"Haha, Lin, how do you feel? How fast is MIG 29?" Ellison drove MIG 29 whistling toward Los Angeles.

"Yes, although it's not as comfortable as the special plane, the speed stimulation is far better than the special plane." Lin Feng sat in the back seat and looked out of the window at the distant mountains and white clouds, sighing.

"Haha, so I bought this MIG 29 to experience the extreme speed pleasure!" Ellison's face was full of pride and ostentation. Although his wealth is far less than that of his biggest rival Bill Gates, he is far better than Bill Gates in terms of wonderful life and happiness. As for Bill Gates' character, life and family, Ellison can only describe it in one word - boring.

Don't look at Bill Gates. He has money, but what about money? He won't spend it, he won't enjoy it. He has money for nothing. On the contrary, Ellison's life can only be described as brilliant. In the global rich world, people like Ellison who can understand life and enjoy life do not. And that's why Ellison looks down on Bill Gates. The reason why Ellison and Lin Feng were able to make friends in the past years is that Lin Feng is also a person who understands life. Moreover, Lin Feng's financial management concept is very similar to his - money earned is spent.

"I said, Lin, I heard recently that Lockheed Martin was selling an F-117 that crashed in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for $200 million. Of course, the price is a bit high. After all, the cost of the new one is only 130 million US dollars. However, this one is still damaged after maintenance. According to the market price, it is only about 70 million US dollars at most. But as you know, the F-117 is an advanced fighter of the US Army. Its speed is incomparable. You can consider it. I think it must be great to fly the F-117! " Ellison had an expectant look on his face.

Ellison's biggest advantage and disadvantage is that he likes adventure and extreme sports. Otherwise, he would not be the first one among the world's rich to win the world sailing championship. He was a little tired of sailing for so long. Now I'm looking to fly the plane. However, the ordinary plane soon tired of crooked, and then Ellison will be the idea of the fighter. Fortunately, U.S. law allows private purchase of military products such as tanks and fighters, provided, of course, that there are no offensive weapons.

As a result, Ellison bought the MIG 29 and used it as a means of transportation between his cities. Although each time MIG 29 flies, it costs the fuel money of a BMW, but Ellison is happy with it. However, people who like adventure and excitement have a problem. They are easy to like the new and dislike the old.

It didn't take long for MIG 29 to fly, and Ellison was tired of it. Just at this time, Lockheed Martin sold a retired F-117 due to injury.

F-117 is a stealth attack aircraft developed by Lockheed. It is the first stealth fighter in the world that can fight formally. The aircraft is 20.08m long, 3.78M high, 13.20m wingspan, 84.8m2 wing area and 2.05 aspect ratio. The maximum level flight speed is 1040 kmh, the maximum normal operating speed is mo.9, and the operational radius (no aerial refueling, with 2268 kg weapons) is 1056 km.

It can be said that the speed of the F-117 is not outstanding. But despite its reputation as a stealth aircraft, Ellison was excited. He wanted to try driving the F-117 through some countries without being noticed. However, considering the irrational price of the F-117, high maintenance costs and a little outdated design concept, Ellison has been hesitant.

After all, his money doesn't fall from the sky, it's all made by himself. Moreover, after he and Lin Feng jointly set up the "forest film studio" and acquired half of the film screens in the United States, his funds were also tight. If you want to get an F-117 and put it at home, it's a bit extravagant, a bit wasteful and not cost-effective.

So Ellison has been struggling. But now I meet Lin Feng, that's different. With Lin Feng's current financial resources, there is no pressure to build an F-117. At that time, as one of Lin Feng's brothers, Ellison believes that he has no problem finding Lin Feng to borrow. So Ellison wanted to seduce Lin Feng into buying an F-117.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng didn't even think about it, so he shook his head.

"Ellison, I'm not very keen on flying a fighter. On the contrary, I have a lot of interest in ships. If possible, how about you get me an aircraft carrier? Better be armed. " Lin Feng said.

Aircraft carrier? More weapons—— Allison was stunned to hear that. Miguel fell.

"Hey, fly the plane carefully." Lin Feng was shocked.

"Ha ha, it's OK, it's OK. Although my flying skills are not as good as those Ace Pilots, they are by no means inferior to most of the US air forces." Ellison quickly stabilized MIG 29, laughing with pride.

