"Father, why do you agree to cooperate with Lin Feng and sell military supplies? If you are found, it's a felony!" After breaking the video, Wang Xueli's face was tangled. He didn't expect it to end like this. Although their own things are completely settled, but it seems to be his father to get around. This is not throwing watermelon to pick up sesame!

"Fool, do you really think I have the courage to make such a deal with Lin Feng. This time it's the request of those above. They asked me to help Langya as much as possible. " Wang Guosheng said in a deep voice.

Wang Xueli was stunned.

"Well, it's quite complicated. All in all, the above is to carve three with one arrow. The first is Zhang Jia, the second is our Wang family, and the third is Lin Feng. All three of us have been calculated by them this time. " Wang Guosheng's voice is slightly helpless.

Although he is now the commander of the first army, he is often restrained and can't do whatever he wants. Thinking of this, he sometimes envies Lin Feng very much. At least Shaolin Feng is free. He can go wherever he wants. In addition to visiting abroad occasionally, I often either stay in the military region or recuperate in Beijing. It is said that he was a feudal official, but in fact he just lived in a cage. It's just that this prison is much bigger and more free than the ordinary prison. But a cage is a cage, and a man in it is a prisoner!

Wang Xueli sighed. Father's helplessness, he can also slightly micro body will be one or two. Today's father's present situation is his future. Although he didn't want to, he couldn't stop following the old road. Unless, the Wang family is willing to give up the present status which the ancestors exchanged with blood and life. But it is no doubt impossible.

The son inherits the father's business, how also cannot lose the ancestor's face! However, although Wang Xueli slightly sympathized with his father's helplessness, he was slightly displeased that his father was just like a philistine merchant bargaining with Lin Feng. It's a bit of a loss of identity.

"You are still too young to learn etiquette. In politics, those who achieve great things can be killed by their closest relatives. In terms of interests, we must fight for each other. Don't feel that you lose your identity just because you bargain with others. You should know that these are all interests that can bring you and your family a rolling future. As long as it's profit, there's nothing to be shy about, and there's no need to feel so demeaning. If you don't fight, you will only take advantage of others. " Wang Guosheng was a little disappointed.

"But I can do it without you negotiating with the businessman Lin Feng." Wang Xueli was indignant about this.

"You are not his opponent. In terms of war, a hundred Lin Feng are not enough for you, but in terms of negotiation, you are too young. Let's talk to Lin Feng. I'm afraid we can get half of the benefits. Amitabha Wang Guosheng had a look of sadness.

Isn't it? Wang Xueli has a shadow in his heart for Lin Feng because of the shooting incident. In addition, he cares too much about his identity and negotiates with Lin Feng. Isn't that meat buns beating dogs. Therefore, Wang Guosheng had to be cheeky and put down his position to negotiate with Lin Feng for his interests.

"It's the child who's useless and bothers his father." Wang Xueli looked ashamed.

"Well, you don't have to blame yourself too much. After all, you are still young and can't do a lot of things. " Wang Guosheng patted Wang Xueli on the shoulder. At this time, he naturally would not give Wang Xueli too many setbacks, so as not to have a shadow in his heart. But thinking of Lin Feng, Wang Guosheng sighed again.

This Lin Feng is very fierce. I can compete with myself, but no one in the younger generation can. If given time to develop, its future is limitless. At least Wang Guosheng didn't know where Lin Feng's future limit was and where he would go.

But maybe it's also because of this that the country is afraid of it—— Wang Guosheng took a deep breath. Although the state tried so hard to deal with Lin Feng with the help of Zhang Wang's family, on the surface, it was to prevent Zhang Jia and his Wang's family from getting married, but the root cause was Lin Feng.

At such an age, Lin Feng became the richest man in the world, and controlled many new resources. However, such a person was not controlled by the state. He was totally free from the control of the state, and he did his own way. No one dared to develop freely during his term of office, so as not to become a disaster in the end. However, Lin Feng is now in a big position. Although he is not powerful, he can not be dealt with by the state. Therefore, if the state wants to control the forest wind, it can only take circuitous strategies to avoid the intensification of conflicts with the forest wind and lead it to leave the country.

