Something's wrong!

Lin Feng is awakened by Lin Zhiling in his sleep.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Asked Lin Feng.

If there is no major event, Lin Zhiling will not wake up in her sleep.

"Boss, something's wrong." Lin Zhiling has a dignified face.

"Say it Lin Feng patted his sleepy face and asked.

"Boss, there are two things. First, Suleiman has formally appealed to the FA Lin Zhiling said.

"Ha, this Suleiman really didn't give up. What, what does he want to appeal against? " Lin Feng laughed jokingly.

This time, Prince William is involved. Suleiman wants to wrangle, that is to attack Prince William. To attack Prince William is not to seek death! Suleiman, the most popular prince in the history of Britain, wants to trouble him. It's definitely a lantern in the toilet - looking for excrement.

"Suleiman appealed to the FA, accusing our players of disturbing the game, accusing the boss of buying his players, accusing the boss of harassing the referee." Lin Zhiling tells the story of Suleiman's third crime.

Lin Fengyan laughed three times.

"What's the situation now?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Boss, how can you be so relaxed? You don't know that the football association is dissatisfied with the damage of the match due to too much attention. It's just because of the identity of Prince William and the British people's enthusiasm for Prince William's proposal. However, according to the news from Britain, the Football Association is always dissatisfied with you. That's why Suleiman filed a complaint this time. It can be said that the backstage of Suleiman's accusation is the FA. They want to teach you a lesson. " Lin Zhiling said anxiously.

Although Prince William's proposal is very romantic in the hearts of the British people, in the view of the FA, it is intolerable that such destruction of the game, turning a game into a joke, and finally leading to the interruption of the game for no reason. As soon as people with a clear eye see it, they all know that Lin Feng must have planned this romantic marriage proposal ceremony. Otherwise, with Prince William's financial and human resources, it is impossible for the players of both sides to tattoo their backs, and for tens of thousands of fans to wear T-shirts printed with their love process, let alone two helicopters to help.

All this shows that Prince William's proposal was planned by an expert. There is no one but Lin Feng who is an expert. However, if we deal with Lin Feng openly, the FA has no excuse. Although there are many excuses for this game, it is extremely easy to involve Prince William. Once Prince William is involved, the football association will not be able to deal with the situation, and may even face reprimand from the whole British people, which the football association can not bear.

But if Suleiman is going to sue, it's different. That way, the FA can enforce the law impartially. Even if Prince William is involved in the end, the FA can put everything on Suleiman. In the end, it can not only win the reputation of enforcing the law impartially, but also take the opportunity to please the British royal family. You know, many people like the FA are eager to get a title before retirement.

As for why Suleiman is willing to be shot by the FA, it is purely out of revenge for Lin Feng. Suleiman suffered too much in the hands of Lin Feng, he is very eager to pull back a game. Especially this time, he was determined to win a game, but in the end he was destroyed by Lin Feng. Let him completely into China's real estate opportunities temporarily dashed, indefinitely delayed, this let Suleiman how willing. But Suleiman didn't know how to deal with Lin Feng for a moment.

Just at this time, the FA threw an olive branch to accuse Lin Feng and his team. The FA supported him behind his back. Therefore, Suleiman, knowing that the FA is taking advantage of him, is also happy to initiate a complaint. In this way, even if the final complaint fails, the FA still owes him a favor. In that way, Suleiman can bet with Lin Feng again and win back all the things lost to Lin Feng at one time.

After listening to Lin Zhiling's analysis, Lin Feng frowned. Lin Feng didn't expect that the British Football Association and Suleiman would unite. It's really a bit troublesome. If it doesn't work well, it's very likely that his players and team will be punished.

"What do you do now, boss?" Lin Zhiling looks worried.

Although these things for Lin Feng, is not hurt and fundamental, football for Lin Feng is also a game. However, it is not a good thing to be accused of doing evil behind the scenes. Lin Zhiling is worried about Lin Feng.

"It's a bit of a problem. But there's no need to rush now. This kind of lawsuit will take a long time. So you call Kenyon (Tottenham Tottenham general manager) and ask him to deal with it. I'll see what they're going to do. " Lin Feng gave a cold hum.

"Well, what's the second big thing? It's just Christmas. I'm so unlucky. I've met so many things? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Boss, this second thing has nothing to do with you. Of course it has something to do with you. That is yesterday, a huge tsunami broke out in Indonesia, and the preliminary estimate of the death toll has exceeded 100000. " There was a trace of fear on Lin Zhiling's face.

Tsunami in Indonesia—— Lin Feng was a little dazed. After thinking for a while in his mind, he suddenly patted his thigh.

