One shot in the head!

Blair's heart was in his throat. As Zawahri counted, his face was pale, his hands trembled and his whole body trembled. He knew that he could not agree to Zawahri's request, especially when Zawahri had just started a car bomb, which caused heavy casualties to the air crew. If he doesn't, Beckenham will be shot in the head. It must have been a bloody scene.

Blair couldn't bear to see it.

"Ten seconds to go, this is your last chance! Or you England captain will say goodbye to the world forever Zawahri laughs grimly.

On the camera, it can be seen that Beckenham's whole body is shaking, but as a player, he can't bend his knees and bend his back to beg for mercy from these terrorists on the court. Although no one will laugh at him, he won't do that. And even if he begged for mercy, these terrorists would not spare him. Facing the muzzle of the gun, facing the countdown of drozawahri, Beckenham closed his eyes, waiting for the moment of life and death.






Zawahri said with a grim smile, "if you want to blame it, blame your government for not saving you! Die

Everyone closed their eyes at this moment. Not far away, also detained by terrorists, Jose is on fire. Beckenham is a player that he doesn't like. From the beginning, he hated Beckenham, a player who is more popular outside than in the field. He thought that he was sensational and not doing his job. In the beginning, Beckenham was not reused, even often replaced. But Beckenham, with his efforts in the training ground and competitive state, won back his main position a little bit, and was finally declared captain of the team by Jose.

At the same time that he is admired by Beckenham, he is not admired by Beckenham. At present, looking at Beckenham will be killed at gunpoint, his coach is very helpless, but also very weak. If the eye can kill, the anger of Jose has cut these terrorists to pieces.

Goodbye, Victoria! Beckenham closed his eyes and thought of his wife and two sons. I hope there will be heaven after death. He will protect his wife and children in heaven.

"Lord, we have found a bigger chip!" Just then, a cry stopped Zawahri from shooting.

"What?" Asked Zawahri in a muffled voice.

"Lord, we have found a bigger chip! I'm not afraid the British government won't give in! " The men screamed with ecstasy.

"Who? Bring it here Zawahri put the muzzle away.

Zawahri doesn't want to kill Beckenham if he has a choice. After all, these Premier League stars are very popular with Arabs. If he wants to kill the stars like Beckenham, it will be very difficult for Al Qaeda to get the support of some Arab tycoons.

After a while, a few men pushed a young, handsome young man out. Everyone was shocked to see the man come out.

God, how could he be here!

At the moment, Blair felt dizzy and wanted to faint. He knows, these troubles, they're fuckin 'troubles. How could he be on the court. But when you think about it, it's no surprise that he's on the court. With such an important London derby and his relationship with Lin Feng, it's not surprising that he appears on the pitch.

"Ha ha, Prince William, I didn't expect to catch a big fish this time!" Zawahri saw who was coming and laughed.

This man is no other than the British royal family, the most popular Prince William ever. Zawahri was delighted. Originally, his chips were the citizens and the players in his hands. But that may not make the British government submit. He also knew that his own demands could not be met by the British government. But for the sake of his plan, he has to. It must be broadcast all over the world!

So he's also gambling to see how many players and how many civilians to kill before the British government compromises. But now with Prince William in hand, it goes without saying. It's all very simple. He wants to see if the British government will remain indifferent.

Indeed, when Blair saw Prince William in Zawahri's hands, he could no longer be indifferent. Not only immediately ordered the termination of the mission's operations, but also took the initiative to contact Zawahri.

"I'm Blair, please don't hurt Prince William, and those innocent citizens and players. If you have any conditions, just mention them!" Blair took the initiative to contact. No way, although Prince William is only the second in line successor now, Queen Elizabeth of England is very likely to make him the first in line successor, and may pass the throne to Prince William in his lifetime. In other words, Prince William is very likely to be the king of England.

If a king loved by the British people dies in this terrorist attack, it will be a disgrace to the whole of Britain. And Blair can't bear the consequences of the massacre of Prince William. He has to get in touch with the terrorists.

