Barack Hussein Obama II is the first black president in American history before the rebirth of Lin Feng. Although he was a black president, Lin Feng didn't have a deep impression on him. After all, before his rebirth, Lin Feng was only half a homeboy. Although he knew that Obama had become the first black president of the United States, he didn't know much about him. He only knew that he had published several books and had been in politics for a very short time. He was a legendary figure in American politics.

Lin Feng went to Washington this time to meet this future American political legend, hoping to make use of his "prophet" advantage to build a good relationship with the future American president in advance, so as to reap the greatest benefits in four years. You know, Obama is just a senator in Illinois. He is not well-known in the United States, and his politics are not very clear. Especially in 2000, after he failed to run for the seat of the U.S. House of Representatives, Obama has been concentrating on the Senate work in Illinois.

In Lin Feng's view, it is obviously the best time to approach Obama. Originally, Obama should be in Illinois at the moment, but according to Lin Feng's investigation, as the Democratic Party is holding the National Congress, Obama, as a Democratic senator from Illinois, naturally wants to attend the grand meeting.

With a little bit of information about Obama in Lin Feng's mind, it seems that Obama has risen from this Democratic National Congress and made his mark in American politics. After Obama was elected president of the United States, his short political career has attracted worldwide attention. It is generally acknowledged that the biggest change in Obama's life is the American people's initiative National Congress.

That night, Lin Feng called on Obama's hotel in Washington.

"Hi, Congressman Obama, when we meet for the first time, please take care of me!" Lin Feng said hello with a smile.

Obama was stunned. He is no stranger to Lin Feng. He can't be more familiar with this Chinese who has disturbed the it, entertainment and sports circles in the United States. Although he is in a rather low position, he has not yet learned that the Bush administration paid Lin Feng a $9.5 billion "sealing fee" in order to quell the fact that the US military bombed the White House in the "9.11" incident, but Obama is aware of Lin Feng's severity. But he didn't understand why Lin Feng came to visit him at this time!

He's just a senator from Illinois. In American politics, he has a low status and is black. Lin Feng is the richest man in the world and a promising business genius. Why did he come all the way here to find himself this time! As far as Lin Feng's information is concerned, Obama has just "abducted" the daughter of New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump. Now Donald Trump is furious. In principle, he should try to find a way to calm things down rather than find himself here.

I can't help him solve this problem. What's more, Lin Feng and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger are very close friends. If you want to find them, you should go to the governor of California, not yourself. Obama couldn't figure out what Lin Feng wanted? But it was polite to welcome Lin Feng in.

Lin Feng is the richest man in the world. In Obama's view, it is absolutely beneficial to have a good relationship with such people. Besides, Obama is also a Kenyan American, so he does not have the prejudice and arrogance that Native Americans have. And now he's just a little Illinois senator.

"Senator Obama, I think you must be surprised by my sudden visit, right?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Obama nodded. It is true that his sudden visit to Lin Feng is a bit of a headache. The two sides have never known each other before, and it seems that there is no intersection between them. Although Lin Feng wants to have a good relationship with a Democrat at the Democratic National Congress in Washington, he will never be a Kenyan Illinois senator.

"Ha ha, Mr. Obama, do you think there is racial discrimination in the United States today?" Lin Feng said abruptly.

Obama frowned. Lin Feng's words are too bold and sharp. Indeed, racial discrimination still exists in the United States, and blacks are still discriminated against. But as a senator, can he say that. Even if you say it, you won't say it in front of Lin Feng. How does Lin Feng know what his intention is and what he wants to do? If his words came out, and then Lin Feng went out and said that Obama admitted that racial discrimination still existed in the United States, his short political career would be completely ended.

Obama frowned slightly, and immediately prepared to use a set of official tone to deal with Lin Feng. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng did not let Obama say this official tone by waving his hand.

"Congressman Obama, in my opinion, racial discrimination in the United States is still serious, and there is still a considerable gap between blacks and whites. In terms of social status, wealth, power, white people have obvious advantages and are an important part of the American government, while black people are mostly at the bottom of the society. Of course, in the stadium, black people still have the advantage. " Lin Feng's sharp tone made Obama extremely dissatisfied.

It's true that Lin Feng's words are correct, and it's true. But it's just inappropriate for Lin Feng to say this in front of Obama. In case the wall has ears and spreads it, no matter who said it, he can't get rid of it.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know why you think of the United States in this way, but I can tell you very clearly that the United States is a free country, where there will be no oppression, discrimination and what you call racism." Obama interrupted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Congressman Obama, if there is really no so-called racial discrimination, why do you, with your ability and ability, run for the seat of the US House of representatives in the past few years and lose continuously?" Lin Feng pointed out Obama's weakness. In order to get close to Obama, Lin Feng ordered people to make Obama's past investigation clear.

Obama's face froze. It was a pain in his heart. In terms of educational background, ability and popularity, he doesn't need to be inferior to anyone. However, in recent years, he has repeatedly failed to run for the seat of the U.S. House of Representatives because of his black skin. This has always been a pain in Obama's heart.

"Mr. Lin, what are you doing here today? If it's nothing, I want to rest. " Obama gave a direct eviction order.

However, Lin Feng did not get up.

"Senator Obama, I'm here today just to ask you, what's your dream? Or what is your goal in politics? " Lin Feng asked seriously.

