Straight face surprised!

He believes that it is a blessing for him to meet Lin fengpingshui, the world's richest man, on the street. At last, he can have a drink with such a person as Lin Feng on the top of Shanghai, and even burn incense for his ancestors. But now, Lin Feng actually let him act as the "image ambassador" of laoshizi. I've heard of this new thing, but it's not all the things that stars can do. When will it be his turn to be a rough man.

Straight face at a loss, looking at Lin Feng for a long time speechless.

"Ha ha, brother Geng, what's the matter? Do you feel aggrieved as an image ambassador?" Lin Feng joked.

"No grievance, no grievance, but what kind of image ambassador can I be?" I couldn't believe it.

Lin Feng looked at the straightforward expression, happy. This kind of person is too rare, in today's society, there are so honest people, it is too rare. However, it is also the image ambassador needed by his "Charity Fund for good Samaritans". This image, this posture, going out, is a "good Samaritan model.".

"Brother Geng, you have the chivalrous heart to fight against injustice and help each other. You are the image ambassador!" Lin fengxiao said that he casually explained in detail the responsibilities and obligations of the image ambassador of the "Charity Fund for good Samaritans".

After listening to Lin Feng's introduction, he turned red. He was too willing to do such a thing. Since I was a child, I have been honest and upright. I don't like those sneaky activities. I always come forward to stop them when I see them. With this body (190 in height and 95 kg in weight), I am honest and upright, and I am in charge of a lot of business and frighten many curfew. However, although people did not suffer much, they were angry. Like the bullying generation of Zhou Zhengyi's wife yesterday, I've seen a lot of honest people, but I can't help feeling resentful and always stand up.

Now, Lin Feng asked him to promote this kind of "brave for a just cause" and to carry it forward. He could not be more willing to be honest. Of course, there is a small problem.

"Lin... boss Lin, I only have a little problem." Straight face embarrassed looking at Lin Feng, touching big head, a face of embarrassed.

"What's the matter, brother Geng. Besides, don't call me boss, just call me by my name! " Lin Feng said helplessly. Lin Feng is not used to calling himself boss. Although in the company, Wu Zhaopu and others called their boss because of their position. Out of the company, Lin Feng would not listen to this name. There's no need. Just name it. Of course, if the relationship is intimate, it is necessary to call it a nickname.

After all, the address is just a code, as long as it doesn't insult people, it's OK.

"Er, Lin... Lin Feng..." I'm not used to being honest. After all, the other party is too big. Although he's approachable and doesn't care about status and power as other bosses, I'm not used to calling a rich man's name directly, especially the richest man in the world.

"Well, I've thought about it for a while. It seems that I have to work all day. If I can't work, I'm afraid I can't make money to support my family. I still have a wife and children to support in my family! " Frank Na Na said, "Lin... Feng, it's better that I only work half a day every day. I work in the morning and become the image ambassador in the afternoon. The time can be longer, but before 9 p.m., because I can go to work again after 9 p.m., so the money I earn can support my family at the end of the day!"

Lin Feng a listen, smile, this honest is really too lovely. Although it is not appropriate to use cute to describe a man, especially a man who is 190 cm tall and weighs 95 kg, it is even more inappropriate to use cute. But Lin Feng just thought that being honest was too cute. When I hired him as the image ambassador, I thought it was obligatory. I tried to squeeze time to promote "doing good deeds" and appeal to the public to help others.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed. In fact, there are still a lot of simple people in China, but after arriving at the metropolis, they are polluted by the intrigue of the metropolis and the strange life of the metropolis. People gradually become more complicated, indifferent and selfish.

"Brother Geng, I'm not asking you to work as an image ambassador, but I'll pay you a salary. The salary level is guaranteed not to be lower than your present salary! " Lin fengxiao said.

"What, and wages?" Be honest and stupid.

Later, Lin Zhiling explained in detail to one side, which was straightforward. After understanding this, he was surprised. He didn't expect that he could make money by doing good deeds, which was a bit beyond his imagination.

"Lin Feng, I don't do a good job to make money, but because I want to help people and do something for others. If I do a good job because of money, isn't that strange! In short, I can be the image ambassador, but I don't want the money! Not a cent! " He shook his head straight.

