"President Chirac, please give me directions!" Lin Feng asked respectfully.

"Mr. Lin, now your situation is very simple, that is to find a buyer for these ores, and let their promises have nothing to do with you. The price of your ore is so low, only two-thirds of the market price. To be honest, many countries are very interested. I believe that if there is no U.S. government behind you, almost every country will be eager for this ore. After all, even if they can't use it themselves, they can sell it to other countries. But with the U.S. government at the back, many countries will be deterred! " Chirac said in a deep voice.

Lin Feng nodded. If it were not for the US government, it would not have sold it at two-thirds of the price. Unfortunately, even so, no big country is willing to take over. At least countries like Italy and fargon don't want to.

"So, this batch of ore is in trouble now. It's better to donate it. In the name of supporting the reconstruction of some poor countries, donate it! " Chirac said.

Donate it! Lin Feng frowned. This is 2.1 million tons of ore. according to the market price of 1450 yuan per ton, 2.1 million tons is 3.045 billion yuan. This is the sum of trade between Duolin Feng and North Korea this year. However, due to the restrictions on mining technology and transportation in North Korea, what has been accumulated has only recently been handed over to Lin Feng.

Fortunately, if Lin Feng had sold it before, there would be no way to justify it. But now let it all donate out, Lin Feng is still a little reluctant. But if you can't bear it, you have to be willing. Just to whom?

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brightened!

Somalia! Now Somalia has just ended the war, the country by the dashir and the six tribes together form a federal government, each in power. Somalia is in great demand for iron ore at a time of great construction. It is necessary to purchase from abroad, but due to the financial problems in Somalia, it has been in a small-scale purchase, so the demand in Somalia is very strong. This time, it's a chance to donate it directly to Somalia. As for the reason, Lin Feng smiles. It's easy to solve.

An hour later, the court will hold again.

Bush appeared in court with rice with a smile on his face this time. Looking at Lin Feng, a smile. As long as the lawsuit is won, rice will be able to take advantage of the visa issue to kill Lin Feng. Without a visa and landing in the United States, Lin Feng can't do business in the United States.

"Your honor, with regard to the relationship between my client and North Korea, it is not free trade, nor is it my client's attempt to curry favor with North Korea, a country listed as terrorism by the US government, for petty gain. The United States is the most developed country in the world, while North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world. My client does not need to go to the bottom for this petty profit! " Said Ron in a loud voice.

"Ron, businessmen are after profits!" ISCO sneered.

"Yes, the merchant pursues profit! But your honor, my client went to Korea not to pursue interests, but to do charity. " Ron took out a stack of more than a dozen thank-you letters from poor mountain villages in North Korea.

"These are the thank-you letters from the villagers who donated food and medicine to the charity foundation designated by my client in North Korea. In my client's view, although North Korea is a country that supports terrorism, its people are innocent. The government is guilty, but the people are innocent. My client once watched a program about North Korea, felt the poverty of the North Korean people, and donated some food and medicine to North Korea. This is not for profit, but for humanitarian spirit! Over the years, my client has donated many items, such as millions of computers and various materials in Africa. Therefore, any attack on my client's involvement in terrorist organizations for the sake of interests is irresponsible and false attack speech! " Said Ron aloud.

ISCO sneered. They had expected that Lin Feng would get a letter of thanks from the DPRK. This is not surprising at all. What they really grasped was the 2.1 million tons of ore from North Korea in Lin Feng's hands. This is irrefutable and hard evidence. They have to see how Lin Feng wants to deny it.

"Your honor, there is one more thing that my client didn't want to say, but in view of the current situation and the unjust situation, my client decided to make another announcement. That is, in the process of donating to North Korea, my client purchased 2.1 million tons of ore from North Korea. This batch of ore is not that my client is willing to buy, but because of the food crisis that North Korea has suffered in the past two years and the humanitarian crisis in the whole country, we exchange grain for ore. However, since this is from a country that supports terrorism, my client does not intend to sell the ore for profit. " Said Ron aloud.

2.1 million tons of ore! Everyone's attention was completely drawn to Ron. This 2.1 million tons of ore is not profitable. What does Lin Feng want?

