"Boss, it seems that Governor Schwarzenegger's re-election is not in any suspense!" Lin Zhiling exclaimed.

With 80% support, Schwarzenegger doesn't need any TV ads to run for office. And the huge political contribution every year is largely spent on TV advertising. If you don't have this, it won't cost much to just publish some newspaper advertisements and so on. And on TV, that's more than 100000 dollars per second. Tens of millions of political contributions will soon be spent. However, it seems that it is unnecessary.

80% support is enough to defeat any opponent. In particular, these two policies, which are very close to people's livelihood, are very popular in California. Although Schwarzenegger's two policies have been hindered by various aspects, the state people are extremely supportive. This has become Schwarzenegger's strength. Of course, if California's financial situation is in a mess at the end of his next term, these two policies may also become a stain on Schwarzenegger's decree.

empty talk! I'm afraid the outside world will say that then.

"Although Schwarzenegger's victory is now in hand, we still need to help him again. I've invested so much in California that I naturally want to maximize my profits. Although he can't help me directly, he can make my industry chain less shackled in California. And even if he leaves later, he can help me a little bit. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Help? How can I help you? In this political donation, Lin Feng can donate up to $1000. If he does, he will violate the rules. As for helping Schwarzenegger to hold a banquet and raise tens of millions of dollars, I'm afraid it's not very possible. After all, almost all the actors in Hollywood were launched last time. It would be inappropriate to launch it again. It would be self defeating. After all, the last time Schwarzenegger got $12 million in political contributions, many people were dissatisfied. One more time, it's really self defeating. I'm afraid the FBI will step in to investigate.

"Ha ha, it's very simple. Now we all ignore that advertising does not have to be on TV. It can be on the Internet! Schwarzenegger can conduct his political propaganda on the Internet. We can give Governor Schwarzenegger free of charge in the name of the ratings of the first experimental network political propaganda. He needs more channels of publicity, and we need to test whether it is profitable. In this way, the outside world will have nothing to say! After all, there is no precedent for online political propaganda. We can give Schwarzenegger some help if we open this first Lin fengxiao said.

Melissa's eyes lit up. She used to work in TV stations, and naturally knew that during the election period, the major TV stations would make more money. Those candidates, they're going to spend all their money to run. And this is the most profitable time for TV stations. And if we use network propaganda, it is undoubtedly a new way. And because it's testing the market, Lin Feng says it's free, and the FBI has nothing to say. For Schwarzenegger, there is another way. Although he has more than 80% support now, he can't relax his vigilance until he is completely elected.

When Lin Feng told Schwarzenegger the news, he immediately got Schwarzenegger's continuous thanks. In this way, he is more confident in the election. Moreover, once he is successful in his online campaign, he will become a major marketing tool for Lin Feng's online company in the future. It's also good for Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's "second world" game players are all over the world, with hundreds of millions of players. Lin Feng's "Baidu Yahoo", as the second largest search engine in the world and the largest search engine in the Chinese language circle, if Schwarzenegger wins the election, it will naturally be of great help to him and broaden his profit-making projects.

Therefore, it is a matter of mutual benefit.

Soon, the first advertisement officially landed on Lin Feng's "second world" and "Baidu Yahoo.". This first advertisement is not long, only 5 seconds. What Schwarzenegger said is very short, only one sentence - I am Schwarzenegger, support me, I will come back!

Obviously, this is a classic quote from terminator. This video is broadcast when all the Second World Games log in and wait to enter the game interface. About this short film, Schwarzenegger has changed more than ten different models, including the most classic "terminator" model, the "barbarian Coran" model, and the "Superman" model Schwarzenegger has never tried. Each time players enter the game, they will randomly play one of the short films.

For all game fans, the waiting time before entering the game is usually the most difficult. After all, the game is about to start, and the mood has already entered the turbulent game world. Although the waiting time is not long, it is also irritating. But now this only 5 seconds campaign video, although it has nothing to do with the game, but with Schwarzenegger's strong popularity in the world, it also makes the vast majority of players hate it.

