Gaddafi praised the Chinese workers for a while. He praised the Chinese workers that there is no such family in the sky and there is only one on the earth. In this regard, Lin Feng was very calm and received this praise on behalf of Chinese workers.

As far as Lin Feng is concerned, Chinese workers are the most hardworking in the world. As long as they can pay their wages on time, they will definitely do their best to do everything well, and work hard. That's what they deserve.

"President Gaddafi, if you can, give them some air conditioning, ice drinks and so on. I think it's better for them. " Lin fengxiao said.

"Ha ha, Lin, since you have spoken and they have satisfied me so much, don't worry, I will meet these requirements. But air conditioners need to be imported. It takes time. Ice drinks will soon be solved. " Gaddafi promised.

For Gaddafi, money is not a problem. These are just underground oil. Although the oil resources are limited, it will take Libya at least 50 years to extract all the oil. Besides, besides oil resources, there are also huge natural gas resources. All these resources have been mined out. Don't even think about it for hundreds of years.

One hundred years later, in Gaddafi's mind, Libya has long become Switzerland in Africa, an African Arab country with high value-added industries. At that time, Libya will no longer live on resources. So now he has a wish that these Chinese workers can complete the construction faster and better, build two railways across the whole country for Libya, as well as enough schools and hospitals, as well as telecommunications facilities. For this reason, he would rather pay more.

"Air conditioning? This is simple. Our air conditioners in China are always of high quality and low price. I'll contact you then, and you can talk about it then. " Without thinking about it, Lin Feng made a promise. China's air conditioning, needless to say, Gree is absolutely the best. Its quality may not be as good as that of Daikin and Mitsubishi, but its cost performance is the highest. Libya, don't need to buy Daikin and Mitsubishi, Gree is enough.

After all, they are Chinese, so there is no reason to recommend Japanese brands.

"Well, thank you very much. By the way, apart from what we talked about before, we also help to build some buildings at one time. There are government departments as well as non-governmental ones. I heard that you own a real estate company, so I entrust you with this. When do you want someone to talk about it? " Gaddafi threw another order contract.

"Ha, thank you very much. I'll send someone to talk about it in two days." Lin fengxiao said. It's really pie in the sky. Of course, this pie is a gift from Gaddafi. It's compensation for helping him lobby Italy and import arms from Russia. After all, in the middle of this, Lin Feng did not ask for any return, Gaddafi is not good to give money directly, then give yourself an order.

"Lin, after all, you are my brother. If there's anything, you can talk about it later. I'll do it for you if I can. " Gaddafi laughed.

"President Gaddafi, don't worry, if there is a need, I will speak!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, that's it. Hang up. Talk later! Remember, come to me for tea when you have time! " Gaddafi laughed and hung up.

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile. This Gaddafi is really good. Despite the serious consequences of his stubborn opposition to the United States, he is worth making friends with. Of course, to make friends with him, we have to accept his paranoid character. But isn't it a celebrity who said that only a paranoid can make friends with a paranoid.

As it happens, I am also a paranoid!

"Boss, what's the matter, so happy?" Lin Zhiling asked curiously.

"Ha ha, nothing. Gaddafi just gave me a big gift." Lin Feng laughed, grabbed the phone and called Ivanka, "Hi, Ivanka, Libya, I received an order. President Gaddafi invited us to help him build some government office buildings and residential quarters. You see, I'll come over and have a talk recently. "

"Ah! Libya Ivanka is a little dizzy. All the people in China are still busy. Nowadays, the domestic real estate industry is in full swing. Every month, no, it should be said that house prices are rising every day, not only in one city, but also in the whole China. During this period, second real estate can't keep busy at all. It has no energy to do things abroad. I can't make all the money in China.

"Well, Ivanka, I know that the domestic real estate is now like sitting on a rocket. It will soar into the sky, and it can't land. But I don't plan to make much money in domestic real estate. I promised Mr. Xi that I would let the house price fall smoothly. Although I may not be able to do it, I always try my best. Therefore, if you have a chance to earn money from abroad, you should first earn money from abroad. For domestic enterprises, they can hoard land first. And Gaddafi's money is overdue. " Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"All right, all right. But that place is not safe. I dare not go alone. If you want to go, you must accompany me. " Ivanka muttered.

