Boston, the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, is also the largest city in New England. Located on the Atlantic coast in the northeast of the United States, the city was founded in 1630. It is one of the oldest and most culturally valuable cities in the United States. There are many scenic spots in the city. It's a delusion that you don't have a week to visit Boston's scenic spots.

But Lin Feng came to Boston for only one purpose: Harvard University, one of the most famous universities in the world.

Harvard University, known as the world's largest university attended by billionaires, is also the presidential University of the United States. In its history, there were seven American presidents, John Adams (the second president of the United States), John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt (re elected for four terms), John Kennedy and George Walker Bush. Of course, for an institution of higher learning, more important is its academic research and contribution. And this is Harvard's strength. In the world's major newspapers and research institutions to provide the rankings, Harvard University's ranking is often the world's first. As for its MBA Business School, it is also known as the world's first MBA education school. At the same time, Harvard University also gave birth to 40 Nobel Prize winners and 30 Pulitzer Prize winners. From these data, Harvard is definitely one of the best institutions of higher learning in the world, which can be compared with Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and Massachusetts Institute of technology in the United States.

However, what really made Lin Feng admire Harvard University is that Harvard University just announced that in the future, all students with an annual income of less than $60000 will be free of tuition fees. This will be the first choice for all working class and middle class children. Of course, you have to be admitted to Harvard University. Although the difficulty of Harvard's entrance examination is also world-famous, compared with the money only practice of domestic universities, in Lin Feng's view, Harvard's measures have been enough to make him admire and admire.

"Zhiling, do you know where Mark Zuckerberg is?" When Lin Feng first set foot at Harvard University, he felt a little dizzy in the face of an institution of higher learning with a longer history than the United States. If you let Lin Feng look for it by himself, he will get lost. This is not a university, but a small city.

"Boss, Mark Zuckerberg should be in the dorm of the computer department at this time." Lin Zhiling said.

Lin Feng nodded, and then, under the leadership of Lin Zhiling, went straight to the dormitory of the computer department of Harvard University.

"You want Mark Zuckerberg?" A young blonde touched his head and yelled to a boy beside him, "Hello, Harry, where is Mark Zuckerberg? You know what? "

"Oh, Mark Zuckerberg, he should be in the psychology dorm now." A man does not look back at the computer said.

Student dormitory of psychology department—— Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

"Boss, Mark Zuckerberg is a computer and psychology major." Lin Zhiling explained in a low voice.

Lin Feng took a cool breath. Mark Zuckerberg is an absolute genius who can be a double department student at Harvard University. When you think about your achievements in school, Lin Feng is a little embarrassed. But when I think about it, although I am not good at reading, I am better than having the memory of later generations, which is impossible for these proud children. Hum, no matter how smart you are, you will work for me in the end—— Lin Feng's face showed an expression of relief.

Since entering Harvard, Lin Feng has felt the pressure of a strong culture from the institutions of higher learning that have accumulated for hundreds of years. Now, the pressure has finally dissipated. And Lin Feng will not have any pressure even if he faces people with higher education in the future. Don't you have a high degree and high IQ? It's not to serve yourself!

Lin Zhiling looks at Lin Feng in surprise. Just a moment ago, Lin Zhiling felt that there was a change in Lin Feng. This change was not big, but it was enough to make Lin Zhiling aware that she felt that Lin Feng seemed more confident and charming.

"OK, Zhiling, let's go. Let's go to the psychology dormitory to find this Mark Zuckerberg." Lin Feng waves and follows Lin Zhiling to the dormitory of Psychology Department of Harvard University.

Shortly after Lin Feng and his party left, Mark Zuckerberg's roommate who just spoke exclaimed.

"Hey, Harry, who do you think that man looked like just now?" Exclaimed the young blonde.

"No matter who he looks like, don't disturb my programming. I've promised Mark Zuckerberg to finish this program tonight, and I don't want to break my promise. " Harry didn't look back.