In particular, Schwarzenegger in the short film, although it is to help its campaign, but all kinds of cool modeling, but also let players marvel. Some players even find that when they enter the game, each time the short film shape is different, they choose to exit immediately after entering the game, and then enter again. This frequent entry and exit is to count how many sets of models Schwarzenegger has. Because Schwarzenegger's modeling is too many and completely random, it also brings a storm of discussion on Schwarzenegger's modeling in the short term.

Thanks to this storm, although Schwarzenegger's support rate did not rise much, according to the simulated election conducted by authoritative institutions using computers, Schwarzenegger won more than 60% of the votes after he published an advertisement in the "second world". Before that, it was only a little over 50%. It's shocking that this advertisement can increase the vote rate by 10%.

And then, in the "Baidu Yahoo" advertising, because it is a search engine, naturally there is no game waiting time, but "Baidu Yahoo" has a simple pseudo intelligent program, which was originally designed according to "Nu Wa", so it is also made by Nu Wa. Now, for the time being, it's Schwarzenegger's style (of course, all users can still choose Nu Wa's style). In this style, Schwarzenegger is the standard "terminator" look, but occasionally he will spit out two words and choose me. After the advertisement of "Baidu Yahoo", Schwarzenegger's simulated election result was 65%, which once again increased the vote rate by 5%.

"Ha ha, Lin, your method is really effective. Thank you Schwarzenegger is very happy about the present situation. He did not expect that the effect would be so strong. Actually, the total number of votes increased by 15%. Although it is only a simulation evaluation, it can not be taken seriously, but it has absolute reference value. And if according to the results of this evaluation, then he is re elected governor, it is absolutely no problem. Even the tens of millions of dollars he has raised for political contributions may not be used up this time. You know, in the past, all candidates only thought that political contributions were not enough, and they never despised it.

However, since this political contribution may never be used up, Schwarzenegger will not waste it.

"I declare that if this re-election is successful, my political contributions will not be used up, and I will donate all of them to California charities to continue to improve the public security environment in California. I hope that, under my tenure, California will not be the richest state in the world, but I hope that you can enjoy a peaceful life while enjoying a good income. I hope that in the future, California's crime rate will be the lowest in the United States! " Schwarzenegger made a speech, demanding the goal of his next term.

Naturally, this is supported by all Californians. No one likes crime, no one likes to live in peace. But Schwarzenegger has been holding on, which is very satisfying. At least with the support of the majority of the middle class.

Of course, when Schwarzenegger faced the spring breeze, Lin Feng also gained a lot. Originally, when the game landed, it was Lin Feng's unintentional move to insert Schwarzenegger's campaign propaganda film. But unexpectedly, because of the five second propaganda film, Schwarzenegger was able to harvest 10% of the simulated votes, which many advertisers saw and enjoyed. This can increase the vote rate by 10% in the election campaign. If they advertise, how much more sales will they increase? Let alone 10%, as long as 5% is enough to make any advertiser ecstatic.

Naturally, advertisers all over the world have found the "second world" to discuss the placement of ads on the landing screen of the game. Originally, Lin Feng did not agree. He thought that this would prevent game players from landing on the game. However, many game manufacturers regard "virtual life" under "second world" as a game supported by major advertising companies. There are all kinds of implanted advertisements everywhere. In "World War", there are also some trademark advertisements, Since these two games can be implanted with so many advertisements, making "second world" full of money, why can't all game landing interfaces be implanted with advertisements while players are waiting?

Lin Feng is a little speechless about the advertisers' censure. In particular, these advertisers are threatening to withdraw their investment from virtual life and world war if they are not allowed to insert advertisements. In the face of this threat, Lin Feng has no choice but to shake his head. I've seen people who make trouble out of nothing, but I've never seen people who make trouble out of nothing and have to give money.

Well, since you want to send money, accept it! Lin Feng shrugged. Of course, since you have to implant ads, the price is not cheap.