In that case, it will certainly be a loss to Lin Feng, but it will also cause great economic losses and public opinion pressure to the country. Therefore, this time it will signal Wang Guosheng to look for opportunities to cooperate with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's supply plan of military supplies can be said to be quite right for Wang Guosheng. Just in the completion of the above tasks, but also take advantage of the power to expand the Wang family. Otherwise, I'll have a quarrel with Zhang Jia. If I don't get any benefits, I can't.

What worries Wang Guosheng is, can people like Lin Feng control it? At least in terms of Wang Guosheng's contact with Lin Feng, although this man was not rebellious, he was absolutely independent and could not be controlled. I hope the national plan can succeed this time!

"Well, go back to your army. Don't worry about these things. " Wang Guosheng said.

"Father, who's in charge of this list?" Wang Xueli pointed to the data from Lin Feng.

"I'll leave that to your brother. Don't touch this matter, or you will be in great trouble if something happens in the future. You two brothers, you are calm and rational. You are the most suitable person to take over my class. And it's said that your brother did some stupid things in Shanghai this time. He's got a stain. He's in charge of it. " Wang Guosheng said helplessly.

Although Wang Xuekun's abduction of Zhou Zhengyi is unknown to the outside world. But his friendship with Lin Feng and his drinking of brother wine are known to the outside world. At this time, such a relationship with Lin Feng is obviously not a good thing. But this matter, once finally Lin Feng and above the net is broken, the person in charge of the transaction, I'm afraid it will also be involved.

Wang Xueli sighed a little and felt sorry for Wang Xuekun. But now that the matter is over, he can only follow his father's instructions.

"Son of a bitch, get back to me!" After Wang Xueli left, Wang Guosheng immediately called Wang Xuekun.

"Brother Lin, my old man urged me to go back. I won't say any more. I'll go now. " Wang Xuekun shrugged and said helplessly.

"Ha ha, brother Wang, thank you very much. Just in time, my "wind wing" has been repaired. I'll let it take you back to Beijing. " Lin Feng is also quite sorry. Wang Xuekun is a good guy. He is a friend worth making. Unfortunately, just a few days after we met, we will be separated. I'm afraid we won't know when to meet again.

"Ha ha, thank you. I'll go first. Next time I see you, I'll get drunk with you! " Wang Xuekun gives Lin Feng a bear hug and leaves with a random laugh.

"By the way, brother Lin, you're the first young generation I've ever met who just fought with my old man. I admire you Wang Xuekun suddenly turned around and gave a thumbs up to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Brother Meng, it's settled. Wang Guosheng has agreed to sell US military supplies. " After Wang Xuekun left, Lin Feng immediately called Wang Meng.

Wang Meng was slightly stunned“ Langya security company has encountered a bottleneck in its overseas development. Facing the chaotic situation in Africa, due to the identity of Chinese people, it is unable to buy the required military supplies at a reasonable and normal price. Even if it does, the quantity is limited. Therefore, it gives Wang Meng a headache. So he told Lin Feng to see if he could do something.

(the Chinese people are very hostile in the world. It used to be said that the Jews are good at making money. But when the Chinese people's footprints spread all over the world, their reputation has gradually declined to the Chinese people. Naturally, the Chinese people are also much hostile, especially the appearance of Lin Feng. Although the Chinese people are more famous, they are also more envied. Bruce Lee, let the outside world think that the Chinese are very able to fight; Lin Feng, on the other hand, made the outside world think that the Chinese people are good at making money. Therefore, at present, some lawless elements all over the world are particularly fond of Robbing Chinese people.)

As a result, before Wang Meng and Lin Feng finished speaking, Lin Feng actually finished it, which really surprised Wang Meng.

"How many times did Wang Guosheng agree to the list I gave you? Those guns and bullets can be used slowly. The key is those anti radar detectors and field survival equipment, which must be obtained. Before that, there must be 1000 sets, no, at least 500 sets. " Wang Meng said.

"Ha ha, brother Meng, it's all settled. All the 3000 sets of Wang Guosheng you want are agreed." Lin Feng is a little proud.

