"What! He has gone on a journey around the world Xu Shubiao was furious. At such a critical moment, his most important grandson actually fled with fear of crime. It's ridiculous! If the incident is exposed by Shanghai police, the reputation of Red Bull will be completely destroyed.

"Father, don't be angry. This little boy has not experienced any setbacks. I'll find him right away and teach him a lesson." Salaudu apologized for his son. This is about his son's inheritance. He has never seen his father so angry. From his memory, his father has been very kind and generous. He didn't expect that Xu Shubiao would be so angry, so angry. It scared him. Hang up and call varayu right away. As a result, the phone never got through.

"Well, did you find valayu?" Xu Shubiao repressed his anger.

He doesn't have any opinions on walayu's traffic accident, even if he crashes and kills the police and finally makes a hit and run. This is not a big mistake in itself. As the heir of the family, every move represents the image of the family. It's right not to stay on the scene for such a thing that will damage the image of the family. However, it's a big mistake that we should not go abroad to travel after escaping. It's the stupidest thing to do. According to Xu Shubiao, walayu's most correct way to cook is to drive the car back immediately and then find a driver to turn himself in to the police station. In this way, we can compensate a little and solve the problem.

As a result, now he directly hit and run, this is not bullshit!

"Father, walayu, he's been unable to get through. I think it's still on the plane. I can't get through. How about tomorrow? When he calls tomorrow, I'll ask him to come back immediately and make an apology to you! " Salaudu was terrified. In the Xu family, Xu Shubiao is a well deserved family. If you don't say everything you say, you will do what you say, and no one can change it. He was afraid that his father would be angry and deprive walayu of his inheritance.

"Well, now come here." Xu Shubiao drank, then looked at Lin Feng and Secretary Wang, "two, I wonder if you can give me some space, I want to talk to my son."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xu. We'll wait outside! " Secretary Wang nodded and left.

But Lin Feng frowned. Xu Shubiao, the family has a big temper. This is our own study. If you want to have a private talk with your father and son, you can go to your bedroom. You'd better drive us away. However, Lin Feng did not attack, this time attack is not very good. Who let their grandchildren do such a big thing.

Soon, Sara UDU came to see Lin Feng and a stranger outside. She looked strange and went in. After they went in, about a quarter of an hour later, salaudu came out and respectfully asked Lin Feng and Secretary Wang to go in again.

"Secretary Wang, it's really my grandson's fault. But now there's a problem. My useless grandson, he ran away with fear of crime. Now he doesn't know where to go. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him in a short time. However, when the family suffered from such tragedies, they were in great need of comfort. I don't think it's as good as this. I'll hand over one person here, and I'll judge him or her as he or she should, so as to let his or her family get angry. As for the compensation of the family members, we will certainly make them satisfied. In addition, our company will invest in a production base with an annual output of 100 million cans in Shanghai to make up for the damage to the public view of Shanghai this time. Secretary Wang, do you think this is OK? " Xu Shubiao came up with a plan.

Secretary Wang was stunned. This is a direct exoneration of valayu. It's for the sake of his family to find someone to convict walayu, but the tone and attitude are still for his grandson's sake. Can you promise this? At present, the family only knows that it has something to do with second world. It's the second world car that killed the traffic police. I don't know if it was valayu who killed him. In this case, it is not impossible to get rid of the crime in this way.

But Secretary Wang always feels a little delicious and uncomfortable. However, from the perspective of the overall situation, this is not impossible. After all, walayu has now fled and has traveled all over the world. If you want to go all over the world, it's hard to do so. First you have to know which country the other party is staying in, and then you can apply to that country to arrest walayu. After all, it's just a traffic accident crime. The country may not devote so much energy to the global arrest of walayu. Moreover, even if they are wanted, the Hsu family can also apply to the Thai government for the extradition of walayu to prevent him from being tried in China. That way, the problem can easily become a contradiction between China and Thailand. In this case, I'm afraid the top management is not likely to agree to do so.

After all, the Xu family is also willing to pay a huge amount of compensation, which is already a face. It's the last thing they want to do. Secretary Wang thought about it and had an idea in his mind. But they didn't immediately agree.

"Mr. Xu, let me go back and ask for instructions first, and then let you know. You'd better make more preparations here. " Secretary Wang said in a deep voice.

Xu Shu nodded.

"I'll leave first, Mr. Xu!" Secretary Wang got up.

