"What about the Mellon consortium?" Old Morgan's tone was full of greed.

"Ha ha, needless to say, those who have the ability are the best. It is impossible for those wastes of the Mellon consortium to control such huge assets. Let's take charge of the Mellon consortium instead of the dead Arroyo! Of course, we will leave a legacy to his children and grandchildren so that they can enjoy their whole life. " Old DuPont said with a smile.

The total assets of the Mellon consortium add up to at least 18 trillion US dollars, which is enough to make them have a good meal.

"What! Arroyo Mellon is dead When Bush heard about Arroyo's death in the hospital, he was shocked.

"Muller, we're going to leave the hospital, or we're going to be in a mess. These guys are really in a mess. Lin Feng is too bold and crazy! " Bush hastily ordered his aides to help him out of the hospital. It didn't take long for Bush and director Mueller to reappear in the White House.

At the moment, the U.S. government is boiling. Congress is boiling, too. They want revenge for Arroyo Mellon.

"Lin Feng is so arrogant, so arrogant! He dared to carry out a terrorist attack in Washington. He not only robbed all the Washington branches of the Mellon National Bank, but also killed Arroyo. If you don't punish him, it's not enough to calm people's anger! " The congressman yelled.

They are already angry about Lin Feng's behavior in the United States. Before Lin Feng was a victim, and his behavior was in accordance with American law, so people reluctantly accepted his behavior of shelling the government and demonstrating. But then, he detonated the headquarters of the three consortia in the United States, and now he killed Arroyo Mellon blatantly, leaving a roaring wolf head (Wang Meng left it specially to tell the public that it was "wolf teeth" who did it. Of course, the sign of "wolf tooth" is not a wolf head, but a white wolf standing on the top of the mountain (it is a provocation to the United States).

I can't bear it!

Lin Feng must be punished! must!

Bush also believes that Lin Feng must be taught a lesson. Arroyo Mellon is dead. What else does Lin Feng dare not move? This guy is too arrogant to be punished. Of course, from the bottom of his heart, Bush is still happy with Lin Feng‘ G23 'has always been a knife on the head of the US government. This powerful organization has long been outside the US law. There is no way to punish them with existing American laws. It can be said that if the American consortia in the "G23", such as Morgan, Rockefeller, DuPont, Mellon and so on, unite to strike all their groups, the United States will have to be paralyzed immediately. Even if they don't strike, just refuse to cooperate with the U.S. government, you can find that the U.S. government can't buy a plane or a bullet.

Because all US military industries, whether they are advanced F-22 fighters, aircraft carriers, or even nuclear weapons and atomic bombs, are developed by these military factories. All the technology, equipment and workers belong to these military factories, not to the U.S. government. The United States is not like a country like China. This kind of military factory belongs to the state. In the United States, these are private businesses. Originally, according to the idea of Washington, the first president of the United States, making the United States free of state-owned enterprises was one of the means to avoid corruption. As for whether the government would be elevated by these big consortia, in Washington's view at that time, as long as there was competition and no monopoly, the government would not be elevated by these big consortia.

Therefore, the United States gradually derived a variety of laws to limit this monopoly and oligopoly economy. Unfortunately, Washington made a mistake, that is, the people who put forward these proposals to him at that time were big consortia and big capitalists. Can you believe what they say?

Washington believed in it, so in the past two hundred years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the United States has gradually been infiltrated by these super consortia, which has also led to the fact that the United States government, although the world's largest power and the most liberal country, has actually been controlled by these big consortia. Even the Federal Reserve, the largest bank in the world and the bank with the right to print US dollars, is private. What else can the US government do?

(PS: Washington signed the banking act in 1791 and issued licenses to banks in North America, becoming the first modern private commercial bank. Of course, the Bank of North America was actually founded in Philadelphia in 1782. But it was in 1791 that they got their legal rights. The Bank of North America is the predecessor of the Federal Reserve which was founded in 1913

Now that the head of the Mellon consortium of the "G23" is dead, Bush naturally enjoys himself. Of course, because of Arroyo Mellon's power, these congressmen are also angry. They are afraid of being the next Arroyo Mellon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we must carry out sanctions against Lin Feng. However, we are a country under the rule of law, and the people have given us the right to abide by and abide by the law. Everything must have evidence! " Bush said in a deep voice, "at present, we have no evidence to prove that the death of Arroyo Mellon is related to Lin Feng. We don't have any evidence to prove that the robbery of Mellon national bank is related to Lin Feng. According to the results of on-site exploration, there are no fingerprints, any voices, any photos that can identify the robbers. As for the three bombed headquarters of the consortium, we have no evidence. "

Bush sighed helplessly.