Before that, when Wang Meng handed him the list of military supplies, he once asserted that he would be grateful if he could have 500 sets, but now he has fully met all his requirements. Thinking of this, Lin Feng can't help admiring himself a little.

"What? All agreed! " Wang Meng screamed a little.

"The infrared detector and the long-range gun agreed?" Wang Meng asked.

"Yes Lin Feng said.

"Which three jian-8 also agreed?" Wang mengping held his breath.

"Yes, too!" Lin Feng smiles even more.


"Lin Feng, you are in danger!" Wang Meng said suddenly.

"Why?" Lin Feng a Leng, didn't expect Wang Meng but suddenly will say this.

"Lin Feng, although we all need these things, I've come out to confuse them. What I really want is the field survival equipment and anti radar detector. Although these two things are not advanced enough in China, they are also at the leading level in the world, just a little far away from the United States. But now they have agreed to everything. It's said that if things go wrong, there will be demons. I'm afraid there will be ghosts in them! " Wang Meng had to worry about Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was reminded by Wang Meng, and he came back. After all, it doesn't make sense. Wang Guosheng would readily agree to this. Although he is the head of an army, the quantity of these things is so large that he can't sell them to himself.

"Lin Feng, we can't accept these things!" Wang Meng thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"But these things are in great need!" Asked Lin Feng.

"If you need it any more, you can't fall into a trap. Lin Feng, you have to understand that we are all working for you, not for anyone. So we can't hurt you. " Wang Meng said.

"Brother Meng, what do you mean Lin Feng stutters a little. Wang Meng's words are a sign of loyalty. All along, Lin Feng has been worried about which side Wang Meng and other people will stand in case of some conflicts between himself and the country in the future? Although he has been good enough to them and has always adopted the highest welfare treatment in the world, they are soldiers after all. Lin Feng is really worried about this. In particular, more and more secrets of their own, Lin Feng is also afraid of some high-level eyeliner. But Lin Feng couldn't go to investigate this kind of thing, and he didn't know how to do it. If you look at it, it will be bad. You can't make sure that your eyeliner is not detected. Instead, you will make people chill.

But now Wang Meng is telling himself that if he conflicts with the country in the future, they will choose to stand on their own side. This really moved Lin Feng. It's just that Lin Feng doesn't understand.

"Lin Feng, I have been with you for four years. In the past four years, we all see who you are. I, Wang Meng, dare to tell you that you, Lin Feng, may not be so patriotic, but you will never betray your compatriots or ancestors. You are a person who is proud of being Chinese and wants to make Chinese the strongest nation in the world. As long as you have an ambition to make the Chinese people stand on the top of the world, that's enough. It doesn't matter if the country is not the country. " Wang Meng's words can be said to be very rebellious, but he said that Lin Feng was in his heart.

For Lin Feng, there is no "country" in his eyes, but only the blood of this nation. As a descendant of the Chinese people and a descendant of the dragon, I will let the Chinese people stand on the top of the world.

"So, Lin Feng, we give up this deal. Although I can't see through the mystery, my instinct tells me that there is something wrong with it. " Wang Meng said.

Lin Feng is silent. After a long time.

"Brother Meng, since we need these things, we'll trade as usual." Lin Feng said.


"Hehe, brother Meng, I guess this may be a way for those people to control me. If there is such a large-scale arms trade, if the state wants to investigate it, I can not escape from it. So I don't have to run. Since they want to control me, it depends on whether they can control me. I will let my power be too great for them to shake before they control me Lin Feng's eyes flashed by.

Lin Feng has already guessed that this time, I'm afraid it's because he has been dissatisfied with the action he has taken in refusing to join the party. For joining the party, Lin Feng has always been prejudiced. Although he has promised to join the party, he has not written an application for various reasons. Therefore, I'm afraid those people above have finally become suspicious of themselves and want to take certain actions to control themselves.

It's just that you are so easy to master—— Lin Feng gave a cold hum.

At this time, Lin Feng had a very crazy and feasible plan in his mind. Of course, before these plans are fully realized, Lin Feng knows that he has to let them know that he is controllable( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)