"This supervisor, please show me your identification?" Lin Feng spread out his hand and said, "of course, if your ID is also left in the office, I can wait for you to get it."

The director has a gloomy face. This next what words all said by Lin Feng, still let him can say what! Do you really say that you forgot your ID? It had to be laughed to death. Did Lin Feng see through their identities? The director had a jump in his mind. This guess is not impossible. They have dealt with Lin Feng so many times. They are familiar with Lin Feng, and Lin Feng is also familiar with them. It is not impossible for them to be recognized by Lin Feng.

Think of this, the director also has a decision. Since the identity has been identified, there is nothing to hide, business!

"Mr. Lin, we are the FBI. Now please come and help with the investigation." The director pulled out his FBI ID.

The four camouflaged security guards were stunned, instinctively with the director took out their own FBI documents. Although they are still not clear in their hearts, what is the matter, but the director has taken out, they also show their identity.

Lin Feng's eyebrows are picked, and he laughs.

"I just said it was the airport security, but now it's the FBI. Hehe, this is really interesting. Wait a minute, will you say that you are zenith people from deep in the Milky way Lin Feng joked.

The supervisor frowned. The zenith of the galaxy, he knows. It's from the cartoon fortress in the sky, which was once popular all over the world. As a middle-aged man from that era, he naturally saw the film "Battlestar". It's also the pride of Americans.

In fact, the predecessor of "Battlestar" is the animation "Fortress beyond time" from Japan, which is a kind of animation based on giant robot war. A total of trilogy has been launched, but none of them has much to do with each other. It's a completely different series. Although it was popular in Japan, it was far from as popular as the later blockbuster.

Later, the golden harmony company of the United States bought the copyright of the trilogy, then recompiled it, and endowed it with the thinking mode and image of Westerners. Finally, the blockbuster appeared, which later became popular all over the world. Of course, he himself is also a big fan of "Battlestar", and he is very fanatical. He is very happy that someone usually discusses "Battlestar" with him. But at the moment, he is not happy to be described by Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, please come with us." The director said in a cold voice.

But Lin Feng shook his head.

"I have the right to refuse you to go for a while, the security guard and the FBI. Unless you can prove your identity, there is absolutely no problem. " Lin Feng hugged his shoulder and said, "also, even if you prove that you are indeed the FBI and want me to go with you, you must wait for my lawyer to come!"

The supervisor frowned. However, today they have to carry out the orders issued by their superiors and expel Lin Feng back to China.

"Mr. Lin, since you are not willing to cooperate, I will tell you that your visa has expired. You will not be able to land in the United States! Now, we will officially inform you that you will be repatriated to China. If you have any doubts, you can go to the immigration department. If we want to use legal means, we also welcome it. In short, you can't land on US territory right now. " The director said bluntly.

All these things have been done. Lin Feng's visa has been cancelled. It is an expired visa, so Lin Feng has no right to land in the United States. If Lin Feng wants to make trouble, they will do business. 100 FBI agents have been ambushed here. At the same time, as Los Angeles International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world, after "911", a special mobile team has been set up here, ready to come to reinforce.

Therefore, if Lin Feng refuses to accept and wants to make trouble, they will accompany him. The prison in America is waiting for Lin Feng!

what! Visa expired! Lin Zhiling and others all exclaimed. In particular, Lin Zhiling, as the Chief Secretary of Lin Feng, is personally responsible for all the major events of Lin Feng's trip. This visa is the most important thing. How can it be expired!

"No way! Our boss's visa still has one year to apply again, it can't be expired! You must have made a mistake Lin Zhiling cried out in fluent English.

"Sorry, that's what we were told. Mr. Lin, your visa has expired. So, unfortunately, you can't land on US territory this time. If you want to come back to the United States, please re apply to the immigration department. We are responsible for your repatriation. You can take your own private plane home, or we can arrange the latest flight for you. " The director said in a cold voice.

"Complaints! I'm going to complain! " Lin Zhiling exclaimed excitedly, "I will go to the embassy to complain about you!"

"Do as you please! We're just doing business! " The director said calmly.

This time it was Secretary Rice who made the decision in person. From the Immigration Department to the FBI, all procedures have been legalized. He never believed that Lin Feng could make a difference.

"Boss, I'll call the embassy now!" Lin Zhiling said that she was about to make a phone call.

