Lin Feng is a very ambitious person, and also a greedy person. Of course, Lin Feng is greedy for money and gets it right. He will never do some treacherous and disgusting dirty things for the sake of money. This kind of thing, Lin Feng absolutely disdains to do.

Before that, Lin Feng had invested a lot in the sporting goods market, including signing contracts, paying compensation and investing in real estate. Lin Feng had already paid US $1.2 billion for it. With the acquisition of converse and Reebok, Lin Feng had invested nearly US $5 billion. Such a huge number, anyone here would be shocked. In particular, if the five billion dollars are converted into gold, it will be enough to make everyone crazy. But in the sporting goods market, it's just a fraction.

Since Lin Feng started a sporting goods company and spent so much money, he naturally wanted to make money. In Lin Feng's view, the best way to make money is to have only one company in this industry. That is undoubtedly the most profitable. And how to have his own company, Lin Feng also has a chance, that is to take down Nike and Adidas.

Nike and Adidas have been fighting like tigers for decades. For now, Nike has a little bit of a hold on Adidas. In the struggle, the two companies have long been fully developed and become the first and second companies in the world. Lin Feng's goal is to bring these two companies down and replace them.

And if you want to bring down these two companies, it's most appropriate to start with finance. Therefore, Lin Feng deliberately creates such a mystery, signing Jordan, James and Sharapova at a high price, and shows a posture of vowing to many stars in the world. Lin Feng is so fierce that naturally Nike and Adidas feel deeply taboo. In order to avoid Qi Qi's star being poached by Lin Feng, Nike and Adidas can only launch a crazy contract renewal.

Nike and Adidas this behavior, for Lin Feng, almost no damage. Because from the beginning, Lin Feng didn't want to really dig so many stars from Nike and Adidas. This is too difficult, not all stars will buy their own face, there will always be some stars because of this, that kind of problem finally refuse themselves; 2、 It's also because Lin Feng has no money.

Although Lin Feng won a total of US $30 billion in Japan's emperor Naruhito this time, he can't stand the toss of Lin Feng. If Lin Feng really goes out of his way to sign up for the stars, I'm afraid that before these stars sign up, Lin Feng will be in debt.

Therefore, Lin Feng from the beginning of the idea on Nike and Adidas, Lin Feng to let Nike and Adidas economic collapse. Therefore, Lin Feng had done so many plays and dug up so many people before. All of them were acting in order to deceive Nike and Adidas. In order to retain some star resources, the two companies had to work hard to get a raise. And in this year's time, a raise is going to kill you.

Originally, the financial situation of the two companies was not bad, but according to Lin Feng's calculation, I'm afraid that the financial situation of the two companies will not be very good. Once something happens again and a little twists and turns happen, I'm afraid it will be a disaster for both companies. Now, all Lin Feng needs to do is wait.

The young players who are waiting to sign up are growing up, waiting for the economic difficulties of Nike and Adidas and signs of collapse. Of course, Lin Feng can do something while waiting.

The first thing Lin Feng has done is to sign his own team Tottenham Hotspur coach Jose, and hire him to become the spokesperson of "converse". He has also turned to create a canvas shoe for Jose, which has a strong personality and takes black and white as the main color of Tottenham's emblem, This paper designs a "magic bird 1 generation" shoes of "converse" based on the long silver hair of Jose.

Just on the market, this "magic bird 1 generation" has become a popular sports shoe in the market.

Converse always gives people the impression of being casual, free and unrestrained. And this "magic bird 1 generation", is free and easy to play to the limit, fully demonstrates the personality of free and easy, unrestrained character.

For a while, the sales volume of "magic bird 1" exceeded that of any sports shoes owned by Linfeng sporting goods company. In a short period of time, the sales volume of "magic bird 1" was far more than that of any sports shoes advertisement endorsed by any star. This was not thought of by Linfeng in advance, but also by many manufacturers. No one thought that the sales volume of the sports shoes represented by a coach of Jose would be so good.

"Lin, do I sell so many pairs of shoes?" He didn't think of it himself, which was beyond his expectation. You know, at the same time signed Messi, Ronaldo and other sports shoes represented by sales is only a little more than a quarter of Jose. As for the shoes endorsed by Beckenham, although the sales volume far exceeds that of Messi and others, it is only half of that of Jose.

