Many agents gathered to catch Liu Yifei. But everyone's eyes are sweeping Lin Feng. They want to see what will happen to Lin Feng, who has never suffered a loss in the hands of the FBI? Did he witness Liu Yifei and others being captured, or did he forcibly intervene and then be captured with himself?

"President Bush, you are forcing me! But I advise you not to push me! " Lin Feng sneers.

Bush gave a scornful smile. Now that he has the absolute upper hand, he doesn't believe it. Lin Feng can turn the world upside down.

"Lin Feng, I'm forcing you now. How about that?" "What else do you want?" Bush sneered

Lin Feng laughed.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want everyone to step back." Lin Feng sneered, "President Bush, how about taking a step back?"

"Each step back? Lin Feng, you are not qualified to say this at the moment! " Bush disdains to say. Now that he has the upper hand, he will not easily pass Lin Feng. Over the years, every time Lin Feng got the upper hand, he chased and beat hard, which made him extremely embarrassed. This time, he won the upper hand. How could he let Lin Feng off easily.

Lin Feng smiles and reaches out to Li Rui. Then Li Rui handed Lin Feng something similar to a digital camera. Then Lin Feng hooked up to Bush and motioned him to come.

"What do you want, Lin Feng?" Bush frowned and didn't know what Lin Feng wanted.

"Ha ha, President Bush, I advise you to come and have a look. Otherwise, if it's exposed, it's not good for you. " Lin fengxiao said.

Bush frowned. I don't know what medicine Lin fenghuli sold, but after thinking about it, he came over and looked over. Bush's face turned ugly.

"When did you take this picture?" Bush drinks low.

What did he see? He saw the embarrassment of his alliance with rice. Damn, how can Lin Feng have this picture in his hand. blamed!

"Ha ha, just now I used the camera function of the military telescope to take pictures. President Bush, what do you think this picture would be like if it were distributed? " Lin Feng said with a smile, "if the first lady of the United States saw it, what would it be like?"

Bush's face was gloomy.

"Are you threatening me?" Bush drinks low.

"No, it's not a threat. It's just an exchange. They don't need to go to the police station, and I'll give you the negative of this picture. " Lin fengxiao said.

"It's impossible!" Bush gritted his teeth. It's not easy for him to have a chance to clean the forest. How can he let it go easily.

"Impossible? I'm sorry. I'm afraid this photo will be distributed all over the world. Everyone will see it. I'm afraid it's really bad. And Feifei, if they are arrested, there will be no prison, so I think it's a fair deal. " Lin fengxiao said.

Bush had a gloomy face and said nothing.

"What's the matter, President?" Rice saw Bush's bad face and asked.

"Look Bush handed the photo to rice to watch.

Rice's face darkened after watching it. She is very clear about the lethality of this picture. If it is published, it will be very embarrassing between her and bush. And it is likely to lead to the recurrence of the Clinton scandal. At that time, not only her but also Bush's future would be affected. Especially, if Laura accuses bush of being unfaithful to love, it will be the end.

"President, this negative must be brought back." Rice whispered.

Bush nodded. He naturally understood the lethality of the picture. But he was not willing to let Lin Feng go.

"President, we can go to trouble Lin Feng about this plane collision. So let him go this time. If we can prove that Lin Feng crashed the plane on purpose, it's definitely much more serious than his several women's affairs. " Rice whispered.

Bush thought and nodded. This kind of photo is absolutely not to be revealed. If you can use the story of Lin Feng's woman, you can get this picture back. That's a good deal. Otherwise, if he investigates the incident of Lin Feng colliding with the plane, what will happen? Lin Feng will take out this picture, and he will be really hard to do.

"OK, Lin Feng, you give me the negative, and that's all they have to do." Bush said coldly.

Lin Feng smiles and hands the digital camera to Bush.

"Everything's in here. I don't have any negatives on my side. And my character, I believe, is absolutely trustworthy. " Lin fengxiao said.

Bush nodded and took the digital camera. Lin Feng's character, even he, must be admitted. This guy's character is really trustworthy. What he said, it can't be wrong. It's true. Bush handed the photo to rice.

"Director Mueller, forget about this incident. Because of Lin Feng's concern, they did something out of the ordinary, but they didn't make a big impact, so let it go. " Bush said.

Director Mueller knows very well that Lin Feng must have caught President Bush on something, which is why Bush had to submit. In this regard, director Mueller can only compromise. He is Bush's next of kin, so he has to do what Bush tells him.

