Zongqing is dignified behind. He was too familiar with the old Chen, so he was very polite to him and didn't want to offend him easily. But for this reason, he also knows that there is something wrong with this old Chen. How can a cautious and tolerant person suddenly get so excited and even hit the wall to show his ambition. That's not normal.

"Then go and get those two bills!" Lin Zhiling immediately proposed.

Zong Qinghou shook his head.

"This old Chen has been cautious all his life. He has been in charge of the warehouse for more than ten years. If he really has problems, he will certainly not leave anything behind. The more careful a person is, the more rigorous he is when he makes a mistake, and the less he will leave a handle! " "These two bills must be seamless," Zong said

"No, there is a quantity of the material package in the warehouse. There is also a quantity in the workshop, and there is a quantity in the inventory. If he has a problem, what does he do? " Lin Zhiling asked in surprise.

This is also strange to everyone. There are numbers before and after this. He wants to do something and sell it to Wang Rui. How can he do something? It's impossible!

Zong Qinghou also has a dignified face, which he doesn't understand. I don't know how old Chen moves. Then he dialed another phone. After a few orders, he waited for about half an hour. After receiving a phone call, he looked more dignified.

"The numbers are right! There's nothing wrong with the number of incoming packages, the number of inventory, and the number of production! " Zong Qinghou's brow twisted. The numbers in these three places are corresponding, so it is impossible to make mistakes. But old Chen Pianpian has problems. What should we do?

You can't catch it and beat it up!

"Let's see if Lao Chen's bank account has any extra money. If so, it's obvious." Lin Zhiling said.

Zong Qinghou nodded, and then ordered people to check. However, the results of the inquiry are very encouraging. There are more than 4 million yuan in Laochen's account. For an ordinary worker, there is a sudden increase of more than 4 million yuan in this account. It's strange to say that he didn't take bribes.

Immediately, Zong Qinghou took the security guard to find Lao Chen, hoping to let him confess. As long as he is willing to repent, Zong Qinghou can let bygones be bygones and will not send him to the police station. Otherwise, he will directly ask the police to arrest Lao Chen. In this regard, Zong Qinghou can be said to be very preferential. After all, this is an old minister, and he doesn't want to chill the hearts of all old ministers. After all, even if there is no credit, there is also hard work. This man is old and is about to retire. If he makes a mistake once, he won't be beaten to death. Let him live forever!

What surprised Zong Qinghou was that under Chen's anger, he told the truth, which was beyond Zong Qinghou's expectation. It turns out that this old Chen has just won the first prize of the fortune lottery - 5 million yuan. With other second prizes, after paying taxes, there will be only 4 million yuan left. As for why he still works after winning 5 million yuan, this is very normal. He will retire soon. It is better to work for a stable pension for a few years than anything else.

After all, more than 4 million yuan seems to be more than one yuan, but one yuan is less than one yuan. Moreover, at the present price, if you buy a three bedroom house or a car in the downtown area, there will be nothing left. So old Chen is still working, ready to work until he retires at the age of 60.

In the face of Zong Qinghou's second query, this time Lao Chen made a direct and excited uproar, which made Zong Qinghou embarrassed. Finally, he apologized and left. In Wahaha, if Zong Qinghou can make an apology, Chen can be regarded as a celebrity.

Zong Qinghou disheartened back, Lin Feng and others are also surprised. Is this old Chen really so lucky?

"It's really such good luck! I sent someone to check it. It's really Mr. and Mrs. Chen who went to receive the prize! Ah, did I really misunderstand Lao Chen this time? " Zong Qinghou sighed that he was really not sure. Is he really wrong? Is he really wrong? Maybe this old Chen's temperament has changed because he won 5 million. This is not impossible. Many of these people are poor all their lives and suddenly earn amazing wealth one day. This emotion will have some influence. This old Chen is cautious all his life. At last, he is suspected. It's very possible for him to jump.

"Brother Lin, it seems that we are all wrong this time. Or, from the beginning, I should have trusted my team. In my life, I haven't read the wrong person. When I'm old, I should have read the right person. " Zong Qinghou smiles bitterly. It's a lesson. It almost made him miserable.

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

"Brother Zong, I'll leave first. Sorry for the trouble this time! " Lin Feng arched his hand and left with Lin Zhiling.

"Boss, is that old Chen really OK? I always feel that he should have a problem. " Lin Zhiling muttered.

