Lin Zhiling cleared her throat.

"My boss said

Many ambassadors can't help shivering for a while, to death! However, they did not dare to move her. She had to interrupt. She had to do it again. It was a magic spell!

"My boss said that if the U.S. government refuses to apologize, my boss will sue the U.S. government for dishonesty in the California Supreme Court, and let President Bush stand trial again." Lin Zhiling said word by word.

what! Let President Bush appear in court again! The U.S. ambassador heard that his eyes were cracked. The last time President Bush appeared in court, it was considered a great shame. Since ancient times, no president of the United States has been tried in court. But Lin Feng did it. Now Lin Feng wants to do it again. Where does he think it is? Did he think he could cover the sky with one hand!

"My boss said he can't cover the sky with his hands, but he believes in American law. American law is the most fair, just and rigorous law in the world. He believes that American law can do justice for him! " Lin Zhiling raised her voice.

The American ambassador was silent. If Lin Feng really wants to sue, the California High Court will surely accept it. This is not only because of the relationship between Governor Schwarzenegger and Lin Feng, but also because this is the spirit of the rule of law in the United States. As long as you want to sue, you can sue any department, anyone in the United States, including the president. This is a right given to American citizens by the constitution of the United States.

Of course, Lin Feng does not have this privilege. After all, he is not an American. But Lin Feng has a group of confidants around him. In particular, Ivanka trump is a New York celebrity, and a good girl, the favorite kind. When she is a plaintiff, the US government will be embarrassed. What's more, Donald Trump has been planning to run for president of the United States. Although he ran as a free man, his chances of winning were really low, very low. This has never happened in the history of the United States. But even if Donald Trump can't be president of the United States, it doesn't hinder his huge influence in the United States.

If Donald were on Lin Feng's side, things would be more troublesome. If the US government wants to make peace in the middle, it can't. But in the current situation, he has to be soft hearted. How can he be soft hearted? It's a shame.

"Mr. ambassador, although you represent the United States, you do not represent the United States." Lin Zhiling glanced at the U.S. ambassador. "My boss said that if you speak, let me ask you whether the Diaoyu Islands belong to my boss?"

The American ambassador's face was stiff. He didn't expect that Lin Feng aimed at him directly. Originally thought that Lin Feng's visit should be aimed at the Japanese government. After all, it was Japan that got in the way from the beginning to the end. As a result, now Lin Feng is aiming at him. It made him a little uncomfortable. This Japanese fujizaki Ichiro so jump, you should go to him to trouble, how to find yourself.

"Mr. ambassador, is this a difficult question to answer? If you want to find it difficult to answer, I won't ask. After that, my boss will ask a lawyer Lin Zhiling said in a sweet voice.

However, although the voice is sweet and greasy, it is chilly in the ears of many ambassadors. It's a word cone. Let the lawyer ask, that's litigation. Is Lin Feng's lawyer so easy to deal with? If his lawyer does it, it's no good. There is no good. Moreover, because of such a small problem, if Lin Feng is allowed to appeal by means of lawyers, the foreign minister will certainly be dissatisfied. He doesn't want to lose his job because of such a small problem.

"Ms. Lin, about the Diaoyu Islands issue, this issue..." the US ambassador's face was stiff. He didn't want to answer this, but he had to say that if he faced Lin Feng, it would be all right. But it happened that he faced a woman, Lin Feng's secretary, who had to bow his head, which made him a little embarrassed.

"From the current evidence, the Diaoyu Islands really belong to... Lin Feng!" The U.S. ambassador gritted his teeth and said, "but if Japan has new evidence, it needs to conduct a new trial and announce the new ownership of the Diaoyu Islands!"

"Well said! According to the current evidence, the Diaoyu Islands belong to my boss. Then my boss changed his name. What's the matter! Can't I change my name? " Lin Zhiling asked.

The American ambassador choked and couldn't speak. Since the Diaoyu Islands belong to Lin Feng, Lin Feng naturally has the right to change its name. Naturally, Japan has no right to question and protest. But why do you want to find me! You said I've provoked you. The Japanese ambassador is here. If you don't look for him, why do you look for me! What are you doing? You!

"Well, there's no problem now. Diaoyu Island belongs to my boss. My boss has the right to deal with it in any way. Now everyone has no opinion! Of course, if the Japanese government has new evidence to prove that the Diaoyu Islands do not belong to my boss, then please go to the International Court of justice in the Hague to appeal. Otherwise, before that, please don't talk nonsense With that, Lin Zhiling glared at the Japanese ambassador.

fuck! Fujizaki murmured. Lin Zhiling is too hateful, but now the US ambassador has said that the Diaoyu Islands belong to Lin Feng for the time being. What else can he say? Said many, is a bitter tear!