The crowd was surprised. It's rare that there are such simple people in today's society. But when I think about it, yesterday I was willing to give the old man a year's salary, even willing to bear the debt, so I can imagine his behavior.

"Brother Geng, if you don't want money, how can you support your family?" Lin Feng said. For this kind of person, Lin Feng is more respect, naturally more hope to be able to do their best to help him, let him in helping others, life can be better.

"No, I can work in the morning and go back to work in the evening. Although I don't earn as much as I do now, I'm very happy to help more people." He shook his head straight.

Lin Feng tried again and again, but he was not allowed to be honest. In a word, he can act as the image ambassador, but he doesn't want any money, otherwise he won't act as the image ambassador. To this, Lin Feng is quite speechless. But I have more respect for honesty.

In the end, Lin Feng didn't get down to it. Shandong great Han is famous for their forthright character. At the same time, their stubborn character is no less than their forthright character. What they believe will never be easily shaken.

Of course, Lin Feng has his own way to deal with his insistence. Lin Feng plans to move his honest family to Shanghai, give him a city hukou, give his wife a decent job, and arrange for his son to go to school.

"Well, now I have another idea, but it's much more troublesome than the charity fund for good Samaritans!" After leaving, Lin Feng said.

Abby Cohen and others looked at Lin Feng, silent. For all kinds of ideas that come out of Lin Feng's mind from time to time, people have long been familiar with them. He and others, the boss, are born to be a monster, a monster with all kinds of strange ideas.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I was quite shocked after I went to the old father's and wife's home yesterday. It's a pity that an old man over 70 has to ride a tricycle every day Lin Feng sighed.

Everyone knows about it. After all, Lin Feng and Zhou Zhengyi are well known all over the world. As Lin Feng's investment team, Abby Cohen and others naturally know more about it than others. The old father and the old mother-in-law are really hard, which makes people feel a kind of deep helplessness. This is the tragedy of the times.

"Lin, there are no such people in the United States. They can turn to social welfare agencies for help. Social welfare institutions will not only provide them with a spacious and bright apartment, but also provide them with a generous pension, regular health check-up and welfare visit. Can't they turn to Chinese welfare agencies for help? " Abby Cohen looked puzzled.

Lin Feng and others feel embarrassed. In principle, this should belong to the state welfare institutions, but in fact, there are too many elderly people in the country who are so lonely and helpless. They are struggling to survive in the city on their own ability. In the city, such people are relatively few, if in rural or remote mountain villages, such people are more. After all, China is a developing country. There are too many poor people.

"Abby, China is different from other countries, because we are still developing countries, so we are still relatively poor, so I hope to change this situation. I've worked hard all my life. When I'm old, I have to fight for survival. This life is too painful. " Lin Feng sighed, "I hope I can do my best to change this situation. However, personal ability is limited, and social assistance is also limited. I hope these elderly people can realize their own value, not just rely on social assistance! " Lin Feng said.

Let the elderly realize their own value—— They were stunned and didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

"Ha ha, what I mean is that these old people who have lost their ability to work, what are their special skills that they don't have to sell their labor, so that they don't have to rely on physical activities such as riding tricycles to survive." Lin Feng explained. Yesterday, when Lin Feng gave the old man money, he was refused by the old man. In the end, Lin Feng forced it to pass. The old man reluctantly accepted it because his mother-in-law had suffered with her all her life.

This refusal and today's Frank refusal have the same starting point: dignity. No matter rich or poor, people have dignity. Lin Feng can't trample on the dignity of these people because of money. If they directly provide money to these elderly people, they certainly have no worries about food and clothing. But will feel conscience uneasy, because this money is not made by oneself. Therefore, Lin Feng wants to give them a chance to support themselves.

The crowd pondered.

"Compared with young people, the biggest advantages of the elderly are experience and social experience. These are the advantages of the elderly. Although many old people don't have much education, their life experience and experience can't be learned from books. It's just, is this experience useful? " Lin Zhiling pondered on one side.

