Citibank did it. Citibank refuses to admit that Rhodes ridicules and insults Melissa in Fengjian, and claims that this is just a misunderstanding in communication between the two sides. Rhodes has absolutely no malicious behavior of insulting Melissa in Fengjian. At the same time, Lin Feng's behavior of not abiding by the contract and banning advertising for no reason will get justice through the law. As for Lin Feng's announcement that "second world" will block Citibank's right to buy advertising in the next decade, Citibank claims that Citibank is the world's largest bank. It has always relied on reliable, stable and reliable financial return on investment to attract customers, rather than relying on any advertising.

Therefore, no matter how long Lin Feng is blocked, there will never be any change to Citibank. Citibank will always be Citibank—— Said William Rhodes, chairman of Citibank.

"In addition, I would like to make a special statement here about Mr. Lin Feng's teasing Mr. William Rhodes, the president of our bank, of his legal adviser, Miss Ellie woods. We will launch a trillion dollar fund project, and miss Ellie woods will be our preferred legal adviser. Therefore, President Rhodes went to negotiate with Lin Feng to buy out Miss Ellie Woods' contract. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng concocted a contract for breach of contract with a penalty of US $5 billion. Just ask, in today's world, where there is such a high rate of breach of contract, this is clearly to Mr. Rhodes's play and ridicule. I, Citibank, will firmly stand on the side of President Rhodes, and I will certainly seek an explanation for him! " Yelled William Rhodes.

The focus of the outside world is on Lin Feng. I want to see what Lin Feng says. As a result, Lin Feng didn't say anything, just threw out five contracts.

The first contract, Tottenham Hotspur's Kaka's contract, liquidated damages $5 billion!

Second contract, Tottenham Hotspur's Fabregas contract, liquidated damages $5 billion!

The third contract, Tottenham's Ronaldo's contract, liquidated damages, 5 billion dollars!

The fourth contract, Tottenham's Messi's contract, liquidated damages, 10 billion dollars!

The fifth contract, "second entertainment" Taylor Swift, liquidated damages, 10 billion dollars!

The five contracts, like five nuclear bombs, exploded in the whole world, causing a mess in the whole financial market. All financial experts were stunned, all of them were dizzy, their brains twitched and crashed directly.

Five billion yuan of liquidated damages, this is too outrageous, too exaggerated, too crazy! It's incredible. How can there be such a high penalty? It is clearly against the economic operation, against the financial trend, against nature and against human beings!

"False, it must be false!" Wall Street was full of falsehoods, supporting Citibank one after another, believing that Lin Feng was making a fake. He believed that the so-called liquidated damages contract was just made by Lin Feng and was purely for the entertainment of Citibank. Five false contracts deliberately created.

"All the contracts are true. My penalty is $10 billion!" Tyler swift stood up and said out loud.

"Hum, it's just a little star signed by Lin Feng. Before he was an adult, he certainly didn't know how to distinguish right from wrong. Naturally, he spoke for Lin Feng." Wall Street rejected Taylor Swift's statement directly. This made Taylor Swift extremely uncomfortable. Although I'm not yet an adult, I still have an independent mind. She will be an adult on December 13 next year.

It's only a little more than a year away. People look down upon it like this, and their opinions are directly denied. I'm so angry! Taylor Swift immediately got angry on Weibo - although I am small, I know what is right and wrong!

As soon as the microblog comments were published, they were supported by all the star friends of Taylor Swift, and they were forwarded and supported one after another. Of course, there are more Taylor Swift fans. Today's Taylor Swift is not as well-known as the one Lin Feng just dug up from Wyoming, Pennsylvania. At this time, Taylor Swift has grown into a rural sweet singer in the United States in just two years, and her status in the United States is no less than Avril. And as Taylor Swift grows up, she will even surpass Avril in the future.

On Weibo, Taylor Swift has more than 100 million fans around the world. Nowadays, idols are bullied, how can these fans give up. When even on the Internet to support the idol. One after another in the major online forums, social networking sites published strong support for Taylor Swift posts, and denounced the Wall Street financiers' remarks is stool, is the dog mouth can not spit out Ivory!

Of course, what's more, Taylor Swift wrote a song called "I'm small, but I know right and wrong" directly. With its simple, bright rhythm, and popular, but ironic sentences, it instantly became popular all over the world. Meanwhile, Taylor Swift's American fans spontaneously went to Wall Street, singing this song in a loud voice downstairs of Citibank, satirizing those financiers on Wall Street and William Rhodes and William Rhodes, the president of Citibank.

