The last thing Japanese car dealers want to see is that it happened.

Lin Feng launched a press conference to announce that King Schumacher officially joined "dragon team". This news undoubtedly shocked the whole car industry. As early as last year, when Lin Feng set up the "dragon team" and made bold suggestions that he would dig Schumacher, the outside world had been holding a joke attitude and waiting for Lin Feng to make a fool of himself. After all, the relationship between Schumacher and Ferrari is obvious to all. The relationship between the two sides is an inseparable whole from the outside world.

As a result, it is now announced that Schumacher has joined the "dragon team", leaving Ferrari to join the dragon team before the start of the new F1 season. It seems like a dream to many people. Is there anything more outrageous in this world?

yes! Absolutely. That is, Lin Feng immediately announced that Ross Brown also joined the "dragon team".

Shrimp“ Ferrari is able to unify the car world by Schumacher, Ross brown and Jean Todd. As a result, the two most important people have been poached by dragon team. What is Ferrari going to take to win the championship in the new season?

And with Schumacher and Ross Brown joining, the new season "dragon team" will reach what point, no one can say. Maybe it will soar to the sky!

Fans are looking forward to the combination of Schumacher and Ross brown in "dragon team". At this time, the domestic car fans suddenly think of the star singer who was signed by "dragon team" before, and the driver who can drive the most among the stars - Lin Zhiying.

Schumacher and Jimmy Lin's combination is awesome! Domestic car fans scream in their hearts.

Lin Zhiying, needless to say, is familiar to all the car fans. The little whirlwind in the Chinese music and film circles once swept Southeast Asia in the shortest time, and its record is still hard to break.

Today, the fresh and refreshing boy next door, coupled with the domineering car king Schumacher, will be the most attractive combination in F1. Maybe it will be slightly inferior to other driver combinations in strength, but the focus of its competition is undoubtedly No.1. And definitely the most handsome combination!

Affected by this, the attention of "Shenlong Auto" has been raised in an instant. Of course, in the eyes of Chinese people whose national complex has been repeatedly hurt, this alone is not enough to move them to buy "Shenlong Automobile". Although DPCA seems to be green enough, energy-saving enough and strong enough, it looks like it is. It will take time to test the actual situation.

Although many car owners don't want Lin Feng to lose to Japanese car dealers, they have to consider it carefully when it comes to personal interests. After all, no matter how much we say, this car is not something that we can buy at home. It is an important investment and needs careful consideration. However, the brand effect of Japanese auto companies is also well-known, which can not be compared with that of "Shenlong Auto" which has been established for only one year.

Of course, for those who really have money and buy cars like cabbage, the grade of "DPCA" is a little lower. No matter what the meaning behind it is, in a word, they can't go out and be humiliated. Oh, today's "Shenlong car" is environmentally friendly!

There is no doubt that those rich people in China would not like to hear such words. In these people's minds, energy conservation and environmental protection are synonymous with garbage and substandard products. They have to buy luxury cars and brands, as if to show their value.

With these mindsets, it's really hard for DPCA to sell better than Japanese car companies.

"Ha * * * *, the Chinais are the Chinais. Just give them something good and they will treat you as God! " Toyoda laughed.

Originally, he thought that the signing of Schumacher and Ross Brown "dragon team" is likely to bring a big threat to Japanese car dealers. As a result, although the reputation of "Shenlong motorcade" has greatly increased, the sales volume of "Shenlong Automobile" has only increased a little symbolically. Now, the sales volume difference between "Shenlong Automobile" and Japanese automobile manufacturers is more than 200000. Now it's only more than a month from the date agreed by both sides.

In more than a month, we want to fill the gap of 200000 vehicles, unless a miracle is born. Faced with this gap, Japanese car dealers are completely relieved. Completely relieved.

Make it, toss it, Lin Feng, whatever you toss, whatever you make, I don't believe you can turn out flowers! Akio Toyoda sneered.

Japanese car dealers believe that Lin Feng is doomed this time. They will completely extinguish the hope of China's auto industry and their hope in heavy industry.

However, at this time, Lin Feng once again announced that "DPCA" and "Saleen" will exchange 20% shares and jointly launch the "DPCA s series sports car".

This s series sports car of DPCA not only has the unique energy saving and environmental protection of DPCA, but also has the super cool appearance and rapid feeling of Saleen.

