Berto Agnelli had an angry face. He has already stepped down for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng is so ungrateful. Isn't he really afraid of death! No, Berto Agnelli absolutely doesn't.

Berto anellian raised his hand, and dozens of mini submachine guns immediately aimed at Lin Feng and his party.

"Lin Feng, if you have the ability, say it again!" Berto Agnelli roared. At the muzzle of dozens of submachine guns, he didn't believe that Lin Feng dared to speak wildly. And as long as Lin Feng is soft, a little soft, then he will expose today's matter, so as not to let everyone down. Of course, his bottom line is that Schumacher and Ross Brown must belong to Ferrari.

"Berto Agnelli, are you threatening me?" Lin Feng did not look at the muzzle, but turned to look at Berto Agnelli.

"Lin Feng, this is not a threat, but a fact! The dignity of the Agnelli family should not be provoked by anyone! " Berto Agnelli.

Old fox—— Lin Feng cursed.

Although Berto Agnelli is so arrogant and ready to swallow Lin Feng's posture, in fact, Berto Agnelli is also hard to ride a tiger. He doesn't dare to leave Lin Feng here at all. If Lin Feng continues to work hard to the end, he really can't step down. Therefore, Berto Agnelli is losing his words, saying that the dignity of the Agnelli family should not be provoked by anyone, that is to tell Lin Feng not to let him down. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to do it. Then the two sides really have to fight each other.

"Mr. Agnelli, no one has ever done anything stupid in the Agnelli family to challenge the dignity of the Agnelli family." Lin Feng said slowly, let the atmosphere at the scene ease a little bit, otherwise Lin Feng was afraid of the real excessive stimulation, let Berto Agnelli dizzy for a moment and ordered to shoot, then he was really wronged.

It's not because of Lin Feng counsellor, but because he thinks that sometimes he's too tough. He looks like he's powerful and will be recited by later generations, but he's really stupid. People have value only when they survive. When it's time to bow, they should bow. When it's time to admit counsels, they should admit counsels. The so-called 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, saved his life, after you have more opportunities to find the field. Of course, Lin Feng is not the kind of blindly admit counsels, everything will compromise.

In this world, there are some things that can never be compromised. Even if you give your life. But now, it's OK to compromise a little.

Berto Agnelli's face softened slightly. If Lin Feng doesn't continue to work hard, he will step down.

"Mr. Lin, if you don't mind, please come in for tea and we'll talk about it again!" Invited by Berto Agnelli.

"Of course, why not!" Lin Feng smiles and goes in with his head raised.

Astonished—— Schumacher and Ross Brown look at each other with a look of consternation. That's... that's ridiculous! It's incredible that the two sides have just made up for each other. Schumacher and Ross Brown obviously can't accept the drama.

"Let's go! This is the upper class Li Rui patted Schumacher on the shoulder. For this kind of scene, they followed Lin Feng's side, but they were well-informed. In the upper class society, everything is a floating cloud, only interest is eternal. So, scenes like today are too common.

As long as there are interests, enemies can become relatives and relatives can become enemies.

The two sides sit down again.

"Mr. Lin, come on, I can offer you a compensation condition." After such a fuss just now, Berto Agnelli understood that it would be impossible for Lin Feng to let go without bleeding. Unless he really dares to leave Lin Feng here.

But the cost of leaving Lin Feng is obviously far more than the benefit to Lin Feng. Interest first, Berto Agnelli naturally knows how to choose. What's more, if we make good friends with Lin Feng, there may be opportunities for cooperation between the two sides in the future. The Chinese market is what Berto Agnelli covets.

"Mr. Agnelli, Schumacher and rose Brown are very important to me. Let me just tell you that Schumacher and Ross Brown are not only related to my "dragon team", but also related to my "dragon car"! I think you should know my bet with Japanese car dealers! I can't lose! " Lin Fengshen repeated.

At the moment, Lin Feng will not hide anything, so as not to make trouble again. Of course, if it is in China now, Lin Feng will not negotiate with Berto Agnelli. Take Schumacher and Ross brown to leave directly. Berto Agnelli dares to shout and beat him directly. Unfortunately, this is Italy.

"Mr. Lin, I naturally know about your bet with Japanese car dealers. It can be said that from my point of view, I hope you can win this gamble and teach a lesson to Japanese cars. But you should understand how hard it will be for my team to lose Schumacher and Ross Brown this season. I can't afford it! Therefore, Schumacher and Ross Brown must stay at Ferrari, which is the fundamental principle of my negotiation with you. Apart from that, we can talk about everything. " Said Berto Agnelli.

"Then we can't talk about it! Mr. Berto Agnelli, this is not a good choice Lin Feng gave a cold hum.