"Secretary Wang, please come here in the middle of the night. I'll see you off." Xu Shubiao got up and personally sent Secretary Wang. In this matter, as long as secretary Wang is willing to nod his head, nawalayu will not be guilty. He has saved his beloved grandson and, more importantly, his reputation as "Red Bull". Otherwise, red bull's young owner ran away from traffic accidents and fled with fear of crime. This is the biggest scandal.

"I'll go with you, too!" Lin Feng got up and left with Secretary Wang.

"Mr. Lin, please!" Xu Shubiao holds his fist.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, then left with Secretary Wang.

"Father, this Lin Feng is really arrogant, so high-profile, hum!" Salaudu snorted. He couldn't stand Lin Feng's attitude. It was too arrogant and disgusting.

"Well, don't say that. Walayu, please find him as soon as possible and let him go back to Thailand immediately. If I don't see walayu after returning home, his successor may have to be changed! " Xu Shubiao hummed coldly.

Just now, the father and the son had a talk and decided on a plan for baowalayu. It's up to red bull to sacrifice some interests to protect walayu and avoid his accident. After all, walayu is also Xu Shubiao's favorite grandson. Xu Shubiao is old enough to know the fate of heaven. He can't stand the impact of walayu's imprisonment or detention.

"Yes, father, don't worry. I will find walayu as soon as possible! Let him return to Thailand. When you go home, teach him a good lesson! " Said salaudu with a sigh. Although Xu Shubiao's tone was very strict, Sara UDU knew that the anger in her father's heart had disappeared for the most part. When he sees valayu, I'm afraid it's all gone.

"And you find someone to answer the charge. Tell him that every year in prison here, our Xu family will compensate him 10 million baht (about 1.95 million RMB), and take care of his family while in prison. " Xu Shubiao said.

Salaudu nodded, and then began to arrange the culprit.

On the other hand, Secretary Wang seems to have a long breath. It would be better for the Xu family to find someone to answer the crime and be willing to pay high compensation. In this way, the family members will be able to resolve their anger without causing international disputes. After all, this person can't come back to life after death. Sometimes you have to let someone pay for his life, and that's impossible.

"Secretary Wang, it seems that you are a little happy!" Lin Feng asked suddenly.

"Ah, Mr. Lin, look at what you said. I'm not happy to talk about it. I just think that this matter can be satisfactorily solved. I think it can't be better. I also know that it seems a bit unfair to the family members, but in my opinion, walayu has fled with fear of crime and has no place to go. I'm afraid it's hard to find him. Instead of wasting a lot of human and material resources and making everyone unhappy in the end, it's better to solve it like this. " Secretary Wang hissed.

Everything starts from the overall situation.

Lin Feng replied noncommittally.

Then Lin Feng and Secretary Wang went their separate ways and returned home.

By this time, it was already dawn. Although Lin Feng stayed up all night, he didn't feel sleepy. Just sitting in the living room, I made a cup of coffee and drank it slowly.

Day, gradually light. Soon, with the cry of the baby, the whole family became lively. The baby's cry is naturally from Lin Jiaqi. The little guy has been nearly 2 months now. The voice is very loud. Every time he cries, the whole family is full of chickens and dogs. Originally, Lin Feng said to invite a sister-in-law, so it would be easier. But Li Zhiyou refused. No matter how good she is, she is not as good as her own mother. Anyway, Li Zhiyou can't work for the time being, and Huang Meixi doesn't have a job, so he just stays at home to take care of the children together. Two loving women take care of their children together, which naturally reassures Lin Feng. With the help of Lin Feng's parents, there is no problem.

But with so many people helping, sometimes it's hard. When the child cried, the whole family moved. As a result, the family often make chicken fly dog jump. What's more, Lin Feng also found that this house was originally designed by Li Zekai, who was going to live here for a long time. Later, he raised money to take a stake in second world, so the house was given to Lin Feng as a share. At that time, Li Zekai was very young, so he never thought about getting married and having children. Therefore, many guest rooms were designed in this room, so that many of Li Zekai's friends could stay for a long time. But there is no design for mother and baby room.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided that in the "heavenly palace" he was building, there must be a mother's and baby's room, as well as a special baby's playroom, swimming room and so on. As a father, he doesn't have much time to accompany his children, which makes Lin Feng feel a little guilty, so he can only hope to make up for his children in other aspects.

"Brother Lin, why are you sitting here? Did you stay up all night? " Li Zhiyou came out and saw Lin Feng. He asked in surprise.