underground? What underground organization?

Lin Feng and Li Rui are stunned, a little confused, so.

Zhou Bo sorts out his thoughts.

"Boss, the world is not only black and white, but also a lot of grey areas. Many times, many things are in this gray area. Boss, your identity is too bright to be polluted, otherwise it will bring you great loss. " Zhou Bo said.

Lin Feng nodded. Now they have been secretly set up as a model of the "Chinese dream" by the state, just like those creators of the "American Dream", such as jobs, Bill Gates and others. If possible, the state will not let its signboard collapse. That's why Mr. Wen beat himself more or less every time he talked to him. He told himself to be a man of conscience and become a useful pillar to the society and the country.

If you really go wrong in some aspects, the chain reaction is absolutely disastrous. But many things are not so easy to solve. For example, if you are retaliated by the competitors by using the inferior and abusive tactics, even if it is useless for you to transfer the troops, what can you do with them.

At this time, it is time to use secret forces, that is, underground organizations. There are similar underground organizations in the world's major families and consortia that have lasted for hundreds of years. It's just that I've been in the dark all the time. After all, if everyone knows, it's not an underground organization, it's the government!

"Well, don't we have wolf teeth?" Lin Feng asked with a frown. In Lin Feng's opinion, now the "wolf tooth" security company can also do what Zhou Bo said.

"Boss, with the" wolf tooth "becoming more and more famous, I'm afraid many things will be inconvenient to come out in the future!" Li Rui interjected at this time.

Although a lot of things happened before, the "Langya" security company came forward, such as stealing some coerced things of Feng Jian's painting Lisa from the Hotan Yang family in Japan, helping Lin Feng deal with some unseen things, and so on. But now the "wolf tooth" security company has begun to gain a firm foothold in South Africa, and with Lin Feng's reputation around the world, the eight bodyguards from the "wolf tooth" security company around Lin Feng have also begun to be noticed“ Wolf tooth is more and more famous now. In the future, I'm afraid it's not suitable to do those things again. Otherwise, it's easy to be found out. At that time, Lin Feng will be responsible for everything.

Lin Feng nodded. However, I always feel that Zhou Bo's proposal is a bit abrupt, and it seems that there is something hidden in Zhou Bo's look. Maybe Zhou Bo wants to set up this underground organization, but he also has some intention in it.

"Zhou Bo, what else do you want to say? Just say it Lin Feng thinks about it, and thinks that he should make it clear so as not to leave any shadow in his heart. That's not good.

When Zhou Bo heard the speech, he hesitated for a while. There was something in his heart, but it was a little inconvenient to say. It's very much involved.

"Zhou Bo, the boss is not an outsider. If you have any difficulty, just say it." Li Rui also saw Zhou Bo's hesitation and frowned. Does Zhou Bo really have ulterior motives in setting up this "underground organization"?

Li Rui has a good relationship with Zhou Bo. He doesn't want Zhou Bo to have any other personal reasons to let Lin Feng set up this underground organization. I'm afraid that would be bad. At that time, if Lin Feng's censure comes down, Zhou Bo will not be able to bear it. After all, the development of "Langya" security company has been paid by Lin Feng, and the welfare of all security personnel of "Langya" security company is excellent. If there is a conflict between them, there is almost no suspense as to which side they will stand.

Zhou Bo smelled the speech, thought about it, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

"Boss, that's true. In fact, my ancestors have always been engaged in the exploration and protection of cultural relics." Zhou Bo thought about it and said that he was selfish in his heart.

Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhou Bo's ancestors were all engaged in cultural relics protection. Li Rui knows what Zhou Bo's ancestors are doing, but he doesn't know what Zhou Bo is proposing at this time.

"Boss, all along, my father, grandfather and even my great grandfather have devoted their whole life to the excavation and protection of cultural relics. But my father and grandfather often sigh for this, saying that the precious cultural relics of China's five thousand years were all lost in the bloody history of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. In particular, when the Eight Power Allied forces burned the Yuanmingyuan, it emptied the wealth accumulated by the Chinese nation for 5000 years, and became the tragedy of China! " Zhou Bo said with a sigh.

Lin Feng and Li Rui also sighed. After all, this is a pain that all Chinese people can't say. Of course, what is more infuriating is that those countries that plundered a large number of cultural relics from our country resolutely refused to return them under the banner of protecting cultural relics for our country. It's a great shame to think of going to foreign museums to see our country's cultural relics.