"Damn it! These idiots are so happy to be used! What a fool Rhodes looked down at the stupid Taylor Swift fans who gathered downstairs and sang "I'm small, but I know right and wrong" with disdain.

"Rhodes, these fans are stupid. But the people behind the manipulation of these stupid fans are amazing. " But Rhodes's face was dignified. "Lin Feng is a wonderful guy. Although the traditional media is not on his side now, the whole network media is secretly controlled by him. Rhodes, have you ever heard of the word "cyber violence"

Cyber violence? Rhodes shook his head. He has never heard of this new term.

"Cyber violence is to use some stupid netizens to attack fixed targets; All kinds of malicious network attacks. " The color of Rhodes's face was worried. "Now, Lin Feng is the first person who can use this power."

"What's the use of this power? Internet abuse? That network is not a virtual society, leaving the network, what is it! What's more, the mainstream is still TV, newspaper and Internet? " Rhodes frowned.

Rhodes has an odd face.

"Rhodes, don't you usually surf the Internet? Don't you watch the chat? Not on Facebook? " Rhodes looked at Rhodes strangely.

"Well, no Internet. Most of the things I surf the Internet are e-mails and so on. What's Facebook? " Asked Rhodes in surprise.

Rhodes shook his head.

"Rhodes, this is a high-tech era. As the president of Citibank, you'd better surf the Internet more. The Internet is the future development trend. And you say that cyber violence is nothing, but in fact, in the future, more and more people will spend their time on the Internet every day, and the time will also be more and more. Even in the future, the cyber world may become the second world of mankind. You said, "what if Lin Feng could control the thoughts of netizens at that time?" Rhodes said.

"It's not so terrible, is it? This person is not all these stupid fans! " Exclaimed Rhodes.

"Not terrible? You should know what the nickname of Lin Feng is, Fengshen! Ha, in this age, there are still people called gods. Don't you think it's an exaggeration! And that's the reality. It's a cruel reality. And Lin Feng, but deeply understand this. He will firmly grasp the network in the hand, but also will grasp the entertainment. You have to understand that the role of idols is the biggest. And Lin Feng now has "second entertainment," which almost takes all of America's best idol stars. This is a very terrible resource. Just like now, Taylor Swift alone has mobilized thousands of people to sing and humiliate us downstairs. What if they are fans of more than a dozen, dozens or even hundreds of idols? Don't forget, the most fundamental element of the world is human! If everyone is on Lin Feng's side, who can match him? " Rhodes took a deep breath.

At this time, Rhodes also understood the horror of Lin Feng.

"In this way, isn't there no one to control in the future?" Exclaimed Rhodes.

Rhodes had a dignified face. Rhodes is only the president of Citibank, but he is the chairman of the board. He is affiliated to Citigroup, and naturally is also jointly controlled by several major consortia under G23. As Rhodes, who can barely reach the top, naturally knows the contradiction between Lin Feng and G23. Without G23, there would be no one to control Lin Feng. But with G23, that's not necessarily the case.

Of course, after the direct firepower confrontation between the two sides in Washington, the "G23" completely abandoned the policy of defeating Lin Feng with violence, and decided to play dead Lin Feng through financial and commercial means (at present, the attention of the "G23" is still relatively scattered, with some of them focusing on Russia and some on the latest scientific and technological research). It's just that you can't tell Rhodes. He's not qualified.

"What shall we do now?" Asked President Rhodes.

"It's very simple. Wait and see. We are on Wall Street, and the dignity of Wall Street will not allow these stupid fans to provoke us. Look, more companies will come out to support us and fight against Lin Feng. " Said Rhodes confidently.

Such a group of fans have been tossing around on Wall Street all day, and those elites on Wall Street have long lost sight of it. As Rhodes expected, they all came forward to accuse this group of fans of their stupid behavior. Of course, they don't go to scold with a large number of fans, which is not in line with their identity. What they have done is to aim at Lin Feng. He denounced Lin Feng as the main culprit behind the scenes and misled the public. With the intervention of these elites, some media have called on Taylor Swift's fans to wake up and not be used by others.

And just then, someone spoke. Of course, it's not so much talking as swearing.

"I don't know if Taylor Swift's penalty is $10 billion, but I can prove that Messi's penalty is $10 billion! Damn Lin Feng, when I wanted to buy Messi not long ago, Lin Feng said, as long as you pay 10 billion US dollars as liquidated damages, then Messi can take it! Damn it, it's blackmail! Is Messi worth 10 billion dollars? With Messi, I can buy all the best players in the world A chubby figure roared angrily.