"Boss, there's a signal!" Li Rui said happily.

As a modern soldier, Li Rui felt blind after being completely blocked for two days. And this feeling, for him, is not a good taste. Now he finally got in touch with the outside world again, which made Li Rui feel like seeing the blue sky through the clouds.

Soon, Lin Feng's phone rang wildly. After two days of complete blockade, all of Lin Feng's friends were almost crazy, dialing Lin Feng's phone. This is usually not necessarily something to find Lin Feng, but once can not find Lin Feng, it is urgent. Especially now Lin Feng has made so much noise, accusing the U.S. government in California, and asking President Bush to appear in court. This is a big event for the entire Chinese community.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter? I can't get in touch with you these two days, but I'm worried. This time, you are too good to accuse the U.S. government, ha ha, too good! " Zong Qinghou calls, which is filled with excited laughter, which is really rare for Zong Qinghou, who was born as an industrial worker.

Lin Feng smiles faintly. Now it's not the last step. It's not sure whether Bush will appear in California court. Ten million votes to go. This is really hard.

"Brother Feng, you are so handsome! I support you, absolutely support you Tang Jiacheng also called and was extremely happy.

Lin Feng's friends call one after another, in addition to expressing support and concern, they are also trying their best to help Lin Feng. Their goal is to let President Bush go to the high court in California. They want to see the president of the United States appear in court.

After hanging up these calls, Lin Feng first talked to Avril and them on the phone, and briefly talked about their current situation. After reassuring them, Lin Feng called Ron.

"Well, I see. Give the call to Governor Schwarzenegger!" After understanding the current predicament, Lin Feng said.

"Lin, you know my situation. If I stand up at this time, it will represent my break with Bush, not only that, but also my break with many people in the Republican Party. " Schwarzenegger had a dignified face.

Schwarzenegger is now popular in California, with a 68% approval rating for the first time in the history of California. His green energy and environmental protection policies are very popular with the public. Although Schwarzenegger has not been able to reduce California's deficit as he would like, the state still has a lot of expectations. If he wants to raise his voice, there will be a lot of people voting.

But Schwarzenegger has concerns. He's a Republican, and if he breaks with Bush, the Republican representative, it's really costly.

"Governor Schwarzenegger, I know your concerns. But don't worry, I can guarantee that you have enough money to serve as the next governor. " Lin Feng said with confidence.

"Lin, you have money, but your money can't be donated to me. 1000 dollars at most! " Schwarzenegger frowned. This is the legal limit. The maximum political contribution of any consortium or individual is only $1000. It's also about preventing politicians from serving a consortium or an individual.

"Oh, Schwarzenegger, you are also from Hollywood. I don't know how many superstars there are in Hollywood. Maybe you know better than me. But I know more about how many ordinary actors there are in Hollywood than you. I have contracts for more than 80000 ordinary Hollywood actors in my hands. If they donate $1000 each, that's $80 million. Enough for you to campaign! " Lin fengxiao said.

Schwarzenegger's eyes suddenly shine, as in Terminator 2, when Schwarzenegger's Future Warrior comes on the stage.

"I'll hold a party in a few days, when you come to speak, I hope that with your lobbying, they can raise money." Lin Feng said with a smile. After a laugh, Lin Feng's face tightened. "You are hopeless for the next president. But I promise to let the next president amend the constitution as much as possible! "

Schwarzenegger's heart at the moment has been filled with great joy, he has been completely convinced by Lin Feng. Enough political contributions for him to run several more times, plus lobbying for the next president to amend the U.S. Constitution. This satisfied Schwarzenegger. Therefore, he is willing to take risks for Lin Feng.

"Don't worry, Lin. I'm going to hold a press conference and call on the citizens of California to vote." Schwarzenegger hung up the phone, after some combing, excitedly to the press conference site.

