How to make a profit of "Second World theme Plaza"?

Lin Feng chuckled at Wu Zhaopu.

"Mr. Wu, do you think Chinese players have money?" Lin Feng asked suddenly.

Wu Zhaopu was stunned. Do Chinese players have money? This question depends on how you look at it. From the current Chinese online game "RMB warrior" popular point of view, Chinese players are quite rich, for a game investment often spend thousands per month, tens of thousands of people. Most of them are "journey" of "giant network". I heard that a player threw millions of RMB to create the strongest number of "journey" in order to be able to compete with one thousand in the game!

From this point of view, Chinese players are far more crazy about the game than any other country. Chinese players are rich.

But from a practical point of view, Chinese players are poor and sad. The so-called "RMB fighters" who spend hundreds or thousands of yuan a month are mostly wage earners. The reason why they spend so much money in the game is that they are poor. It sounds quite contradictory. But it's not contradictory. I only play games because I'm poor, and I spend hundreds of RMB every month in the game. Compared with going out to high, it's quite cheap.

A few hundred yuan can enjoy a month's play, and outside bars or other places, it's only one night, but also save a little, don't be too high, otherwise it's not enough.

So, Chinese players have no money. But after all, Wu Zhaopu still doesn't understand how Lin Feng plans to make the "Second World theme Plaza" profitable.

Lin Feng smiles and explains slowly.

"Ha ha, general manager Wu, there are only three things for the second world theme Plaza to make a profit. One is to sell game peripheral products; Second, make it a tourist attraction and sell tickets; The third is to develop it into a tourism and entertainment industry chain, so that tourists can linger here Lin Feng said.

Wu Zhaopu nodded“ The second world theme Plaza really only has these three points if it wants to make a profit.

"There is a common premise for these three points, that is to attract as many tourists as possible Lin Feng said.

Wu Zhaopu seems to have understood Lin Feng's intention, but it is still a little unclear.

"Mr. Wu, it's very simple. If we want tourists to come here and pay for it, we must have something to attract them." Lin Feng continued, "it's not enough to rely on the" light of the century "and" dream world ". Even if we build all kinds of game role statues on the square and make it the largest Statue Square in the world, it can only attract tourists to come and play, but can't attract tourists to actively consume."

It's true! Even if the "second world" spends a lot of money to build the largest private city square and various game role statues, it will become the largest in the world. At most, it is impossible for tourists (players) from all over the world to come for sightseeing. It's not that tourists don't want to spend, it's that "the second world" has no place for them to spend. It's absolutely impossible for a "dream world" to make money back from square building and maintenance! Unless the "light of the century" building is a huge entertainment and consumption place.

But obviously, it is impossible for the "light of the century" to transform it into such a place for entertainment and consumption. So, what does Lin Feng want—— Wu Zhaopu is full of curiosity about this.

"Ha ha, it's very simple, Mr. Wu. I want to build several game life experience halls around the center of" light of the century! " Lin Feng clenched his fist.

Game life experience hall—— Wu Zhaopu said.

"Good! This game life experience hall can let players feel the real game world in each life experience hall. Each hall is a game theme, such as "legendary life experience hall", "swordsman love life experience hall", "anti terrorist elite life experience hall", etc! Players can feel the real game world inside, and can also play real game inside. We can make all kinds of rules, so that players can fully enjoy the joy of real game in it Lin Feng said.

"Boss, isn't this similar to" legend theme park " Wu Zhaopu thought about it and said.

"Good! The two are similar. But the only difference between the two is that one is outdoors and the other is indoors. The "game life experience hall" that I plan to build will allow players to experience a completely different life from their normal life in a building. Moreover, because the game hall is closed, it allows players to experience the most real game world without external interference. " Lin Feng said.

"Legend theme park" originally cost hundreds of millions of yuan, although the number of tourists is large, but because of the outdoor, seriously affected by the weather, once the wind and rain, or cold, dog days, most tourists do not want to play. Although there are still many tourists willing to enjoy the extreme environment of the game in this weather, this kind of people is a minority after all. For most tourists, they are willing to go on a sunny day.

However, although Chu city is located in the plain, there are two rainy seasons in a year, and it is too humid and hot. The temperature is low in spring (about 10 degrees) and overheated in summer (about 35 degrees). Although autumn is good, due to the geographical environment of Chu City, autumn is shorter than other places, and winter is longer, Only April, may, September and October are the days for tourists to enjoy themselves in "legend theme park". Most tourists have no intention to play in the rest of the year.

