Lin Feng's lawyer, Ron, appeared at Rice's news conference. Is Lin Feng ashamed? All the reporters looked at Ron to see what explanation he could give. Why is he here at this stall.

"Ha ha, in fact, there is nothing to explain, the only explanation is coincidence!" Ron ha ha a smile, "just as my client accidentally know bin Laden's news, are coincidences."

"Coincidence! What a coincidence Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

"Ha ha, I'm here to handle a case. As a result, I happened to see his Excellency the Secretary of state holding a press conference here, so I listened in. You said, "it's not a coincidence!" Ron laughs and takes out a document.

Rice frowned and gave a cold smile.

"You want to cover it up!" Rice said sarcastically.

Ron laughs.

"The public has its own judgment as to whether it wants to cover up. So, today is your home, so I won't be here. Goodbye, everyone Ron left with a slight bow.

A lot of reporters Click to take cross talk and take photos crazily. Ron's gone, but it's not over. They believe that it will be a big deal in the end. Secretary Rice will certainly not let Lin Feng off like this.

Sure enough! After Lin Feng left, rice continued to make a speech.

"Just now, Lin Feng's lawyer happened to be here. He happened to listen in to my press conference and make some remarks. In short, there are many coincidences in this world! But what I want to say is that the world is so coincidental. Lin Feng happened to appear on the plane kidnapped by Al Qaeda at the beginning, and then destroyed bin Laden's plan. Finally, Lin Feng discovered bin Laden's trace and informed the US government. It's a coincidence. And recently, we have also seized some information, very important information! " Rice's brow was serious.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have recently received some information that in Somalia, the country with the most rampant piracy in the world, dozens of freighters are detained every year, forcing navies of all countries to go to Somalia to escort their freighters." Secretary Rice said coldly.

Many reporters were surprised. Didn't Lin Feng's freighter be intercepted?

"No, Lin Feng's freighters have also been intercepted a lot in recent years. According to our statistics, there are about eight of them." Secretary Rice snorted coldly, "these eight freighters were finally released, but it's strange that the cargo of three of them disappeared. Most of these goods are grain, medicine and other substances. Therefore, we have reason to suspect that Lin Feng colluded with the Somali pirates and deliberately sent materials to them! Therefore, we have every reason to refuse Lin Feng's landing in the United States. This is the reason why I refused to sign for Lin Feng. If Lin Feng has any dissatisfaction, he can come up with evidence to prove his innocence. "

Many reporters wrote down rice's words one after another. Today's news conference is too strong. The bin Laden reported by Lin Feng made bin Laden arrested. Then Lin Feng's freighter was captured by Somalia, and some of the freighters lost their material, which may help the Somali pirates. These news are enough to shake the world.

Soon, the world's major mainstream media reported on Lin Feng's report of bin Laden. However, it was not too crazy for the media to report that Lin Feng's freighter had been detained by Somalia and lost several freighters. After all, people on the other side of Somalia are very poor, and they are in a state of food famine. The freighters on your side are all transporting food and medicine. It's strange that they are not robbed. This is far more convenient than extorting some money. After all, extorting dollars takes a long time, and also takes some risks. And this full ship of grain, direct unloading is money.

Therefore, this news is not worth reporting to reporters. On the contrary, it is even more surprising that Lin Feng reported bin Laden. How does Lin Feng know the whereabouts of bin Laden? This really makes all journalists curious.

"Son of a bitch! Boss, she is pushing you to the top! After that, you are in trouble! " Li Rui said angrily.

Since bin Laden was killed, Al Qaeda has been plotting revenge against the United States. However, due to the high alert of the United States, there are few opportunities for Al Qaeda to succeed, and even many al Qaeda members can not enter the United States at all. Now, Secretary Rice has revealed that Lin Feng is behind all this, which gives al Qaeda a chance to avenge bin Laden.

It's not easy for Al Qaeda to seek revenge from the United States, but it's easy to find Lin Feng. Lin Feng travels around the world every year. It's too easy to find revenge for him. Of course, there are many bodyguards around Lin Feng, and revenge will not be easy. But al Qaeda is a terrorist organization. They have no bottom line for revenge. What should they do when they find Lin Feng's relatives? Lin Feng's confidant is the most suitable target. When Lin Zhiling was kidnapped by Chechnya in Moscow, Lin Feng was furious, which is well known in the world.