"Well, compared with young people, the experience of old people is a valuable asset. But, Lin, I don't know how many old people there are in China, but it must be a huge number. It's hard to say how much profit these experiences can bring. It's really questionable whether they can bring enough profit to maintain your plan! What I want to know is, if this plan doesn't work, what are you going to do? Use your own money to pay in advance. With all due respect, your money is far from enough to run such a charity. " Abby Cohen's calm analysis.

Lin Feng wants to support these lonely old people. Naturally, his heart is right. But the question is, there are too many such people. Is it enough to rely on Lin Feng's strength? If we follow Lin Feng's method of exchanging experience for money, will it work?

Lin Feng also has a headache. The reason why I put forward this plan is that I think these old people are too poor. So I want to do my best to help. Now that I am rich and prosperous, when I have the ability, it is out of conscience and social responsibility to help some of these lonely and helpless old people. But unexpectedly, it is so difficult.

Abby Cohen's analysis is right. Can these experiences really be converted into money? For example, the old man he met yesterday has never read any books in his life. His best skill is riding a tricycle. He has been riding a tricycle for 50 years, and he can't do anything else. His life experience (experience) is indeed rich, but do these things have value?

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. This experience is valuable. It's really valuable. It's not valuable. Tricycles can be ridden in a few minutes. It's nothing more than technical proficiency. These are not from reading, but from practice.

What should I do? Is that all? Or just like now, if you meet me, can you help me? Lin Feng thought to himself.

If you look at me and I look at you, there is no good idea. After all, this matter really involves a lot. How many old people are there in China, at least 300 million, and how many of them are not protected, at least tens of millions. The monthly living expenses and medical expenses of these tens of millions of old people are absolutely astronomical. Although Lin Feng has money, he is not enough to cope with such huge expenses.

"Boss, I think it's better to help when you see it and do your little bit. After all, in this matter, relying on the state, society and personal ability can not help everyone. " Abby Cohen calmly exhorted.

Lin Feng nodded, which was the only way. After all, I am a man, not a God. Just when Lin Feng was ready to give up this seemingly absurd idea, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and patted his forehead.

"Yes, the greatest wealth of these old people is not only their decades of life experience, but also what they have seen and heard. We can compile them into volumes, such as folktales, legends, myths and so on, which are valuable assets. In China's 5000 year history, many precious things have been lost in this way! " Lin Feng said excitedly.

They were a little at a loss. They didn't know what Lin Feng was talking about.

"Ha ha, don't you understand! We can set up a special group to collect what these old people have seen and heard in their decades of life. I believe there must be many stories in their decades of life. Some may be folklore, some may be anecdotes of celebrities, some may be myths and legends, some may be interesting things in daily life, which can be bound into a book and handed down as a part of Chinese culture. At the same time, it can also be made into a book for sale, and if any director is interested in the story, maybe it can be made into a movie or TV series! " Lin fengxiao said,

People suddenly realized. It is true that these things in the old people's mind are quite precious and precious. Many things may be lost, but these things are eliminated by modern society for various reasons. But these things are undoubtedly treasures of Chinese culture. But for a long time, it seems that there is no organization in this field to collect and preserve them. If Lin Feng is willing to preserve them, he may lose some money for himself, but it is a treasure for the nation.

"Lin, if that's the case, we can have a try. Maybe we can combine collecting these cultures with supporting the elderly." Abby Cohen's eyes are bright.

If Lin Feng collects these materials and becomes valuable information of his company, it will definitely be a valuable wealth for Lin Feng company. These things will bring great wealth to Lin Feng in the future. After all, the national is the world's, especially the word of mouth things, it is priceless. In particular, there may be a lot of valuable handicraft technology.

Now maybe the country doesn't attach much importance to it, but when the country has gone through the pursuit of material civilization and returned to rational spiritual civilization, these things will be valuable. Now, these lost crafts have no successors at all. If Lin Feng doesn't keep them, I'm afraid they will be lost.

If all this works, it will bring profits, which can be used to support the elderly. This will undoubtedly bring Lin Feng a great reputation. You know, supporting the elderly has always been a Chinese virtue. Just because of many reasons, many old people are not supported, and there is no institutional relief. They can only support themselves when they are dying. If Lin Feng supports them, he will undoubtedly win praise from all walks of life.

At that time, the title of "Chinese filial son" will not be able to run away. With this title, Lin Feng will be like adding an "invincible aura" to his own body.