"Ha ha, Prime Minister Blair, I thought you could go on in the cold storage and not talk to us. Unexpectedly, you compromised. In that case, open the video blockade immediately, I want to live all over the world! " Zawahri grinned grimly.

Blair frowned.

"Who are you, please? Which organization is it? You should know how much panic the global live broadcast will bring. Our government will never agree to this condition. But we can do anything else. " Blair warned.

"Hey, Prince William is in my hands. Is everything has the final say? Prime Minister Blair, I advise you to listen to me, or I don't guarantee what I will do to Prince William. You know, he's my biggest chip. I won't kill him, but it's OK to punish him. For example, I can cut off a few fingers, dig out an eye or something Zawahri threatened in a low voice, "I'll give you one minute to think about it. If you don't agree to live all over the world, I'll dig out one of William's eyes right away!"

Hiss! Blair would rather have Zawahri shoot Prince William. This kind of corporal punishment, cruel torture, is more terrible than killing Prince William. If the rescue finally comes back, the whole nation will see a Prince William who has suffered cruel torture, how angry the public will be. Of course, he will ask the state to send troops to fight against the organizations behind these terrorists, but I'm afraid that his prime minister will come to an end. Moreover, the political party he represents will be abandoned by the people because of its poor performance in the hostage crisis. This is clearly unacceptable to Blair.

"Then you must promise not to slaughter people in public! Everything can be talked about! " Blair had to compromise.

"Don't worry. This time we are not doing this against the British government! It's none of your business. You are only involved in it Zawahri murmured.

Ah! Not for us? Who is this for? What does he want?

"Hurry up, untie the video blockade immediately, or Prince William will be blind!" Zawahri urged impatiently.

Blair had no choice but to agree to Zawahri's unreasonable request. He can't really watch Prince William being poisoned by Zawahri.

"But before I unlock the video blockade, I have only one request. Who are you?" Blair asked in a deep voice.

So far, the British intelligence services have not found out their origins. The origin of these people is mysterious. We can only know that they are from the Middle East. But it is not known which organization it is. It's just speculation. It could be al Qaeda. But conjecture is conjecture, without real evidence, it can only be conjecture.

"Hey, you'll know later." Zawahri, however, gave a grim smile and did not answer.

Three minutes later, Zawahri received the message, the video was unlocked again, and audiences around the world watched the live video again. However, because the photographers in the stadium were instructed not to play the tragedy in the stands as much as possible, they aimed all the cameras at Zawahri and others on the pitch. All the audience were stunned when they saw that the two teams were fighting, but now they were surrounded by each other with bombs.

"Hello global audience, today is a wonderful day, thank you for watching our program!" Zawah is grinning at the camera.

"There are 30000 spectators, 36 players, two coaches, some referees and some staff here. That's all the chips we have. Of course, we still have a very important chip in our hands, that is, he - "Zawahri pushed Prince William to the camera," Prince William of England! "

Everyone exclaimed! No one thought that Prince William would be on the court. In front of the camera, Prince William's forehead is slightly blue and silted. He was obviously beaten, but he looks good. The thought of Prince William being captured by these terrorists made the British people panic.

Although the TV screen does not broadcast the tragedy in the stands at the moment, they saw the massacre just before the live video was cut out. I'm afraid the stands are extremely miserable at the moment. Thinking of the terrorist madness just now, the British people can't help worrying about the safety of Prince William. They are afraid that their favorite prince, the future king of England, will encounter misfortune here.

"Ha ha, everyone must have recognized who he is, so I won't talk much nonsense. Now we have planted strong explosives in all stands of this stadium. As long as we start to detonate, the whole stadium will collapse and be destroyed, and tens of thousands of people will die with us. Also, these players are bound with plastic bombs. Any rescue action will directly kill everyone here. " Zawahri sneered, "so if I see any rescue operation, I will immediately detonate all the bombs."

Everyone exclaimed. Is this guy crazy? What does he want?

"I think everyone must want to know what I want to do. It's very simple. I have only one purpose!" Zawahri tore off the mask to the camera and drank hysterically, "Lin Feng, get over here!"