"Well, it's all right now. Let's go!" Lin Zhiling announced.

what! Break up! Who do you think you are? You are too arrogant to say that the meeting will be over soon! Is there such an anti Hakka man!

"Baga! Who do you think you are? What status do you have to say that here? " Ichiro Fujisaki slapped the table angrily.

"Yes, you are a woman. What are you talking about here The South Korean ambassador seized the opportunity and roared.

Just now, such a large group of old men were shocked by a woman named Lin Zhiling. It's a shame. If there's a chance, it's natural to find the place.

But Lin Zhiling gave a scornful smile.

"Well, now that the discussion is over, why don't we leave the meeting? Waste membership fees of Member States? Is the UN so corrupt now? Or is the efficiency of the United Nations so low that it can do nothing but hold meetings? " Lin Zhiling asked coldly.

Many ambassadors were stunned when they were asked, and then they were angry again.

"Lin Zhiling, you are a young girl with yellow hair. Be careful when you talk. Don't think you are a woman, so we don't care about you. Of course, we don't care about you. But we'll take care of your boss. Don't make trouble for your boss! Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have some beauty and get the favor of your boss. It should be noted that any woman's beauty will grow old one day. Be careful when you get old, your boss will drive you out of trouble! " Fujizaki Ichiro said maliciously.

It's the most vicious curse to ridicule a woman's aging face and being abandoned. And it's such a curse, a curse in public, which is extremely vicious. Many ambassadors, however, hold their arms and hang up high. No one cares about it and looks at the opera.

"Ichiro fujizaki, your name is Ichiro fujizaki, right! It's hard for me to believe that such naive and substandard words came from the mouth of a national ambassador. In particular, it is said that Japan has always claimed to be the second largest country in the world and always wanted to have the style of a big country, but now what I see in my eyes is only the chicken belly of a small country, the ugly face of a small country and the style of a big country, which is gone. Oh, no wonder, no wonder! " Lin Zhiling sighed.

"No wonder what!" Asked Ichiro Fujisaki.

"No wonder Japan was defeated by the United States in World War II. No wonder at that time, with the most advanced weapons in the world and the most powerful will of martial arts, Japan could not break down the will of the Chinese people. Even in eight years, it could not break down the will of the Chinese people to resist, and finally it was defeated!" Lin Zhiling said mercilessly.

"Baga!" Ichiro Fujisaki roared.

"Mr. Fujisaki, is what I said wrong? Don't forget that Japan was not only defeated by American troops in the Pacific battlefield, but also dragged into the mud by Chinese soldiers and civilians in the Chinese battlefield, as well as in the Korean battlefield. Mr. Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, am I right? " Lin Zhiling looks to the South Korean ambassador.

"Of course! In those days, if it had not been for the desperate resistance of our Korean army and people, Japan would have unified Asia long ago! They even went straight to Europe and joined Hitler's forces. In that case, I'm afraid Europe will perish. Once Europe was destroyed, the Japanese and Hitler's forces could unite to fight against the American forces, which were bound to be irresistible at that time. In the end, the world will be reduced to the butcher of Hitler and Japanese imperialism. So, my contribution to Korea is great The South Korean ambassador flattered himself.

All the ambassadors felt sick. I've seen shameless, but I've never seen such shameless. How can you be so shameless? It's too shameless. However, although shameless, but people will not say much. After all, we are all on the same front. Think of it as a mass of shit. It's disgusting. It's disgusting.

But the Japanese ambassador was very angry. There is such a thing! Is there anyone who talks like this! Anyway, we are also the United Front now! You turned out to be good, but you turned me upside down. This is not to add a plug to me! You are so retarded!

When the South Korean ambassador saw the killing look in the eyes of the Japanese ambassador, he also understood that he had just said something wrong. But at the moment, he can't go back. It is impossible for him to admit that South Korea was weak against Japan during World War II. This is unacceptable to his Korean national dignity. Moreover, Japan and South Korea are not friendly neighbors. If you want to hate, hate it. I don't care.

When Lin Zhiling looked at the Korean ambassador's eyes, she was very happy. It's really stupid. A nation that is blind and arrogant. There's no limit to its stupidity!