Looking at the data, he can't believe it.

"Ha ha, Jose, this data fully proves that your status in the hearts of fans is no worse than any star." Lin Feng clapped Jose on the shoulder and laughed.

Originally, Lin Feng hired Jose to speak for sports shoes. That's why he was so excited. He didn't really take it seriously. He just thought that he was so cool and should have a pair of his own sports shoes. But unexpectedly, Liu Chengyin unexpectedly discovered a super spokesman. But think about it, too. The outspoken and daring personality of Jose is absolutely popular with the fans of the home team and disliked by the fans of the visiting team. But apart from that, most of the neutral fans are very fond of such a distinctive coach. In particular, all kinds of other body movements in the game make the fans very happy.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the "magic bird 1 generation" modeled on the original model of Jose.

In addition to Jose, Lin Feng's other super spokesman is Prince William.

The British royal family doesn't mind the announcement made by its royal family members, so Prince William became the spokesperson of "Linfeng sporting goods company" again after his first taste of Linfeng's "billiard ball online", trying to taste it, earning some pocket money for himself, and helping Linfeng support the scene by the way. Because of Prince William's loyalty, Lin Feng has specially made a pair of "Prince 1" sports shoes for him. The whole pair of sports shoes are mainly red and gold of the British royal family. However, compared with the style of advocating individual freedom and frankness, this "Prince 1" is full of noble, elegant temperament, atmosphere and fashion, It's like a prince in shoes.

Due to Prince William's personal charm, although the sales volume of this kind of shoes is slightly less than that of "magic bird 1" of Jose Mourinho, it still sells tens of millions of pairs around the world, and this is just a few days' sales volume. With the accumulation of time, Lin Feng believes that these two shoes will become the main shoes of "Lin Feng sporting goods company" this year.

Coupled with the appeal of Messi, Ronaldo, Beckenham, Yao Ming and James, Lin Feng is confident that his company will become an indispensable force in the sporting goods market by the end of this year.

Facing the fierce Lin Feng, Nike and Adidas can only fight with all their strength. After all, this is a decisive battle without a way out. No matter who loses, what they lose is the market, which is the root of their survival. Therefore, Nike and Adidas also show their own skills and use their strong strength and scientific research technology in this industry to fight against Lin Feng's star tactics.

However, for now, it is obvious that Lin Feng has a slight advantage. After all, both "converse" and "Reebok" are old factories with decades of history. They already have strong strength and heritage, but now they are in decline. However, the decline does not mean that they are eliminated. As long as they have the opportunity, they will still make a comeback.

Now is the time to make a comeback.

In the face of the fierce competition in the sporting goods market, many reporters lost interest after their crazy reports in the first few days. For these journalists, what they are after is nothing but hot news.

Although there are endless news in the sporting goods market every day, such as Nike's annexation of a company, Adidas's signing of a star, Lin Feng's throwing an olive branch at a star, and so on, these news are usually enough to stir fry for several days, or even repeatedly, but now, all reporters have no interest. They're not interested in reporting this because there's something more important to report. More important, far more important than the competition in the sporting goods market, is waiting for them to report.

This matter is nothing else, but for some reason delayed a month listing - Search Engine battle.

The so-called search engine battle refers to the battle between "Google", which accounts for more than 50% of the global search engine market, and "Baidu Yahoo", which accounts for 32% of the global search engine market. On September 20, "Google" will be launched for the first time, which is a great event of the Internet in the United States. When the Internet share suffered a bubble economy and collapsed at all levels, the emergence of "Google" undoubtedly saved the Internet share. What is the height of "Google" on the first day? Let everyone look forward to it.

And "Baidu - Yahoo", the strongest challenger of "Google", after acquisition and reorganization, is going to go public again. What kind of storm will it set off? This is really expected. In particular, this "Baidu - Yahoo" and "Google" unexpected listing on the same day, whether it is a coincidence or artificial arrangement, this is more exciting.

On this day, everyone will wait and see what climax will be set off in the financial sector. And all reporters, already in their places, are waiting for the prelude of a new world war that is likely to set off in the search engine industry.

American time, September 20, finally arrived.