Scared! what! Donald Trump wants to run for president—— Hearing this, Lin Feng was startled.

For this Donald Trump, Lin Feng also ordered Li Rui to investigate his data these two days. Despite his titles like New York real estate tycoon, this real estate tycoon, who is famous among the rich in the United States, had previously announced his presidential campaign in 1996 and 2000, but did not put it into practice. This time, Donald Trump once again revealed that he wanted to run for president. Did he really want to run for president, or did he just want to put a satellite again to fool himself and cooperate with him.

After all, he intended to refuse to cooperate with Donald Trump, which Lin Feng believes can be seen from Donald Trump's rich life experience. Therefore, Donald Trump, who is eager for Chinese real estate, will naturally think of some ways to convince himself. And Donald Trump's announcement of running for president is undoubtedly the most attractive to Lin Feng.

Once Donald Trump can become the president of the United States, Lin Feng will benefit greatly from the cooperation between the two sides. Especially when President Bush is thinking about Lin Feng, who has just had a conflict with his daughter. In the future, he is likely to be intrigued by President Bush. If Donald Trump can become president of the United States, Lin Feng will have no worries at all.

Therefore, hearing that Donald Trump is going to run for president, Lin Feng suddenly jumps, thinking about the benefits he can get if both sides cooperate, once Donald Trump becomes President of the United States.

Donald Trump smiles and doesn't disturb Lin Feng. For example, at this stage of their status, their every move is driven by interests. He wants to cooperate with Lin Feng, and at this time tells Lin Feng that he wants to run for president, all for the sake of interests. Whether Lin Feng is willing to cooperate with himself is also based on one point - interests. Therefore, sometimes, the negotiation between the two sides is needless to say, it's just a trick used by swindlers, but their rhetoric is useless.

No matter how much you say or how hard you blow, if there is no interest, the other party will never cooperate. On the contrary, as long as the other party can see the benefits, even if you say nothing, the other party will cooperate with you. Now, he has all his cards in front of Lin Feng. As for cooperation, it depends on whether Lin Feng can stand the temptation of his cards!

Donald Trump tasted the red wine and waited for Lin Feng to think about it. He firmly believes that his chips are enough to make Lin Feng excited and willing to cooperate with him.

After a long time, Lin Feng made a decision.

"Mr. trump, do you really want to run for president? What's the odds? " Asked Lin Feng.

Donald Trump laughs.

"Mr. Lin, although I have made two speeches and twice given up. But this time, I have made up my mind that I am bound to compete in the US presidential election in 2004, and I will participate in the election as an independent candidate. " Donald Trump said.

In fact, the first two times, Donald Trump made his candidacy speech, that is, he made up his mind to run for the president of the United States. It was just because the timing was not good at that time, whether Clinton or bush, according to the analysis of Donald Trump's presidential campaign team, the possibility that he could defeat them was too low. So Donald Trump gave up. But this time is different. In the past four years, the United States not only broke out the unprecedented "9.11" terrorist attack, but also broke out the Iraq war and the scandal of the US Army's bombing of the White House by mistake. Moreover, the economic situation of the United States is not good.

After the "9.11" terrorist attacks in 2001, although the U.S. economy has recovered in the past two years, the large import-export trade gap, the large number of unemployed people, the strong rise of the euro, and the precarious position of the U.S. dollar have made the American people very disappointed with today's government.

Therefore, in this case, Donald Trump will shout the declaration of running for president for the third time. Moreover, only in this way can he attract Lin Feng to cooperate with him. Since Lin Feng refused to cooperate for the first time yesterday, Donald Trump has been thinking about how to enter the booming Chinese real estate market once Lin Feng is invited to refuse for the second time.

There are many people who think about it and cooperate with it. But the people who can meet Donald Trump's requirements are all over China, and there is no one else except kailinfeng. Donald Trump has a great goal in China's real estate market this time. He hopes to build his "trump" kingdom in China and become a real estate tycoon in China.

You know, although the land area of the United States and China is similar, the population of the United States is only one fifth of that of China. As we all know, the real estate, the real estate, the building after building, the house after house, the villas are built for people to live in, no one, the real estate has been built, who will sell the building to?