"By the way, Lin, do you want an aircraft carrier? Do you know how much it costs? That's billions of dollars, not to mention the high maintenance costs. " Ellison frowned. Ellison once considered buying an aircraft carrier for fun, but after calculating the cost and high maintenance costs, Ellison gave up the idea. Although Lin Feng has more money than him, it's hard to get an aircraft carrier. Of course, it's not impossible for Lin Feng to get a boat to play with, but it's really unnecessary.

What's more, a lonely aircraft carrier cruising in the vast Pacific Ocean is a little too lonely. Unless

Lin Feng smiles and nods.

Ellison's eyes were round.

"Lin, you don't want to buy frigates, destroyers and so on. You need an aircraft carrier formation?" Exclaimed Ellison.

"Yes, since you want to buy an aircraft carrier, you should have it all. Why else would I buy it. If you pass through Somalia and are hijacked by Somali pirates, it will be funny. The aircraft carrier is hijacked by a small fishing boat, which is the biggest joke in military history. " Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"But do you know how much it will cost? It's going to cost at least ten billion dollars! If the corresponding weapons are included, it will be an astronomical number. You should know that governments prohibit private weapons, but some private cars of the world's super rich have weapons. These weapons are privately refitted by these military factories, and their charges are 2-3 times higher than the normal price. If you want to equip an aircraft carrier formation, plus some conventional weapons, the price may be at least more than $15 billion, or even up to $17 billion. And the annual maintenance cost is astronomical. " Exclaimed Ellison.

Lin Feng nodded.

"I know that. That's why I want to make more money. Ellison, think about it. If you have an aircraft carrier formation and you are free to swim in the ocean, what a pleasant thing it is. " Lin Feng said.

Ellison thought of a pair of blue ocean, an aircraft carrier formation with its own flag, what a refreshing thing. It's definitely better than driving an F-117. Of course, the cost is higher.

It's just that it's really difficult to build an aircraft carrier fleet. After all, having an aircraft carrier fleet, even with conventional weapons, is enough to dominate a sea area and attack some maritime countries.

"Ellison, if you can help me with the carrier formation, I'll give you the F-117." Lin Feng patted Ellison on the shoulder and said seductively. Since Ellison enticed himself to buy the F-117, Lin Feng knew that Ellison must have taken a fancy to the F-117, but he didn't have much spare money to buy it.

Ellison swallowed a mouthful of water. Lin Feng's temptation is too big. At least Ellison can't refuse it. Driving the F-117 across Cuba, this dream has been echoing in Ellison's mind.

"OK, Lin, I'll help you with the carrier fleet!" Ellison finally couldn't bear the temptation in his heart for many years and decided.

Although it's a bit difficult, it's not difficult for Ellison.

Northrop Grumman, the world's third largest defense company, is also the largest manufacturer of radar and warships. Headquartered in San Diego, California, the company has factories or offices and 125400 employees in more than 100 regions of the world, with an annual revenue of US $30.7 billion“ Nimitz class aircraft carrier, cvn21 future aircraft carrier, jumwalt class destroyer, Virginia class nuclear submarine, advanced seal delivery system, bumblebee class amphibious assault ship, lha-6 future amphibious assault ship, St. Anthony class amphibious dock transport ship, maritime safety patrol ship and Eilat class frigate are all its products.

And the vice president of Northrop Grumman has a good personal relationship with Ellison. With the relationship between them, although we can't buy the top aircraft carrier, we can still buy an ordinary one. No nuclear energy at most. After all, once something involves nuclear energy, it will be troublesome. The rest of the frigates can be pieced together. Anyway, Lin Feng doesn't really go to war. He can fight pirates at most. That's enough.

As for weapons, that's no trouble. Give more money and process it in private. As long as it is not equipped with missiles and long-range weapons, there will be no problem. Of course, if Lin Feng goes crazy to attack big countries like Britain and the United States, the consequences will be serious. However, Ellison believed that Lin Feng would not be so crazy to attack a big country like Britain or the United States. As for other small countries, Ellison believes that even with Lin Feng's personal strength, they can be dealt with.

When the wealth reaches Lin Feng's level, some small countries dare not provoke Lin Feng at all( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)