The current situation of China is the lack of excellent technicians. The whole people think that university is the only way out, and the number of graduates each year also shows a blowout, from 900000 in 1998 to 4 million in 2005 last year. And the future of graduation life will continue to improve, an authoritative company in the United States once analyzed, in 2015, Chinese graduates will be more than 10 million.

Millions of graduates, what a terrible concept! It sounds that the overall quality of the people of this country has been greatly improved, and the technical content of the people has also been greatly improved. This country should be thriving, and the happiness of the people is the key. But in fact, this is not the case.

Compared with foreign university training, China's university training itself has great injustice‘ It is not unfair that 211 universities are graded. However, the whole society attaches great importance to 211 universities and despises non 211 universities, which leads to the greatest injustice. Of course, not only this, all universities are good at, and committed to the cultivation of research talents, and productive talents, but extremely ignored. This leads to college students after graduation, often high eyed and low handed, lack of practical work ability.

This is especially serious in heavy industry. Mechanic is the most important and important talent in heavy industry, but in China, the wages of mechanic are not high, especially after the 21st century, mechanic is despised by all parents. Mechanic is the one who has greasy hands, dirty clothes, and the most tired and hard work all day long. This is the consensus of many parents. Many parents will never let their children go to mechanic school unless they are forced to.

Of course, with the shortage of talents in the industry, technicians have become popular again in the past year or two. Especially with the development of the automobile industry, there is a huge shortage of talents in this field. But those so-called technical schools graduate in two years. No matter how you study, even if you play for two years, you will be able to graduate. Then contact the employer, recommend you to work, and the employer will conduct on-site training and internship for you.

Are the talents trained in this way talents? Is such a mechanic a mechanic?

Therefore, it is difficult for China's heavy industry to develop at all. Baosteel, Shougang and other steel companies can only be restrained by Japan. But now with the core technology of steelmaking, it's totally different. Once these technologies are fully understood, the iron and steel enterprises will be able to transform these equipment, so that they can no longer only be satisfied with high-quality mineral resources, but also use those mineral resources with low quality, which will greatly avoid being manipulated by Japanese enterprises to exploit China's iron and steel enterprises.

Of course, even if there is technology, there is still a shortage of technicians. However, skilled personnel, as long as it takes a lot of effort, can still be cultivated. This is not a problem!

Lin Feng has some plans in his mind. This technology is sure to contribute to the country, but it has to earn its own benefits. Patriotic, I must be patriotic. But patriotism at the same time, does not prevent me from making some money. These two may be Philistines in the eyes of those old scholars, old stereotyped, and some experts and scholars. But in Lin Feng's eyes, the country and the individual are not greater than the number, but equal.

The state is made up of people. If people live well, the country will be good.

"The second technology we got, boss, was the engine. But I don't know much about the engine, but it's definitely the most advanced engine technology of Mitsubishi. " The man wanted to introduce Lin Feng, but he didn't know how to describe the words in his mind. In the end, we can only give up.

Lin Feng smiles. He doesn't know much about the engine. This needs very professional people to understand. Anyway, as long as there is technology, there will be no problem. Leave him to a professional, and the rest is easy to say.

"In addition to these two technologies, we have also stolen the third technology, which is --" speaking of this, the man's eyes are shining with dazzling light, and the whole person is too excited, "that is satellite technology! Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's satellite technology, but also military level satellite technology. The most accurate can be accurate to identify 50 cm objects

Lin Feng's eyes also shine. It's 50 cm. It's quite accurate to be able to identify objects 50 cm above the earth's land in remote outer space. This is the best weapon for wolf tooth. Moreover, it's a completely autonomous technology, so there's no need to worry about other countries' manipulation. Of course, not only that, using it as Lin Feng's personal communication satellite is not only faster, but also safer.

Of course, with satellite technology, it doesn't mean it can be made immediately. This needs a lot of hardware. You can't build it if you want to. But at least it makes it possible for Lin Feng to build satellites.

