Berlusconi is furious. He never thought it would be like this. He thought that seizing Bernardo would be a great achievement, the biggest blow to the Mafia, and even weaken the Mafia to a great extent.

But who would have expected that Bernardo, the Mafia leader, had done these things for himself. How does he deal with that? Now the whole country is arresting Bernardo, and the army has been deployed. Before, he was still happy, but now he began to worry. What should we do if we really want to catch Bernardo? Bernardo would be happy to reveal to the police that he had killed a judge in Naples for himself.

"Lin, this is bullshit! How could it be Berlusconi was sweating, "you know, Bernardo will also give you up, then you are finished."

"Prime Minister Berlusconi, I have no way to solve your three problems. I can only rely on the power of Bernardo. As for whether he will give me up after the event, I believe he still has this morality. Because it doesn't hurt much for me to give me up. At most, I don't come to Italy. " Lin Feng said lightly.

Berlusconi's teeth are itching. Lin Feng can stop coming to Italy, but he can't. If he leaves Italy, it means that everything is empty. All that he's been fighting for in Italy these years, except wealth, is empty. And he is very likely to become Italy's most famous prime minister, probably the most notorious prime minister.

"Lin, you've caused me a big problem, a big problem!" Berlusconi cried out in a gaffe.

Lin Feng is indifferent smile.

"It's a problem, but at least it helps you solve the problem, isn't it. Prime Minister Berlusconi, don't worry, Italy will not return to the Mafia terror, as long as Bernardo is not caught, then you will be absolutely OK. He will never contact you. Of course, even if he was caught, I believe he would never talk nonsense. Of course, if you don't, you'd better not. Last time you gave me a favor. I think it's OK this time. " Lin Feng said.

Berlusconi has a look of chagrin. As it turned out, there was no way out for him now. The safest way is to keep Bernardo from being caught. If he's caught, there's no way what's going to happen. All in all, it was a headache for him this time.

"Well, Prime Minister Berlusconi, the wood has sunk, which is something that cannot be changed. Just let him go at the critical moment. I don't need to teach you. Of course, with regard to Bernardo, I will tell him not to bother you Lin Feng said.

Berlusconi's helpless nod, for the moment, can only be so. Unless he can shoot Bernardo, but that's a low probability. And once the sniper can't kill, annoy the Mafia godfather, shake things out, he is finished.

Three days later, Italy will formally establish diplomatic relations with Libya while fully arresting Bernardo. In addition, Italy will invest 2.5 billion US dollars in Libya in the form of compensation to build a road across Libya, connecting Tunisia and Egypt, and help build schools and hospitals in Libya.

At the same time, Italy and Libya will work together to crack down on illegal immigration, and a joint coast guard will be set up to crack down on all kinds of illegal immigrants to Europe through the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, there is also a potentially unknown clause, which naturally is that Italy will have the most preferential treatment in Europe, which will be 5% better than other European countries.

"Ha ha, Mr. Lin, thank you for your help. Italy is finally willing to apologize and compensate, thank you Gaddafi cheerfully called to express his satisfaction with the result. Gaddafi has always wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Europe, trade exchanges, and improve the environment in Libya. However, because of his strong nationalism and past history, he could not easily establish diplomatic relations with these European countries, at least until they did not admit their past mistakes.

This time, Italy is willing to compensate and apologize. Although it is said that it apologized in the name of investment, at least Italy is willing to apologize, which makes Gaddafi acceptable. And with the Italian start, it's easy to talk about the rest.

Later, Saif visited France, Britain, Spain and other countries one after another, and reached a similar agreement. Of course, these countries did not directly occupy Libya, so they did not pay compensation as Italy did. However, both sides sent ambassadors and conducted trade exchanges. Europe will never impose any restrictions on Libya in business. Of course, as a condition, Libya should also ensure that priority is given to European demand for oil and gas.

Gaddafi, on the other hand, boldly declared that he would invest US $7.8 billion to build an undersea tunnel through the Mediterranean Sea to transport natural gas and oil to Europe, so that Europe could more easily enjoy Libya's oil and gas resources.