"Well, don't dial. I believe it's no use dialing. They're going to eat me today. " Lin Feng waved his hand and stopped Lin Zhiling from making a meaningless call. Associating with rice's threat not long ago, Lin Feng believes that rice has arranged this situation. I'm trying to fix myself. But this time, I really hurt myself.

It's really a headache not to be able to log in to the United States. The United States is the core of the world economy and a superpower. If Lin Feng can't enter the United States, it will be very troublesome. Many businesses will not be carried out normally and must be handled by others. In this way, Lin Feng will lose control of the whole consortium. Maybe one year, two years, can't understand. But over time, that's different.

This move is very damaging!

Just then, Lin Feng's phone rang.

"Mr. Lin, I hear you have some trouble with the immigration department." Secretary Rice called.

Lin Feng's mouth is crooked. It seems that this old maid should be around here.

"Secretary Rice, I really have to admire you. It's a way to do it. Of course, I have to admit that I'm in a bit of trouble now. " Lin Feng said slowly.

"Mr. Lin, as you said before, you will not interfere in the affairs of Libya any more, and you will have no obstruction. Of course, at the same time, you must apologize to me for your improper remarks! " Secretary Rice said coldly.

Old maid! At the thought of this title, Secretary Rice is not angry. She is so old that she has never been scolded like this. Women are always the most stingy. If she doesn't get revenge, she doesn't deserve to be Secretary of state of the United States.

"Ha ha, I said, don't I scold you an old maid? As for this, I don't care! To be honest, Ms. Rice, I'm really ashamed of you! " Lin Feng continued to stimulate rice.

"Lin Feng! Don't push your inch here. I can tell you that this time you can't come, next time it's your employees. I can tell you clearly that in the future, I can make your company unavailable! " Rice growled on the other end of the phone.

On one side, director Mueller was scared back by his sudden outburst of fierce breath. I don't know what happened to Lin Feng. He made Secretary Rice so angry. It's really amazing. However, to annoy rice, a powerful woman, I'm afraid Lin Feng won't be able to do well in the future. However, this is also a good thing for director Mueller. I miss him as the director of the FBI, but I've been beaten by Lin Feng. It's really a bit bad luck. It's also a great thing for a woman as powerful as Secretary Rice to deal with Lin Feng.

"Secretary Rice, if you say that, I'm afraid the United States will have no citizens in the future. Most of the people in our company are Americans. You can expel them from the United States. " Lin Fengyou said, "of course, you have the right. But I also have my rights. All actions of our company in the United States are protected by American laws. So, do as you like! " The wind of the forest never fell.

If you don't want to come to the United States, you want to force yourself into submission, which is too retarded. This small matter, can force oneself, that is too ridiculous.

"In that case, you go first. Remember, everything goes according to plan. On my side, I'll find a way! " Lin Feng told Lin Zhiling.

"Be careful, boss." Lin Zhiling and others don't know what Lin Feng can do, but they believe in Lin Feng. They believe that Lin Feng has a solution to everything. This is a belief brought by all the miracles that have happened to Lin Feng in recent years.

It is said that the Chinese people are a nation without faith, so they are a terrible nation. But actually, for Lin Zhiling, they are not. What they believe in is Lin Feng.

"Li Rui, send some people to protect them." Lin Feng said.

Li Rui nodded and waved his hand. Dozens of people followed Lin Zhiling and left the customs.

FBI agent director frowned slightly, did not stop. Their target is Lin Feng, not the security guard. In fact, even if they obstruct, I'm afraid it won't be of much use. Lin Feng can hire a lot of such people in the United States. Moreover, most of the people like "wolf teeth" can sneak into the United States, so they don't have to pay any attention to these little shrimps.

"Well, let's go first." Lin Feng turns around and takes Li Rui and others back to the "wings of the wind.".

"Director, now that Lin Feng is on the plane, what shall we do?" The director reports to director Mueller.

Director Mueller looks at Secretary Rice.

Secretary Rice frowned. Lin Feng's behavior is strange. Is he really not coming to America? No, as far as she knows about Lin Feng, Lin Feng's woman is going to have her birthday soon. Lin Feng must come here to celebrate her birthday, so Lin Feng will never fail to come.

"Keep an eye on him, I'll see what tricks he wants to play!" Secretary Rice said in a cold voice.