Lin Feng has already made up his mind that he will only implement "Qianyuan" software for men and women in Japan and South Korea. Lin Feng has always hated these two countries. Japan needless to say, during World War II, the Japanese devils like the plague cholera China, do all kinds of crazy things, let Kyushu earth cry for this. After the war, however, he did not admit the past heinous acts, but denied them. Such a country, such a country, Lin Feng as a Chinese, only despise and hate it.

As for South Korea, although both of them were victimized during World War II, after the defeat, with the support of the United States, South Korea was westernized and gradually became a pawn of the United States. They invented Changbai Mountain, Confucius and Chinese characters, and their ancestors invented "movable type printing". It seems that the whole of China today depends on the Korean ancestors. Such a nation, which has a high degree of inferiority complex and is a little too boastful, is undoubtedly quite annoying.

What's more, "Qianyuan" men's version and women's version software only have markets in these two countries. After all, in Europe and the United States, the relationship between men and women is not as conservative as in the East. They are very open, and they attach great importance to personal freedom and privacy. For example, surveillance will never be accepted. Therefore, the four commercials "Qianyuan" can only be broadcast in Asia, and the software for men and women can only be popular in Asia.

In Asia, South Korea and Japan, however, are the places where men cheat and cheat the most. Of course, Lin Feng also has to admit that the Chinese are not bad, but if we really push it out like this, it will certainly cause great harm. No matter what, Lin Feng will not harm his country.

"Boss, you first use the third-party company to launch the men's version software, and then let the company launch the women's version software. If this goes on, I'm afraid the men hate our company very much!" Tang Jun joked.

Lin Feng thought about it with a smile. Indeed, the launch of a "Qianyuan" is enough to give many men a headache. It is not easy for a third-party software company to help them solve this unspeakable pain, but it is finally destroyed by Lin Feng. What is it that people hate! But Lin Feng is not worried about this. Because, in this society, although women seem to be a relatively weak group, in fact, women's social status is gradually rising, especially in the family, women are extremely strong.

Of course, in Japan and South Korea, the male chauvinist countries, women are extremely vulnerable, but that is only relative. When it comes to feelings, women are still very strong. They will go for their love.

Therefore, offend men on offending it, most men are more open-minded, offending men is definitely better than offending women. Besides, women's money is always easy to earn. Third party software companies launch men's version, while their own companies launch corresponding women's version. They offend men and win women's favor. Lin Feng thinks it's a good deal.

Tang Jun is also a smile.

After further discussion, the two decided to deliver 10 million "Qianyuan" to the United States within a week. At the same time, they began to publicize "Qianyuan" in China, Japan, Southeast Asia and other countries. If the sales volume is good and the productivity is not enough, inform Gou to increase the productivity. With Foxconn behind the scenes, productivity will never be a problem in the short term.

"Mr. Tang, please do everything. I'm going to South Africa recently, and the company will be handed over to you!" Lin Feng got up and said.

"Ha ha, boss, don't worry. Although the U.S. market is extremely evil, I believe that our "Qianyuan" will certainly lead to a bloody road. " Tang Jun said with great confidence.

Within half a year, there is no comparable mobile phone in the industry. With the ever-changing appearance and the most fashionable color of "Qianyuan", as long as the publicity is proper, we will never worry about the sales volume. If this can not open a sky in the United States, Tang Jun, the CEO, will not have to do it!

Just after leaving "phantom technology" headquarters, Lin Feng received a call from Abby Cohen.

"Where are you, Lin? I have something to talk to you about! " Abby Cohen's tone was very rapid.

"I'm in Dongguan, I'll go back to Shanghai right away, and I'll contact you when I get to Shanghai," Lin said in a deep voice.

Although there are satellite phones and video calls on Lin Feng's special plane "wind wing", it is obvious that there is something important to talk about with Abby Cohen in such a hasty tone. In that case, it's better to have a face-to-face interview, and it's not easy to divulge secrets. You know, there is nothing absolutely safe on the Internet.

Two hours later, when Lin Feng arrived in Shanghai, he went directly to the "second world" headquarters. When Lin Feng arrived at his office, Abby Cohen had been waiting there for a long time.

"Abby, what's the matter, so hot?" When Lin Feng arrived, she asked Lin Zhiling to serve a cup of coffee for herself and Abby Cohen.

On this day, he was busy and ran to three cities. After seven hours on the plane, he was still bumping around. Rao Shi Lin Feng learned the "breathing skills" taught by Wang Meng. He was also very tired. He just had a cup of coffee to refresh himself.

After a cup of coffee, Abby Cohen looks at Lin Feng after a long meditation.

"Lin, are you going to enter the field of operating system?" Abby Cohen said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Abby Cohen frowned.

"Lin, although I am a financial analyst, not a software engineer or an architecture engineer, I understand Microsoft's position in the United States and in the world IT industry. Its strength is suffocating. Both apple and IBM were faced with the strength of Microsoft and had to move to other markets. It's too early for you to challenge Microsoft Abby Cohen's eyes are fixed on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Abby Cohen was in such a hurry to talk to himself about it.

"Abby, didn't we ever talk about entering the field of operating system when the time is right! As a member of it, it is everyone's dream to challenge the power of Microsoft. I am no exception. I also hope to see the end of the Microsoft empire in my own hands! " Lin fengxiao said.

"It's true that this is everyone's dream, but now is not the time. It's too early, too early!" Said Abby Cohen, shaking his head.