Gaddafi's heroic act has undoubtedly won the high praise of European heads of state. Although Libya and Europe face each other across the Mediterranean Sea, oil tanker transportation will still be very slow. If there is an undersea tunnel, directly through the Mediterranean, landing in Greece, it will greatly improve the efficiency of oil transportation. This has been proposed in the past. However, due to the huge amount of work, the huge investment and the unfriendly relationship with Libya, the European heads of state have not put forward this proposal.

This time, Qaddafi took the initiative to put forward, and used the temporary to bear all the costs alone. Naturally, European countries feel very good. And with natural gas, it can also reduce the demand of European countries for Russian natural gas. In the past, Russia's natural gas was a necessary resource for European countries to spend the winter. Without Russia's natural gas, all European countries would suffer in winter.

But Russia's natural gas has to go through Ukraine first, and Ukraine's economy is so bad that it owes Russia billions of dollars in natural gas fees, which makes Russia often stop gas in order to punish Ukraine. As a result, once Russia stopped gas supply, Ukraine naturally ran out of gas, but Europe also ran out of gas. Every time, European countries have to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, and sometimes even have to come up with a package of measures to improve Ukraine's economy.

If we have the natural gas resources on Libya's side, it is much less likely that Europe will be clamped down by Russia. After that, Ukraine and Russia quarrel again, so they don't have to rush to get out of the siege at the first time and let Ukraine and Russia quarrel there.

"President Gaddafi's move has made great contributions to Europe and is a good friend of Europe. I believe that under the leadership of President Gaddafi, the relationship between the EU and Libya will advance by leaps and bounds, and the two sides will become the best partners! " Berlusconi highly praised Libya's move.

Not only Berlusconi praised Gaddafi's move, but European Union countries, Britain, France, Spain and Germany all praised Gaddafi's move, believing that this move will enable European people to enjoy better oil and gas, which will improve the living standards of European people.

At this time, on the US side, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accepted Bush's appointment.

"What do you think of Libya's relationship with the EU?" Bush asked.

Libya is a thorn in the heart of the United States. This is not only due to Libya's oil and gas resources, but also due to Gaddafi's disrespect for the United States. The US military bases in the world have never been confiscated by any country. It happened that Libya did it, and it did it extremely well. It did not inform the United States at all and unilaterally confiscated it.

In the history of the United States, this can be regarded as a great shame next only to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. It is impossible for the US government to forget. Gaddafi refused to bow to the United States to admit his mistake and let the United States reestablish a military base in Libya (all costs must be borne by Libya), then the United States can not let Gaddafi go.

"Mr President, no matter how close the relationship between the EU and Libya is now, who has the biggest fist and who has the weight to speak in the world. EU countries dare not disobey our government. As long as our government believes that Gaddafi is a dictator and a tyrant, no matter how the relationship between the EU and Libya is now, then the EU will definitely abandon Libya. What's more, maybe the EU will step on Libya. " Secretary Rice said calmly.

This is an era of power, and the United States is the only power in this era. So the United States has no fear at all. Of course, when fighting against Libya in the future, it is impossible to fight just as it is against Iraq. There will be a little trouble. However, no matter how troublesome it is, it is not troublesome for the US government.

Excuses are always made by people.

After hearing Rice's words, President Bush was relieved at last. In his term of office, there will be two years left. In the past two years, he has strived to end the war in Iraq. As for Libya, I am afraid that his term of office will not end. But he doesn't want to make it difficult for his successor. Libya, Iran, North Korea, these are the countries that the United States will deal with in the future. He hopes to pave the way for his successor during his term of office.

When rice saw that Bush had nothing else to say, she got up and left. In the United States, the Secretary of state is the same as the foreign ministers of other countries, but different from the foreign ministers of other countries, the Secretary of state of the United States is the first minister with great power. Not only does the resignation of the president of the United States need to submit his resignation to the Secretary of state, but also has the right to deal with some federal affairs with the president of the United States, Moreover, the U.S. national seal is also kept and used by the Secretary of state.

Of course, no matter how powerful the Secretary of state is, his status is under the president of the United States. However, in foreign affairs, the Secretary of state has the right to act arbitrarily.

"Go and find out what Lin Feng has to do with it!" Rice gives orders. Relying on her woman's intuition, she felt that it had something to do with Lin Feng.