Facing Lin Feng's question, commander Chen was speechless and didn't know how to answer. There is something wrong with Lee Teng Hui's words and deeds, but after all, he is also a Taiwanese and a former president of Taiwan. He has no reason to help Lin Feng ridicule his former president.

"Ha ha, of course, even if you don't want to answer." Lin Feng, with a smile, turned his head and said, "pull up the banner for me!"

Lin Feng said.

"Yes, sir Zhan Qixiong roared. Then a super long banner with a height of 5 meters and a length of 100 meters was hung on the flank of Fengshen facing Keelung Harbor. At the same time, 300 warships are lined up on the sea, all with a banner.

Ah Hui advised the seller not to be proud, and wrote eight words in calligraphy to encourage each other.

Rich democracy is the godfather of black gold politics;

Chairman of the foreign political power party, the president has been sitting longer than Jingguo;

Laugh at the motherland's big soy sauce tank, milk fed it dirty;

China talks when it comes to power, but how can it change when it comes to power;

In the past, half of the chair was sitting, but now half of the sky is red;

Liu Taigong, the development manager, used to be a teacher, but now he is a powerful man;

Domineering, such as he Yao, all the women in the US dollar bill are important;

Miss China shouts Godfather and spends a lot of money without blinking an eye;

Mirage Lafayette, 10 billion Commission was privatized;

To shake the foundation of our country, we should also look into it. Who knows that all the laws are empty;

Ah Hui's eyes are green, blue and green chameleon;

He ran to the enemy's camp at night to protect his life;

They are afraid of coup, and they are strangers to their father and son;

Gold is empty, silver is empty, and color is empty. After death, he once held hands;

If you are a traitor, I will kill you with my horse!

"Lee Teng Hui, can you see clearly?" Lin Feng yelled.

"You --" Lee Teng Hui saw the banner clearly and trembled with anger. "Lin Feng, you are too deceiving! I will sue you

"Ha ha, tell me! I'd like to have a good fight with you who forget your ancestors. I'd like to show people all over the world and all Taiwan compatriots why they were born Chinese and betrayed to the Japanese by you. At that time, the Japanese burned, killed and plundered Taiwan, leaving countless blood debts. You big traitor are thinking about selling Taiwan to the Japanese. Lee Teng Hui, I Pooh Lin Feng spat.

"Fellow Taiwan compatriots, are you willing to be ruled by the Japanese devils and let them poop and pee on your heads?" Lin Feng asked aloud.

At the moment, Keelung harbor is full of Taiwanese people, all of whom come to see the excitement. Lin Feng arrived in Taiwan and led 300 warships to Taiwan, which was a great thing. No one knows what this crazy and publicity man will do. Where on earth will Taiwan go? So at the moment, all the people in Taiwan are watching, listening to Lin Feng's questions, and answering them without thinking.

"No!" Joke, who wants to be ruled by other nationalities? Even countries like Vietnam have overturned the rule of France. Will Taiwan continue to return to the colonial era? Isn't that bullshit!

However, there are also some discordant voices among the reluctance, some shouting "I do!"

Lin Feng frowned, but he didn't care. After all, Japan's rule of Taiwan in those days did bring the original ignorant Taiwanese modern ideas and modern life. Some of the Taiwanese did not hate the Japanese, and even loved them. Especially teenagers!

Then I'll give you an anti Japanese class today—— Lin Feng gave a cold hum.

"I will!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "very good, very good. I know why these people who call me willing are so pro Japanese. Very simply, the Japanese let you into a modern life and greatly satisfied your material civilization. So you kiss me, I'm right! " Lin Feng said.

The pro Japanese faction in Keelung Port nodded decisively. Indeed, for these people, their lives were better before the Kuomintang came. After the KMT came, not only material life became worse, but also speech was restricted. It was more closed than under Japanese rule, and there were no human rights. In contrast, naturally Japanese rule is good!

"Slave! This is the servility of the Chinese Lin Feng gave a loud drink.

"If you look at the whole world, I'm afraid only we Chinese are the most servile! Only the Chinese, after being ruled by the alien race, will be grateful to the alien race. It's a wonderful flower in the world! Sometimes, I really feel that these people who are willing to be ruled by a different race or a little Japan are willing to accept being ruled by a different race because of their brain growth! " Lin Feng sighed.

Lin Feng's words are deeply appreciated by those old people in Keelung Harbor. Most of these old people came from the era of Japanese rule. They knew that although the Japanese brought modernization, the bloody rule also brought countless human tragedies to the Taiwanese at that time. But with the surrender of Japan, the development of Japan's economy in recent years, and the operation of the pro Japanese faction in Taiwan, young people are more and more fond of the Japanese. Japan's politics, Japan's laws and Japan's society are the real beautiful society. Unfortunately, they forget that the martyrs of the past were massacred by Japan.

