If "infinite terror" has the support of intelligent program, then the NPC of all copies in the game can perfectly imitate what is written in "infinite terror", and the NPC will change according to the actions of the players. This, for the game, will be extremely important. When the NPC can change according to the action of the players, the whole game will become particularly wonderful.

In the past, players can always restrict the boss's play through special positions or according to the attack priority judgment, so as to achieve the goal of killing the boss and brushing the equipment. Once there is this intelligent program, if the player still wants to limit the boss through a special station, the boss can bypass the obstacles to attack the player directly. If the player wants to limit the boss by priority attack judgment, then the boss can judge who is the biggest threat to it according to artificial intelligence, not just according to the temporary attack power. Even with this artificial intelligence program, if the player kills the boss, then the boss will have "hatred" before being killed by other players, and take revenge on the player who has hurt him

And so on, Lin Feng can imagine that once there is this artificial intelligence program, the games under "second world" will make a qualitative leap. All games are no longer just PK players have fun, players to challenge NPC will have more fun. Not only online games, but also stand-alone games. With AI, stand-alone games can not only use NPC's super-high HP or attack power to suppress players, but also use tactics to suppress players.

Everything will be different.

I must win this AI program, and the super talented programmer who designed it is also bound to win—— Lin Feng clenched his fist.

"Mr. Lin, how much do we offer?" Robin Li and Lin Feng get along with each other for a long time, and gradually become familiar with some habits of Lin Feng. Therefore, as soon as Lin Feng can grasp his fist, he knows that Lin Feng is moved. Since Lin Feng was moved, Robin Li naturally became more interested. Although Microsoft's offer is a bit exaggerated, there is a Lin Feng behind them. This legend has always turned the impossible into the possible, not to mention the money, Lin Feng is not bad for money!

Looking at the excited Robin Li and Yang Zhiyuan, Lin Feng slowly spit out two words - face to face!

Interview—— Robin Li and Yang Zhiyuan were stunned. No matter "Google", "apple" or "Microsoft" have quoted the actual price, but Lin Feng has come to an interview, which is really a headache. Although the interview conditions may be better than "Microsoft", they may also be worse than "Microsoft", right! After all, the world is very regular. No matter how valuable the AI program is, it's still just a rudiment. The price of "Microsoft" is already very high, so it's hard to exceed the price of "Microsoft". And it's easy to give the super talented programmer a feeling that he doesn't pay enough attention to him. After all, no matter "Google", "apple" or "Microsoft" have shown their sincerity to each other, Lin Feng's interview is a bit unreasonable.

"Ha ha, don't worry, just announce it to the public." Lin Feng glimpses Robin Li and Yang Zhiyuan two people, and knows what the two are worrying about. Therefore, pat them on the shoulder to make them feel at ease.

"But so..." Robin Li always felt that Lin Feng would stir up the upset of this super talented programmer. After all, this super talented programmer is one of the hackers. During these two days of contact, Robin Li has a deep understanding of their character, which can be described in two words - weird.

"Ha ha, if others say so, this super talented programmer may feel that he is being ignored. But I said, No. Because I am Lin Feng Lin Feng said with confidence.

Robin Li and Yang Zhiyuan looked at each other and nodded after a long time. Indeed, in Lin Feng's current status, it is enough to say the word interview. Because absolutely no one believes that Lin Feng will not be able to offer better conditions than Microsoft. Since no one doubts Lin Feng's strength, the interview is more representative of Lin Feng's sincerity.

Interview, interview, that is, as long as you have the strength, then you have as many mouths as you want!

Immediately, "Baidu - Yahoo" announced the conditions of Lin Feng's interview with him.

If the "Microsoft" condition makes people speechless, Lin Feng's condition makes people go from the extreme of silence to the extreme of noise. The world is boiling because of this super talented programmer. Who is this super talented programmer? What is his ability to make it companies all over the world not offer high prices? Is the intelligent program he designed so valuable—— This is the common voice of all non it people. Especially after "Google", "apple" and "Microsoft" have offered similar conditions to Lin Feng again, the voice of doubt, or jealousy, from the outside world is even worse. Because they can't figure it out!

