"Boss, do you really work with Rothschild?" Asked kantsu.

Lin Feng nodded.

Kantsu and Kruger frowned at the same time.

"What? What do you think is wrong? " Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Kantsu and Kruger thought and shook their heads.

"Boss, this is a bit of a problem." Kant Su frowned, "although it is said that Rothschild once ruled the world economy, it has declined since the Second World War, and the main culprit of its decline is the" G23 "organization. Now Rothschild chooses to cooperate with you, naturally he wants to use your power to deal with the" G23 "and take you as a gun!"

"Yes, boss, it's not wise of you to choose to work with Rothschild now." Kruger seconded.

As the core figures of the world's two major financial organizations, they know more about Rothschild and "G23" than Lin Feng. They absolutely do not agree with Lin Feng's cooperation with Rothschild at this time.

"I naturally understand this, but since the" G23 "is ready to take action against me, it doesn't matter whether I cooperate with Rothschild or not." Lin Feng sighed. This time, it's not the trouble you're causing, it's the trouble you're looking for. You say that you want to develop your own game business well, but some people don't like you and want to build up power. Isn't that a disaster comes from heaven!

Kantsu and Kruger sighed helplessly. This is really a disaster. And as Lin Feng said, since the "G23" has made every effort to deal with Lin Feng, it really has nothing to do with Rothschild's cooperation.

"Kantsu, Kruger, how do you think that Arroyo Mellon would snipe the war of the world?" Asked Lin Feng.

The Mellon family, with a long history, controls hundreds of large enterprises including finance, aluminum, petroleum, coal mining, shipbuilding, steel-making and other industries. The assets of one bank alone are as high as 30 billion banks, and the assets of the whole family can not be estimated at present.

If others can't understand the horror of the Mellon family, a children's song once circulated in New York can fully make people feel the horror of the Mellon family - Mellon blows the whistle and Hoover rings the bell. Wall street sends a signal that America is going to hell—— On October 24, 1929, the biggest economic crisis broke out in the history of capitalism in the United States. Within a week, Americans lost $10 billion on the stock exchange, a popular nursery rhyme when farmers poured milk into the Mississippi River to destroy "surplus" products.

Although Lin Feng is not afraid of this behemoth's attack on World War, he is inevitably a little nervous.

"Boss, he wants to snipe" World War II "by two means. One is to spend money to exchange game currency, then disrupt the financial order of the game world and control prices, so that players will eventually leave the game because of repeated prices, or they can exchange amazing wealth by buying and selling, and drain our reserve funds, Let us have no money to exchange game currency, forcing us to break faith with the players. In this way, the reputation of our company will definitely drop, and the share price will be damaged. But when you snipe our company's stock, you can stink our company. In the end, it's worth $160 billion now, and it's worth nothing. The fall in the share price of second world will also directly affect your boss and other companies. For example, "the second bank", in the end, let the boss lose everything! " Kantsu said.

"It's just one of them. It's just a game to beat the boss. If it's me, I can beat the boss off the field《 The reserves of World War II are provided by the second bank. The Mellon family can also force the second bank to have liquidity problems by cracking down on the second bank, and ultimately affect the operation of World War II. " Kruger added.

Later, kantsu and Kruger analyzed the possible means adopted by the Mellon family.

Lin Feng heard of sweating. Kantsu and Kruger summed up a total of 28 pieces to deal with their own poison, from the game to snipe Lin Feng, from the outside to snipe Lin Feng, and even from the national level to snipe Lin Feng. In a word, according to their analysis, Lin Feng is doomed this time.

"You two, you don't have to hit me like this Lin Feng said with shame.

"Boss, this is just an objective analysis. As for the actual situation, I'm afraid it will be quite different. Not only will the boss not lose, he may even make the Mellon family suffer a big setback this time. " Kruger looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes.

"Oh, what does that mean?" Lin Feng was surprised. Indeed, although Lin Feng heard about the 28 merons' schemes against him, he was not very worried. Not to mention the trillions of US dollars of Rio vantana (the 5% reward promised by Rio vantana), or the 200 billion US dollars from Japan, are enough to make Lin Feng feel confident.

"Boss, don't talk in secret in front of the public. The cash in your hand is not 12 billion US dollars, but 212 billion US dollars!" Kantsu smiles.

Lin Feng's face jumped.

