"Mr. Lin, what do you want to ask?" President Bush asked calmly.

Since Lin Feng's question can not be avoided, President Bush also calmed down in the shortest time. Once calm, President Bush naturally has no worries at all. Although Lin Feng is amazing and eloquent, this time he is talking about the national conditions of the United States and how Lin Feng, a pure businessman, is qualified to argue with him in his best field. Lin Feng will insult himself this time.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Mr. Bush, actually my question is very simple. That's what the American spirit is? " Lin Feng asked with a smile.

President Bush breathed a sigh. This kind of problem is very simple.

"Strictly speaking, the United States is a country with very short culture and history, but we have the most perfect social system, the most advanced level of science and technology, the most influential economic development, the most top military level... We are worthy of the great superpower. In many ways, the United States is indeed a different country. Many phenomena are related to the characteristics of the founding process of the United States of America. If we can understand and grasp it well, we need to go back to the founding process to find the source. Since the signing of the May Flower convention, its provisions on "organizing citizen groups; To draw up just laws, decrees, rules and regulations "and other contents laid the foundation for the New England states (New England is the northeast of the United States). A religious group called Puritans is a British colony founded in the 16th century. It is now the sum of six states in the United States. They are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont The United States has a good foundation for self-government from the very beginning. Unlike other countries, such as Australia's independence is achieved through peaceful means, and Canada is still known as "loyal to the Queen". However, it seems that the United States is destined to have endless disputes or unjust fights. They pursue freedom instead of Confucian peace. The same was true in the civil war that followed. We must strive for the power of identification, even if there will be sacrifice, as long as it is justice, at least, they think it is justice. Make up your mind and move forward... "President Bush began to introduce his American history.

"Of course, I also know that the United States is not a perfect country, but I hope that with my efforts and the efforts of all Americans, we can make the United States a paradise. A beautiful country that people all over the world hope for Bush said with open hands.

There was a lot of applause.

Kerry in the distance shook his head. Lin Feng is adding to Bush's efforts. It's a chance for Bush to ask such a simple and naive question! Too naive, too naive—— Democratic candidate Kerry sighed.

Originally, he had high expectations for Lin Feng. But at the moment, his hope for Lin Feng is still too high, too high. Maybe Lin Feng can call the wind and rain in business, but when it comes to politics, Lin Feng can't.

"Mr. President, what is the most important thing for such a strong and peaceful country? What makes America today? " Lin Feng asked again.

Bush frowned. This question is a bit deep. If the answer is not good, it will affect the outside world's questioning of his presidential level. But fortunately, this problem is not difficult for him.

"What constitutes the United States today is very simple - fair law, free thought, and the sacrifice of fighting for justice!" President Bush said.

There was another round of applause.

"Well, the more Lin Feng asks, the lower the question. Isn't that a bonus for President Bush! According to Lin Feng's question, the presidential election will not be held in the future. I'm sure Bush will get full marks—— Kerry stares at the TV in dismay. He wants to turn off the TV now. Looking at it further, he really has no confidence at all.

Ha ha, Lin Feng, in terms of business, I'm afraid few people on this planet are your opponents, but in terms of politics, you're far behind. Ask, ask, go on. 1 - President Bush is very happy at the moment. Originally, the host was ready to stop Lin Feng from asking questions, but he was stopped by President Bush. On these questions, the more questions he asks, the better he can show himself. If other people ask this question, the outside world may say that it is President Bush's boasting, but if Lin Feng asks it, there will be no question at all.

Because it's not a big secret that Lin Feng and President Bush don't deal with each other. Ordinary people don't know, but those reporters who have great powers still know it, but most of them don't say it. After all, once it's said, the president of the United States can't deal with a Chinese businessman. What a shame. So, from this point of view, you don't see how free the United States is, in fact, it's the same in some things. Its freedom is only relative.

"President Bush, what's your attitude towards the earth, or the United States?" Lin Feng asked again.

Bush is even happier. This question is really easy to answer.

"As for the earth, the planet where all human beings live together, I think it is the duty of every human being to make it better. Whether you are American, Chinese or German, you have the right and responsibility to protect the earth. As the most powerful, democratic and responsible country on the planet, the United States is duty bound! " Bush clenched his fist.

Applause! All around, Harvard students applauded wildly. President Bush's reply shows the hegemony of the United States and its confidence as the strongest country in the world. And this is undoubtedly very popular with Harvard students and the American people. After all, as an American, we are naturally satisfied with the global status of the United States. Even if I know in my heart that there is something wrong with the US attitude towards the world today, no one is willing to raise it.

