kar Wai body out, directly shock many reporters. Well, what do you mean?

"Because I know you're not here for me, Wong Kar Wai. It's for Lin Feng, the owner of the show. " Wong went on to explain.

Many reporters suddenly. This is really Wong Kar Wai!

"Ha ha, well, I won't joke with you! Today is the worship ceremony of Conan's live action movie! Now let's welcome Mr. Aoyama Gangchang, the screenwriter and original author of the film Wang Jiawei said.

There was a flash of light from many reporters.

"I'm very glad to cooperate with Mr. Wong Kar Wai this time. For me, it was a very rare experience. For director Wong Kar Wai, I admire him very much. And this time, director Wong Kar Wai also gave me full autonomy, especially in the communication of the script, Mr. Wong Kar Wai gave me great respect, which I had never had before. " Aoyama said sincerely.

Before that, the Japanese version of Conan's live action version, although it was also written by Aoyama Gangchang, was changed into a mess by the director at the time of shooting. This naturally met with Aoyama's protest, but the director dismissed Aoyama because he didn't know about live action movies. After all, animation is animation, and live action movie is live action movie. Just as Hayao Miyazaki's "a thousand and a thousand" can break the box office record of Japan and surpass the box office record of "Titanic", but this does not mean that Hayao Miyazaki can succeed in making a live action film. These are completely two concepts.

Therefore, Aoyama Gangchang had nothing to say at that time. But this time, the cooperation with Wang Jiahe has no worries about this. When Wong Kar Wai discussed the script with him, he did not have the airs of a big director at all. Even if he put forward some simple or even idiotic questions, Wong Kar Wai did not sneer, but pointed out that some of his opinions were impossible in the shooting process.

This makes Aoyama Gangchang very satisfied. We are also looking forward to this cooperation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the actors this time." Wang Jiawei said with a smile.

All reporters look forward to it. This is what they are really looking forward to and most concerned about. They want to know who the real-life actors are? One of the most important roles in Conan is Maori LAN, needless to say. The second is Shinichi Kudo, Kogoro Maori, and the real soul - Konan Edogawa. So, who will play it?

"First of all, let me introduce Mr. Fan Ming, the actor of Kogoro Maori." Wang Jiawei said.

Fan Ming? All the reporters are stunned. Who is this? Not too familiar!

"Wulin waizhuan, he is the Xingpu head in Wulin waizhuan!" A reporter called.

"The story of the Wulin"? Many reporters were stunned. This is a sitcom that they have heard of and is very popular recently. This fan Ming is really the punishment shop head inside. In the TV series, fan Ming is dressed in a captor's uniform. He is obscene, timid, and a bit lecherous. This is very similar to the general Maori Kogoro.

Fan Ming appeared in a blue suit. It seems! Many reporters exclaimed.

This fan Ming appeared in the blue suit of Maori Kogoro in the cartoon. His hair was slightly curled and his lips were covered with two moustaches. When he saw many reporters, he had a strange smile on his face. He really looked like Maori Kogoro!

Like, like!

Wong Kar Wai gave a faint smile. These roles, however, he tried his best to find. It was originally proposed to use the Japanese version. But it was rejected by him in the end. He Wong Kar Wai will never employ the same people. If he wants to create his personal style, he will not use other people who have already used it. Even if he looks like it again, it will not be like his Wong Kar Wai style. Therefore, when he was watching the biography of the Wulin, he found fan Ming by accident. This is a dirty captor.

The two have similar occupations, and the recent "Wu Lin Wai Zhuan" is hot enough. Wang Jiawei just takes advantage of this. Of course, the only trouble is that fan Ming is a little short. In the cartoon, Maori Kogoro is very tall. But it's a good solution. Let fan Ming wear special shoes with high inner height.

Now many reporters surprised eyes, it is enough to prove that he selected the right person. And this is the one with the least confidence.

"Now let me introduce Liu Yifei, the actress of maolilan in the play." Wang Jiawei said.

Liu Yifei? Many reporters exclaimed. In terms of appearance and temperament, Liu Yifei is really similar. In particular, maolilan has a unique skill in karate, and Liu Yifei is not inferior in skill. From this point of view, it's really appropriate for her to play maolilan. Of course, the only trouble is maolilan's unique hair, which is a bit difficult.