"Don't deny it, boss. Of course, you don't have to worry about it. It's also because we have been supported by two of the largest financial organizations in the world, and we have a lot of contacts. We unexpectedly found a trace of abnormality in the financial sector. After layer upon layer analysis and our understanding of you, we came to such a conclusion. " Kantsu said.

Lin Feng nodded slowly to admit.

"Now that the boss has $200 billion in cash, there's no need to worry. If Mellon wants to play, play him to death. " Kantsu said excitedly.

"Yes, as long as the Mellon family dare to do it, we have enough money to deal with him this time. 212 billion dollars in cash, tut, tut, tut, even the world bank can't easily come up with such a huge amount of money. Even for the Mellon family, it is extremely difficult to raise such a huge amount of money in a short time. " Kruger, too, yelled excitedly.

Both of them are financial professionals, and their hobbies are basically related to finance. This time, they can hold 200 billion dollars and play a financial game with the Mellon family, one of the richest families in the family. Naturally, they can't be more excited.

"Well, it's up to you. Before I come back from Taiwan, please Lin Feng said.

They nodded heavily.

At the moment, on Genesis island in the Pacific Ocean, the "G23" has finally passed a three-day major conference for it. The 23 participants have reached a consensus on the future development of science and technology and the progress of human society. Decided to launch genetically modified food, vigorously develop cloning technology (based on the human body), and interstellar Technology (to develop a permanent space station).

Of course, there is a small consensus - to deal with Lin Feng.

"Arroyo, it's up to you." Old Morgan said with a smile.

"Yes, Arroyo, it's up to you whether the Mellon family can revive its former glory." Old DuPont also laughed.

"Well, don't worry. It's just Lin Feng. You can catch it with your hands. The so-called richest man in the world, jokingly Arroyo Mellon looked scornful.

They all laughed and did not feel anything wrong because of Arroyo's bold words. In their opinion, Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, is just a joke. I'm afraid the whole world will be shocked if they make their wealth public. But that would do them no good at all. As a result, they have never revealed their wealth. And the so-called world rich list is also invented by them to fool the people. The purpose is to cover up their wealth.

At the moment, "the second world.".

"Well, Mr. Wu, the company is up to you. If there's anything unusual, please ask kantsu and Kruger. If you can't, please call me. In a word, we will teach them a lesson if they want to offend us this time. " Lin Feng patted Wu Zhaopu on the shoulder.

Wu Zhaopu nodded. Now the company and Rothschild cooperation, Wu Zhaopu full of confidence. Nature is not afraid of anyone.

Lin Feng did not correct Wu Zhaopu's psychology. Although Wu Zhaopu is a confidant of his own, he has not reached the level of a dead man. 200 billion US dollars, which is absolutely impossible to see the light. Tell Wu Zhaopu that in case of leakage, there will be a lot of trouble. Japan has an excuse to deal with itself. Therefore, at present, unless Lin Feng confirms that he can fully trust people, he will not tell him about 200 billion US dollars.

At the same time, Rothschild chose to cooperate with himself, which was the best cover up for Lin Feng's large amount of funds from unknown sources. Thinking of this, Lin Feng is very happy. It's a good time for old Rothschild to come. Otherwise, Lin Feng will really have a headache. How to explain the 200 billion dollars. After all, once the Mellon family Snipes World War II, Lin Feng is bound to spend the 200 billion dollars. I can't explain it then, but I can't.

Now, everything is easy to say.

"By the way, boss, with all due respect, boss, why are you taking all your confidants to Taiwan this time?" Wu Zhaopu pointed to Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui, Huang Meixi, Liu Yifei, and Yuan shayangli who had been on the plane.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Of course, to help my artist, Lin Yichen, go to the platform! My entertainment company's investment in "prank kisses" has finally been completed and started to promote. Of course I'm going to join in! I once promised Yichen that I would help her at the premiere of her play. Since I'm going, I'm going to focus on it. " Lin fengxiao said.

Wu Zhaopu rolled his eyes. It's grand enough for you to go there by yourself. You'll bring so many women with you. You're not going to give up on Taiwan.

Lin Feng laughs and gets on the plane. In fact, in addition to supporting Lin Yichen, another purpose of this trip to Taiwan is to meet Gou Taiming and Ma Yingjiu. Of course, I also want to see poor Comrade Chen Shui Bian by the way( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)