"Yes, with these three technologies, we can make up for the deficiency of our consortia to a great extent." Lin Feng was full of joy, "it's really hard for you this time. I don't want to say more beautiful words. It's boring. In a word, "wolf tooth" helped me not only personally, but also the whole of China. I don't have to give you money reward. I believe brother Meng will give you some reward. Anyway, thank you Lin Feng holds his fist.

"Boss, then I'll leave!" The man calmed down and left.

"Boss, what are you going to do with these three technologies?" Lin Zhiling came to ask.

Lin Feng pondered slightly. This steel-making technology, of course, is for the country. The latter two technologies, engine technology, needless to say, are naturally used by DPCA. What about satellite technology? It seems that it is necessary to set up another manufacturing enterprise of its own, and it is a high-end manufacturing enterprise. In this way, they can also be useful in solo, Africa. Otherwise, pure research will make these Harvard students a little overqualified.

As for the construction base, Lin Feng thinks that it is not suitable to build it in China. This kind of enterprise certainly involves many sensitive fields. It has to be made in China. Even if Mr. Wen values himself, he will not tolerate himself. That's a total treason. And elsewhere, it's the same. At present, Africa is the only construction base. In Africa, Somalia is undoubtedly the most suitable place.

After dashir controls Somalia, everything in the country can be completely controlled by himself. It's nothing to say that we should build several military enterprises in it. Of course, in Lin Feng's opinion, the engineers and technicians needed are not a problem. In China, there are many really talented old people. Although they are old, some of them can only give a report and stand aside to give advice, but their technology and eyesight are still in their mind. They can train a large number of technicians of the younger generation.

With his current fame and rich salary, Lin Feng believes that he can invite them to Africa.

It seems that we are going to Beijing again. After all, the steel-making technology needs to be handed over to the state. But before that, there are a few small things to solve.

The first small matter is about the compensation of yuan shayangli.

"Iwasaki Watanabe, when will you pay 1 trillion yen to yuan shayangli? Secondly, when will you personally apologize? I'll give you a day. " Lin Feng sent the fax directly.

Poof! Iwasaki Watanabe at the moment just by plane to Hokkaido, received a fax from Lin Feng. Seeing the tone on the fax, his face flushed with anger. When Lin Fengzhen was convinced of himself, his tone was so ruthless, just like the superior facing the subordinate. Damn it, you really want to bully yourself.


However, the curse to curse, but Iwasaki Watanabe finally can only choose to leave Hokkaido.

"Lin Feng, I can compensate you for the money, and I can personally apologize, but the trillion yen compensation can't be seen. Otherwise, don't blame me for tearing face with you Iwasaki Watanabe was on the plane, threatening to say.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Iwasaki Watanabe, it's no use threatening me. I really want to see the light. What can you do for me? However, I am not unreasonable. As long as you are willing to compensate for the 1 trillion yen and make a public apology, I will not make it public. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being polite. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Iwasaki Watanabe cursed a few times in his mouth.

"What island is yuanshayangli in Maldives now?" Iwasaki Watanabe, hum.

"Ha ha, I won't say what island I'm on. The island is too small to accommodate so many people. Moreover, the influx of so many people will destroy the beautiful environment of the island. Yuan shayangli will wait for you in male (the capital of Maldives). Remember, in one day, I want to see you apologize and 1 trillion yen will be paid, otherwise don't blame me. " Lin Feng hangs up with a smile.

Iwasaki Watanabe was so depressed that he was dying. This time, they are really unlucky, but fortunately, the Japanese government is suffering from all this, and he can get back all the losses. His own loss is not big, including reputation. He personally apologizes to yuan shayangli, which can also enhance his positive image. It's just that I'm very upset. This competition with Lin Feng is a complete failure.

Ten hours later, Iwasaki Watanabe appeared in male, the capital of Maldives.

Male airport is very small, almost the smallest airport in the world. Male has a small population, but only 100000. According to Iwasaki Watanabe, he should not meet too many reporters when he comes here today. But the moment Iwasaki Watanabe got off the plane and boarded mal island by boat, he knew he was wrong. Big mistake!

Damn, how can there be so many journalists on this island! Iwasaki Watanabe roared in his heart( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)