"Ha ha, what evidence do you have?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, there's no evidence. It's a woman's intuition!" Lin Zhiling is embarrassed to stick out her tongue.

"Ha ha, women's intuition may be used in investment, but it can't be used to catch the traitors and find evidence." Lin Feng knocked with a smile. Just now, Lin Zhiling was at Zong Qinghou's, a little bit over. But Lin Feng would not scold Lin Zhiling in front of the public, so he took advantage of no one to beat her.

"Well, boss, I see. But I still think there is something wrong with Lao Chen. You see, he didn't win the 5 million yuan early or late. When Wang Rui came, he won. It's strange. In addition, even if he won 5 million, he doesn't have to be so impulsive. He even has to hit the wall! " Lin Zhiling said with a frown.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Zhiling, if he really wins 5 million, his behavior is very normal. In the past, he was cautious because he had a poor family and attached great importance to his work. But now that he has money, his mentality will naturally change. He feels that he should no longer be looked down upon as before. Therefore, it is normal for him to make these moves. " Lin fengxiao said.

Lin Zhiling nodded, but her brow moved.

"If he did win five million? Boss, you don't believe him, either? " Lin Zhiling asked in surprise.

Lin Feng nodded.

"This old Chen may really have a problem." Lin Feng said in a low voice.

"Where do you see that?" Lin Zhiling asked.

"Ha ha, man's intuition!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Cut ~ ~" Lin Zhiling straight a white eye.

Lin Feng laughs and goes back to Shanghai with Lin Zhiling.

"Li Rui, help me find Wang Rui, and then follow him to see if he has got the bag! Also, keep an eye on that old Chen. You don't need to take any action. You just need to see if he's abnormal. " Lin Feng is in the office. However, this matter is secretly carried out, Lin Feng did not tell anyone. After all, whether Mr. Chen has a problem or not is just a matter of speculation. Therefore, Lin Feng must be careful in all his actions. Be careful again, or something will happen. The reputation of his random speculation is very damaging.

In particular, if this old Chen really has no problem, he will really hit the wall and die. Well, the reputation, contacts and reputation that we have managed for a long time will be destroyed. For successful people, the more successful they are, the more like walking on thin ice. Because if you make a mistake, it will destroy the world. All my past successes will be destroyed.

Li Rui nodded. Quietly ordered a few people to start searching Wang Rui. For Li Rui, it's no trouble to find someone in China. It's very simple. First of all, through the ticket checking system of the public security system, we can see if they have taken the plane or train. If so, it's easy. If not, it's a little bit troublesome, just waiting for a rabbit near the company and residence where Wang Rui works. At this time, even if he wants to leave, it is impossible for him to leave the capital for too long. After all, Red Bull is fighting.

As a result, Li Rui's people soon waited for Wang Rui. But there was no direct action. This is a time of peace, a civilized world and a society ruled by law. If lynching is directly used, it will be very serious. Therefore, Li Rui's people have been quietly following Wang Rui. However, three days of tracking, and nothing. Just when Li Rui was ready to give up, there were some anomalies in Lao Chen's side.

That is, Lao Chen and his wife suddenly proposed the decision of early retirement. If you retire early, your income will be much less after retirement, and during the period of early retirement, your income will be very low. Although there are more than 4 million yuan in the bank, it is reserved for the son to buy a house and marry a daughter-in-law. Therefore, the money is equal to no for the two elders. And they depend on Chen's salary and pension to live on. Therefore, for the sake of this matter, the two people are very upset. However, Lao Chen insisted that he was misunderstood, especially by Zong Qinghou. He thought it was meaningless to work again.

"Li Rui, since Wang Rui has no progress, let them find a way to enter the Red Bull company. I guess if they get the material package, they will enter the laboratory for analysis. Let's see if we have anything in the lab! If not, withdraw! " Lin Feng said.

Li Rui nodded. But after thinking about it, he said, "boss, let's catch Mr. Chen and scare him. If there is something wrong with him, he will tell the truth. It's much safer than going to red bull. "

"Ha ha, Li Rui, we can't take such risks. What if it's ok? How are you going to deal with the aftermath? If this old Chen is not willing to make trouble, he will be in great trouble. " Lin Feng said, "you can't kill people then! In that case, I can make such an order. But can you do it? "

Li Rui turned his mouth. Well, they really can't do it.

"So go to red bull. Maybe we will have a big harvest in this matter! " Lin fengxiao said.