Obama takes a breath. Of course, he has a dream, which is also the dream of every American in politics. But can he tell Lin Feng in front of him? Even if he says it, will Lin Feng believe it!

"Senator Obama, there is an old saying in China that a soldier who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good soldier. Similarly, a politician who does not want to be president is not a good politician. I wonder if you have such a dream! " Lin Feng pointed to the deepest secret of Obama's heart.

"Teng", Obama stood up.

"Mr. Lin, what are you trying to say?" Wanting to be president has always been Obama's deepest secret. He never told anyone, including his wife and children. Because it's ridiculous that no one will believe this goal. But at the moment, Lin Feng said it. Although he didn't say anything, now Lin Feng's identity is absolutely not aimless. Does Lin Feng know his dream of becoming president? If Lin Feng said it, he would not only become a laughing stock, but also ruin his future political future.

"Don't be too nervous, Senator Obama. Sit, sit!" Lin Feng did not expect that Obama would react so much. It seems that Obama really wants to be president. It's a good thing for myself. He wants to be the president of the United States now. At present, he is not only in low political status in the United States, but also a Kenyan American. It can be said that his future is very dark! And he can act as a beacon!

Obama sat down in accordance with his words, but his face was dignified. He looked at Lin Feng and said nothing.

"Mr. Obama, please forgive me for my presumptuous conjecture. If it's not right, please forgive me. First of all, I want to ask, "do you want to be president of the United States?" Asked Lin Feng.

"President of the United States, who doesn't want to be the most powerful person in the world." Obama has an official voice.

Lin Feng smiles and doesn't care about Obama's official voice.

"So do you want to be president of the United States, and are you willing to act on it?" Lin Feng asked again.

That's not an easy question to answer. And Obama is still guessing what Lin Feng wants? Does Lin Feng want to support himself as president of the United States? If we infer from the facts, it is very possible indeed. But the question is, is he just a senator from Illinois or a black man? Why did Lin Feng find him? Obama couldn't see through this, and felt that Lin Feng was a little unreliable in finding himself.

Although Obama was silent, Lin Feng saw the doubts in Obama's mind at the moment from his slight glance at the corner of his mouth.

"Why, do you think it's a little unreliable for me to cooperate with you?" Asked Lin Feng.

Obama looked at Lin Feng and answered with silence.

Lin Feng laughs.

"It's very simple. I'm Chinese with yellow skin, but you're American with black skin. We're not the kind of people that American mainstream society likes. If I want to cooperate with other people, I'm afraid I will only be given a cold shoulder. On the contrary, I think it is the right choice to cooperate with you. Of course, the most important thing is that I believe you are the future political star of the United States. I am more confident that you can become the president of the United States in the future! " Lin Feng said.

Scared! Obama was startled by Lin Feng. Being president of the United States is just a dream. It's purely self encouragement and self spiritual anesthesia, but I never thought that I would be president of the United States. Why is Lin Feng so determined to become president of the United States! That's incredible, isn't it!

Hesitated for a long time.

"Mr. Lin, why are you so sure that I can become president of the United States? You know, I've been in politics for a short time, and I'm black. In the history of the United States, no black man has ever become the president of the United States! " Obama sighed helplessly. Although Obama has never been ashamed of his black skin, it is undoubtedly a stumbling block for his political career. Arnold Schwarzenegger's success in becoming governor of California has a lot to do with not only his great fame, but also his being a white man.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Senator Obama, there is a first time in the world. Why can't you be the first black president of the United States?" Lin Feng said.

Obama gasped. Lin Feng has too much confidence in himself. Where did he get this confidence? Obama looked at Lin Feng and couldn't see why he was so determined.

"Mr. Lin, everything is of great importance. I think I need to think about it a lot." Obama decided to think it over. If he accepts Lin Feng's financial support, his political future will be much smoother in the future than it is now. But at the same time, he is also worried that he will not be able to give what Lin Feng wants in the future. Besides, he hated being coerced all his life.

"Senator Obama, I'll leave first. Here's my card. By the way, as to why I chose you and funded you, my purpose is very simple, that is, I hope my company will not be made difficult by all parties in the United States. As far as the current situation is concerned, I'm afraid I'm a thorn in the eye of some people. I don't want to be worried all my life. Of course, if I have a fair chance occasionally, I also want to fight for more personal interests for myself. " Lin Feng got up and said.

Obama nodded. If Lin Feng really only wants this, he can really consider it carefully.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Li Rui asked.

"Is there any hotel near here? I want to stay in Washington for a few days and wait for the news Lin fengxiao said.

Li Rui's mouth is flat. On the one hand, I'm afraid avoiding Avril is the key. But also, as for Avril's temper, this time Lin Feng comes out to seduce Ivanka trump, make him promise each other, and also become Lin Feng's fiancee. I'm afraid if we meet now, Avril will not abandon Lin Feng.

Alas, it seems that more women are really a worry—— Li Rui sighed to himself, but fortunately he didn't have so much trouble.

"Boss, there is a George Hotel nearby. It's not bad. It's quiet and the environment is good." Li Rui said after consulting an electronic map through Baidu Yahoo.

"Then go to the George Hotel!" Lin Feng nodded.

Then Li Rui drove to.

Gee! On the way to George Hotel, Lin Feng was shocked. It seems that "Baidu Yahoo" can provide a similar service, combining "Baidu earth" with the search for hotels and driving routes, as well as online booking. That seems good!

Lin Feng nodded( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)