There are three problems. If the problem is not solved, Berlusconi has the title of Prime Minister of Italy, but he has no use. He is all resourceful and can not play any practical value. Let him be the prime minister in vain.

However, it is extremely difficult to solve these three problems. Berlusconi, who is an old fox in Italian business and politics, can't come up with a solution. Can Lin Feng have a solution?

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do?" Zong Qinghou and others asked one after another to see if they could help. However, they also know that in this matter, these forces are mainly in China and basically can't help. As for Ellison, his power is mainly in the United States, and it is beyond the reach of Europe. Only Allegra, also in Italy, can help.

Lin Feng's commitment is also due to alegra. Although Allegra may not be able to help, but at least the introduction can be done.

However, before going to Italy to meet alegra, Lin Feng made a phone call to Gaddafi.

"President Gaddafi, is Saif going well in Europe?" Asked Lin Feng.

Gaddafi sighed helplessly. It's not going well. It's not going well. These European countries want oil and gas, but it is very difficult for them to pay any price. In fact, Gaddafi did not want much, that is, to let European countries send ambassadors to Libya to formally establish diplomatic relations between the two sides. Then, sign some business agreements. These requirements are not too difficult. After all, what Gaddafi paid for was real oil and gas. Unfortunately, European countries are still reluctant to take risks.

Therefore, Saif's visit is only a series of verbal agreements, but it has no practical significance for Libya's politics and Gaddafi's intentions.

"President Gaddafi, I have good news that I have a way to convince Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to make Italy the first country to reach a bilateral trade partner with Libya. However, since Italy is the first country, it will definitely need the most preferential treatment. " Lin Feng said.

This time, Lin Feng is not prepared to do anything for himself, but for both sides. For Lin Feng, both Italy and Gaddafi can be regarded as Lin Feng's partners. If both sides are good, Lin Feng will be good.

Italy! Gaddafi frowned. For Italy, Gaddafi didn't like it very much. To tell you the truth, Gaddafi, who is very nationalistic, still has a deep hatred for Italy. Italy invaded Libya from 1911 to 1943 and occupied Libya for many years (this time was almost equivalent to Japan's invasion of China). As the leader of Libya, Gaddafi could not ignore the past hatred between the two sides.

In fact, many countries in Europe have invaded countries or intended to invade Libya, which is why Gaddafi's relationship with Europe is not very good. He could not forget the blood feud of the nation. Can't forget!

"Lin, although I hope to establish diplomatic relations with Europe, I can't forget my hatred. I can't erase the past resentment and establish diplomatic relations with the other party in this way when the other party refuses to apologize and compensate. " Kazafi gritted his teeth. It is also because of this that Saif was unable to successfully establish diplomatic relations with other countries in Europe. Gaddafi is too strong to demand compensation and apology from the other side, which makes many European countries unable to do.

"Gaddafi, you know, your biggest enemy is the United States. Only America can subvert your rule. Only Europe can obstruct the United States. Therefore, you must establish diplomatic relations with Europe as much as possible and kidnap the interests of Europe to Libya. Only in that way can we ensure that the United States will not use force against Libya immediately after it has cleaned up Iraq. The stronger you are, the more likely the United States will be afraid of you. You will not fight as you would against Iraq. " Lin Feng tried his best to persuade him.

However, if Gaddafi can be easily persuaded, it will not be called Gaddafi. If he could be easily persuaded, he would have solved the disputes with the United States and Europe. You know, last year, Libya's per capita GDP reached $5317, ranking 60th in the world. Last year, China's per capita GDP was only $1703, ranking 106th in the world. However, the living standard of the Libyan people is not as good as that of the Chinese. Why? It is because it has been subject to economic sanctions by European and American countries before.

Libyans can't buy anything but food and necessities. And even the food and living materials bought are extremely expensive. If Gaddafi had been a little low-key and flexible, the Libyan people would have become an Arab country in Africa.

"What's your bottom line?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Italy must apologize and compensate. As long as he is willing to apologize and compensate, I am willing to give Italy the most preferential treatment in Europe in terms of oil and gas! " Gaddafi promised.