"Everybody, do you want us to catch Lin Feng in this situation?" Bush asked, "can we get him? If we went to arrest him, his lawyer would have been waiting for us with the lawsuit letter. "

All members of Congress were silent. It's true that people can't be arrested without evidence. This is a right granted and restricted by American law. They can't arrest people indiscriminately.

"Evidence can be found. We can find evidence, and we can make evidence if we can't find it. I believe the whole world knows that he did all this! " A congressman yelled.

Everyone is excited. Indeed, evidence can be made. Even if Lin Feng doesn't have any evidence left behind, can't he make evidence to frame him? This is no stranger to everyone.

Not everyone sentenced is guilty—— This is a famous legal sentence.

Not innocent, really innocent—— It's well known in the legal world.

Bush nodded.

"Indeed, we can make evidence. However, Lin Feng has just submitted a lawsuit letter to the Federal High Court, accusing the Washington city government of its inaction, causing his people to encounter a terrorist attack in a private hospital, resulting in the death of his bodyguard. Now, Lin Feng proposes a total compensation of 300 billion US dollars to the Washington municipal government! " Bush said with a copy of the lawsuit letter.

what! He should have complained first! And claim 300 billion dollars! Why not die! All the members of Congress scolded. It's shameless, Lin Feng. It's shameless. He's absolutely throwing it in the wrong direction. He killed Arroyo Mellon, but he didn't give up and had to claim for compensation. It's shameless.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I also have a statement document here. Al Qaeda declares that the bank attack in Washington was committed by its organization, and they are willing to take all responsibility for it!" Bush put out another document.

All members of Congress were silent. They don't know what to say now. Before that, Al Qaeda admitted all this, and they must be furious and demand that the army be used to wipe out al Qaeda. But this time, blind people all know that this is a big fight between Lin Feng and the "G23" in Washington. As a result, Al Qaeda takes the initiative to take on everything. What do you want them to say? Let them prove that all this is not done by Al Qaeda, but by Lin Feng?

This is too disturbing! Al Qaeda's reputation is notorious all over the world. As a result, now they have to defend al Qaeda, which should not be laughed to death by the outside world. You said, you al Qaeda is now very glorious, very good, actually also take the initiative to help Lin Feng take everything, you did not take medicine, you!

Of course, maybe we can follow suit and dig out Lin Feng from Al Qaeda. If it turns out that Lin Feng is related to Al Qaeda, Lin Feng will be dead. But I want to know that Lin Feng can't have anything to do with Al Qaeda. Osama bin Laden had invested 50 million US dollars to buy Lin Feng's head. The reward has not been lifted so far, so it is impossible for the two sides to have any relationship. Of course, it's also a mystery why al Qaeda wants to take over everything. But anyway, if al Qaeda does, Lin Feng will be OK.

In that case, what should we do now? Did you let Lin Feng go like this? Many members of Congress looked at each other and had no idea. If you want to say no, what excuse do you use to arrest Lin Feng. Now the villain will complain first, saying that Washington is not well controlled and that terrorists will attack him! He's also claiming $300 billion!

All members of Congress don't know what to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think our top priority now is to win this lawsuit. Otherwise, we will pay US $300 billion in compensation. I'm afraid our government will go bankrupt!" When Bush saw that there was no way for them to do so, he took the initiative to stand up. This is the time for him to show his prestige as a president.

All the property of the U.S. government comes from taxes, and these taxes are supervised by every taxpayer. Every dollar spent must be completely open and transparent. Taxpayers have the right to challenge any budget decision of the government and to sue( Compared with China, it is totally incomparable. In China, the people have the right to know and supervise theoretically, but in fact, no one knows how much they spend every year!)

And every year, the government's budget is good. If we compensate the 300 billion dollars this time, I'm afraid the government will go bankrupt. So the Washington city government has to win this case. All members of Congress agree. They must not let Lin Feng be arrogant again.

"Second, we need to find out why al Qaeda admits everything in this way. Although there may be no connection between Lin Feng and him, we have to prove that if there is any connection, we will arrest Lin Feng immediately!" Bush said aloud.

At this moment, all members of Congress applauded. For the first time, these congressmen were so pleased with Bush.

"Third, whether or not al Qaeda is related to Lin Feng, and whether Lin Feng can be proved guilty, we must defeat Lin Feng in this anti-monopoly campaign! We have to teach this man a lesson! I know that some of you and Ellison are friends, but I hope that this time, you will give up your friendship and unite to defeat Lin Feng! Remember, we're not going to deal with the Americans or our own compatriots, we're going to deal with Lin Feng. As long as Ellison abandons NVIDIA, all his debts can be dealt with lightly. " Bush said in a loud voice, "we must not let such a Chinese as Lin Feng boast in the United States."

applause! Thunderous applause.