Then, director Mueller waved his hand and let many agents go.

"Boss!" The women immediately gathered around Lin Feng and looked at Bush and director Mueller with indignation on their faces.

Lin Feng patted the women's hands and gave them a smile. If we can solve this problem this time, we should stop making unnecessary mistakes. If you don't have this picture, you'll be in real trouble this time. Avril, they are collectively taken back to the police station and accused of assaulting the airport, which will be really troublesome. Fortunately, this picture was taken before, which made Bush afraid. Of course, it's not over.

"President Bush, there's one more thing that hasn't been dealt with. My identity! You can't really let me set up a tent here! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Tent? Brother Lin, if you want to set up a tent here, then we will also set up a tent here! " Huang Meixi and others yelled.

Bush's face changed. They all set up tents here. That's ridiculous. If so, the face of the United States will be lost.

"Director Mueller, help Lin Feng arrange a temporary visa!" Bush said coldly.

Director Mueller nodded helplessly. Immediately, he ordered his subordinates to give Lin Feng a temporary visa. Although the FBI is not the Immigration Department, they can still apply for such temporary visa. Otherwise, it would not be called the most powerful intelligence agency in the United States.

"Well, let's go!" Lin Feng took the visa, called everyone, and then waved to Bush, "Mr. President, I'll see you in court in a few days!"

Bush's face was black and gray.

"Lin Feng, don't be too proud. If you find out about the plane collision, you did it on purpose. I don't think it's possible for you to leave America in your life. " Rice said with a sneer that she would not let bush be humiliated.

Lin Feng smiles, waves, and leaves with Avril.

"Well! Director Mueller, order a thorough investigation of the collision! I want to know the whole story! " Bush gritted his teeth.

"I see, president! Never let go of any clues, never let go of any clues! " Chief Muller, yes.

"All right, President, let's go. The court will appear in a few days. We need to discuss the countermeasures. " Said rice, frowning.

Bush changed his face, thought about it, and finally sighed. It's really frustrating to be the first American president to appear in court in the history of the United States.

"Don't worry, president. Lin Feng will bow to you sooner or later. At that time, sooner or later, he will be playing in the palm of his hand! Al Qaeda will make him surrender to us. " Rice reassured.

President Bush breathed a sigh and patted Rice's hand. He was in a better mood. If there were not many people here, he would hold rice. With rice as a confidant, he felt that his previously gloomy life had color, and the world had become much more beautiful.

As for the future of him and rice, two years later. When he comes down from the presidency, it's easy to say. At that time, no matter what he does, the outside world will not say much. Even if it is said, it is nothing. After all, he was no longer president of the United States. What he wants to do has nothing to do with the US government.

On the other side.

"Boss, are you ok?" All the women in the car touched Lin Feng from head to foot. Just now, they had no chance to care about the safety of Lin Feng. Now they have time. Finally, from head to toe, Lin Feng didn't have any accidents. It made them breathe.

"It's OK, but my plane is specially equipped with air bags. As long as it doesn't crash directly from an altitude of more than 1000 meters, I'll be fine basically. On the contrary, it was President Bush. This time, he was scared. Ha ha, you don't know how ridiculous President Bush looked at that time! " Lin Feng laughed.

"Boss, do you have a picture? Do you have any pictures? " All the women want to know what Bush looked like at that time!

Lin Feng smiles.

"I'm really sorry. I gave all the negatives to Bush, so I didn't have any." Lin Feng shrugged.

The women sighed.

"Of course, there is no negative, but you can still see it if you want to see it." With a mysterious smile, Lin Feng takes out a picture.

"What is this?" All the girls frown. In this picture, we can see an airplane, a damaged airplane. In addition, we can see a damaged wing in front of us. What's going on?

"Ha ha, I'll go home later. Zoom in!" Lin Feng laughs.

After returning to the hotel, the women immediately enlarged the photo on the computer.

Ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ a burst of laughter came. The women clapped the table in front of the computer and laughed all the time. It's too much Coke. It's too much Coke. Bush looks so cool.

"Boss, it needs to be known that your credit will be damaged. And it will get Bush's revenge! " Li Rui worried.

"Don't worry, I'll seal this photo later. As for the damaged credit, in fact, this photo is a damaged wing. Who could have predicted that Bush would be photographed. So, it was an accident! " Lin Feng laughs.