"Lin Feng! That man seems to be Lin Feng, the richest man in the world in China. " The young man with blonde hair kept waving his hands and yelling.

"Lin Feng?" Harry was stunned, then shook his head. No matter who he was, I made my own program. But his hands on the keyboard, so after a few times, suddenly wake up, he just remembered who Lin Feng is.

"Lin Feng, is that really Lin Feng?" Harry stood up.

"Yes, it should be Lin Feng. Originally, I didn't have a deep impression on him, but I had a deep impression on the beautiful female secretary beside him. I would never mistake that beautiful and sexy female secretary. Hehe, that person must be Lin Feng. " The young man with blonde hair had an obscene smile on his face.

"Screw you. I'm still thinking about this at this time. What did Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, come to find Mark Zuckerberg for? Is it the Facebook Mark Zuckerberg just created Said Harry to himself. But in his opinion, it's a bit impossible. After all, this "facebook" has only been established for one month, so it has attracted Lin Feng's attention so quickly? But if that's true, it's definitely good news for Facebook. In the early stage of starting a business, you can get the sponsorship of Lin Feng, a super rich man. The development of "facebook" will be far beyond people's imagination.

In a somewhat absent-minded conversation, the news that Lin Feng, the world's richest man, came to Harvard University was heard by some students passing by Mark Zuckerberg's dormitory. In a short time, the news that Lin Feng came to Harvard was known by the whole Harvard students.

In fact, all along, Lin Feng underestimated his influence. Indeed, in the mainstream society of the United States, Lin Feng is deeply hated by the American media and many capitalists, and his publicity of personality is quite unpleasant. In particular, many Americans who deeply believe that the United States is the number one in the world are not happy with their identity as a Chinese. However, Lin Feng is very popular in American universities, even the research object.

It's hard to understand that Lin Feng's development from self-made to the richest man in the world in just three years is too fast and incredible. If someone said that they could start from scratch and become the richest man in the world in three years, the students of American universities must give them a look of contempt. But now Lin Feng's deeds are living in front of them, which makes people have to believe.

Therefore, the study of Lin Feng's road to success has become the research direction of many American students. They want to know how Lin Feng, a young man with an ordinary background, can succeed in the business world of intrigue?

It can be said that Lin Feng is the idol of many American students, of course, more is beyond the goal! This is the difference between American students and students from other countries in the world. For them, no matter how successful a person is, they will worship and admire, but never envy. Because they believe that as long as they work hard, they will eventually catch up with and surpass their former idols. This may be the reason why the United States has been the world's largest power for hundreds of years.

Lin Feng has come to Harvard—— This information is known not only by many Harvard students, but also by the school authorities.

"Lin Feng is here today for some unknown reason. Maybe we can consider giving him a lesson for those students who are majoring in MBA, and let him teach them the road to entrepreneurship!" Joe Wright, Dean of Harvard Business School, said with a smile that several professors were discussing the future development of Harvard Business School.

"Well, yes, for those students who are about to embark on social studies, it is undoubtedly quite helpful to listen to an open class of such a business genius as Lin Feng." One professor agreed.

"Yes, yes, but I'm afraid that summers guy will object." A black professor's tone showed great disgust and disdain for summers.

The rest nodded. Summers, whose full name is lawrence-h-summers, is the current president of Harvard University. He is a very tough right leaning radical. He used to be Deputy Treasury Secretary of the United States, and he is quite unfriendly to developing countries. Although I don't know his attitude towards Lin Feng, I'm afraid lawrence-h-samus would be upset that Lin Feng is a Chinese.

"Whether he agrees or not, it's the decision of Harvard Business School. The United States is a free and democratic country, not a feudal society, nor a socialist country like North Korea. We have the right to decide the open class teachers we want to hire. " Joey Wright, Dean of Harvard Business School, made up his mind.

Many professors nodded in support. Isn't it? The United States is a democratic and free country. Although Lawrence H. summers is the president of Harvard, he can't be arbitrary( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)