For the first time, Bush returned with a 100% vote from Congress.

"What's the matter, Muller? What's your problem?" Bush saw director Mueller staring at himself strangely and asked with a smile.

At the moment, President Bush is in a good mood, so he is willing to answer some questions from director Mueller.

"President, there are some things I shouldn't have asked, but it's hard to keep in my heart. Now there are no outsiders here, and it's not working time, so I dare to ask. " Director Mueller smacked his tongue, brewed some words and said slowly, "president, what I don't understand is what is the relationship between you and Lin Feng? What do you think of him? "

Director Mueller is really puzzled. If you say Bush hates Lin Feng, that's for sure. How many times did Lin Feng make Bush face down? How many times did he hate his teeth in his own room in the White House. However, Bush cooperated with Lin Feng again, and this time he helped Lin Feng to a certain extent. If Bush forcibly arrested people and made evidence, Lin Feng would have died countless times. How can Lin Feng fight the "G23" so hard in Washington that the people can't make a living, and let him come up with all kinds of excuses to deceive the public and cover up the facts.

For example, in last night's war, the original good excuse was that the oil tank fleet had misoperated and led to a series of explosions. As for the bank robbery, it was put on some local underworld groups. Later, Al Qaeda was honest and all of it was put on Al Qaeda. That's why Bush is helping Lin Feng. Otherwise, let the FBI really make some Lin Feng's presence evidence and so on. Even if Lin Feng is protected by Ron's lawyer team, there is no way. If the government is completely unreasonable, the lawyers are useless.

At least, in a short time, Lin Feng can't think of it. But Bush rejected the proposal again and again. This makes mill really confused. Even though he knew that Leo vanta was in Lin Feng's hands, there was no evidence, and Bush did not order to use his absolute power to arrest Lin Feng. On the contrary, they deceive themselves, or those who deceive them need to find evidence to arrest them.

Why? Why? Without Bush's connivance, intentionally or unintentionally, Lin Feng could not have been so arrogant.

Why on earth is all this?

Bush laughed when he heard the speech. He would never answer this question or even ignore it. And if anyone asks, he will get a bad luck and be severely scolded by Bush. But today, he's in a good mood. It can make congressmen nod and clap, which makes Bush in a good mood.

Therefore, Bush is willing to answer today.

"Muller, you are my own man, my confidant. I can answer you this question. But if you've heard of it, don't pass it on to a third person! " Bush said seriously.

Director Mueller nodded heavily. He can be director of the FBI, not only by ability and confidant, but because he can keep secrets. This is the key.

"In fact, my daughter likes Lin Feng!" Bush shrugged helplessly.

"What Director Mueller was shocked. It's impossible. If so, it's outrageous. What's the matter? Isn't Lin Feng an American son-in-law? Isn't it that after making trouble for a long time, our own people beat our own people? However, this is indeed a reasonable explanation for why Bush has repeatedly let Lin Feng go. It's just that if it's a son-in-law relationship, then Bush and Lin Feng won't get into this.

"Haha, Muller, it's so funny that you believe it!" Bush suddenly laughed, but there was a trace of sadness in his smile. After a long time, Bush relaxed, and the whole person suddenly fell down, "Muller, if I can, I really would rather let him go so many times because my daughter likes Shanglin Feng!"

Bush said, a face of helplessness, a face of loneliness and unwilling. Even with a trace of self irony and disdain.

Director Mueller was silent. He came up with an answer. I'm afraid that's why Bush has such a complicated expression.

"Muller, America, what do you think of America?" After Bush asked, he did not wait for Mueller to answer. He said, "in everyone's eyes, the United States is the world's first power. Before I became president of the United States, I thought the United States was the world's first power. But now I would say that the United States is the number one country in the world. "

Director Mueller sighed in his heart. He knows why Bush said that. Because the US government is a country kidnapped by the oligarchic economy. Every word and deed, everything, freedom and prosperity of this country are based on these oligarchic economies. If one day these oligarchs don't like it, the country will be in chaos.

Banks, military industry, manufacturing industry, people's livelihood goods, everything is monopolized by these oligarchs. They monopolize everything in this country!

"Washington is wrong, he is really wrong!" Bush tightly grasped his clothes on his chest, as if he was out of breath. "Washington, he thought that this is the most democratic and the best system that can build the most powerful country. But he's wrong. He's really wrong. His various bills were used by these oligarchs to create an unprecedented oligarchic era. An era of oligarchy in which the state can be completely controlled. "

Bush wry smile, "Muller, do you know why President Abraham Lincoln died?"( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)