About FIFA's new punishment, it's very interesting. Its content is basically no different from before. It's still a two-year ban on Jose, and it's not the same for other players. But interestingly, it used to be a global ban, but now it has become an international ban, and only refers to the national team. In other words, he will not be able to coach any national team in the next two years. But does Lin Feng need Jose to coach the national team? Do you need it?

Obviously not!

As for Tottenham Hotspur players, each has been suspended for several games, which is even more good news for Lin Feng. These players can't play for the national team. It's good for the club, not bad. The national team games, especially the usual friendly games, will only cause a load on the players' body and aggravate their fatigue. The rest of the benefits are all useless. Lin Feng is eager for these players not to participate in the national team games, concentrate on playing club games. Otherwise, in case of injury or something, the club will have a tragedy.

Awesome! Lin Feng admired hayatu's operation ability. Nothing has been changed, that is to change the standard of punishment, Tottenham Hotspur is equivalent to not being punished, this hayatu is worth cooperating with. However, to Lin Feng's displeasure, the punishment for the No. 5 was still unchanged, and the one-year international ban was still maintained. In other words, in addition to No. 5 can not participate in the national team competition within a year, there is no problem in participating in the league.

It's too cheap for Messi to be punished so much for his injury.

"Hayatu, I want the No. 5 to be out of football for three years." Lin Feng calls hayatu.

"Mr. Lin, this may be a little difficult. Although No. 5 is a malicious foul, it's difficult to ban him for three years. Because through the slow motion playback, the wounding action of No. 5 can be said to go for people or the ball, which is really a little difficult to define. Therefore, it's a bit difficult to ban him for three years. However, a one-year global ban is OK, but it requires pressure from all parties. Now it's Haman's operation, and I can only exert pressure, not make the leading decision. " Hayatu said helplessly.

In fact, hayatu did not tell the truth. It's not too hard for him if he really wants to ban No. 5 for a year worldwide. But he didn't want to do it. Because he doesn't want to work too hard in this matter, otherwise he will become a runner of Lin Feng. Besides, he didn't want to offend Harman too much.

bring pressure on! Lin Feng thought about it. It's simple. Immediately, Lin Feng sent someone from Argentina to invite Maradona, who has been following Messi and likes him all the time, and then they went to Beijing to visit Messi who is still lying on the hospital bed. Originally, Messi was able to get out of bed, but in order to play and make the king angry, Lin Feng ordered someone to make up Messi. So when Maradona arrived at the hospital, Messi's face was sallow, and he had a mouthful of breath.

On the spot, Maradona was furious. At the press conference specially prepared for him by Lin Feng, Maradona yelled at his father and scolded his mother, patted the table, dropped the bench, denounced the malicious foul of No. 5, claimed that he destroyed Argentina's future eunuch and a future champion, and strongly attacked FIFA's inaction, demanding that No. 5 be given a heavy penalty immediately by FIFA. Maradona's ascendancy in China has aroused the indignation of the Argentinians. Maradona in Argentina is basically equivalent to God. Messi, a 16-year-old who has just played in the professional league for one year, has already conquered all Argentine fans with his wonderful performance in the past year, and is regarded as the successor of Maradona by 37.8 million Argentines.

As a result, the successor has been injured like this on the court. It's not bad. In particular, after Argentina's national TV station broadcast Messi's "tragedy" through the TV station, all Argentine people immediately rioted and immediately held a large-scale demonstration, strongly demanding that FIFA severely punish No. 5.

When Argentina made a scene, the FA protested. No matter how to say, Tottenham Hotspur also belongs to the Premier League team. Last season's second place in the Premier League, one of the core of the team's future, was injured by one foot. Of course, many opponents of Tottenham Hotspur were overjoyed. However, as the FA, FIFA's protection of No. 5 is also a little too much for the FA. What's more, this time Lin Feng is making so much trouble, which makes the whole FA lose face. In order to appease the devil and let him stop in the future, it's always good to sell Lin Feng's love at this time.

Argentina and the FA made trouble here, and the French Football Association took advantage of the fire to protest. Originally, Tottenham didn't have a Frenchman in it, but he Linfeng has just reached an agreement with Platini. Platini is also thinking about supporting Lin Feng at this time, and hopes that Lin Feng can reciprocate in the future.

Argentina, England and France have just finished their protests, and Italy has also come forward. They are still extremely determined to ask FIFA to severely punish No. 5. As for the reason, it is reasonable that Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has spoken, and Allegra is playing behind his back, so the Italian Football Association will join in the fun. What's more, selling Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, is always good but not bad.

