Old Morgan and old DuPont laughed.

"Chris, you just took over the Mellon consortium, you just came into contact with our core, so you don't understand a lot. You have to understand that if we have a direct conflict with Lin Feng and use assassins or something, we may not be able to take Lin Feng for the time being. With the support of the Chinese government, unless we are willing to launch the Third World War at the risk of World War and destroying the earth, we will not have any chance to physically destroy Lin Feng, who is valued and protected by the Chinese government. But in business, there are too many ways. " Old Morgan laughs.

"Yes, business. If Lin Feng is just developing in the IT industry and only wants to play games, we really can't help him. After all, we ignored this line, let Lin Feng seize the opportunity, we lost the opportunity. But now Lin Feng is involved in more and more industries, such as real estate, industry, finance, oil, etc. The more involved, the more ways we can deal with him. So we don't have to worry that we can't deal with him. " Said old Morgan coldly.

"Yes, and we can fight him at the political level. For example, Lin Feng is about to take over many Chinese national industries and brands, and wants to revitalize China's national economy. Hehe, many industries here are export-oriented and labor-intensive. At that time, we just need to force the Chinese government to let the RMB appreciate, which will be enough to make Lin Feng lose a lot. Once his factories lose export share and market, those workers will have to support themselves. Hehe, even if he wants to get away, he can't. Don't forget, he is China's richest man, he is China's pride, he can't get away Franklin Roosevelt Jr. sneered.

In China, government support is certainly a good thing. Your company will develop more smoothly, have more opportunities, and have a wider market. But at the same time, you also bear a lot of social responsibility. You have to support so many workers. You can't just dismiss them. China is different from other countries. The bigger your company is, the less your country will allow you to fire. In China, many companies can use a large number of employees to coerce the local government, obtain policy support and policy bias, and can borrow a lot from banks. But can Lin Feng? Is he OK?

no way! In China, only Lin Feng can't do this. Because he is the richest man in China and the creator of the Chinese dream. Everyone is watching Lin Feng. Therefore, even if the company loses money again, he has to keep going, and he has to keep going with his own money. Otherwise, the public opinion will be overwhelming, like mountain torrents and rivers, which will engulf the forest wind.

"So let's wait for the good play. The wider he covers, the more dangerous it is. " Old DuPont grinned grimly.

"What kind of compensation should we ask Lin Feng for?" Chris Mellon asked in a deep voice.

"It's simple. We don't need money. We need some resources." Old DuPont grinned grimly.

"Resources, what resources? What else can we see in Lin Feng's hands? " People don't understand. In particular, Chris Mellon, one of the new "G23" giants, is even more puzzled. In his opinion, Lin Feng is an upstart, an extreme upstart. However, in his hands, except that more than 400 billion US dollars of grain can be converted into cash, the rest of his assets are mostly real estate or stocks. Such a person has no inside information and is nothing.

"Ha ha, the resources in Lin Feng's hands, I think some people may have heard about it, and some people may not have heard about it. But you should know about the "air water wheel." Old DuPont laughed.

Air water wheel! Everyone's eyes brightened. Of course, I've heard about it. With the development of industry in the 21st century, the wealth in the hands of mankind is more and more huge, but the pollution of the earth's environment is also more and more serious, especially water, which is an essential thing of human life, is more and more scarce. Therefore, it has long been proposed to develop an "air water truck" to make use of air to create clean water sources and solve the problem of human drinking water. However, after numerous attempts, the "air water wheel" failed.

Is it difficult to develop forest style?

"Yes, according to reliable information, Lin Feng has indeed developed an" air waterwheel. ". It's preparing for sale. Think about it. In this era, if you master the "air water wheel", hehe, how amazing wealth you will have. Especially in the developing countries of the third world, their water sources are seriously polluted. It's going to be an amazing profit. And we can make the water source of this place turbid and inedible through investment. Haha, in that way, we are equivalent to mastering their lifeline! " Old DuPont laughed wildly.

Lin Feng controls the "air water wheel", but he can only make a little money with it. Once the "G23" has mastered the "air water vehicle", they can make full use of their global influence, so that those countries that are short of water will have to rely on the "air water vehicle" to survive. Human beings are inseparable from water. Without water, you will die of thirst in three days. Hehe, this is going to be more powerful than nuclear weapons. And you can make money without losing money. After all, a nuclear weapon is worth hundreds of millions. And it's only going to make money.

When they heard this, their eyes lit up and they shivered with excitement. Except for Kennedy and Roosevelt, who were political families, the rest of the families were businessmen. Businessmen, that is the people who are only for profit. In their opinion, as long as they can make money, it's better than anything. This is a kind of source imprinted in their soul.

Immediately, the public soon conveyed a compensation bill to Lin Feng. In this compensation list, the "air water truck" is naturally the main force, but along with each of the dead people, they also claim $200 million in death compensation for each person. Don't you have money, Lin Feng? If you buy the assassination list with 100 million US dollars, you will compensate each person with 200 million US dollars. I believe you should have no problem. You have money!

Indeed, Lin Feng is rich. But Lin Feng won't pay these damned guys a cent.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Li Rui asked, frowning. Although he didn't know finance and business, he knew about the Treaty of indemnity. In the Qing Dynasty, China lost all its face. Of course, this is not only the humiliation of the Qing government, but also the incompetence and shamelessness of hundreds of millions of Chinese Han compatriots. If the Han people were really strong and bloody, hundreds of millions of Han people would have overthrown just a few million Manchu rulers. As a result, he was enslaved for more than 200 years, which is a shame!

Therefore, as a modern soldier, what Li Rui hates most is the Treaty of "reparations for land cutting.".