However, the Chinese people can only sigh for it!

"So, boss, I hope that after the establishment of this underground organization, I can be allowed to take back these cultural relics if possible." "It's also a little selfish of mine," Zhou said. I want to fulfill my grandfather's and father's wishes as much as possible in my lifetime, and see more national treasures return to the hands of the Chinese people. "

Lin Feng and Li Rui suddenly realized, so it is!

"OK, Zhou Bo, there's no problem with that. These national treasures are ours. When they snatched them from us, now it's our turn to take them back! " Lin Feng is also very distressed about this national treasure. Why should our cultural relics be collected in foreign museums and not returned. Since you don't want to return it, let me do it myself.

Zhou Bo was also stunned. I didn't expect that Lin Feng agreed so readily. He didn't expect that Lin Feng would agree to this because he knew that this matter was also very risky. According to his original plan, after the establishment of an underground organization, he went to "retrieve" the cultural relics of his own country on his own, if conditions permit. But now listen to Lin Feng's tone, that is the power of the poor organization to get back the cultural relics belonging to China.

"Oh, don't be surprised. I'm Chinese, too. It's one of my intentions to get back our cultural relics! " Lin Feng patted Zhou Bo on the shoulder and said.

After thinking about it, Zhou Bo was relieved. Lin Feng even dares to burn Chongli gate, let alone "retrieve" these national treasures! Even if the east window incident happens, Lin Feng will get the support of the people and the government all over the country. Even if he is forced to run away, Lin Feng's company will be preserved. Comparatively speaking, it is much lighter than burning Chongli gate.

Later, the three discussed the composition of the underground organization. Finally, it was decided to name it dragon soul. Determined to revive the soul of China, so that the Chinese nation once again stand on top of the world. Even if the government can not become the world's No. 1 power, at least the Chinese people will not be bullied abroad.

As for the person in charge of "dragon soul", Zhou Bo is in charge for the time being. As for those who are inconvenient to appear in public due to some reasons, Lin Feng plans to arrange them in "dragon soul". At the same time, Lin Feng also allocated US $30 million for Zhou Bo to set up "Dragon Spirit" immediately. As for the headquarters of dragon soul, Lin Feng decided not to be located in China for the time being.

After all, I am afraid that the state will not allow such an organization to appear in the country. No matter what the purpose is, as long as it is found, it will definitely be eliminated. Just like the "Langya" security company, it is only an ordinary security company in China. It is only responsible for the simplest security work of communities, supermarkets, companies, or the bodyguards of some rich people. Its real core and armed equipment are abroad, not at home.

Finally, after discussion with Li Rui and others, the headquarters of "Dragon Spirit" is temporarily located in the United States, the country with the highest degree of freedom, the global financial center, and also a country with rampant gangs. Of course, this is only temporary. According to Lin Feng's assumption, the best headquarters is to buy a small island in the vast Pacific Ocean, and then build it into its own absolute private field. However, it costs too much money. At present, Lin Feng doesn't have enough cash in his hand.

As Lin Feng has always been generous in spending money, he has never been stingy in those places where he can never save money. Therefore, taking into account the dividends of Lin Feng's companies and the investment of Cohen and others, Lin Feng's available cash is about $500 million. If you want to build a modern military Island, conservatively estimate 2 billion US dollars. After all, we need to purchase a large number of defense facilities, which can not be seen by the satellites in the sky. It will cost more.

Zhou Bo is very satisfied with being based in the United States. Most of the Chinese cultural relics are now in Europe, so it is convenient to have the headquarters in Europe. However, once the matter is revealed, the headquarters will be brought to the European police. In the United States, there is no such worry, and as long as you have money, you can buy anything you want in the United States. What's more, Lin Feng's "Ron senior law firm" is the best law firm in the United States. With their escort in front, as long as they don't do anything out of line and show their flaws, they almost don't have to worry about any threat from the U.S. authorities.

After confirming the headquarters address of "Dragon Spirit" and the simple "Gang rules", Zhou Bo immediately disappeared in Seoul with a check of $30 million and took the fastest flight to New York. In Zhou Bo's mind, he always wanted to get back all the cultural relics in China. Now this dream is about to come true. How he is not excited and how he is not excited, he naturally hopes that the sooner he can build a "dragon soul", the better.

"Well, Li Rui, let's have a rest. Tomorrow, Korea will be wonderful Lin Feng said with a smile.

So many things happened tonight, Korea will be wonderful tomorrow( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)