It's true that Abby Cohen and Lin Feng once discussed the operating system, but it's far from the present. You know, at present, the hardware department is also the core of the "second world" in addition to developing more games in the game field that make players forget to eat and sleep.

After the merger of AMD and ATI, "second world" has become the only company qualified to challenge Intel in the personal computer industry. Other companies such as Cyrix have withdrawn from the market for a long time, while "IBM" has given up the personal computer market to specialize in high-end laboratories and non civilian CPUs in working rooms. It can be said that there are only "second world" and "Intel" CPU manufacturing companies in the industry.

At the beginning, Lin Feng proposed the merger and acquisition of "amd" and "ATI", which was also a very bold decision made when "amd" and "ATI" were in an absolute low period. Originally, Lin Feng hoped to rely on the strength of hardware to expand the game market, and at the same time to improve the speed of computer hardware upgrade as soon as possible. Because the world war, which had been developed at that time, was too advanced to run without a computer with strong enough performance.

However, after the acquisition of AMD and ATI, the pressure from the economic, social and other fields is beyond Lin Feng's imagination“ "Amd" and "ATI" have become the key development projects of "the second world". No matter how difficult it is, the "second world" must let "amd" and "ATI" face the edge, because it carries the hope of the whole PC industry, and "Intel" cannot completely monopolize the PC market.

"Intel" is definitely a strong enemy. If the hardware department of "second world" wants to develop, it can't get around the supremacy of "Intel". It's even impolite to say that the two companies are natural enemies. Now Lin Feng wants to enter the field of operating system again. Isn't it that he's provoking Microsoft, a more terrifying enemy than Intel!

If a company challenges the giants in the industry, the pressure will crush the "second world". What's more, Lin Feng has just declared war with "Google". Now he has to provoke "Microsoft". Thinking that Lin Feng will face "Microsoft", "Intel" and "Google" in the future, Abby Cohen is dizzy. This is terrible! It's horrible!

Abby Cohen looks at Lin Feng like a monster. She doesn't understand. Lin Feng is not a fool. How can a smart person do such a stupid thing“ Intel "is a natural enemy, it can not be resolved, it is either you die or I die; As for "Google", Abby Cohen can also understand that "Google" has already been launched. If Lin Feng wants "Baidu portal" to make a difference in the future, he must declare war on "Google".

But Microsoft shouldn't! Lin Feng should not offend Microsoft.

"Lin, you must give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will not allow you to make such an unreasonable decision!" Abby Cohen frowned.

Lin Feng shrugs helplessly.

"Abby, in fact, I don't want to challenge Microsoft now. Who said I'm going to challenge Microsoft now? I'm just getting ready!" Lin Feng said.

"Ready?" Abby Cohen was stunned.

"Good! If you want to challenge Microsoft, you need to be able to compete with it. Now the second world, including myself, does not have such strength. " Lin Feng said solemnly.

Abby Cohen frowned. In this case, why is Lin Feng still like this. But Lin Feng should have a point. Abby Cohen held his breath and waited for Lin Feng to answer.

"Abby, Microsoft used to be like a mountain in my heart, but with the rise of my career, I gradually have the strength to compete with Microsoft. Abby, you should know that as an IT person, they all dream of ending the hegemony of the "Microsoft" empire! I'm no exception! " Lin Feng looked forward to it and said, "besides, my" second Consortium "takes the" second world "as its core and takes the IT route, which is different from other consortia. In the IT world, there is Microsoft. It's no exaggeration to say that everything we have to be limited by it! "

Abby Cohen nodded. Indeed, as long as the PC industry, whether you are developing hardware, games or software, you must be restricted by Microsoft. The difference is whether Microsoft is willing to limit you!

"So, if we lift the mountain of Microsoft, my second financial group will be able to usher in a vast future!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin, don't worry. We just need to wait for the network to be fully popularized in all aspects of society. At that time, Microsoft's system will definitely be impacted by the absolute popularization of the network. I'm afraid that Google will first conflict with Microsoft, and we can take advantage of it! " Abby Cohen said.

Lin Feng nodded. That's how it was conceived. But things will change, because the battle between "Baidu portal" and "Google" forced Lin Feng to change his mind temporarily. If he wants to develop "Baidu portal", Lin Feng must face the strong enemy of "Google". Once he goes to war with "Google," Microsoft "will take advantage of others. That is not what Lin Feng wants to see.

In this case, Lin Feng will bring "Microsoft" closer to the battlefield, and will not let it sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

The more Abby Cohen listened, the more confused he became. He didn't understand what Lin Feng wanted. Even if you want to pull "Microsoft" into the battlefield, you should not enter the field of operating system now.

Don't say that Abby Cohen is confused. As Lin Feng's secretary, Lin Zhiling is around Lin Feng almost 24 hours, but she doesn't understand what Lin Feng wants to do.

"Hehe, Abby, it's very simple. I ask you, even if this" Linux summit "is a success, how long do you think Linus will be able to design a simplified system comparable to XP (to get rid of the simplified version of functions that users can't use for 800 years) Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Although 'Linux' is now extremely mature, it will take at least half a year for ordinary users to be as simple and convenient as using XP system." Abby Cohen's calm analysis.

"No, Abby, according to my estimation, it will take at least 18 months for our Linux to become an operating system comparable to XP (simplified version), so I started to layout ahead of time!" Lin Feng said.

18 months? What's going to happen in 18 months—— Abby Cohen was in a trance( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)