"My client has decided to donate the 2.1 million tons of ore to the federal state of Somalia, which has just been founded and is in the process of national construction." Ron said aloud, "the problem of Somali pirates, in the past few years, has plagued all countries and many businessmen. Many ships were taken hostage by Somalia, especially many crew members, whose families were blackmailed. Not only that, but also many visitors to Somalia were hijacked by the chaotic warlords in Somalia, and their families were blackmailed by them. "

All the people showed approval. Somalia has always been the most intractable problem in the world. But this country is too poor, and most of the pirates are brave and fearless. When a man is poor, he can do everything.

At the moment, however, President Bush's face is a little gloomy and unhappy. He has already guessed what Lin Feng is going to do!

"My client's ship had been hijacked, and finally had to pay a lot of money to redeem the hijacked crew. In response, my client felt very angry at that time, and even wanted to use his "wolf teeth" to take revenge on those hateful pirates in Somalia. But in the end, my client woke up. He thinks that revenge will only make hatred bigger, and the only way to eliminate revenge is forgiveness! " Ron is very devout to say, and although Lin Feng was surprised by Ron's explanation, how could he be so true, kind and beautiful, he showed a look of piety.

Shameless! Bush is not far away, see Lin Feng so pious appearance, angry to death.

Forgive, this guy has the face to say the word forgive. This guy has a character of retribution. Is that forgiveness? When did you see this guy suffer a loss without revenge? This guy has the face to say forgive, I Pooh!

"Calm down, president! Don't be infuriated by him. If you lose your temper in court, you will suffer losses! " Rice quietly reminded Bush to avoid his gaffe.

Hum! Bush snorted and took a long breath.

"My client believes that if we want to stop the chaos in Somalia, there is only one way to end the war in Somalia, so that the Somali people can support themselves and live a happy life. Naturally, all kinds of criminal activities will end and the Somali pirates will disappear without a trace! " Ron said in a hopeful and grateful tone, "so my client is ready to donate all the $370 million worth of ore to the federal state of Somalia to help them rebuild their homes and build a beautiful home. In the future, we hope to fundamentally solve the problem of Somali pirates and solve the rampant crime in Somalia

what! Donate 2.1 million tons of ore! There was an exclamation in the court. Including President Bush. Although he had guessed it, he still felt surprised at the moment. Lin Feng's contribution is not small. It's amazing that he directly donated 370 million US dollars to Somalia. You know, Somalia is really poor. And there are no resources. If there are resources, the people will not be pirates, but warlords. Lin Feng's donation of 2.1 million tons of resources is basically like beating dogs with steamed stuffed buns. He's really willing!

"President, I'm afraid we're going to lose! It's a cut from the bottom! Hurt people with the cost Rice, too, has a black face at the moment. Lin Feng's move was completely unexpected. Although it lost hundreds of millions of dollars, it was enough to set up a compassionate charity businessman's image in the world. And this kind of image, for a businessman, this is the most positive glorious image. Although, when negotiating with other businessmen, it will not bring any advantages. But for the cooperation between the government and other countries, the title of charitable businessman will give Lin Feng a lot of advantages. In this way, Lin Feng spent a small sum of money to earn a good reputation.

Damn, is he going to be cheaper this time? Bush has a gloomy face.

"No, President, if the jury finds that he is donating money and trading with North Korea for the sake of charity and humanitarianism, then he is not spending a small sum of money and earning a great reputation. It's about making a lot of money and making a reputation! " Isko came over with a gloomy face.

"What do you mean?" Rice asked, frowning.

"He will make a huge claim on us!" Said ISCO, looking ugly.

Sure enough!

"Juries, on behalf of my client, I file a total of 127 billion dollars in libel claims against the U.S. government!" In a word, Ron directly shocked the four seats to claim 127 billion US dollars, which is probably the most expensive compensation in all compensation cases. Is it just that the jury will agree? The jury is unlikely to bankrupt the US government!

"However, as my client deeply understands what forgiveness means, he is willing to forgive the US government for its compensation." Ron said with a smile.

The crowd heaved a sigh. It seems that Ron also understands this truth.

"Just, I hope President Bush, on behalf of the US government, personally apologizes to me!" But Lin Feng added a word.

FUCK! Bush directly pinched Rice's hand out of shape.