"How?" In Lin Feng's eyes, a sharp light flashed, "they asked for compensation of 200 million US dollars for one life, and also wanted to control my air and water truck. Haha, their appetite is really big!"

Lin Feng gave a cold hum and got through to Bush.

"Lin Feng, you son of a bitch, you son of a bitch!" As soon as Bush got through Lin Feng's phone, he just yelled, "you are actually carrying out a large-scale assassination in the United States. Do you want me to send the FBI to arrest you, or do you want the U.S. government to use its national power to force the Chinese government to hand over people?"

In recent days, Bush has not been stable. Especially after hearing about the assassination of 47 upper class members in the United States, he was even more furious. Although this incident was suppressed by many levels, it still caused quite a stir in the upper class of the United States. Some members of Congress put pressure on him directly through Congress, which made Bush hemorrhoids come out. Bush would not have tolerated Lin Feng's actions if he had not considered that the incident involved the "G23" and Bush also wanted to teach the "G23" a lesson through Lin Feng's hands, hoping that both sides would lose.

This is too much!

"President Bush, I don't know what you're talking about. What's more, food can be eaten indiscriminately, words can't be spoken indiscriminately. Please don't plant things without evidence! " Lin Feng said calmly.

“FUCK! Lin Feng, don't think you can be innocent without leaving any evidence. If you're in a hurry, I... "Bush was about to say a few cruel words to warn Lin Feng, but Lin Feng's next words made him stop.

"President Bush, just now those G23 tortoise eggs sent me a compensation note, asking me to pay 200 million US dollars for each person's death compensation, as well as all the shares of the air water truck!" Lin Fengyou said.

When Bush heard that "G23" let Lin Feng compensate each person 200 million yuan, he was still a little gloating. But when he heard that "G23" demanded ownership of "air water vehicle", he jumped up like a dog with its tail trampled on.

"Son of a bitch! It can't be! It's not going to work! " Bush roared. In the "air water truck", he has 15% of the profits. If the "air water truck" is taken by the "G23", he has no profits at all. It's not going to work.

"Lin Feng, you don't want to promise such shameless terms. You should not be such a person Bush drinks low.

"President Bush, I really won't agree, so I have to let them know that I am not the one who can be blackmailed by them. So I need your support and cooperation in my next action. " Lin Feng said.

Bush had a sudden surprise. He knew that Lin Feng would certainly have greater action, but should he agree? This promise was completely dragged into the water. He will act as Lin Feng's umbrella in the future. But damn it, he hates Lin Feng the most.

"President Bush, in order to express my sincerity, I am willing to give you 30% of the equity of air water truck! 30%. This is 30%. You don't have to pay anything. If you cooperate with me, you can get 30% of the equity. That's enough to make your Bush family become the real top family of the United States in the future. Let the Bush family be like Kennedy and Roosevelt! " Lin Feng said with a devil like voice.

There's a family like Roosevelt and Kennedy! Bush's heart pounded. You know, the Kennedy and Roosevelt families are members of the "G23". The reason why they are more powerful than the Bush family is that they have more power in the political arena, and the more important reason is that they also have a lot of assets.

For example, the Kennedy family holds an important proportion of shares in the Boston consortium, one of the top ten consortia in the United States, while the Roosevelt family holds a certain proportion of shares in the Chicago consortium and the Texas consortium. And these two consortia are one of the top ten consortia in the United States. The wealth of money is one of the important reasons why the Kennedy family and the Roosevelt family can occupy an important position in the "G23".

Compared with these two political families, the Bush family is really poor. Although the Bush family has a small industry, compared with the two families, there are too few industries. The ratio of the two is like a worker and a super rich.

30% profit. In that year, there were at least several hundred million dollars, or even more than one billion dollars. FUCK! God, for the sake of the family, I gave up.

"Lin, what do you want to do?" Bush decided to give up everything. Even if this matter is exposed, I will not be president at most. Anyway, it is not a few years. But it can bring enough wealth for the family to be rich for several generations, which is a good investment.

As for the U.S. government, the face of the United States, screw it‘ G23 'has long subverted the purpose of President Washington. He is just a small rock under the big wave. He can't get America back on track. He has to protect himself. After comforting himself, Bush decided to cooperate with Lin Feng in an all-round way.

"Ha ha, President Bush, what I want is really simple. That is the detailed information of the members of the eight American families in the G23. You just give it to me. You don't need to interfere with the rest. " Lin fengxiao said.

what! Although Bush decided to cooperate with Lin Feng in an all-round way, he did not expect Lin Feng to be so crazy. He wants information about eight families. What does he want? Maybe he's going to kill all eight American families. This is crazy. Of course, if Lin Feng can kill everyone at one time, Bush will be very happy. But if Lin Feng can't assassinate everyone, he will face full retaliation from "G23.". In that case, I will also be unlucky. I am sure I will be unlucky. These guys are going to track themselves down.

Definitely, I will!

"Ha ha, President Bush, don't be afraid. I want information only because I don't have enough information. You should understand that I can't kill all of them. What I'm worried about is what if I kill their immediate descendants? Therefore, you must give me detailed information to avoid my accidental injury! I'm just trying to get them to throw the rat out of the way! " Lin Feng explained with a smile.

Bush frowned. If that's the case, it's pretty much the same. But is Lin Feng really that simple? Bush frowned. At this moment, he is entangled. He felt that he had really made a big deal this time. But can he avoid it? Can't be avoided? Really, he couldn't avoid it.

He will either go to G23 or cooperate with Lin Feng. He must choose between the two. If you want to be a centrist, I'm afraid both sides will tear themselves to pieces( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)