"What's the matter! What's going on! " Many leaders were furious.

Isn't it that the road has been closed? No one's vehicles can come in for the time being. How can there be any vehicles running in? How dare they block their road! How ridiculous“ The leader of Dalian company got out of the car in a rage. He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to block their way. Besides, he wanted to see who had eaten the bear's heart and the leopard's gall, and dared not obey the order and let people in.

As a result, the leaders got off the bus, the door opened, and several leaders came down.

Lin Feng is also looking at the past, to see what the trouble is, how can there be a leader car collision. As a result, his brow was strange and he was happy. The person in charge of this collision is not others, but Secretary Wang, Lin Feng's old friend.

well! Why is secretary Wang here. Isn't he in Shanghai? Lin Feng has a strange face. How could he not guess what Secretary Wang was doing? It was because he was worried that he was confused by the leaders of the nine provinces, so he came here in a hurry. Just forced in.

"Secretary Wang, why don't you inform me when you come, so that I can send someone to pick up the plane. What's more, the road is closed here today. Is secretary Wang going to leave Hong Kong? Otherwise, I'll make arrangements. Secretary Liu, go and arrange for Secretary Wang to go to sea. Contact him and see what ship he wants. Let him go first! " The leader of Dalian company said in a loud voice.

"Ha ha, Secretary Hou, I dare not trouble you. Actually, today I'm here to pick up our pride from Shanghai. Ah, Mr. Lin, I'm here. The people of Shanghai miss you very much. I have some big projects that I want to talk with you about, so I'm here to pick you up Secretary Wang waved to Lin Feng and walked directly around Secretary Hou.

Secretary Hou's face turned blue with anger. He didn't expect that Secretary Wang really came to rob people. This is too much. It's also their territory. It's too hard for you to come here and rob people. Isn't this a naked face beating.

"Secretary Wang, Secretary Wang!" Secretary Hou quickly walked over and stopped in front of secretary Wang.

"Why, Secretary Hou, I come to pick up our relatives in Shanghai. Do you want to stop me? You are not authentic. Lin Feng is the pride of our Shanghai people and 20 million Shanghai people. I've come to pick up our hero home. Why do you want to stop him? " But Secretary Wang snorted coldly, and then put on airs, "if you talk about the level, you seem to be one level lower than me. In terms of age, I'm older than you. Secretary Hou, in this officialdom, the elders and the juveniles are in order, and the superiors and the inferiors have a share. It's unreasonable for you to stop me like this! "

Secretary Hou's face turned black immediately. This guy actually takes the official position to suppress people. It's a bully to oppress yourself in your own territory. Of course, if it's normal, he's really bullied and has no place to reason. But today, he is not the only leader here. There are also several provincial leaders here. Compared with Secretary Wang, their level is equal.

At present, leaders of several provinces get out of the car.

"Secretary Wang, calm down. Why are you so angry! You see, it's so hot that it's a long way away. Secretary Hou, you should give Secretary Wang a good reception and try your best to be the host. How can you let Secretary Wang stand and talk like this? " A provincial leader came over and said with a smile.

"Yes, as the old saying goes, it's a pleasure to have friends from afar. As a host, how can we not entertain guests well? " Another provincial leader once said.

"Well, yes, Secretary Hou, you are too careless. How can you let the guests be so neglected! Secretary Wang, why don't we treat you to dinner? " The third provincial leader came down.

Secretary Wang frowned. These guys keep biting the host and the guests, which is to insinuate that the guest is too arrogant and anti guest! Hum!

"I appreciate your kindness, but Shanghai's economy is changing with each passing day, and it will soon become the first city with a GDP of more than one trillion in China. I still have a lot to do and need to deal with. I will appreciate your kindness next time. Next time you come to Shanghai, I'll treat you to dinner! " Wang said.

If you unite to oppress me, my "guest" will have to turn against the guest and bully you masters.

Several provincial leaders immediately frowned. This guy has gone a little too far. It is obvious that he is using the economy to suppress people. There is no reason to bully people like this. Immediately, the faces of several provincial leaders were not good-looking.

Secretary Wang was not willing to show weakness and went back directly. He came all the way here today just to prevent Lin Feng from being dug into the corner. Although Shanghai can't afford to lose the 5 billion yuan GDP, Shanghai, as China's financial center, and Lin Feng's main industries are all in Shanghai, Lin Feng's "second financial group" assets have doubled, which is enough to make Shanghai's GDP exceed trillion yuan this year.