The combination of energy conservation and environmental protection with rapid development is too exaggerated and incredible. How can energy conservation, environmental protection and extreme speed be combined? This is self contradictory. Energy saving and environmental protection means underground performance, and extreme speed means high energy consumption, which is eternal. But now the two sides jointly announced that they will launch such a "Dragon s" series sports car that breaks all theories, which is really incredible.

"No way, there's no way in the world to have such a car!" Hiro Honda's face was full of shock and anger.

As the son of tsuichiro Honda, the founder of Honda, although he did not directly manage the company, he started the "unlimited" company (Honda Royal refitting company), and his understanding of cars is no less than anyone in the world. Speed is directly proportional to energy consumption, which is the law of conservation of energy. But the "Dragon s" series has broken the iron law of physics.

Not only Hiro Honda doubted, but anyone doubted the authenticity of this sports car, and even doubted that it was just a smoke bomb and a good wish. But the news was jointly announced by DPCA and Saleen“ Shenlong Auto unilaterally announced that Lin Feng's vicious act of deceiving the dead is not worth the life. This "Shenlong s" car is likely to be a deceit.

However, "Saleen" company is strict and civilized. Such an old company has no reason to lie and cheat the public. Because lies will be broken one day, once the lies are broken, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It is precisely because of the outside world's strict respect for "Saleen" or trust that it can not doubt the authenticity of this "Dragon s" series! The outside world can't doubt that the direct result is the sales increase of "DPCA".

In just a few days, the sales volume of "DPCA" has suddenly risen to a higher level, and the gap between DPCA and Japanese car manufacturers is less than 15.

Although Japanese car dealers are surprised, they are not too worried. It's not so easy to level the gap of 15 cars in the remaining month. What's more, although they don't have the "Dragon s" car to stimulate the market, with the past reputation and brand effect, coupled with strong promotional and discount activities, Japanese car sales are still in an orderly hot sale.

Although the gap of car sales between the two sides has not widened, it has not narrowed, and the gap of 120000 vehicles has entered a stalemate stage. But the standoff is obviously the worst for Lin Feng. When the time comes, he can't surpass the domestic sales of Japanese car dealers, so Lin Feng will lose. If Lin Feng loses, he must admit to the public that Chinese cars are far inferior to Japanese cars. This sentence is a heavy blow to China's auto industry and the Chinese people. Not to mention Lin Feng!

What to do—— The world looks at Lin Feng.

Arrogant as Lin Feng, publicity as Lin Feng, nationalism as Lin Feng, can you tolerate losing this bet? Can we tolerate the loss of Chinese cars to Japanese cars? Can you tolerate yourself admitting that Chinese cars are inferior to Japanese cars?

Obviously, on this issue, the outside world is consistent, that is, Lin Feng will never allow this to happen. What will Lin Feng do? Yes, what will Lin Feng do?

What is Lin Feng doing now? He just invited thousands of stars he knew or didn't know to hold a simple party together on the newly renovated Tenglong! A party to celebrate the launch of Tenglong again.

We just drink, chat, enjoy the sea view, a very ordinary party. It's just that after the party, all the famous stars in the country change their cars in an instant. Whether they go to the announcement, the crew or the usual shopping, all the cars they drive are "dragon cars".

Shua! Shua! Shua—— The front page headlines of major media all cover this amazing "feat". Obviously, these stars change cars overnight and have an absolute relationship with Lin Feng. After media investigation, the sales volume of "DPCA" suddenly increased by 1235. After the star collective car change incident, the sales volume of "DPCA" soared, and the gap between DPCA and Japanese car dealers was less than 100000.

Shameless—— Japanese car dealers scold Lin Feng for his action. Scold Lin Feng for being shameless and using some insidious moves.

For this comment of Japanese car dealers, Lin Feng just said it lightly - if you can't eat grapes, you can say sour grapes!

Vomit blood! This sentence annoys the Japanese car business each big head to strangle Lin Feng's heart to have. But just after being angry, people's mood calmed down.

"What do you think, gentlemen?" Mr. Honda asked with a smile.

"When he continues to be arrogant, how can he cry when I see the end?" Akio Toyoda's mouth was filled with a gloomy smile( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)