As a result, the business of "legend theme park" has been very good in the past four months, but it is usually very cold. This was not taken into account when selecting the site for Lin Feng. Generally speaking, this kind of theme park should try to choose a place where the temperature is warmer all the year round. It can be a little warmer, but it can't be too cold. Once it's too cold, no tourists will be interested.

Therefore, the "game life experience hall" proposed by Lin Feng this time has decided to be built into an indoor one, using high technology to artificially create all kinds of seasons and weather. With the current technology, it is completely possible. This can not only overcome the reason that the players' play is greatly affected by the season, but also has the advantage that several "game life experience halls" can be connected in parallel, which can more attract tourists to play.

After all, it's really hard for tourists to come all the way to visit a "game life experience hall" alone. The so-called scale effect, as long as it's all close together, will produce a chain effect. Of course, Lin Feng is not just building a game life experience hall.

After all, less than a quarter of the tourists like to play games every year. In order to attract more tourists, Lin Feng will also build a movie life experience hall. Move many familiar movie scenes to the "movie life experience hall" (this is also the "infinite horror theme park" that Lin Feng has always wanted to build).

For example, in it, players can experience the tension and excitement of biochemical crisis (movie), the terror and helplessness of alien, be a "007" or even a "Superman!". In a word, these things can be completed with high technology.

Moreover, the sales of peripheral products of these things will be extremely gratifying.

Not to mention all kinds of simulation equipment in the game, it will definitely be the dream of all players. As long as the price is reasonable, Lin Feng believes that players will buy some souvenirs for their crazy games. As for the movie life experience Museum, there are more peripheral products that can be sold. For example, the role costumes in movies, such as various simulation props in "007" movies, and so on, all these things can bring huge revenue to the company.

Of course, the construction of "game (movie) life experience Museum" can also solve the problem of insufficient venues for holding the "Second World players' annual meeting" in the future. By then, these "game (movie) life experience museums" can give full play to their role and digest the crowd. At the same time, it can also provide catering and accommodation matching with games or movies to provide services for players.

When Wu Zhaopu heard about Lin Feng's plan, he praised it. If Lin Feng's plan can be implemented, it means that tourists can not only experience all kinds of "exotic world" customs, but also enjoy all kinds of delicious food, and can live directly in it. Of course, the most exciting thing is that as long as tourists have money, they can completely isolate themselves from the real world, live in it for a long time, and become citizens of a "different world".

You know, in today's fast-paced society, more and more people (mainly rich people) are eager to stay away from the hustle and bustle, stay away from worldly things, and live a different life temporarily. This is also the reason why many successful people will go to a very remote but attractive place for vacation every once in a while. Obviously, if this huge "game (film) life experience Museum" is built, they will not have to go around to find such a place. They will come directly to Shanghai and come to "light of the century" to find such a world.

Of course, this "game (movie) life experience Museum" is good, but it's not without problems. The biggest problem is money. According to Lin Feng's description, if you want to build a completely real "different world", you need a lot of space and money, which is much more than the 8 billion yuan Wu Zhaopu's budget. You know, this is the center of Shanghai! Does the company have so much money?

What's more, the acquisition of film copyright is also a problem. Otherwise, the outside world will not allow you to build any "film life experience Museum", which is definitely an infringement. What's more, can high technology achieve the effect of confusing the real with the fake? Although Wu Zhaopu believes that the existing high-tech technology can still confuse the real with the fake, the problem is back to the old problem - capital.

All the problems are actually one problem - capital!

"Boss, the company doesn't have so much money to run such a huge plan!" Wu Zhaopu said.

"I know, so I'm personally responsible for the acquisition. It belongs to me to cooperate with the company Lin Feng nodded. As for the current situation of the company, Lin Feng can't be clearer. At this stage, he can only invest by himself. Originally, it is not impossible to save money. For example, if we move it to the suburbs of Shanghai, we can save more than half of the money. But what Lin Feng wants is to make the "light of the century" the absolute center of Shanghai, so the "game (film) life experience hall" must not be moved out.

But the problem is that Lin Feng doesn't have enough cash. For such a big plan, at least billions of dollars are needed for turnover. Where does the money come from? Always rely on Lin Feng to loan turnover, is not the way, it will sooner or later bring down Lin Feng's Bank.

We must think of some more ways to make money! And it must be fast money, hot money( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)