The joint protest of Argentina, England, France and Italy has brought great pressure to FIFA, especially to UEFA. Coupled with the discord within FIFA, Haman is extremely passive. In particular, the Chinese Football Association, which he had hoped for, suddenly lost its voice. In particular, several football association officials in charge of contacting him all lost their news, which made Haman more passive. Originally, Haman hoped to help him run for FIFA president with the energy behind the Chinese Football Association. You know, in the 2002 Asian World Cup qualifier, China finally successfully entered the world cup, thanks to the operational ability of their officials. If it is not the operation behind the officials of the Chinese Football Association, Saudi Arabia and Iran will not be divided into a group, so that the Chinese football team will have no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey will be the king, and finally successfully enter the world cup.

As a result, now the Chinese Football Association has no voice, Haman naturally worried. At this time, the African Football Association suddenly protested against Messi's No. 5 who maliciously hurt him on the court, which completely made Hamann lose his last effort. In the face of multiple pressures, Hamann reluctantly decided to give in, and FIFA finally made a new punishment on the 5th, a one-year global ban!

After hearing the news, Lin Feng felt a little comfortable. Of course, Lin Feng wants more, but it's too much to say.

Asshole! Damn it—— At the time of hearing the news, No. 5 was preparing to participate in the upcoming new round of CSL. The result is now in vain. He will not be able to play in a year.

At this time, Lin Feng returned to the hospital and personally told Messi the good news.

"Thank you, boss, but now for me, the most important thing is not to punish the 5th, but to recover as soon as possible. I don't want to stay in bed all the time. I want to play Messi is working hard.

Lin Feng nodded. No wonder Messi has worked so hard that he will be very popular in the future. However, the body is a little difficult. Lin Feng has hired the best kinematics doctor in the world to treat Messi, and confirmed that Messi will not play until December at the earliest. And we must carefully arrange their playing time, otherwise it may cause the old injury recurrence. It can be said that it's no use for Messi to worry now.

"Leo, I think you'd better have more rest. This wound can't come in a hurry. " Lin Feng said.

Messi shook his head.

"Boss, I believe it's man-made. What's more, I'm still young and my body is in the stage of development. I believe that as long as I have more activities, I can recover earlier. " Messi insisted.

Lin Feng sighed. This Messi, although young, is already a very qualified professional football player. However, this injury really needs to be taken care of slowly.

Gee! Lin Feng suddenly snapped on the forehead. Although western medicine has decided that Messi should have a rest for at least four months, traditional Chinese medicine may be able to bring a miracle to Messi—— Lin Feng immediately sent people to search for the most famous TCM doctors in China. After a large-scale search, Lin Feng finally found a 90 year old TCM doctor. The old Chinese medicine doctor, who doesn't show up at all, runs a most common small clinic to see his neighbors. Compared with those legendary miracle doctors, he is just like a charlatan.

However, it is amazing that the average life span of the neighbors near the old TCM clinic is over 70 years old, and they are all healthy, full of sky and red face. It is a famous longevity community nearby. Therefore, when Lin Feng was looking for a miracle doctor, the old TCM doctor was also recommended to Lin Feng by the staff of the "wolf tooth" security company.

Originally, after trying out some so-called miracle doctors, Lin Feng talked wildly. After identification, all of them were cheaters. Therefore, Lin Feng was disappointed with traditional Chinese medicine. Unexpectedly, as soon as the old doctor came in, he looked at Lin Feng fiercely. After half a sound, he spat out a sentence that made Lin Feng's soul beat.

"You're not human!" The old Chinese medicine's words made Lin Feng's heart beat to death.

"You are always joking! I'm not a mortal. Am I still a fairy! I didn't expect that I came to see a doctor, but I asked a God to come! " Lin Feng gave a ha ha. But in my heart, I was shocked. Did the old doctor know that he was reborn? If you know, it's really killing.

The old doctor shook his head.

"You're not a God, but you're not human. I'm not a fortune teller, but I can see the difference between you and others from your looks. You look great. I've lived to be 90 years old. I've never seen anyone like you. According to the records of ancient books, you are a man of great fortune, and the legendary Peng Zu can be compared with you! " The old doctor looked at Lin Feng with a look at the national treasure.

"Well, well, old man, please look at Macy." Lin Feng quickly opened up the topic. This old Chinese medicine doctor is a bit too powerful and mysterious. He has compared himself with Peng Zu. If he wants to go on, he may not be the Jade Emperor.

But I hope he can help Messi( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)