Liu Xiang takes the lead—— Prince Deren is in a mess now. He wants to catch every straw. He can't let Lin Feng take these things, or even if he is the prince, he can't keep himself. In Japan, family affection is important, but more important is resources. This time I lost so many resources that the consequences were unimaginable.

Lin Feng coldly pointed to the TV. At the moment, the TV is playing back the picture of Liu Xiang and Trammell's match again and again. The screen clearly shows that before the referee fired, Trammell had started ahead of time, and Liu Xiang waited a little 0.5 seconds to listen to the gun. That is to say, it was not Liu Xiang who started the race, but Trammell. Therefore, even if Liu Xiang does not win the championship in the end, Trammell's rush will deprive him of his championship status.

Therefore, the theory that Prince Deren's Liu Xiang has taken the lead does not exist.

"Prince Deren, how do you want to default?" Instead, Lin Feng sat down leisurely. With his left hand stretched out, Li Zhiyou handed him a glass of red wine. With his right hand stretched out, Huang Meixi handed him a cigar and lit it.

In fact, Lin Feng did not smoke before. However, smoking cigars is not the same as smoking. Smoking cigars does not inhale smoke into the lungs, so smoking cigars inhale much less nicotine and other substances. After getting used to smoking cigars, the enjoyment can only be realized by people who smoke cigars. This is a kind of senior life enjoyment. There is a joke in the industry about the highest enjoyment of men's life - smoking Havana cigars, tasting Blue Mountain coffee, drinking Bordeaux red wine, this is a man's life. Cigar is the first elegant taste for men.

In addition, it is a very common behavior for men to smoke cigars in the world. In order to facilitate communication, Lin Feng learned to smoke cigars. Once you get used to it, you have to say that smoking cigars is really a pleasure.

Lin Feng took a sip of Bordeaux red wine, spit out a rim of the eye, unspeakably relaxed and elegant. In contrast, the whole face of Prince Deren, who was standing opposite Lin Feng, was already black and could not be black any more.

"I said, Prince derin, do you want to admit defeat or default?" Lin Feng joked.

"Lin Feng, we Japanese are always willing to gamble and admit defeat, never default. But we have to lose to lose to understand, lose to lose to be convinced, can't let some villains cheat. I suspect Liu Xiang is doping, so we have to wait for Liu Xiang's doping test results to admit it. " Prince Deren said word by word.

Lin Feng laughs.

"Again? OK, no problem. I'll wait. But Prince Deren, three hours later, it came that Liu Xiang had not taken any stimulants. I see what you are going to do. " Lin Feng, holding a cigar in his mouth, points to Prince Deren and looks like a loser.

What are you going to do—— Prince Deren's eyes flashed by, but he recovered in an instant, but he secretly glanced at Jingzheng.

Jing Zheng, who got the hint last month, was stunned. His pupils shrank slightly. Then he took a breath and looked at Lin Feng and his nephew. He seemed to have made up his mind.

At this time, the phone rang.

"Everybody, I'll go out and answer the phone." Last month, Jingzheng told me to leave.

Lin Feng glanced at Jingzheng last month and knew that it would be no good for him to go out. But for the sake of today's gambling, Lin Feng has already made preparations. In the International Olympic Committee inspection agency, there are Lin Feng's people (paid by Lin Feng), and there are Lin Feng's people around Liu Xiang, just to ensure that Liu Xiang's urine sample will not be tampered with. After all, Liu Xiang won the Olympic 110m hurdles champion, there will be a lot of people will not accept, some people will use doping to say things. This has happened in "history". Finally, Liu Xiang was innocent, which also proved that he won the championship by strength.

But this time, it's a gamble of tens of billions of dollars. Lin Feng is worried that the prince of derin will jump over the wall in a hurry. Therefore, Lin Feng will do whatever it takes to ensure that Liu Xiang's urine sample will not be tampered with. Therefore, at this time, Lin Feng didn't care about Jingzheng going out to "answer" the phone last month.

"Prince derin, I'm not very interested in the $5 billion cash and the $10 billion gold bar. I'm very interested in the 252 hectare farm. I want to ask, you lost this super farm that provides fresh milk and meat for the Japanese royal family to me. What will the royal family eat and drink every day? " Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Well, it's none of your business!" Prince Deren's face was livid, and he snorted.