However, what is more unacceptable is that even if "Google", "apple", "Microsoft" and Lin Feng offer better conditions, this super talented programmer still does not appear in front of the public, and none of the companies that offer the conditions has this mysterious super talented programmer.

For several days in a row, no matter "Google", "apple", "Microsoft", or "Baidu Yahoo", they gathered their strength to convey their sincerity to this super gifted programmer through the media, but this person really seemed to disappear from the earth, and there was no news. This makes Lin Feng and others at a loss. I don't know what this super gifted programmer wants to do. He sends a message to the public, but it disappears without a trace. What does he want?

Although Bill Gates, jobs, Larry Page and others are angry at this unknown super hacker's attitude, the genius who can design artificial intelligence programs is qualified to do so. Therefore, although Bill Gates and others are slightly dissatisfied, they are still searching all over the world for this super genius programmer, and even even issued a reward order, Anyone who knows this super talented programmer can provide accurate information to find him, and the company that gets the information will give him a huge reward. As for the amount of remuneration, it naturally varies according to the financial resources of each company.

The poorest is still "Google". Although "Google" has great potential in the future, "Google" has not been listed and can not raise funds from the stock market, so it can only offer a reward of $10000 for providing information.

Although the $10000 of "Google" is already very high, compared with "apple", it's nothing. Jobs offered a reward of 100000 US dollars, as long as he could provide the super talented programmer with information and help "apple" find him, he could get 100000 US dollars.

Boom! 100000 dollars, which is a crime.

However, "Microsoft" is not a fuel-efficient light, especially "Microsoft" is absolutely not bad for money. If you don't have 100000 jobs, I'll pay one million!

Steve Ballmer in the experience of the last acquisition of "Yahoo" after the lessons of failure, this decisive move. It's a million dollar reward for accurate information!

Everyone is speechless again. In particular, Google's Larry Page and others are speechless. They think it's very high to offer $10000 to information providers. As a result, jobs offered $100000, 10 times more than himself, and "Microsoft" is even more exaggerated, even more than "apple" ten times, offering $1 million. It's really speechless.

It's a million dollars to provide a piece of information. This person is not all crazy! But they are not crazy, because they are waiting for another person's price. This person, needless to say, is naturally Lin Feng. Those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, now their eyes are fixed on Lin Feng, want to see what conditions Lin Feng will offer. Will it be 10 times more than Microsoft?

If it's 10 times more than Microsoft, it's tens of millions of dollars. I'm afraid everyone is going crazy to get tens of millions of dollars if you want to provide accurate information!

Unfortunately, to everyone's disappointment, Lin Feng didn't shout out more than "Microsoft" price, but called out the same price as "Google" $10000.

Sorry—— There was a sigh in the market. Lin Feng is too stingy this time. He is only willing to give 10000 dollars to the people who provide information. This is too stingy.

Many people who want to make a fortune are cursing Lin Feng's stinginess. I have to say that people's behavior is really speechless. The ugliness of human nature is revealed at this moment.

But then people forget Lin Feng's stinginess. After all, there are millions of dollars from Microsoft! What can millions of dollars do in America? You can buy a house in Manhattan, the most expensive District in the United States. You can buy more than ten luxury cars, buy 2000 shares of "Wal Mart" and wait for the rich dividends of "Wal Mart" every year. You will never have to worry about food and drink. For foreigners, a million dollars can make two foreigners become American citizens in the name of investment.

Now, to earn millions of dollars, you just need to provide one person's information, which is too simple. No one knows who this person is, but if someone is lucky enough to meet him, he will be lucky.

There is a wave of searching for the unknown people all over the world. Unfortunately, among the hundreds of millions of search people in the world, no one has found this unknown person, and no one can provide his whereabouts.

Did this man really disappear from the earth—— Everyone can't help asking.

At the moment, Lin Feng connected the network and connected to Kevin Mitnick! If you want to find hackers, you have to find them through hackers( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)