"What are you going to do, Lin?" Ellison learned that American film companies headed by "Sony Columbia Pictures" and "20th Century Fox" have jointly formed an "Oscar alliance" and banned him and Lin Feng's film companies from selling in American cinemas, and restricted their contracted actors from making the films Lin Feng and Ellison said, He immediately called Lin Feng.

"Ellison, why are you so relaxed? You know, they are not only blocking my second entertainment, but also your Ellison film company!" Lin Feng for Ellison that a pair of very relaxed tone, very surprised.

Although Ellison is rich, this time he set up a film company is not to deceive or put on a satellite. Instead, he invested more than 50 million US dollars, bought a studio, a series of photographic equipment, hired a series of managers, and signed several directors and actors. It can be said that if "Ellison film company" is banned at this time, then the more than 50 million dollars invested by Ellison will be completely ruined.

"Hey, Lin, how can I not worry? It's more than 50 million dollars. My money is not from the strong wind. However, compared with your "second entertainment", my capital is nothing. Just bought a MGM film company last year, but you spent 4.7 billion US dollars. My 50 million is only a drizzle! " Allison smacked his lips and said very easily, "I believe you must have a way, so why should I worry?"

Lin Feng was speechless. Ellison's explanation is a real joke. However, what Ellison said is more accurate. He really has a way to deal with the difficulties of the "Oscar League", otherwise he would not announce his upcoming "Lin Feng film festival" so openly. Therefore, Lin Feng is absolutely planned.

But now Ellison makes such a fuss, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turn, and decides to include Ellison in this plan. With such a big "gold Lord", Lin Feng asked him to give money well. If you let go of such a "gold Lord", you will be punished by heaven.

"Ellison, I do have a way, but I need your cooperation." Lin Feng has a fox like smile on the corner of his mouth. Unfortunately, Ellison can't see the strange smile at the end of the phone hundreds of kilometers away.

"Come on, what can I do?" Ellison's heart pounded at the words. Since he has invested in such a film company, he naturally hopes that it can achieve something. Not to say to be the best film company in the United States, at least make sure that all the films you make can make money. But now the "Oscar League" actually uses its monopoly position to block its own film company. Naturally, Ellison is not angry. But he can't toss in the film industry alone, he can only place his hope on Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's "second entertainment" owns the film copyright and status after the acquisition of "MGM film company", which is far beyond his newly established "Ellison film company"!

Lin Feng laughs.

"Ellison, since they want to block our movies, then we have only one way -" Lin Feng said.

"Build your own cinema?" Ellison is not stupid either. When Lin Feng talks about it, it's natural.

"Good! However, according to American law, film companies with production and distribution rights are not allowed to own their own cinemas. Therefore, I suggest that we jointly establish a new film projection company to build cinemas in the United States. " Lin Feng suggested with a smile.

Originally, the construction of cinemas required Lin Feng to spend money on his own, and Lin Feng also cut a sum of money from the "second entertainment" account. However, if he wanted to build cinemas in hundreds of cities in the United States, even a cinema would cost about 500000 US dollars according to the most common scale, then hundreds of cities in the United States would cost at least several hundred million US dollars. In big cities like Los Angeles and New York, one cinema is far from enough. Not to mention reducing 10 or eight cinemas, it should have at least four or five cinemas. Moreover, in such places, it needs to be more luxurious and grand. In addition to the expensive land prices in big cities, Lin Feng's original budget of $3 billion is just right.

But now Lin Feng's capital is tight. After he bought the shares of "Baidu Yahoo", it is difficult for Lin Feng to squeeze out another $3 billion to build a cinema. Now that Ellison is such a "gold Lord", Lin Feng will not let it go.

Ellison calculated in his heart that if he and Lin Feng split the $3 billion budget in half, it would be $1.5 billion. He can take out the money, but with such a huge investment, he is really trapped in this pit. It's totally different from his 50 million dollar skirmish. Although Ellison is crazy, he is not really crazy. On the contrary, he is extremely calm and crazy in calm. So he has to think about it all.

"Lin, if you solve the problem of cinemas, how are you going to solve the ban on actors by the Oscar League? Without actors, the film can't be made. " Ellison has to ask this question.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Ellison, a film needs actors to support it, but there are at least 200000 actors in the film industry in the United States, and all they can do is block those famous contract actors. And among the rest of the cast, I believe there are definitely some role actors who are skillful and temporarily anonymous. " Lin Feng said firmly. What gives Lin Feng such confidence is the actors who play "T-Bag" in prison break. Their acting skills are by no means inferior to any top Hollywood stars, but most of them are unknown.

Ellison was stunned.

"Lin, do you plan to use all the unknown actors in the future films? Can they do it? " Ellison looked surprised.

Lin Fengyan chuckled. From Ellison's question, we know that he is a film layman.

"Ellison, it's true that many movies need superstars to support them, but not all movies. As long as there are good scripts, good directors and abundant funds, even if there are no well-known actors, they can make a good and popular movie. And usually this kind of film can also spawn future superstars. " Lin Feng said confidently.

Ellison tilted his head and thought for a while. What Lin Feng said is true. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio, the hero of Titanic, was unknown not long before filming Titanic. After filming Titanic, he immediately became one of the most famous actors in the world and one of the highest paid male stars in Hollywood. But it seems that the director of Titanic is under Lin Feng's banner.

"But I don't have a good script or a famous director. What should I do?" Allison said suddenly sour.

Get it! As soon as Lin Feng heard Ellison's tone, he knew what he was up to.

"Ellison, I have two world-famous directors, and I have a lot of good scripts in my hand. Then I will give you some good scripts and lend you James Cameron or Spielberg to make a movie or two. What do you think?" Lin Feng is angry and funny. It is said that Ellison is a madman, but who ever thought that such a person would pretend to be pathetic!

"Hey, Lin, that's enough! That's a deal. As for what you said about our partnership to set up a film screening company, that's settled. I'll pay you 1.5 billion in a few days. Grandma, dare to block my Ellison's film company. Hum, I won't kill them this time! " When Ellison heard Lin Feng's words, he was elated. He swept away the sour tone just now. The speed of change was astonishing.

"By the way, Ellison, do you have any good friends? If you have money, you might as well let them join the game. The more people there are, the more fun it is. " Lin fengxiao said.

Ellison nodded at the words. If you want to play this game and win the final victory, it's still a bit hard to rely on yourself and Lin Feng, because the final decision is not the box office of the "Oscar League" and Lin Feng, but the success of the final "Oscar Awards" and "Lin Feng film festival". Only when these two awards are decided can we really win.

Now Lin Feng is absolutely inferior. After all, the works of Lin Feng's "second entertainment" and Ellison's "Ellison film company" are sure to participate in next year's "Lin Feng film festival". I'm afraid they can't even fill in the nomination list for how many films they can make in a year, which is compared with the "Oscar" works, Isn't it a big joke.

Therefore, we must let more rich people join in the game.

"Don't worry, Lin. I will bring you some friends to join the game. But just relying on my contacts is not enough. You know how popular I am in the United States! " Ellison shrugged helplessly.

Lin Fengyan was amused. Indeed, Ellison's "popularity" in the United States is so good that he basically has no friends. Lin Feng believes that as long as he can be his friend, he will definitely join the game. Because birds of a feather flock together. Most of the friends made with Ellison's personality are those with special personality and independence. This kind of person is absolutely willing to do anything for his real friends.

"All right, Allison, I'll take this. No problem!" The names of several people flashed in Lin Feng's mind.

"By the way, Lin, how are you going to respond to the challenge of the Oscars League“ Ellison said( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)