"Otherwise, I'll sell this super farm to your royal family. Of course, I don't want money. I won so much money this time. It's no use asking for money. I'm interested in a real estate in Tokyo. I'm going to use it for renovation, such as building a hotel or something. The area is not large, only 100000 square meters, about 10 hectares. This super farm is in the suburb of Tokyo. The place I like is not in the center of the city, but I am very satisfied with its Fengshui. How about, let's change! Otherwise, what do you Japanese royal family eat and drink! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hum! Prince Deren snorted. Why should he change it. As long as it works, he doesn't need to change at all. However, it's better to deal with Lin Feng at this time, lest he notice anything.

Prince Naruhito pretended to be interested.

"Mr. Lin, since you think so, that's very good. But I don't know where Mr. Lin likes. Maybe I can help Mr. Lin fulfill his wish. " Prince Deren does not smile.

Lin Feng laughs.

"It's in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo. To be honest, I think it's a bit of a loss to exchange 252 hectares for 10 hectares. But I like Fengshui there. " Lin Feng said helplessly.

Prince Deren frowned. He was a little familiar with the place name, but he couldn't remember where it was. After thinking about it, Prince Deren started his laptop and opened the "Baidu earth" software. See this "Baidu earth" software, Prince de Ren a little egg pain. He hated Lin Feng so much, but he still had to use the software of Lin Feng company. It was depressing to think about it.

Enter the place name and press enter. After a few seconds, the map opens. Seeing the map, Prince Naruhito's face was completely black. He slapped the table and stood up.

"Lin Feng, you have gone too far! You are insulting our Daiwa people Prince Deren points at Lin Feng, trembling with anger.

"Prince Deren, how can I go too far? I used a 252 hectare suburban super farm with thousands of cows to replace a land that covers only 10 hectares and is also in the suburb with nothing. How can I go too far! If I don't think the geomantic omen is OK, a hotel or something can be built on it. Besides, for the sake of the stomachs of the Japanese royal family, I'll be lazy to change it. " Lin Feng is extremely innocent.

"Son of a bitch! Bagaya road! Lin Feng, you are against the Dahe people Prince Deren is furious. His hair and beard stand up. His eyes are as big as bells. If he doesn't worry that he is not Lin Feng's opponent, Prince Deren will come.

Prince Deren's angry look attracted the curiosity of Chirac and others. All of them got close to each other. When they got close to each other, they all looked strange.

It turns out that the place Lin Feng wants is not elsewhere, but a place used for sacrifice in Japan, which is called "Tokyo soul Shrine". Of course, this is its former name, and its current name is more loud - Yasukuni Shrine.

As for the Yasukuni Shrine, people in the box know what it is used for, what position the "Yasukuni Shrine" occupies in Japan, and what position it has in the hearts of other Asian countries.

From a purely economic point of view, if Lin Feng trades a super farm for "Yasukuni Shrine", Lin Feng suffers losses, and Japan should make a steady profit. However, from a spiritual point of view, Lin Feng's change is a pure shame on Japan. What's more, Lin Feng rebuilt a hotel on it. He said he wanted to be more lively, which is tantamount to humiliating Japan. Yes, there are tens of thousands of memorial tablets for Japanese soldiers. If there is a soul, there are thousands of Japanese soldiers in Anxi.

And Lin Feng wants to build a hotel on it, for the sake of excitement. Isn't it disturbing for these Japanese soldiers to die—— Prince derin's anger is reasonable.

However, if you think that the Japanese government's annual visit to the "Yasukuni Shrine" always causes strong protests from Asian countries, you can understand why Lin Feng has changed.

Chirac, Berlusconi shakes his head. Lin Feng is just entertaining Prince derin. After all, no one would give it to Lin Feng. But what puzzles Chirac and Berlusconi is why Lin Feng, no, why the whole Southeast Asian countries hate Japan so much. In contrast, Germany has also brought great harm to European countries. But over the years, the Germans will not be discriminated against wherever they go, and there is no country in Europe to specifically target the Germans.

Why does Asia and Japan always attract such criticism—— This is what Chirac and Berlusconi don't understand. At least with their European brains.

Of course, Lin Feng can explain to them, but he won't explain to them. Because even if they explain, they won't understand. Europeans are Europeans, Asians are Asians. Although both sides are human beings, their living habits and cultural and historical backgrounds are different. Lin Feng's explanation is useless.

"Prince derin, how about it? Do you want to change it?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, "if you are willing to change it, I can give you a commission of 100 million dollars."

"Lin Feng, you're going to die!" Prince Deren looked at Lin Fengsen's curse.

Lin Feng laughed.

"If the curse can curse the dead, I'm afraid you all have no living people in Japan!" Lin Feng said sarcastically.

At this time, Jingzheng came back last month, and Prince Chong Deren nodded slightly( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)