This 5 billion GDP is really unimportant. However, Secretary Wang is afraid that these provinces have dug up the 5 billion GDP this time. Will they dig up 50 billion or even 500 billion next time? Maybe we can dig up all the forest wind. Secretary Wang will never tolerate this. Now that Lin Feng has become a landmark figure in Shanghai, he absolutely can't tolerate his leaving. Without Lin Feng, Shanghai, the title of China's financial center, will be eclipsed.

Since it is China's financial center, the first businessman in China, the first businessman in history, should be in Shanghai, not anywhere else. Otherwise, it would be a mockery of China's financial center.

Just as the two sides were at each other's throats, Lin Feng came down. Originally, Lin Feng could not come out and let the two sides quarrel and sit on the wall to watch. But here is the street, they want to quarrel, that everyone's face is not good-looking. It's going to be a joke in the system. And as the main cause of their own, it will also get into some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to come down to rescue the two sides, so that they would not really quarrel, or even fight.

"Hi, Secretary Wang and Secretary Hou, I don't think it's better. How about going to the sea to talk about it?" Lin fengxiao said.

Talking about the sea?

"Well, as you can see, typhoon" pabian "is about to make full landfall in China, but now it's the most beautiful time. Maybe the weather will be cool after the typhoon. So let's go to the sea and talk about our hearts. " Lin fengxiao said.

Many leaders look at me, I look at you, are hesitant. Because of the appearance of secretary Wang, the nine provinces are full of strength, want to bear with Secretary Wang to the end, ready to seize all the Lin Feng. Don't you want to be the first city in China whose GDP exceeds one trillion? They will bring Lin Feng to see how Shanghai's GDP exceeds one trillion. At this time, naturally, I don't want to sit down and talk together.

Secretary Wang is the same. He doesn't want to talk to these guys. These guys are so shameless. How can they tempt Lin Feng like this? It's so mean.

But the two sides don't want to talk. Lin Feng wants to talk. Lin Feng regardless of both sides, directly with the people back to the yacht. This time, there is no way for both sides. Lin Feng is gone. They want to stand here again. Isn't that boring. Immediately, they all got on the yacht.

Then, the yacht set out from Dalian port again and came to the deep sea. Of course, this is no longer a beautiful and leisurely sea trip, but a very serious negotiation. The women are not in the mood to sunbathe there. They don't want their bodies to be seen by these old men.

"Well, leaders, let's have a frank talk. I think, why do you all come here today? Of course, you all come here for me. I'm deeply honored by your praise. Here, I'll replace wine with tea first. Thank you Lin Feng drank all the tea in his hand.

Of course, in fact, this tea can also be changed into wine, but Lin Feng hates drinking when negotiating. So tea.

"As for this order, I think so." Lin Feng's voice pondered, and the attention of many leaders immediately focused on Lin Feng. As for the blue sea and blue sky outside, in their eyes, it is like a black-and-white picture, without any attraction.

"Well, as we all know, Secretary Wang has always taken good care of me. I can become the richest man in the world. Among them, Secretary Wang has given me a lot of help!" Lin Feng said sincerely.

Secretary Wang heard the speech with a smile on his face. He praised Lin Feng secretly. This Lin Feng is a man and can continue to support him a lot in the future. It's rich, but I don't forget my hometown. My investment in these years has not been in vain.

Of course, Secretary Wang is happy, but the leaders are not. Whether Secretary Wang supports Lin Feng or not, they naturally know. In fact, it has nothing to do with any leader that Lin Feng has today. He depends on himself. Why Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi value Lin Feng so much is not because he will make money. There are many Chinese who can make money, but why have they never met Mr. Wen and Mr. Xi, or Mr. Zhu before? That's because Lin Feng is a clean man who makes money. He has never relied on any policy loopholes to make money. What he makes is money. That's why they think highly of it. Secretary Wang is complacent, bah!

"Of course, the nine leaders also showed their love for me. This time, they held such a big" China Star "award ceremony, which made all my friends come to watch. To tell you the truth, I was very moved." As Lin Feng's words changed, it was the turn of several provincial leaders to be happy.

Secretary Wang's face darkened again.

"So, I'm really in a bit of a dilemma about how to divide this order. However, it's no good not to divide, right! But in order to satisfy both of you, I made a decision! " Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

The leaders of both sides gathered their minds and focused on Lin Feng. This time it's not just about GDP, it's about face on both sides. They can't lose people.