Therefore, with the same land area, there is no doubt that China's market is broader. What's more, the United States is the most developed country in the world. It has never been baptized by gunfire. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China more than 200 years ago, the real estate industry has already passed its peak period. Now, if you want to develop real estate in the United States, not only the competition is fierce, but also the profit is thin enough. On the contrary, although China is a developing country, its growing national strength, the world's largest population, and the real estate market that has just started in full swing are tantamount to a huge gold mine waiting for the world's capable people to come to reclaim it.

There is a saying in the business world that the present belongs to the United States and the future belongs to China. Whoever occupies the Chinese market has the future.

Donald Trump wants to be more successful, so he can't give up the Chinese market.

But looking at China, there are not many people that Donald Trump can look up to. Apart from kailinfeng, only Li Ka Shing of "Changjiang industry" and Tang junnian of "Tomson Group" are in Donald Trump's eyes. Originally, the cooperation between the two, Ren and others, was conducive to Donald Trump's march into China's real estate market.

But in Donald Trump's view, what he can get in the end is far less than what he wants. After all, Li Ka Shing has been involved in real estate for so many years, and his personal wealth ranks among the top 10 in the world. He can certainly see the future of China's real estate from what he can see. If the two sides cooperate, I'm afraid Donald Trump is more worried about being swallowed by Li Ka Shing than about making money.

In short, to cooperate with Li Ka Shing is to seek the skin of a tiger. It's too dangerous for Donald Trump to take such a big risk.

As for Tang junnian of "Tangchen group", he is indeed a good partner. But it is said that his health is not good, and the company's affairs have been transferred to his wife and two sons. Donald Trump is not willing to cooperate with Mrs. Tang junnian, who tends to be conservative.

Therefore, after screening, Lin Feng is the best candidate for cooperation in Donald Trump's eyes. First of all, Lin Feng is rich enough to be the richest man in the world. Once he cooperates with Lin Feng, he will not have to worry about money at all; Secondly, Lin Feng is bold enough, and Donald Trump himself is a bold man. In today's society, he is brave enough and timid enough to starve to death; Third, Lin Feng has a huge influence in China. It's an unprecedented honor to meet 12 Red Flag cars in Beijing. In China, we need to cooperate with such people; Finally, Lin Feng does not understand real estate, but he does, so the two sides can cooperate more closely and get what they need.

But to Donald Trump's dismay, Lin Feng refused his cooperation. It is not easy to impress Lin Feng. After considering various options, Donald Trump finally decided to run for president.

On the one hand, he can realize his dream of being a president, and on the other hand, he can use it to impress Lin Feng. You know, if you become the president of the United States, it will be too good for Lin Feng. In particular, just now Donald Trump received the news that Lin Feng had a small conflict with President Bush's daughter on luxury street in New York. In the end, the two daughters of President Bush left in frustration.

When he heard the news, Donald Trump knew that Lin Feng would certainly cooperate with him. Because he has no choice! With the intensification of conflicts with Bush, he can only bet on himself. Otherwise, in case Bush gets reelected this year, Lin Feng will really want to cry.

"Mr. Lin, no one will be absolutely sure before he is elected president of the United States. Therefore, I can only try my best to compete for the presidency this year, and can not give you any commitment. I think even if I give Mr. Lin any promise now, I'm afraid Mr. Lin will not believe it. " Donald Trump laughs.

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, as Donald Trump said, if he really promised himself to become the president of the United States, he might not dare to believe it!

"Mr. trump, I'd love to work with you." Lin Feng reached out and said.

As Donald Trump said, without such a conflict with Bush Qianjin today, Lin Feng may not be determined to cooperate with Donald Trump. But with such a conflict today, Lin Feng really has no choice. Once Bush is re elected, he will be in great trouble.

"Ha ha, Mr. Lin, smart choice, wish us a happy cooperation!" Donald Trump laughs. If he can cooperate with Lin Feng, regardless of whether he can be elected president of the United States this year, he will get a chance to enter China.

"Mr. Lin, now let's talk about the cooperation of our company." Donald Trump hands. He is such a person. Once he makes a decision, he will do it immediately and never procrastinate.

"Mr. trump, our top priority now is not the cooperation between our two companies, but..." Lin Feng gives a little meal.

"What is it?" Asked Donald Trump subconsciously.

"The president! Do our best to make sure you become the new president of the United States! " Lin Feng clenched his fist.

PS: personal good news. I got up early today and became the first person to get a marriage certificate. From today on, soldiers have become married! Ha ha, I wish all readers of this book have lovers and get married( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)