"Boss, there are 28 invitation cards for auction houses in 28 countries. I hope we can go to auction the Huangdi Neijing wine of "supreme Luxury Collection". Which one shall we go to first? " Lin Zhiling asked cheerfully, "I think we should go to West Asia first, and then go to Dubai, where we can definitely get a high price!"

Lin Feng looked at the invitation cards and shook his head with a smile.

"You are such a little money fan. We still have business to do, but we can't run around and auction this "supreme Luxury Collection" all day long. This amount of money, for our big business, is small money! " Lin fengxiao said.

Although the "supreme Luxury Collection Edition" has repeatedly been sold at a high price, it is of little significance to Lin Feng's wealth. This sum of money is an amazing wealth for ordinary people. For Lin Feng, it's just a drop in the bucket. After all, 168 million yuan, converted into US dollars, is only 20 million US dollars. This is nothing for Lin Feng, whose assets have exceeded one trillion US dollars. If Lin Feng put all his energy on it, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

"How is the construction of animation village going now? In addition, several famous cartoonists from Japan, the United States and Hong Kong have responded to our "animation village" project. Remember, mainly Japanese cartoonists. As for Meiman, although there are many people watching it in China, the mainstream is still growing. Digging up these Japanese cartoonists is conducive to the cultivation of Chinese cartoonists. By the way, did Yan Kai invite the famous Chinese cartoonist Asked Lin Feng.

Yan Kai? Lin Zhiling blinked. I haven't heard of this name.

Lin Feng frowned. It seems that Lin Zhiling is not invited. Become an independent school of Hongkong, but also make a strange impression on Chinese cartoonists. The cartoonists in Chinese mainland have been very hard, and they are few and truly earning less. Yan Kai is one of the few cartoonists in Lin Feng's memory who have made money and become famous.

And Yan Kai's famous masterpiece is naturally snow coconut. A cartoon about an ordinary high school student who suddenly receives a package from the future, in which lies a beautiful woman, and a series of stories have taken place. Among them, the protagonist is Yan Kai. In a word, although the sales volume of this cartoon is not so good as that of Riman, it's even a bit miserable. For the time being, it's only eight volumes, and the sales volume of each volume just exceeds 90000 copies, accumulating less than one million copies. This and Japan's well-known anime artists, hundreds of millions of copies of sales compared, it is nothing to see.

But even so, it is still a rare platinum sales of Chinese anime writers. And this work has also affected a whole generation of Chinese animators. Although this "animation village", Yan Kai is certainly not qualified. But if he doesn't come, it will also be a heavy blow to the cartoon industry in mainland China.

"Go to find Yan Kai and invite him to join the animation village." Lin Feng said.

Lin Zhiling nodded.

"Also, as for the famous animators in Japan, the United States and Hong Kong, we should determine the number of people who can attend as soon as possible." Lin Feng orders again.

"Well, I see, boss." Lin Zhiling nodded. The establishment of this "animation village" can be said to be a strong support for China's animation industry. If the start is too poor, then for those well-known foreign animators, it is nothing. It's just a waste of time. But for China's animation industry, it is a devastating blow. After all, China's animation industry, in addition to those supported by the State Administration of radio, film and television, some of the so-called retarded children's comics, there is really no catchy animation. And in terms of Chinese history, it is enough for these animators to give full play to.

Under the command of Lin Feng, Lin Zhiling began to confirm the famous cartoonists from Japan, the United States and Hong Kong who attended the "animation village" this time. At the same time, she began to look for the most famous representatives of domestic cartoonists in China, such as Yan Kai.

Finally, on December 12, the ribbon cutting ceremony of "animation village" was held. Dressed in a black suit, Lin Feng appeared in a picturesque village in Hangzhou. This small village is like a fairy tale kingdom. Its buildings are full of imagination, just like all kinds of animation. However, these buildings are perfectly integrated with the surrounding scenery. Mountains and rivers, fascinating.

"I am very glad that you are present at the ribbon cutting ceremony of today's animation village. I am also very glad that many famous animators are here today, and they are willing to live in the animation village in the future. Welcome to these famous artists Lin Feng applauded, and then began to introduce the famous animators present today.

