After listening to Lin Feng's words, Cohen stayed for a long time.

One fifth of the world's people play World War. Well, one fifth of the world's 6 billion people play World War. Isn't there 1.2 billion people playing World War? Cohen felt dizzy at the thought of the number. However, he also knew that Lin Feng didn't talk nonsense and didn't invent this figure out of thin air.

In the first internal test of World War, 130 million players from all over the world participated in the test. On the basis of the first internal test, the number of people in the second internal test almost doubled, and the number of people in the internal test has exceeded 200 million.

200 million players participated in the second internal test of World War, which is enough to make any game company crazy. Any online game, even a stand-alone game, as long as it has the support of 200 million players, it will be a big fire. But this number is the number of online people in the second internal test of World War, which is even more terrifying. According to the number of online games and the proportion of game players, "World War" has one fifth of the world's population of game players, which is not too much demand. It is very reasonable and can be achieved.

It's definitely good for the company that one fifth of the population play World War II, but it's not so good news for their hardware supply departments. At present, "World War" can only guarantee that 75% of the people will not get stuck in the battlefield of 1000 people, and more of them can not be guaranteed for the time being. Once one fifth of the world's population really enters the game, it will be possible for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people to fight in any battlefield.

Can the hardware support it? Can the player's computer performance support it? Can the company's supercomputer support it? These are very thorny and realistic problems.

"Boss, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult in the short term. According to the current update speed of computer performance, I'm afraid that 75% of the players' computers will be able to meet the battlefield of 2000-3000 people by the World War II public beta date, and it's very difficult to have more Cohen didn't dare to ask big questions.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Too little, too little!" "I want to make at least 70% of the world's computers be able to withstand the battlefield of 10000 people on the World War II public test day," Lin said. One year later, it will be able to withstand 100000 people's battlefield, one million people's battlefield in three years, and ten million people's battlefield in five years. "

Hiss—— Everyone in this room is taking a breath.

There is a classic saying in philosophy: from quantitative change to qualitative change.

In the field of online games, the same philosophy applies. When a certain number of players are online at the same time, the demand for computer hardware increases exponentially. Ten thousand people battlefield, only need the player's computer to reach Pentium 4's computer, but one hundred thousand people may have to Pentium 5, one million people may have to Pentium 6, ten million people may have to Pentium 7. Every increase in the number of people on the battlefield is a leap for computer hardware. If Lin Feng wants to buy a 10000 person battlefield in the public beta, he must require players to reach Pentium 4. This is the current luxury configuration. In two months, can most players have such a computer?

Cohen has absolute doubts about it. After all, most players are not very rich. Most players don't have the extra money to change the computer configuration for a game. You know, now with a Pentium 4 computer, it's not cheap. And "Pentium 4" is the product of "second world" competitor "Intel". Let players match each other's products. Isn't that annoying! Although have to admit, for the moment, "Intel" CPU is really better than "amd" of "second world"

"Why, don't you think you can?" Lin Feng glances at Lu Zhiyi, President of AMD department. The latter thinks about it and shakes his head slowly. It's not that Lu Zhiyi belittles "amd" himself, but it's true that "amd" chips are not working yet. Although Lin Feng has increased the company's investment in "amd" and "ATI" hardware departments, it is impossible to make any qualitative leap in the short term. The innovation of science and technology needs the accumulation of time, unless there is the birth of genius, or get more advanced technology. But at present, the hardware department of the "second world" does not have these two points. Therefore, for the time being, we can only expect a breakthrough through the accumulation of time.

"Everyone, as far as I know, at present, the performance of computer hardware has far exceeded that of Sony's' PS2 ', but in terms of game performance, most games are not as good as' PS2'. Even if there are several games that can compare with 'PS2', you know, The PS2 was launched in 2000, but now it's 2004. Today, four years later, the performance of a home game console is not as good as it was four years ago. I think it's a bit too incredible! " Lin Feng knocked on the table.

Everyone, look at me and I'll look at you. You look strange.

"Mr. Lin, this is not converted in this way‘ PS2 'is just a special game console, while computers are not developed just for games. There is an essential difference between the two. " Lu Zhiyi explained.

"But in my opinion, there is no difference between the two." Lin Feng interrupted Lu Zhiyi's explanation, "for players, what they see is only one thing, that is, the current computer games are not as good as' PS2 '. But the price is much more expensive than PS2. "

Lu Zhiyi looks depressed and really doesn't know how to explain it.

"What do you mean, Mr. Lin?"“ If he Guoyuan, the president of ATI's "Digital Library" department, has some insight.

"It's very simple. As I said before, we should develop a game entertainment computer specially designed for game players, with a special game entertainment system. Has there been no progress in the past six months? " Lin Feng said with a frown.

Lin Feng proposed this "game entertainment computer" and "game entertainment system" more than half a year ago, and ordered Lu Zhiyi, he Guoyuan and Cohen to start research and development. Now it seems that these people do not attach much importance to it. Thinking of this, Lin Feng snorted heavily.

People see Lin Feng dissatisfaction, are a little surprised. This matter, how to say, is really that they are a little negligent, or a little despised. Of course, it's not that they didn't carry out research and development in this area, it's just that they didn't invest too much energy in this area. In their minds, this "game entertainment computer" and "game entertainment system" are really a bit of a sword. Although at present, most personal computers are used in games and entertainment, it's a bit strange to develop such a computer specially for them. And will consumers pay?