Kerry, the Democratic candidate, can't hide his face now. He doesn't know whether Lin Feng is here to praise bush or to make trouble for bush. Aren't you the son-in-law of that lunatic Donald Trump? Are you going to betray your father-in-law and join the Bush camp—— Kerry is quite confused about this.

Kerry is puzzled, and Donald Trump is even more puzzled. He has fainted a little at the moment. Fortunately, he opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate Lin Feng's appearance at Harvard University, and reserved a banquet for Lin Feng at the most luxurious hotel in New York. Who would have expected that Lin Feng would make such an Oolong in the end. If he continues to ask like this, he will be completely out of the question.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng's problem continues.

"Mr. Bush, what do you think of the United States today?" Asked Lin Feng.

"The United States is strong and prosperous, surpassing the United States at any time in history. Today, the United States is thriving everywhere and full of prosperity." Although Bush knows that Lin Feng's question seems to be a bit mysterious, he must answer this question like this.

"Well, Mr. Bush, listen, how do you evaluate yourself?" Lin Feng asked again.

"I, who was voted president of the United States by the people, am honored that the American people chose me to be president of the United States. In the past four years, the United States has encountered a lot of difficulties, and I have also encountered some troubles of this kind and that kind. However, like the American people, I have been strong enough to survive. I know there are still some shortcomings in my work, but I will correct these mistakes in the next four years and lead America to a more brilliant future. " President Bush said with a fist.

Applause again. This speech seems to have become a show before Bush's re-election.

Kerry and Donald Trump are completely speechless. They have been completely defeated by Lin Feng, and they don't understand why Lin Feng specifically asked these extremely retarded questions. If you're not ready, don't go to Bush's trouble. Instead of embarrassing bush, it will boost his momentum. This is simply unacceptable.

Alas! Thinking of this, Kerry and Donald Trump are far away, but they sigh at the same time.

However, at this time, everyone thought that the speech would start and end in a dull way, when things changed.

"Mr. Bush, I would like to ask you a question. Since you think you have been in power for the past four years, why do you get your shoes smashed face to face?" Asked Lin Feng.

Bush was originally smashed in his shoes, which happened on December 14, 2008. Outgoing US President George W. Bush paid a farewell visit to Iraq and signed the US garrison agreement and the strategic framework agreement between the two countries with Iraqi Prime Minister Jawad Maliki. At a press conference held during the meeting, Iraqi journalist Zaidi took off his two shoes and smashed them against Bush, nearly hitting the target, thereby expressing his dissatisfaction with the US Iraq policy.

However, due to the appearance of Lin Feng, the Bush administration, which lost its image in the "9.11" incident, intensified its attack on Iraq in order to divert the attention of the American people, which led to the "shoe throwing incident" happening ahead of time. Just in this year's presidential election, Bush went to Iraq to pay homage to the officers and soldiers in Iraq and was thrown his shoes at a press conference. Coincidentally, Zaidi is still throwing shoes.

After hearing about Lin Feng, Bush was immediately embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Bush has been bitter about the shoe throwing incident. He didn't understand why he was so unlucky. When he first took office, the US economy was in a slump. Soon after taking office, he encountered the first terrorist attack in the history of the United States. As the president of the United States, he was hit by people throwing shoes. If it wasn't for his agility, he would have been hit.

Although Bush's answer was still perfect at that time, this matter has always been in Bush's mind. Now that Lin Feng has brought it up again, Bush is naturally not happy.

"Although I can give 80 points to my self-evaluation of being in power in the past four years, it does not mean that everyone recognizes my efforts. Especially in the Iraq war, many people can't look at the war correctly. Many people think that this war is meaningless, but I believe that in another 10 or 20 years, future generations will surely applaud this war in Iraq, especially the Iraqi people will appreciate the United States. Because it was the United States that brought them democracy and freedom. " In order to answer Lin Feng's question, Bush had to mention the Iraq war, which made him feel headache. "I believe that if it was Saddam Hussein's press conference at that time, this reporter would not dare to throw his shoes! In this respect, Iraq has made progress, and its progress is the result of the lives of American soldiers. "

There was applause.

Lin Feng also secretly raised his thumb. This bush is really not simple. He is a character who can turn things around in such a situation. But today is doomed to be your bad day—— Lin Feng said confidently.