Libya, in the eyes of the Americans, is a war-torn, backward and barbaric country. She didn't dare to negotiate.

"Well, I'm going to Africa in a few days anyway. Let's go there together. So, I'm in Monaco now. You can arrange the company's affairs, then fly to Monaco, and we'll go there together. " Lin Feng said.

"I see. I'll book the latest flight. " Ivanka nodded. Since Lin Feng wants to make foreign money to fill the vacancy of the company at home, she has to follow her orders. However, to let the company go abroad is also the development trend of the company in the future. After all, the world is very big, and the third world countries are in urgent need of development. In the process of development, it is their real estate companies that have opportunities.

Later, Lin Feng stayed in Monaco for two days. While waiting for Ivanka to arrive, I was also thinking hard about how to help Monaco spend the 245 million euro! It's not easy to spend the money without being noticed by the outside world!

"Haven't you thought of a way?" Asked Albert II.

Lin Feng nodded helplessly.

Albert II also has a headache. It's not easy to do. As he is the prince of the royal family of Monaco, the club of Monaco can not buy these players in his name, otherwise it will be investigated by the laws of Monaco. Although all the countries of Monaco belong to the royal family of Monaco, they belong to the royal family, not to Albert II alone. If he wants to misuse money, other members of the royal family will certainly form an investigation team to investigate. Then it could come to light. So, he can't help.

"Let your confidants help you?" Albert II proposed.

Lin Feng shook his head. I've thought about this method, but it's not reliable. No matter Avril or Jessica, no matter who receives them, they will be investigated by UEFA. After all, the relationship between them and themselves is here, and UEFA is not a fool. It can't let itself toss. This Dortmund has already played the edge ball, already let UEFA a little angry. But in view of the German rigorous, as well as the Bundesliga status quo, as well as Lin Feng's commitment, UEFA also turned a blind eye.

At this time, if there is one more Monaco, it will be hard to say. It is impossible for European Football Association to take action without investigating Lin Feng. It's not going to stop you.

"Ask your friends to help?" Albert II also proposed.

Lin Feng shook his head. Among his friends who have the financial resources, such as Ellison, he is not interested in football. Those who are interested, such as Shi Yuzhu and Zong Qinghou, are not rich enough. Although Zong Qinghou's assets exceeded 40 billion yuan, it was about 4.5 billion US dollars in US dollars. This money is enough to control a football club, but a large part of Zong Qinghou's assets are stocks and real estate. Can it be used?

As for Li Zekai, they already have a Premier League Leeds United, and their energy is limited, so they can't play Monaco any more. You can't force your friends to do what they don't want to do. Of course, you can also choose to use their name to hide behind the scenes. But that's not the way. Once you borrow their names, it's too much trouble to sign them.

"Ah! That's a lot of trouble! " Albert II had a gloomy face. It's too depressing to have money to invest in.

"Well, don't think about it. By the way, I'll pick up the plane." Lin Feng patted Albert II on the shoulder, turned and drove to the airport.

"Hi, Ivanka, it's hard for you to come to Monaco in such a hurry." Lin Feng helped Ivanka to take the luggage with him. Although this matter, generally have airport ground crew to do, but for beauty service, Lin Feng is very happy. Especially this beautiful woman, or help oneself make money subordinate, that is more willing.

It is said that people hate flattery, but everyone likes to be flattered. The only difference is that you are not good at flattering and who you are.

"Oh, so gentlemanly! Oh, I really want to eat lobster Ivanka glances at Lin Feng and stretches to show his hot body. It's really beehive, fat buttocks and waist, which makes men angry.

"Book your seat now!" Lin Feng's eyes swept for a while, and didn't stay too much. Lin Zhiling is still there. This woman, no matter how highly educated, how wise, as long as it involves love, it always comes to one - jealous.

If your eyes stay too much on Ivanka, you have to be jealous. Although Lin Zhiling doesn't make trouble for herself by taking advantage of a problem at work, she will suffer some hardships in private. For example, often tease themselves to no good, and then leave. Lin Feng is always depressed.

So, to be a man, when a woman is around, it's better to be a gentleman, a gentleman, a gentleman!