You know, once its performance is biased to one aspect, the corresponding functions of other aspects will become worse, which is for sure. For example, "PS2" hardware is very good for playing games, but it can't be used for some professional image processing or professional data processing. And let consumers spend thousands of yuan to buy a computer that can only be used to play games and watch movies, which is a bit mysterious.

"Indeed, it's a bit mysterious for consumers to spend so much money on such a" professional "computer. But don't underestimate the appeal of the game to players. At present, the mainstream desire to buy computers is still games and entertainment. As for learning, work is auxiliary. What's more, can't "game entertainment computer" carry out word processing and office learning? " Asked Lin Feng.

Lu Zhiyi, he Guoyuan and others looked at each other and shook their heads. This is naturally impossible, and then "professional" computer for simple office software applications, word processing that is no problem. Only in some professional areas, the performance will be much weaker.

“OK!” Lin Feng said with a loud finger, "in this case, we will immediately develop the" game entertainment computer "and launch the" game entertainment system. ". I'm going to launch it before Christmas. By the way, the end of this year is also the peak time for buying computers. Chen Xiaowei, you should spend more money on this aspect and make the publicity a little more popular, so that the consumers who want to buy computers recently can wait a little longer, and finally let them all choose to buy our "game entertainment computers."

Chen Xiaowei nodded.

"Well, let's call it a day." Lin Feng clapped his hands. It's 3 o'clock in the night now, and people are already tired. There will be work tomorrow. If we don't leave the meeting, tomorrow will affect our work.

"Boss, what about the second internal test of world war?" Asked minwu Li.

Now in the second internal test of World War, each battlefield is controlled at 1000 people. The players are killing happily and enjoying the fun of the game. But according to the original plan, the second internal test of World War ended at 3 a.m. But obviously, now that it's over, the players will riot again.

After all, no matter who is playing, when the game ends suddenly, they will curse their mother.

"Well..." Lin Feng knocked his fingers and his eyes brightened.

"Release a message to inform all players that the second internal test of world war will end at 7 a.m. And at the end, according to the player ranking, awards will be given to those who are ranked before 1000 in the world. " Lin fengxiao said.

"What reward?" Everyone was stunned.

"It's a little soldier legend computer specially developed for World War." Lin Feng blinked.

"Little soldier legend" computer—— They were stunned for a long time.

"It's game entertainment computer!" Lin Feng sighed helplessly. These people are all famous figures in the industry. Why are they so unintelligible“ Game entertainment computer "is specially developed for" World War ". As every player in" World War ", he will experience the process from soldier to marshal. It's very appropriate to call it" soldier legend ".

What's more, one of the most popular books in the field of online literature is the legend of little soldiers. Lin Feng just took the opportunity to promote the legend of little soldiers. More with one stone!

"In addition, after the end of the internal test, make data statistics immediately, and officially release the data of players in the game, and rank them globally. Remember, I want that kind of very detailed ranking, players killed in the game how many enemies, how many times to be killed and so on data, all have to have. Remember, although the data of internal test is not brought into the public test, all data cannot be lost, which will become an honor list for all players. " Lin Feng said.

Minwu Lee has black eyes. This is a sudden whim in Lin Feng's mind. Their whole department won't sleep tonight. How many days will it take to count these data. If the data of 200 million players are counted one by one, the statistics of more than 300 people in their group will not be available in the next century, so they must develop a set of statistical software. This software is not very difficult, it doesn't take much time. But before, there was no data statistics. If you want to count the data of previous players, you must call up the history database.

Historical database of 200 million people—— Minwu Li just feels that the world is spinning, so we must develop a set of software to automatically search, automatically call out the historical data, and analyze the reliability of the data, and then screen and correct the errors. Thinking of this, minwu Li has a headache. This software development is not too difficult, but want to develop in four hours, that's a bit fatal!

"Boss, I'll go first, or I'll be choked later." Minwu Lee immediately got up, turned and ran to his game department. For every minute of delay, the difficulty of the meeting will increase by one point. He dare not delay more. Before leaving, I looked at Lin Feng bitterly.

Boss, if you want these data, tell me earlier. It's easy to say no! Add a piece of code directly in the game, then everything will be solved—— Minwu Li ran in tears.

Looking at the figure of minwu Li who left in a hurry, there was a moment of silence. This guy's not going to sleep tonight. Then he looked at Lin Feng again, and envied him a little bit - the above sentence, and the lower one broke his leg - that's right.

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly. Isn't it a whim. Don't you think of it just by yourself? You can't blame yourself!

"By the way, and..." Lin Feng frowned, just what he wanted to say, suddenly forgot.

There was a shudder in the crowd. Minwu Li can't sleep all night because of Lin Feng's words. Now Lin Feng is coming again. They are terrible. Immediately, the crowd ran away. Of course, people dare to run because they know that there is nothing wrong now, or that something is also the matter of minwu Li, which has nothing to do with them. But although it has nothing to do with it, it can't resist Lin Feng catching strong men. It's already three o'clock in the morning. For tomorrow's work, I'd better run! As for if Lin Feng really has something to do, it depends on which strong man Lin Feng catches at that time.

"Er..." when Lin Feng remembered what he wanted to say, he turned back again, and his eyes were empty.

"In fact, I want to call everyone to have a night snack..." Lin Feng said helplessly.

At this time, all the players who are fighting for "World War" have received a message that the top 1000 players in the world will get a set of "little soldier legend" computers.

Crazy( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)