"Well, Mr. Bush, what on earth did you start the war in Iraq for? Is it really just for the freedom and democracy of the Iraqi people? If so, what is your understanding of freedom and democracy? Is President Bush's idea of freedom and democracy universal? If so, does it mean that when the freedom and democracy of other countries are inconsistent with the freedom and democracy recognized by President Bush, it is not freedom and democracy? If so, does it mean that other countries are evil? If so, what is the difference between President Bush's freedom and democracy and dictatorship? Also, is American style "freedom and democracy" necessarily suitable for Iraq? If it is appropriate, why Iraq has been caught in the chaos of war, and why American soldiers have been unable to withdraw from Iraq. " Lin Feng's series of "freedom and democracy" are like tongue twisters, but with that, all the Harvard students on the scene are silent.

you bet! Although President Bush said that the war in Iraq has brought freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people, Iraqi journalists like Zaidi can throw shoes at the president of a country at a press conference, which is absolutely not allowed during the period of Saddam Hussein's administration. On the surface, it is true that the Iraq war has brought democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. But on the other hand, is the "freedom and democracy" brought by the United States necessarily suitable for the Iraqi government?

Also, many countries in the world are not so free and democratic. For example, in most Arab countries, there are servants who are close to slave society. In western developed countries, the royal family of each country is already above the ordinary people. According to American style freedom and democracy, are Britain, Denmark and other countries not democratic enough? If democracy is not enough, should war be launched—— Harvard students think deeply and feel cold sweat straight behind them.

If this goes on, it seems that the war in Iraq is not to liberate Iraq as President Bush said. What's more, even if we want to liberate Iraq, do we need American soldiers to liberate with shells and fighters?

Bush is also sweating. He didn't expect that Lin Feng's counterattack was so sharp, and he seemed to fall into Lin Feng's trap.

Freedom and democracy are symbols of the American spirit, but Bush knows that they are actually two empty words.

Freedom, there is no real freedom on this planet!

Democracy, the people have never really been masters of the country!

In short, there is only relative freedom and democracy in this world, and this "relative" reference depends on whether it harms the interests of some big people.

However, the audience rating has soared to 34%, and almost 100 million Americans have watched the unexpected debate through various channels. Therefore, at such a critical moment, Bush can not lose. He can't lose!

"The war in Iraq is..." President Bush wanted to quibble, but Lin Feng didn't give him a chance.

"President Bush, why did you start the war in Iraq? What is the real reason? You say it's not for oil, it's not for Israel or anything else, so what's the reason? " Lin Feng asked aloud.

Bush was immediately like a dog with his tail trampled on, a bit of a dog jumping over the wall.

"I don't want to go to war. I never wanted to go to war. It's extremely wrong to take it for granted that I want to go to war. I - "Bush used several times in succession, but Lin Feng didn't give him any breathing space.

"President Bush, what is all this for? Why did you start the war in Iraq? At the expense of more than 10000 U.S. soldiers and $600 billion, what is the purpose of all this? " Lin Feng asked.

"Once again, no president of the United States wants to go to war (omit 3000 words here), that's why I want to be in Iraq - please let me finish." when Bush saw that Lin Feng wanted to speak again, he quickly stopped him and asked the host to turn off Lin Feng's microphone and give him a chance to breathe. But Lin Feng didn't use the microphone from beginning to end. If he wanted to turn it off, why did he turn it off!

"They didn't do anything to you and your country." Lin Feng interrupted President Bush.

Bush was interrupted by Lin Feng at the moment, and he was already a little crazy. In particular, being caught by Lin Feng on this issue makes Bush hate it even more. Originally, the issue of the Iraq war has been seized by the Democratic Party, which is the biggest obstacle to Bush's re-election as president. As a result, today Lin Feng grabs the braid and embarrasses him. But the problem is that Lin Feng is not a big man, he is also a businessman; 2、 He is not even an American. Why should he blame him.

"They did it, they did it! The Taliban provide a safe haven for Al Qaeda, where al Qaeda is trained - "Bush almost growled, but was interrupted by Lin Feng again.

"But I'm talking about Iraq!" Lin Feng said with a shrug.

Iraq, damn Iraq—— President Bush blushed with anger, but he didn't know what to say at the moment. If it had not been for years of political career, I'm afraid he would have blurted out some extremely wrong words just now. Fortunately, at the last moment, he kept a trace of reason and was not mad by Lin Feng.

"I repeat that the war in Iraq was right. As for whether it is right or not, I think neither I nor you can comment on it. But I believe that history will naturally have a public opinion. " Bush said he would not answer this question.

"Next!" Bush pointed at just one person. He doesn't want to talk to Lin Feng any more, never!

What a pity( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)