Lin Feng nodded. Apology and compensation are not difficult to achieve. In the past, European countries were not willing to apologize for compensation. That's because Gaddafi was aggressive. In front of the heads of European countries, he asked them to apologize for compensation, and his voice was arrogant and domineering. You say, as the head of a country, how can he say apology. In that case, it would be too cowardly.

"Well, that's settled. I'll try. However, President Gaddafi, as far as I am concerned, I would like to advise you that it is not a bad thing to be tough, but when there is no absolute strength, occasionally avoiding the edge is the way to survive. We have a Chinese proverb called "a man can bend and stretch". The head of a country must be able to bend and stretch. " Lin Feng advised.

If this is said by others, Gaddafi absolutely scoffs. But Lin Feng said, he may not listen, but he will not directly refute Lin Feng. Because he can feel Lin Feng's sincerity to Libya and himself. But I'm born with this character. I can't change it if I want to.

"Lin, I understand. However, I also have my persistence. If a person can't stick to his own ideas and ideals, he is a common man and can't do great things. " Gaddafi's voice was loud.

Lin Feng is speechless.

Come on, this guy can't be persuaded. It's a waste of time to talk to him. After saying goodbye to Gaddafi, Lin Feng did not fly directly to Italy. Instead, they stepped up their efforts to make a round in China. This time, we will invest in Libya and Russia, mainly in some civilian facilities. Libya is to build the most basic facilities, such as railways and hospitals, while Russia is totally different.

Although Russia's economy is not good, its per capita GDP last year was US $4750, ranking 63rd in the world. Moreover, in Russia, there are free medical insurance, free water (there is no water meter in Russia), free electricity, free heating and extremely cheap house prices. At last year's economic level, we built an 80 square meter single family villa on the outskirts of Moscow. There are grasslands, lakes, fishing, barbecue and outing nearby. What's the cost of such a villa? Not much, only $500.

It's only 500 dollars. In the suburbs, you don't need to apply for approval from any department at all. You can directly build a house in your favorite area at any time, and then you need to report to the relevant department when you have electricity and water. And this $500 is just the price of some of your necessary materials. After all, you can use local materials to build villas and wood, but you can't use nails and cutting machines.

Putin wants Lin Feng to invest in civilian facilities, not hospitals or schools. Russia has all these, and they are perfect. In fact, all the civilian facilities in Russia are perfect, not lacking. But it's very old. At present, everything was built in the period of the former Soviet Union. After the founding of Russia, there has never been a road, a railway or an airport built. It's not that Putin is unwilling, it's that he has no money.

At the beginning of the founding of Russia, the economy was in chaos and the national finance collapsed. In the Yeltsin Era, Russia's economy was rapidly retrogressing, and its people's living standard was extremely declining. At that time, it was a dream to invest in improving civil facilities.

After that, Putin came to power. In the early stage, it was in the era of comprehensively cracking down on the oligarchs who developed in Yeltsin's time. These financial oligarchs made a great fortune and made Russia's economy continue to deteriorate. Russia's economy would have collapsed long after Putin hit these oligarchs. He wants to rebuild all economic systems.

However, as Russia is the successor of the former Soviet Union, European and American countries are extremely afraid of it. Although he thinks that Russia is a capitalist country, he still thinks that Russia is a capitalism under the red regime. Many European and American countries have established diplomatic relations with Russia, but most of them are for Russia's resources. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Putin to develop.

So Libya needs to build schools, hospitals, communications facilities, and railways in exchange for oil and gas. In Russia, it is to help Putin comprehensively improve road traffic and renovate some dilapidated hospitals. There are similarities and differences between the two. And both sides can't wait. Lin Feng has to step up.

Lin Feng made a tour in China, contacted several major domestic construction companies, signed a memorandum agreement, and then flew directly to Italy.

"Ah, the boy still chose to invest in Libya." Mr. Wen sighed.

"Well, do you want to stop it? If we order this construction company not to go to Libya, then Lin Feng can't help it. " Mr. Xi said.

This construction company belongs to the state-owned enterprises, naturally listen to the above words. If they say no, they will never go. Lin Feng, on his own, has no ability to build a school or a hospital.

Mr. Wen shook his head. forget it. Let's forget about it. Now that Lin Feng has decided to invest, he will only get upset if he tries to stop it. Maybe Lin Feng can create any miracle.