Plan B, what is plan B! That is, when the Japanese side can't find the black box, in the face of external doubts, they directly let Boeing company come forward, artificially create a fake black box, create a "wind wing", and finally crash into the fuel depot of Jinzhu airport, which is a man-made tragedy.

Of course, this plan B is bound to involve Boeing's reputation. After all, this is behind the scenes manipulation, which will damage Boeing's reputation for a century. Once it is exposed, Boeing will become a rat in the street, which is an irreparable loss. Of course, there is no irreparable loss in this world. The difference is just the cost.

"Prime Minister Abe, with regard to plan B, you should know how much pressure China's Boeing aircraft will bear, which is fatal to the whole company. In addition, it must be guaranteed by our government, and the risk is too great. What's more, your government said that the black box could not be found, or it had been directly buried in the ground. But we can't believe this promise. Your country said that Lin Feng died. But now, Lin Feng lives in Shanghai and incites the public. So, Mr Abe, this plan B is very difficult to implement! " Bush sighed, "originally, this was our plan based on the death of Lin Feng, but now that Lin Feng is not dead, everything in the plan will change. After all, Lin Feng is not a mortal. He is a very powerful and difficult man. "

Listening to Bush's vigorous advocacy of Lin Feng over there, I can imagine what he felt. However, he also understood that Bush said this because he wanted to get more benefits. That's it.

"Mr. Bush, Lin Feng is a very troublesome person. As long as he is still there for one day, for us, I mean us, not the Japanese and American governments, just us. He is a disaster for us. Mr. Bush, think about what our days have been like since this man appeared on the world stage! "**** Instead of lobbying bush from the positions of the governments of the two countries, he lobbied from the personal positions of both sides.

Compared with the United States and Japan, Lin Feng is just a businessman. Although Lin Feng's assets are trillions at present, for the two countries, it can not really affect their economies from the overall situation. After all, Lin Feng's main industry is in it, and the prosperity of IT industry affects it stocks most, but has little influence on the economic trend of the whole country. As for the huge amount of cash in Lin Feng's hands, he has already bought all the rice. Hundreds of billions of dollars of rice in his hands is nothing to the two countries. The United States itself is a big producer. Although Japan relies on imports, it has a bumper global grain harvest. Lin Feng's purchase of so much grain will only make the grain rot in his hands.

Therefore, Lin Feng has no decisive influence on the overall economic trend of the two countries. What makes the two countries uneasy is that Lin Feng makes President Bush and Prime Minister personally helpless. As the head of a country, they often suffer from Lin Feng, which is not disturbing**** I believe Bush has long hated Lin Feng, but he has no chance.

"Lin Feng, a Chinese, is very good. Although we have repeatedly offended me, we Americans have always welcomed the world with a broad mind. This small offence is nothing at all! On the contrary, I hope he can become more and more excellent and make the world more wonderful Bush said with a smile.

against conscience! If it wasn't against his will, the president would give his head to Bush as a chamber pot. However, he will not be silly to question bush.

"Mr. Bush, but if Lin Feng wins this time, it's Japan that has to pay for it!"**** Shen Sheng said, "if so, I'm afraid that Lin Feng will really soar to the sky, enough that we can only look up to it. After all, we all have tenure. "

Bush frowned. Indeed, they all have tenure. Although Bush has just won re-election, his term of office will expire in 2008. There are still three years left. After three years, he will be idle at home and will no longer be president of the United States. If before he leaves office, he still can't solve Lin Feng, then he can only live in infinite regret and depression in his life. This is absolutely intolerable to him.

"Now is the best chance, a chance to drive Lin Feng into the abyss. A chance for us to watch him jump up and down and have nothing to do! "**** Said grimly.

To bring down Lin Feng is the most urgent task for him and bush**** Don't believe bush, don't move. In particular, this time there is no need for Bush to do more. Japan will do everything. Bush just needs to bridge with Boeing. He believes Bush will be moved.

Sure enough, Bush was excited. It has always been his wish to drive Lin Feng into the abyss, but although the US president is the most influential person in the world, he is also the most constrained person. He can do many things, but he is also bound by various laws. This was the first president of the United States when the constitution of the United States was established. When Washington established the constitution of the United States, he made clear the law to restrict himself as president of the United States.