Liu Yifei appeared in a student uniform. Like maolilan, pure and lovely, but there is no lack of heroine's heroic spirit. Liu Yifei's perfect performance surprised all reporters. Of course, many reporters cast their eyes on Liu Yifei's hair. It's really hard to get maolilan's exaggerated hair. Just a handful of it stands up. It can be said that it's the most difficult hairstyle in the hairdressing industry. Is Liu Yifei doing well?

Ah! It's really coming out! All the reporters exclaimed. How can this be, how can it really come out, this is too strange! Liu Yifei's hair is really like maolilan's, so a bunch of erect hair can be described as vivid. What surprised many reporters was how could this be possible? How can you make hair like this? This is so strange.

This is unreasonable!

Wong Kar Wai smiles. It's a secret about the hairstyle. His biggest secret. If you want to know how many brain cells died when you made maolilan's hair. Even Aoyama is regretting how he designed such a hairstyle. It's easy to do in animation, but not in reality. Although it can be modified, maolilan's hairstyle will change completely. Even Aoyama Gangchang must admit this. Maolilan's temperament and personality are perfectly displayed in her hairstyle. If you change your hairstyle, it's not Maori LAN.

As a result, when the whole crew had a headache, they had to meet a stranger, a legend in the hairdressing industry. It took him seven hours to get this haircut. But unfortunately, this hairstyle won't last long, especially in case of strong wind, it is likely to be blown away immediately. And once it's blown away, it's going to take another seven hours. Therefore, the biggest problem of this shooting is the wind. Wong Kar Wai has decided that all maolilan films will be shot in a windless studio, and then repaired by CG technology. Otherwise, this hairstyle will last for seven hours, which will make people collapse.

"Now let's introduce the actor of Shinichi Kudo! He is - Hu Ge Wang Jiawei said with a smile.

Hu Ge, to be honest, it's not suitable to play Shinichi Kudo. However, as far as Wong Kar Wai is concerned, his face shape is just right and his temperament is quite appropriate. Of course, the key point is that in the whole play, Shinichi Kudo has no part. The only part is the little scene at the beginning. So, even if Hu Ge doesn't look like it, it's nothing! We will not seize this point to say anything.

In the eyes of many reporters, Hu Ge appeared. Although Hu Ge can be regarded as a star, especially by virtue of the "Legend of swordsmen" series, it is very popular and enjoys a certain reputation in the world. This is normal, and will certainly be sought after by some journalists. At the moment, however, these journalists are totally oblivious. Isn't it? This play, you say, is the protagonist, but it's actually a soy sauce character. It's strange that they are interested in such roles.

What's more, the real protagonist of Conan is Konan Edogawa. This is the key! Now Konan Edogawa has not appeared, their curiosity is still hanging, you said that you care about a pure soy sauce role, is it necessary!

Hu Ge shrugs helplessly and makes a face at Liu Yifei and others. Liu Yifei and others also return a grimace.

Well, it's not so popular to be the leading role! Since your debut, you have been the protagonist. You have been greatly favored, but this time you have been completely ruined! A protagonist who is ignored. Liu Yifei whispered. They met each other when they filmed the legend of the swordsman. They are friends now and then. It's nothing if they make some harmless jokes occasionally.

"Ah, ah, decisive internal injury!" Hu Ge sighed.

"Well, now let me introduce the most important role of this film, the real protagonist, the soul of the whole play - the actor of Konan Edogawa." Wong Kar Wai raised his voice at this time, and the attention of all reporters was attracted by Wong Kar Wai.

"Who is it? Who is it? " All the reporters enlarged their ears to hear the name of the man.

Konan Edogawa, it's hard to play! 1、 It must be a child, and you can imagine the acting skills of a child. 2、 Although Kenan Edogawa is a child in the cartoon, he has the brains of a high school detective. It really needs acting skills to perform the wisdom and spirit of a high school detective; 3、 That's the shape. Although compared with the above two points, shape is the least important. But it's the most important thing. Because if you don't look like it at all, you will lose points in the first impression. It will make the audience resistant to it.

So, Konan Edogawa is not easy to play! This actor is not easy to find! The Japanese version of Konan Edogawa is a failure. Find an adult to play, is this still interesting? It's better to call it Shinichi Kudo or Conan Edogawa!

What about the Wong Kar Wai edition? What would it be like? Is it an adult or a child star? However, in terms of Wong Kar Wai's past style, he would never use adults. If adults were used, he would not take over the film. With child stars, can he find such a super child prodigy? Konan Edogawa is a real child prodigy!