This is the tsunami in Indonesia! On December 26, 2004, the earthquake occurred mainly at the junction of the Indian Ocean plate and the Asian plate, the extinction boundary and the Andaman Sea. This sudden disaster caused huge casualties and property losses to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Maldives and other countries.

Lin Feng remembers that the death toll of the Indonesian tsunami was more than 200000, which can be said to be the largest in the past decade. Almost all of Indonesia, Malaysia and other East Asian maritime countries have suffered a devastating blow. Lin Feng remembers that Jet Li and his family were in Malaysia when they encountered the tsunami and almost died under it.

After the tsunami, Jet Li suddenly began to do good deeds, and finally set up the "one foundation" to do good deeds everywhere. Become the representative of charity among the stars.

It can be said that in Lin Feng's memory, the tsunami was very impressive. However, the main reason why Lin Feng forgot it after his rebirth was that the tsunami had nothing to do with him. As for the tsunami in Indonesia, Lin Feng did not say that how many people died had nothing to do with him. It's all Indonesians who died!

Of course, if Lin Feng's tone is known by those Taoists, he must be criticized for his lack of humanitarianism. Lin Feng is a cold-blooded animal. But in Lin Feng's opinion, the so-called humanitarian spirit and compassion are also aimed at people. Is Indonesia a shameless country worthy of humanitarian spirit? Lin Feng can't forget the Tuhua incident in Indonesia in 1998.

In 1998, the Indonesian government suffered from social unrest due to the growing economic depression. Therefore, in order to prevent the democratization process, his then Indonesian President Suharto's son-in-law, lieutenant general prabovo Subianto, and other politicians incited anti Chinese sentiment and created bloody anti Chinese incidents, trying to pass on the general dissatisfaction caused by the economic crisis. At that time, the Chinese in Indonesia accounted for 5% of the total Indonesian people, but they accounted for 75% of the wealth of the whole Indonesian people. It can be said that the Chinese in the hearts of the Indonesian people at that time were similar to the Jewish existence.

At that time, when the social economy was depressed and most ordinary people could not afford to eat, most Indonesian Chinese had bodyguards and private drivers. Therefore, instigated by prabovo Subianto, Indonesia's Tuhua incident shocked the world. About 1500 Chinese were slaughtered, 600 Chinese women raped and countless shops smashed, looted and burned. Its harm is no less than that of Nanjing Massacre.

Although the international community attributed it to the Indonesian civil strife (Indonesian Chinese, mostly of Indonesian nationality), it is a fact that it was the Chinese who were slaughtered.

It can be said that from the perspective of the Chinese people, Indonesia is absolutely not a friendly country. Even if it is not the enemy of life and death, it is also a country that the Chinese people hate and hate. For those who hate it, Lin Feng doesn't have such a broad mind to show his love to them. Therefore, Lin Feng didn't remember the disaster at all in his mind. No, maybe it should not be called a disaster, but a scourge.

So at the moment, Lin Feng heard about the Indonesian tsunami, and he really wanted to slap it.

"Zhiling, this is a natural and man-made disaster. Since it happened, it happened. Don't worry too much. " Lin Feng patted Lin Zhiling on the shoulder and said. Originally, Lin Feng wanted Lin Zhiling not to worry about Indonesia and not to have any sympathy for such a country. But when I think about it, it's hard to say it. It's a trouble to spread it. Although Lin Zhiling is her own woman, sometimes her husband and wife have different beliefs in the past 30 years. I still don't want to say these cold-blooded words in the eyes of those stupid people at this time.

"Boss, this is a donation agreement drawn up by second world. Mr. Wu will send it to you for your reference, and then announce it to the public. " Lin Zhiling handed Lin Feng a fax.

Donation? Donation to Indonesia—— When Lin Feng heard this, he was furious. To donate to countries like Indonesia, Wu Zhaopu's mind is not pinched by the door.

Lin Feng won the donation agreement with an unhappy face. There are several listed above“ Out of the humanitarian spirit, the second world donated 10 million yuan to Indonesia, and at the same time mobilized the company's employees to donate. At present, it has donated 500000 yuan.

Tut, tut, tut, that's 10.5 million yuan. Grandma, this 10.5 million yuan is donated to the monkeys in Indonesia. Lin Feng thinks it's too bad and not worth it. Whether it's Indonesia or Vietnam, they are all wolf cubs who can't support their families. If you give them more benefits, they will sell you in a flash.

"Boss, do you think it's less? Mr. Wu, it seems that there is a little less money. In terms of the company's current position, there is a little less money. " Lin Zhiling thought that Lin Feng thought the donation was too small, so she agreed.

Less? I miss it a ball—— As soon as Lin Feng heard this, he became angry.

"Contact Wu Zhaopu for me!" Lin Feng said angrily( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)