At the moment, there are not many journalists here. But Schwarzenegger was not in a hurry. Lao Shen was sitting on the rostrum of the press conference, waiting for many reporters. Soon, after hearing that Schwarzenegger had important news to announce, reporters rushed over. Schwarzenegger also stood up when many reporters arrived.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad you can come here today, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed today!" Schwarzenegger's tall figure stands on the rostrum, which is particularly towering. In California, Schwarzenegger's high approval rating is due to his screen image. On the film screen, he has always been a superhero, the representative of the tough guy. Therefore, the citizens of California also hope that their governor can help California out of the predicament and have a brighter future.

"California citizens, here, I want to elaborate one thing, that is, the legislative spirit of the United States! Our country is the most advanced country in the world, and also the most free, democratic and fair country. The laws of our country give each of us the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to pursue happiness, and the ownership of property. And this Law comes from the declaration of independence during the founding of the people's Republic of China. " Schwarzenegger said in a loud voice that every reporter on the scene saw the shadow of the powerful, rigid and upright robot in the terminator.

"President Washington has said that human rights are innate! And it's not just about Americans. I believe that everyone on this earth has such a right. This is the most basic right as a human being. Although we also know that there are many governments on the earth, for various reasons, they can not do this, they can not let their people enjoy such basic rights of life. But we in America can make all our people enjoy the basic rights of life. And it can also give every friendly foreigner who comes to the United States such rights. We will protect his rights. " Schwarzenegger said that the topic gradually came to the point, "and Lin Feng, the largest foreign investor and the most legitimate taxpayer in California, suffered unfair treatment in the United States."

The eyes of many reporters were shocked. When they heard this, they didn't know that Schwarzenegger was going to stand on Lin Feng's side and shout for Lin Feng. He is against President Bush! They are all Republicans! Although there are often intrigues among Republicans, it is rare for such a thing to happen between a governor and a president.

Is this a complete break?

"It is well known that Al Qaeda committed a devastating tragedy on 9 / 11, resulting in the killing of thousands of innocent people. But in this tragedy, Mr. Lin Feng played a hero, a standard Hollywood hero. He alone, together with Britain's Prince William, successfully prevented a vicious act of Al Qaeda leader bin Laden. If it wasn't for Mr. Lin, I'm afraid there would be no landmark New York twin towers at the moment. Later, Mr. Lin reported the exact location of Al Qaeda bin Laden, helping the US government successfully get rid of the terrorist leader who made the righteous people all over the world angry. Mr. Lin should have been a hero, but now the hero is in a state of constant panic because of the stupid behavior of our government. " Schwarzenegger clenched his fist.

"How terrible al Qaeda is. I have a set of data here. After 9 / 11, Al Qaeda planned 49 terrorist attacks in the United States, but only three succeeded. Although most of them were defeated by the Chinese government, these three accidents still caused more than 100 casualties. With such a powerful intelligence capability of our country, Al Qaeda still succeeds. What about Lin Feng, such an ordinary businessman? " Schwarzenegger said with an angry face, "no matter whether Lin Feng may have an affair with a terrorist organization as Secretary Rice said, but from a legal point of view, he is an informer. Our country should protect his right to privacy instead of divulging it to threaten his life. This is a serious dereliction of duty of our government, so I think that as the head of government, President Bush should stand on the court to be tried. "

"Over the past two days, I have heard many people say that it is humiliating for the president to be tried in court, especially the lawsuit brought by the Chinese people. In my opinion, this is absolutely ridiculous. Natural human rights! If Lin Feng is persecuted in the United States, he naturally has the right to sue. As the head of the United States, the symbol of the United States, and the embodiment of the American spirit, President Bush should stand up. So, I'm here to call on all citizens of California to come and vote for President Bush in court! Accept the trial of American law! Natural human rights Schwarzenegger raised his arm.

Natural human rights!

This sentence soon spread to every corner of California in the slogan of many reporters. In Schwarzenegger's speech, the number of voters soared. In the twinkling of an eye, it broke through tens of millions of people, and the number of people per minute is still increasing.

Asshole! Asshole! Is he crazy! President Bush got the news and yelled. He never thought that Schwarzenegger would break with him so openly and stand on his opposite side.