The constitution of the United States is the fairest law in the world. Because the first consideration of those who create laws is to limit themselves. Many people have to admire Washington in future generations, even now. Looking around the world, the creators of any country will hold the power in their hands as tightly as possible, so that they can have enough rights, as many rights as possible, and as long as Washington, DC, will take the initiative to control the power. It's incredible. And that has brought about more than two hundred years of prosperity in the United States.

As president of the United States, Bush is naturally subject to many constraints of the constitution of the United States. He can take risks to use his privileges to deal with Lin Feng, but once he is found out, he will be infamous. If he goes too far, he will go to prison. Therefore, Bush will not take personal risks against Lin Feng. It's not worth it. It's not worth it.

Naturally, Bush will not miss this opportunity and is not willing to miss it.

After a bit of reserve, Bush agreed to plan B's request and contacted Boeing. Even though Alan Mulally, President of Boeing, had known about the deal for a long time, he still made it very difficult. Finally, he put forward some very harsh conditions (for example, all aircraft in Japan must use Boeing aircraft from now on). Boyin agreed that it would release the black box content tomorrow.

However, Allen Mulally worried that the black box would be found later, and proposed that a chief engineer of Boeing aircraft stationed in Japan should publish the contents of the black box in the name of the Japanese branch. This is also to ensure that Boeing can leave at any time in case the black box is found.

Cunning! Baga**** Hearing this request, I was so angry that I had to vomit blood. If we agree to this requirement, Boeing will reap all the benefits from the beginning to the end without any risks. Japan, however, makes wedding clothes for others, and once something goes wrong, it has to bear all the black pots. However, for the moment, there is no way for Japan not to agree. Therefore, no matter how harsh, unkind and shameless the conditions are, the Japanese government agrees to them.

As long as Lin Feng is convicted, this requirement is not too much. As for the black box, Japan also let the self defense forces continue to search secretly. At the same time, all the people near Sapporo are under martial law, and the luggage of all passers-by is monitored to prevent the black box from being taken away.

****I believe that under such conditions, it is impossible for the outside world to get the black box. As for Lin Feng's soldiers, according to the bodies left behind by Jinzhu airport, they should have all died. After all, the US F-15 fighters have been bombed in an all-round way without dead ends, so it's hard not to die.

Immediately after that, Boeing released news that Japan had found the black box, which is now being comprehensively analyzed by chief engineer Mueller of Boeing division, and the content of the black box will be released tomorrow.

When the news came out, the whole world was quiet. This super catastrophe, this great tragedy concerning the compensation of the whole city, is finally coming to a conclusion. Whether Lin Feng is the culprit of this disaster, or whether he is wronged, there is another culprit among them, which will be revealed tomorrow.

The whole world is waiting for the final answer. At the moment, Lin Feng has returned home to Shanghai. All the family are waiting for him. Ever since the news of his death came out, the family has been in a state of desolation and despair. No matter Lin Feng's parents, Huang Meixi, Li Zhiyou and Avril, they are all desperate and helpless. All of them have lost the motive force of life and don't know what to do and what to do in the future. They suddenly found that without Lin Feng, the whole life lost its meaning.

Life changes from color to black and white.

But when Lin Feng appeared in the "light of the century" downstairs, singing the song "loyal to serve the country", Avril they cried. A few days ago, none of them cried because they were ready to cry. But now they cry. This is a kind of tears of joy. Lin Feng's resurrection from death is like a new life to them. They are so happy.

When Lin Feng appeared in the villa, everyone jumped on it.

Lin Feng put his arms around them and felt sorry for them. For their own plan, let the family involved. But I can't help it. This time Japan is doing too much. He must be careful. Otherwise, I don't know what more crazy Japan will do.

"Boss, Richard, vice president Wu, Zong Qinghou, they call to express their sympathy, do they answer?" Lin Zhiling red eyes, holding the phone to ask.

"No, tell them I belong to my family tonight! What's the matter? Let's talk about it tomorrow! " Lin Feng waved his hand, surrounded by Avril and them, walked into the door together, "Zhiling, come in quickly, we'll have hot pot tonight!"( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)