Immediately, Lin Feng and others began to discuss the actual implementation of the "collecting folklore" and "supporting the elderly" plans.

After some discussion, the lights have already begun to shine.

"Well, everyone, let's first launch the charity fund for the brave, and then launch the charity fund for supporting the elderly. At the same time, let's start the collection plan of Chinese folklore." Lin Feng clapped.

The crowd applauded. As for Lin Feng's plan, after a day's discussion, people thought it was perfect. They had discussed all aspects of the situation in the process of implementation, and they also discussed the legality in law.

Although there is a problem in receiving private donations as a fund, this problem can be solved by registering in Hong Kong. For others, there is no problem.

"All right, everybody, break up!" Lin Feng clapped his hands and said.

After everyone left, Lin Feng looked at his watch and found that it was already 7 p.m. Look at the calendar in the mobile phone, Lin Feng sighs. Originally, I was going to visit Li Zhiyou, but yesterday I had the affair with Zhou Zhengyi's wife. Today, I plan to launch the "Charity Fund for good Samaritans" and "Charity Fund for supporting the elderly" as well as the "folk legend collection plan". Time is consumed unconsciously, and I have no time to visit Li Zhiyou. I've been busy with my work, and I'm really not a qualified boyfriend.

Just when Lin Feng blamed himself, the telephone rang.

"Hi CB, I hear you have news again!" The voice of Li Zekai came.

Li Zekai has just returned from the United States. As soon as he returned to Hong Kong, he saw the front page headline of Lin Feng, saying that he was fighting with Zhou Zhengyi, the richest man in Shanghai, on the streets of Shanghai. The two sides almost followed the example of bewitchers and fought. Li is naturally curious about the news. After exploring the whole story through his own strength, Li Zekai was both angry and funny about it.

Li Zekai is naturally angry about Mrs. Zhou Zhengyi's behavior, but Lin Feng and Zhou Zhengyi go to court because of this. It's really a little sad. This kind of behavior is a bit unwise. What's more, Zhou Zhengyi has agreed to lose money and wine, but Lin Feng insists that Mrs. Zhou Zhengyi kneel down and kowtow to apologize, which is a bit too much.

However, the so-called "own brothers, own gang". Since Li Zekai has a long relationship with Lin Feng, he will naturally stand on Lin Feng's side. What's more, although Zhou Zhengyi has spent a lot of money in Hong Kong, he wants to enter the upper class of Hong Kong. However, it must be admitted that Zhou Zhengyi's behavior is undoubtedly a clown in the rich circles of Hong Kong.

Li Zekai naturally helped Lin Feng without hesitation. Therefore, he inquired about Zhou Zhengyi through various channels at the first time. Unexpectedly, this inquiry really enabled him to find out a lot of information. Therefore, the first time to call Lin Feng.

"Richard, it's just a little bit of gossip. It's no big deal. But maybe in a few days, there will be real news Lin Feng smiles mysteriously.

Li Zekai was stunned. Will there be real news in a few days? What else does Lin Feng want to do? What other big events? However, Li Zekai also knows Lin Feng's personality well. Lin Feng won't reveal the answer until the last moment. He doesn't want to ask now. Therefore, Li Zekai doesn't bother to ask, so he just has to wait until Lin Feng reveals the answer himself.

"By the way, Lin, I found out about Zhou Zhengyi." Li said.

Lin Fengyan is curious. After all, it is natural for us to know more about Zhou Zhengyi when we are on the road. My original promise is not in vain!

"Ha ha, Lin, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission is investigating the problem of Zhou Zhengyi's two companies falsely reporting their accounts. His" Shanghai real estate "and" Shanghai business "are in big trouble now! Ha ha, don't say I want to fight with you, I'm afraid it's hard even if I want to protect myself! " Li Zekai smiles and tells Lin Feng all the information he gets.

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard that Zhou Zhengyi was in great trouble. However, it seems that Zhou Zhengyi was arrested around this time, and his myth of being the richest man in Shanghai has come to nothing.

"Richard, thank you! You just stay at home and watch the news Lin Feng hung up with a smile.

Look at your watch. It's only 7:20 p.m. now. It's too late to go to Korea( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)