"Shua!" Lin Feng a cold hum, all around the mini submachine guns immediately point to Lin Feng again.

"Mr. Lin, I hope you understand that I have given you a lot of face. You know, even the Prime Minister of Italy dare not talk to me like this here! " Said Berto Agnelli angrily.

In his opinion, Lin Feng is too ungrateful. He has said all his good words. Why is he still so ungrateful!

"Berto Agnelli, I'm going out like this now. I don't believe you dare to shoot!" Lin Feng got up and walked.

"Don't push me, Mr. Lin!" Berto Agnelli also stood up.

"Mr. Agnelli, you are forcing me! I can't lose to Japanese car dealers. China's auto can't lose to Japan's auto! So I have to have Schumacher and Ross Brown Lin Feng said aloud.

"There are many ways not to lose to Japanese car dealers. For example, my Fiat can announce cooperation with you and provide your company with all kinds of automobile technologies it needs. I believe it is absolutely helpful for your company to quickly enhance brand awareness. Don't forget, Fiat is one of the top ten auto companies in the world Berto Agnelli has come up with a proposal that sounds tempting.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng is dismissive of this.

"Mr. Agnelli, I want a Chinese independent auto company, not a joint venture. What's more, do you think the cooperation with Fiat can bring Schumacher and Ross Brown together and have a great influence on the company? " Lin Feng said with a scornful smile.

Berto Agnelli said that he is cooperating to help DPCA, but it is better to say that he is helping Fiat set foot in China and occupy the Chinese market. Lin Feng will never do such a thing. What's more, Lin Feng believes that Fiat will never provide the real core technology. Business talks business, we are not the first day out to mix, so simple truth Lin Feng how can not understand.

Unless Fiat is willing to sell its shares to make Lin Feng its largest shareholder, Lin Feng can consider returning Schumacher and Ross brown to Ferrari.

"Mr. Lin, do you have to force me to take the last step. Don't forget, I'm 70 years old and sick, but you're different. You're still young! " Berto Agnelli threatened.

Lin Feng's words are too much. Let him sell Fiat's shares to become the largest shareholder, which is the export of Lin Feng. This is either Lin Feng's idiot or his intelligence quotient. Is Lin Feng an idiot? Obviously, ten thousand people on earth will not think Lin Feng is an idiot. Lin Feng is challenging his intelligence.

The intelligence quotient of a powerful patriarch in Italy's first family is not easy to be fooled. And any provocation has to pay a price.

"What, threaten me? Mr. Agnelli, don't think that I'm afraid of you because you are rich now! In fact, I have money, too! " Lin Feng reached into his arms.

"Mr. Lin, you'd better not act foolishly!" Beto Agnelli drinks quickly to stop Lin Feng's action.

If Lin Feng dares to take out a gun, then these Gunners around him will kill Lin style immediately, which is the protection of his clan leader. But if Lin Feng really died here, it would be a big trouble. Maybe, he is really going to abdicate. Maybe abdication will not solve the problem.

Lin Feng's hand is stiff. Being pointed at by so many guns, Lin Feng didn't dare to act rashly. But he secretly winked at Li Rui.

"Mr. Agnelli, I don't believe you dare to shoot!" With that, Lin Feng reached out to his arms again.

All the men in black were nervous. Naturally, they knew Lin Feng's identity, otherwise their patriarch would not tolerate Lin Feng so much. If I were someone else, I would have been beaten into a beehive. But even if Lin Feng's identity is more prominent, if he dares to take out a gun here, they will certainly shoot. Because it is their life purpose to protect the patriarch. No one should be allowed to threaten Berto Agnelli.

But if it's a real shot, it's bound to bring untold trouble to Berto Agnelli—— These great men in black were raised by the Agnelli family since childhood, and they have deep feelings for the Agnelli family. It's not the simple minded, impulsive and troublemaking thugs out there. They are people who know the depth of power. But the more so, the more nervous.

"Lin, you'd better not force me!" Berto Agnelli warned again.

Lin Feng laughs. Hand with the fastest speed, in the people have no time to respond, stretch in, take out, Yang Yang hand, nothing.

You've been fooled—— The crowd groaned.

"Lin, do you think you can go out in this way?" But Berto Agnelli was furious. At the moment, Li Rui is using a dagger to hold Beto Agnelli's neck and slowly press it to Lin Feng's side.

It turns out that just now Lin Feng deliberately gave Li Rui a chance to seize Berto Agnelli. Lin Feng is never a person who places his chance on the other side's kindness. Opportunities are created by ourselves.

"Mr. Lin, you'd better let go of our patriarch. If our patriarch has any accident, I can guarantee that even if you escape to China, our people will kill you! " Just now, the housekeeper, who was in charge of leading Lin Feng in, was very angry( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)