Lin Feng cares so much about her confidant, which is the target of Al Qaeda's revenge. Moreover, Lin Feng's confidants basically have their own lives. For example, Avril has a concert every year, Jessica has to film every year, and Sharapova has to go to the global competition every year. These are al Qaeda's best targets.

Secretary Rice's heart is to blame for announcing the news!

Lin Feng is also gloomy. Secretary Rice's move is too vicious. This old maid is so vicious. I sold her a few old maidens. As for the insidious revenge. As for the cooperation between China and Libya, it is not so dirty! But things have happened, so we can only look forward.

"President Bush, you're not following the original agreement." Lin Feng directly called to question bush. When Lin Feng reported to Bush at the beginning, he made an agreement not to disclose his identity. But now rice has revealed her identity, which can break the agreement.

Bush has long expected Lin Feng's call.

"Mr. Lin, we naturally abide by this agreement. But you shouldn't have angered Secretary Rice several times. You should be aware that when a woman is provoked, she will lose her mind. I promise that my government is a little sorry for you. I apologize to you Bush rarely made a formal apology to Lin Feng. As a result, his apology, Lin Feng behind the censure words, are speechless. But it's not enough to stop Lin Feng.

"President Bush, I don't want to hear that now. What I want to hear is how to make up for the terrible consequences that this incident has brought to me and my family!" Lin Feng said coldly, "if you don't give me an explanation, I will directly appeal to the U.S. government for breaking its promise!"

"Mr. Lin, what you can do now is not to be angry, but to think calmly about how to solve this problem. I propose that you now fully cooperate with us. Together, we will eradicate al Qaeda, and you will never have to worry about any more problems. " Bush said in a deep voice.

Lin Feng frowned. To fully cooperate with the United States is not to put a ring around one's neck. As long as he agrees to this cooperation, Bush can always use al Qaeda to coerce him into doing something. This certainly includes cooperation with Gaddafi and many other things that are inconvenient for the US government to come forward. At that time, I am afraid I will become a puppet. Rich as he is, he is at the mercy of others.

"President Bush, do you think Lin Feng is a fool! You lead me by the nose, and I'll be a puppet, controlled by you! " Lin Feng said sarcastically.

Bush gave a faint smile. It's not surprising that Lin Feng saw through their tricks. If you can't see through it, Lin Feng won't be the richest man in the world. But Lin Feng can't crack it. Al Qaeda has been hidden in the Middle East, and the US government has no way. Lin Feng has been exposed to the gun of Al Qaeda. If he wants to prevent his family from being invaded by Al Qaeda, he must cooperate with the US government.

So, it's a plot. Even if Lin Feng knew it was a conspiracy, what could he do! As for litigation, it's ridiculous. At the beginning, the two sides did not sign any agreement, just an oral agreement, and there was no recording evidence to prove the agreement. Therefore, Lin Feng could not sue the US government. He can only work with the US government!

"I'll wait for your good news, Mr. Lin. By the way, finally, I want to remind you that Al Qaeda has been brewing big moves recently. You should be careful. " Bush lightly reminded that he hung up with a good chance of winning.

Shameless! Lin Feng can only comment on Bush in this way. This guy is so shameless. It's shameless to use al Qaeda to coerce cooperation.

"What to do, boss?" Li Rui also has a dignified face.

In recent years, "Langya" has been developing rapidly overseas. In addition to participating in civil wars, many of them are responsible for protecting the security of the rich in some war-torn countries. Among them, "Langya" has been dealing with terrorist organizations like al Qaeda. There have been many fierce battles between the two sides, and he is very aware of the horrors of Al Qaeda. The structure of these organizations is extremely tight, and the will hides in the dark, just like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. Once you get a chance, you will have a bite. Lin Feng is being targeted by Al Qaeda. There will be a lot of trouble.

In terms of Li Rui's comprehensive consideration, regardless of the underlying interests, cooperation with the US government is the best result. The intelligence capability of the US government is the first in the world, which is proved by numerous facts. However, it is obviously impractical for Lin Feng to cooperate with the United States. It's like an eagle flying freely in the sky with shackles around its neck.

But if we don't cooperate, there's only one way to go - to destroy al Qaeda.