"By the way, before the introduction, I need to make a little bit of small advertising. The ribbon cutting ceremony of the animation village will be broadcast live all over the world by 'YouTube'. Everyone can watch today's live broadcast ceremony by logging in to 'YouTube'." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"YouTube", with the popularity of Lin Feng, has become the most famous video website in the world. There are thousands of videos published on it every day, including family self portraits, travel photos, accident scenes, all kinds of videos, making "YouTube" the best platform for people all over the world to learn about people's lives and what's going on all over the world. In particular, all videos on "YouTube" are allowed except pornographic and violent videos. And "YouTube" has sometimes become a platform for some people to rebel against local government violence.

"Well, I won't say anything superfluous. In order to avoid advertising time is too long, be scolded by everyone Lin Feng said with a smile, "now let's introduce cartoonists from the mainland of China!"

Mainland cartoonists! Hundreds of millions of Internet users are crouching in front of computers. What they are most looking forward to is how many well-known Japanese cartoonists will come to the "animation village". Although the relationship between China and Japan is not good, if Lin Feng can dig up the famous Japanese cartoonists, many netizens will like to see and hear them. Dig the corner of Japan, this is how cool, how cool! I just don't know how many people there are. If all the people who come here are not well-known, the brand of "animation village" will be smashed. And that would be ridiculed by the Japanese. I believe that at this time, the Japanese media will not forget to crack down on Lin Feng and ridicule him.

But how come there are mainland cartoonists? This makes all netizens strange. In my mind, there are no cartoonists in mainland China. Of course not, but at least not the kind of cartoonist they like.

"Ha ha, are there any cartoonists in mainland China? This is ridiculous! I'm afraid it's a cartoonist made by Lin Feng hard. " Naturally, Japanese media are also watching today's ribbon cutting ceremony. After hearing Lin Feng's words, they laugh and laugh at Lin Feng.

"Now let me introduce Mr. Yan Kai, my favorite mainland cartoonist." Lin Feng smile introduction.

Yan Kai? Many netizens have a flash in their mind, but many people think of Yan Kai, a somewhat retro name.

Yan Kai is the author of snow coconut. Think of "snow coconut", many old netizens face memories. Once upon a time, the book "snow coconut" brought them many memories. Unfortunately, this rare successful cartoon in China has never ended. Yeah, it's never over. It's very painful. It's more painful than Conan not ending. Conan doesn't finish because he's still painting. But "snow coconut" does not end, that is because the author did not draw. This one is still painting, dead and never over, and no painting, direct eunuch, that's totally two concepts.

Yan Kai came to the stage. A pair of glasses, a fat face, a smile. In addition to no "snow coconut" inside, wrinkle source scholar breath, other places and its very similar.

"Well, as a domestic cartoonist, to be honest, I am very grateful to Mr. Lin, the legendary Fengshen, for creating this" animation village "and inviting me to stay. It has always been a dream for me. Once upon a time, I imagined that there was such a place where I could create and draw freely. I didn't have to think about anything. I just needed to draw freely every day. However, the cruel reality, let me know, this is impossible. I can only immerse myself in a small study to create. In order to live and work hard painting, even to part-time to maintain my dream. Fortunately, I succeeded later《 "Snow coconut" let me gain a lot of copyright money, although far from being compared with Japanese cartoonists, but it can let me continue to create. But it's still just for me to live, to live for my dream. Now, with the emergence of "animation village", I can really create for my dream! On behalf of all domestic cartoonists, I would like to thank the emergence of "animation village". Of course, I also hope that in the future, more and more domestic cartoonists will be able to enter the "animation village", and I also hope that there will be more Chinese animation works in China in the future! " Yan Kai made a sincere speech. These are his voice, but also the voice of the domestic animation industry.

"Thank you for your speech! As the only animator in mainland China, I hope he can create more works here. Of course, the most important thing is that I hope he can finish "snow coconut". After all, to be honest, I'm also a fan of snow coconut. It's just a pity that "snow coconut" is not finished, which makes me very sorry! " Lin Feng joked.

Yan Kai was embarrassed. No way, "snow coconut" endless, and the original reality, but also his talent. In fact, it was the last time to finish the book, but he didn't know how to finish it. If you force it, there will be an end. But that ending, he can't accept. So, he stopped painting. Of course, now maybe he can continue this unfinished regret.

"Now let me introduce the famous animators from Hong Kong! It's also the representative of Hong Kong who won the "animation village" this time Lin Feng said with a smile.