The secret alliance network video conference is jointly called by "EA", "Ubisoft" and "Nintendo". There are 13 people here, who are the presidents of 13 well-known game companies in the industry.

The 13 cm games are: EA, UBI soft, Nintendo, Microsoft game development, Rockstar, 2K, eidos, epic, THQ Sega, Square-Enix, SCE, NC soft (Korean company, representative work Paradise).

It can be said that these 13 companies include the most famous, popular and powerful game companies in the industry. Of course, "the second world" should be excluded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very detailed plan with President Peter Moore and President Yves gulimort on how to fight against Lin Feng's World War. All of you here are the most powerful game companies in the industry. I believe that as long as we integrate the talents and funds of these 13 companies, it will definitely take less than half a year to develop Galaxy Heroes. " Iwata said confidently.

Half a year, compared with the development progress of a large game, it's really not long, or even quite short. Think about it. World War II has invested more than 300 developers and more than US $1.3 billion. It took three years to launch. Therefore, the research and development time of Galaxy Heroes is only half a year, which is really very fast.

"Although half a year is really short, it's still a long time compared with world war, which is going to be released for public beta. Half a year later, maybe "World War" has completely occupied the market. You know, once the fixed player group of the game is determined, it is very difficult to attract this group of players. At present, "World War" has attracted almost half of the world's gamers. I can't imagine what the game world will be like in half a year. " Microsoft Game Development president Jeff Bell said with a worried face.

Other 9 game company presidents also nod one after another. They are worried that these companies will put a lot of money and manpower into the development of "Galaxy Heroes". As a result, six months later, the game will come out. If no one cares about it, it will be bad. Of course, no one is interested in it, which is a bit of self slander. However, it would be sad if in the end such a high-profile alliance jointly developed the biography of Galactic Heroes, and in the end they were crushed by World War.

These people are all dignified people. It would be a shame if they were united and pressed behind by Lin Feng. They can't afford to lose their old faces. Jeff bell can imagine what Lin Feng will look like if they start an alliance and come back in vain. They will be ridiculed to death.

They can't afford to be hurt!

"It's easy!" A sinister smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"As long as the" World War "can not be a smooth public beta on the line Iwata said coldly.

The crowd frowned. They are just the president of the company, and they work for the company. If they play tricks and violate the law, it's unnecessary. Of course, it's not that they must be upright, upright, and have never done anything bad in their life. After all, there are no absolutely clean people in the business world. It's normal to play tricks in business. But if you do something that violates the criminal law and may be in prison, no one here will do it.

"Ha ha, everyone, if you want to prevent the world war from going to the public beta smoothly, it's not that you want to use some shady means to destroy the public beta of the world war, but that we use legal means and our contacts and influence in various fields to interfere with and influence the public beta of the world war." Iwata said with a smile.

They all nodded when they heard this. If so, they have nothing to worry about. In short, under the premise of legal permission, we should do everything possible to crack down on "the second world" and interfere with the public beta of "World War". They have done a lot of such things and have experience!

"Now, do you agree to form such an alliance? If you agree, please sign this electronic agreement. " Peter Moore pointed to a printed electronic agreement.

After thinking about it, everyone signed their names on the electronic protocol and exchanged protocol documents with each other. At this moment, it represents the formal formation of the alliance established by 13 top game companies in the industry.

The presidents of 13 game companies breathed a sigh. No matter what happens in the future, now the alliance has confirmed that they will formally declare war on Lin Feng. Although this sounds a bit ridiculous, they are all old game companies, and their inside information is much better than "second world". It should be "second world" to challenge them, but now they are challenging "second world".

It's ridiculous! But if the alliance is not established this time, it may not be ridiculous, but sad.

Lin Feng, this time I will let you completely end—— Iwata Cong holds the alliance agreement signed by 13 presidents in his hand, with a cold hum in his heart. The initiator of the alliance this time is Mr. Iwata. Compared with all the people present, he hated and feared Lin Feng more than anyone else. It can be said that among the 13 companies, Iwata Cong hates Lin Feng the most. He plans to solve Lin Feng's growing tiger all the time.

Originally, when the "second world" began to rise, although Iwata was wary of it, he always took a wait-and-see attitude and focused on the development of Nintendo's performance. But as the "second world" grew, Iwata's uneasiness became more and more intense. And when Lin Feng took advantage of the aftereffect of cracking down on Japan's financial stock market to acquire "kapukong", it was even after Japan set up "the second game company" to enter the Japanese game market that his uneasiness was expanded infinitely. Especially not long ago, after Lin Feng acquired Konami, an old game company, Iwata finally couldn't sit still.

He understood that if he did not take any action against Lin Feng, he would never be able to curb the development of Lin Feng. To curb the development of Lin Feng, Nintendo alone is not enough, and Japanese game companies alone are not enough. Although the whole Japanese game companies may be able to restrain Lin Feng's expansion in the Japanese game industry, they can't restrain Lin Feng's expansion in the world game industry.

If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll just sit back and watch Lin Feng's growth in the world's game industry, and then I'll have to wait for Lin Feng to come. At that time, Lin Feng was backed up by the global game market. It could be said that he could advance and retreat. However, the Japanese game market could only wait for Lin Feng to come to the door and could only fight back. Maybe for a while, it can resist the attack of Lin Feng, but for a long time, the Japanese game market will fall. This is by no means alarmist. "Microsoft" took advantage of its huge wealth and large amount of US dollars to smash the "Xbox" market in Japan. This is still "Microsoft" is not familiar with Asian people's preferences for games. If we change to Lin Feng, I'm afraid the situation will be even worse.

In China, there is an old saying that only when you can attack can you defend, and only when you can defend can you make peace. Therefore, if you want to keep the Japanese game market from being attacked by Lin Feng, you must defeat Lin Feng in the international game market. As a result, Iwata joined up with several major Japanese game companies, contacted "EA" who had always had a problem with Lin Feng, and finally found "Ubisoft" to form this alliance.

As for the League name, it's not complicated - gm13. GM represents the game manager, and 13 represent the 13 game companies.

"Gm13?" When Lin Feng heard that "EA", "Ubisoft", "Nintendo" and other companies set up this "gm13" alliance, he sneered.

These guys are called "gm13", which is really shameful. It's shameless to call yourself a game manager.

"Boss, I'm afraid it's us that these 13 companies set up such an alliance now!" Wu Zhaopu looks sad.

Although the "second world" has a good momentum, its market value has exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and its top products are coming to the public beta soon. The company has a bright future. But for these 13 old game companies, Wu Zhaopu is cool in his heart. If they want to unite to crack down on the "second world", I'm afraid the company is about to face a bitter battle.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wu, why worry so much! On the contrary, I think it's an opportunity for them to unite and make trouble this time. " Lin Feng patted Wu Zhaopu on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Opportunity?" Wu Zhaopu was stunned.

"Yes, this is an opportunity." Lin Feng clenched his hands and said, "this time, these 13 game companies unite to form the 'gm13' alliance, trying to defeat us, but at the same time, it also gives us an opportunity to wipe out the game industry. As long as we can beat "gm13" this time, the game industry will never be able to threaten our company again. At that time, "the second world" will unify the game industry. "

Wu Zhaopu took a cool breath. When they heard about the establishment of "gm13", they all took a breath at the first time. They began to worry about how the company was going to survive in the face of the strong pressure from the 13 companies. But Lin Feng was so good that he thought about how to fight back. Wu Zhaopu admired Lin Feng for his fearlessness and confidence.

At this time, "gm13" came out( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)