"But the Japanese are more advanced, they are more developed. We just want to live a better life. What's wrong with that! Do you want us to learn from the backward side of your mainland? " A young girl screamed.

"The mainland is backward?" Lin Feng pretended to be surprised, "ah, ah, ah, it's the first time I've heard that the mainland is backward. Little sister, are you from Jurassic era! You have to say that the mainland is backward. Now the mainland is the third largest economy in the world, second only to the United States and Japan! Of course, you can say that there are many Chinese. Then look at me! Open your eyes and look at me. I started my career at the age of 19, made the world's richest man list at the age of 21, and became the world's richest man at the age of 23. At the age of 25, I have assets of more than one trillion US dollars! I earned it myself! Can anyone in Japan do it? "

Lin Feng said things about himself, which made many pro Japanese groups speechless. Because, Lin Feng's success is unable to duplicate, is one kind of miracle. 25 years old, with trillions of dollars in assets, which is frightening to think about.

"Well, it's just your own money! But it can't change the power of Japan as a whole! The perfection of Japanese law! The advancement of Japanese society The pro Japanese girl argued.

"Ha ha, let's have a look! I can put my words here. In three years and three years, the Chinese mainland will surpass Japan and become the second largest economy in the world. Lin fenglang said in a voice, "of course, it's no fun fighting with a yellow haired girl like you. I'm here today just to tell Lee Teng Hui, including all of you in Taiwan! " Lin Feng opened his eyes and showed his arrogance.

"The Diaoyu Islands belong to all Chinese, not to Taiwan. No one has the right to give the Diaoyu Islands to other countries. If any of you have such shameless thoughts, I can guarantee that his future life will be miserable. For those who betray their ancestors and forget their ancestors, they will never come to a good end. Remember, I, Lin Feng, said that Lin Feng said proudly, "I don't care if you Taiwanese agree with Lee Teng Hui's point of view or think Japanese are good. In short, in Lin Feng's eyes, Japan is a despicable nation."

Before Lin Feng's words came to an end, Keelung Harbor was full of criticism. Lin Feng's words are too overbearing and arrogant. You Lin Feng is the richest man in the world. How can you control everyone's will!

"Ha ha, don't you agree!" Lin Feng made a gesture.

After Lin Feng, 300 warships fired ten thousand guns at the same time, which hit the sea in the distance and swept the whole Keelung Harbor. People in Keelung Harbor retreated.

"Mr. Lin, what are you doing?" Commander Chen murmured.

Lin Feng glances at commander Chen, who is terrified by all kinds of guns. He laughs.

"You think Taiwan belongs to Taiwanese, that's right. But I think Taiwan belongs to all Chinese. It has belonged to China since ancient times. At that time, the Japanese sent troops to Taiwan and occupied it. Those of you who betray your ancestors think that Taiwan belongs to Japan. If I lead my troops to Taiwan now, then who does Taiwan belong to? " Lin fengleng hum.

On Keelung harbor, the people of Taiwan are sluggish.

"Mr. Lin, you don't mean it!" Commander Chen was very frightened. If Lin Feng is really crazy at the moment and attacks Taiwan, will he block it or not? Just now, he was able to understand the military gap between the mainland and Taiwan. If Lin Feng is going to attack Taiwan at this moment, these 300 warships will not defeat Taiwan. However, if we want to annihilate the Taiwan Navy, there is no problem.

After that, the mainland army and air force launched simultaneously, and I'm afraid that Taiwan will be conquered within ten days. This is by no means what the Taiwan military wants to see. It's really hard to say whether the United States will join the army at that time.

At least, with Lin Feng as a lunatic, the United States should carefully weigh whether it will really set off a world war.

"Ha ha, commander Chen, what do you think?" Lin Feng asked.

"This -" commander Chen did not know how to answer.

Keelung port, no, the whole of Taiwan is just as numb at the moment. They have been very wild and beautiful, and think that the support of the United States and Japan is not what the Chinese mainland wants to do with Taiwan. But at the moment, they are a little silly. It's a little scary that all these guns are fired at the same time. At this moment, they really feel that the United States is unreliable and Japan is too unreliable.

If Lin Feng really attacks at the moment, who can help Taiwan? No, no one can help Taiwan.

"All right, everybody, I'm going! Also, Lee Teng Hui, you are so pro Japanese, I think, why don't you join Japanese nationality? Do you want my help? " Lin Feng smiles.

Lee Teng Hui's face turned black.

"All right, everybody, let's go! Back to base With a big wave of Lin Feng's hand and a shout from 300 warships, they all set out to return to Korea.

"Taiwan! Hum, sooner or later I will take it down Lin Feng looked back at the distant island of Taiwan and began to figure out how to control Taiwan from an economic point of view.

The land of the Chinese people will always belong to the Chinese people, and no one can touch it( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)